  * Get join aliases that will produce non symmetric results
  * (many-to-one left join or one-to-many right join)
  * @param Expr\From[] $fromStatements
  * @param array       $joins
  * @param string      $groupByAliases the aliases that was used in GROUP BY statement
  * @return array
 protected function getNonSymmetricJoinAliases($fromStatements, $joins, $groupByAliases)
     $aliases = [];
     $dependencies = $this->getNonSymmetricJoinDependencies($fromStatements, $joins);
     foreach ($dependencies as $alias => $joinInfo) {
         $join = $this->context->getJoinByAlias($alias);
         // skip joins that is not left joins or was not used in GROUP BY statement,
         // if it was a GROUP BY statement at all
         if ($join->getJoinType() !== Expr\Join::LEFT_JOIN || !empty($groupByAliases) && !in_array($alias, $groupByAliases, true)) {
         // if there is just association expression like `alias.fieldName`
         $parts = explode('.', $join->getJoin());
         if (count($parts) === 2) {
             $associationType = $this->context->getAssociationType($parts[0], $parts[1]);
             if ($associationType & ClassMetadata::TO_MANY) {
                 $aliases[] = $alias;
         } else {
             // otherwise there is an entity name
             $joinEntityClass = $this->context->getEntityClassByAlias($join->getAlias());
             $aliasToAssociation = [];
             // [alias => associationName, ...]
             $fields = $this->qbTools->getFields($join->getCondition());
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 $fieldParts = explode('.', $field);
                 $aliasToAssociation[$fieldParts[0]] = $fieldParts[1];
             // for each alias the current join is depended (this alias is called as $dependeeAlias):
             // - resolve it's entity class
             // - check the relations
             foreach ($joinInfo[1] as $dependeeAlias) {
                 $dependeeClass = $this->context->getEntityClassByAlias($dependeeAlias);
                 $associationName = array_key_exists($dependeeAlias, $aliasToAssociation) ? $aliasToAssociation[$dependeeAlias] : $aliasToAssociation[$alias];
                 if ($this->isToManyAssociation($dependeeClass, $associationName, $joinEntityClass)) {
                     $aliases[] = $alias;
     return array_unique($aliases);