Beispiel #1
  * Run tests to ensure the output is correct for set/getUser
  * @return void
 public function testUser()
     $user = $this->getMock('\\OpenSkedge\\AppBundle\\Entity\\User');
     $ls = new LateShift();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\OpenSkedge\\AppBundle\\Entity\\User', $ls->getUser());
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
     $mailer = $this->getContainer()->get('notify_mailer');
     $schedulePeriods = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:SchedulePeriod')->findCurrentSchedulePeriods();
     $schedules = array();
     foreach ($schedulePeriods as $schedulePeriod) {
         $schedules[] = $schedulePeriod->getSchedules();
     $users = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($schedulePeriods); $i++) {
         foreach ($schedules[$i] as $schedule) {
             $users[] = $schedule->getUser()->getId();
     $uids = array_unique($users);
     $midnight = new \DateTime("midnight today");
     $curTime = new \DateTime("now");
     // Determine which 15 minute segment of the day we're in currently.
     $curIndex = (int) (($curTime->getTimestamp() - $midnight->getTimestamp()) / 60 / 15);
     $dayNum = $curTime->format('w');
     // If in the first 15 mins of today, check the last 15 mins of yesterday.
     if ($curIndex == 0) {
         $curIndex = 96;
         if ($dayNum > 0) {
             // If after sunday, go back a day.
             $dayNum -= 1;
         } else {
             // Otherwise, go back to saturday.
             $dayNum = 6;
     foreach ($schedulePeriods as $schedulePeriod) {
         foreach ($uids as $uid) {
             $user = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:User')->find($uid);
             $clockStatus = $user->getClock()->getDayOffset($dayNum, $curIndex - 1);
             if (!$user instanceof User) {
                 throw new Exception('User was not found! There appears to be an orphaned schedule.');
             // Only check if the user hasn't clocked in yet.
             if ($clockStatus == '0') {
                 $late = false;
                 // Check if they've picked up a shift during the current time.
                 $pickedUpShifts = $em->createQuery('SELECT sh FROM OpenSkedgeBundle:Shift sh
                     WHERE (sh.pickedUpBy = :uid AND sh.startTime < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND sh.endTime > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND sh.status != \'unapproved\')')->setParameter('uid', $user->getId())->setMaxResults(1)->getResult();
                 if (count($pickedUpShifts) > 0) {
                     $pickedUpShift = $pickedUpShifts[0];
                 } else {
                     $pickedUpShift = null;
                 // If they do, they're late.
                 if ($pickedUpShift instanceof Shift) {
                     // Write the output to the console
                     $output->writeln($user->getName() . " is late for a " . $pickedUpShift->getPosition() . " shift they picked up from " . $pickedUpShift->getUser());
                     $late = true;
                     $lateSchedule = $pickedUpShift->getSchedule();
                 // Check if they have shift posted during the current time.
                 $postedShifts = $em->createQuery('SELECT sh FROM OpenSkedgeBundle:Shift sh
                     WHERE (sh.user = :uid AND sh.startTime < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND sh.endTime > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AND sh.status != \'unapproved\')')->setParameter('uid', $user->getId())->setMaxResults(1)->getResult();
                 if (count($postedShifts) > 0) {
                     $postedShift = $postedShifts[0];
                 } else {
                     $postedShift = null;
                  * If they're not already late and they have not posted their current shift,
                  * then it is time to check their position schedules.
                 if (!$late and $postedShift instanceof Shift === false) {
                     $schedules = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:Schedule')->findUserSchedulesBySchedulePeriod($uid, $schedulePeriod->getId());
                      * Check the last 15 minutes to see if the user was clocked in,
                      * if they were scheduled.
                     foreach ($schedules as $schedule) {
                         if ($schedule->getDayOffset($dayNum, $curIndex - 1) == '1') {
                             // Write the output to the console
                             $output->writeln($user->getName() . " is late for their " . $schedule->getPosition() . " shift.");
                             $late = true;
                             $lateSchedule = $schedule;
                 } else {
                     if ($postedShift instanceof Shift) {
                         $lateSchedule = $postedShift->getSchedule();
                 if ($late) {
                     // Send their supervisors an email.
                     $mailer->notifyLateEmployee($user, $lateSchedule);
                     /* Get a collection of LateShift entities for today from the user
                      * where the user has not clocked in for the shift yet.
                     $lateShifts = $em->getRepository('OpenSkedgeBundle:LateShift')->findLateShiftsTodayBySchedule($schedule->getId());
                     if (count($lateShifts) > 0) {
                         $lateShift = $lateShifts[0];
                     } else {
                         $lateShift = null;
                     if (!$lateShift instanceof LateShift) {
                         // Create a LateShift entity about this event (if not already created).
                         $lateShift = new LateShift();
     $transport = $this->getContainer()->get('mailer')->getTransport();
     if (!$transport instanceof \Swift_Transport_SpoolTransport) {
     $spool = $transport->getSpool();
     if (!$spool instanceof \Swift_MemorySpool) {
     // Flush the email spool manually.