Beispiel #1
  * Important: YOU HAVE TO make sure $tables and $where_conds don't contain
  * unescaped user-supplied data!
 public static function get_set($tables, $joins, $where_conds, $min_store, $ref_max_age)
     # Compute the "params hash".
     $params_hash = md5(serialize(array($tables, $joins, $where_conds)));
     # Check if there exists an entry for this hash, which also meets the
     # given freshness criteria.
     list($set_id, $date_created, $expires) = self::find_param_set($params_hash, $ref_max_age);
     if ($set_id === null) {
         # To avoid generating the same results by multiple threads at once
         # (the "tile" method uses the "save" method, so the problem is
         # quite real!), we will acquire a write-lock here.
         $lock = OkapiLock::get("search-results-writer");
         try {
             # Make sure we were the first to acquire the lock.
             list($set_id, $date_created, $expires) = self::find_param_set($params_hash, $ref_max_age);
             if ($set_id === null) {
                 # We are in the first thread which have acquired the lock.
                 # We will proceed with result-set creation. Other threads
                 # will be waiting until we finish.
                 Db::execute("\n                        insert into okapi_search_sets (params_hash, date_created, expires)\n                        values (\n                            'processing in progress',\n                            now(),\n                            date_add(now(), interval '" . mysql_real_escape_string($min_store + 60) . "' second)\n                        )\n                    ");
                 $set_id = Db::last_insert_id();
                 $date_created = time();
                 $expires = $date_created + $min_store + 60;
                 Db::execute("\n                        insert into okapi_search_results (set_id, cache_id)\n                        select distinct\n                            '" . mysql_real_escape_string($set_id) . "',\n                            caches.cache_id\n                        from\n                            " . implode(", ", $tables) . "\n                            " . implode(" ", $joins) . "\n                        where (" . implode(") and (", $where_conds) . ")\n                    ");
                 # Lock barrier, to make sure the data is visible by other
                 # sessions. See
                 Db::execute("lock table okapi_search_results write");
                 Db::execute("unlock tables");
                 Db::execute("\n                        update okapi_search_sets\n                        set params_hash = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($params_hash) . "'\n                        where id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($set_id) . "'\n                    ");
             } else {
                 # Some other thread acquired the lock before us and it has
                 # generated the result set. We don't need to do anything.
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             # SQL error? Make sure the lock is released and rethrow.
             throw $e;
     # If we got an old set, we may need to expand its lifetime in order to
     # meet user's "min_store" criterium.
     if (time() + $min_store > $expires) {
         Db::execute("\n                update okapi_search_sets\n                set expires = date_add(now(), interval '" . mysql_real_escape_string($min_store + 60) . "' second)\n                where id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($set_id) . "'\n            ");
     return array('set_id' => "{$set_id}", 'generated_at' => date('c', $date_created), 'expires' => date('c', $expires));
Beispiel #2
 private static function insert_log_row($consumer_key, $cache_internal_id, $user_internal_id, $logtype, $when, $formatted_comment, $text_html, $needs_maintenance2)
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') {
         $needs_maintenance_field_SQL = ', needs_maintenance';
         if ($needs_maintenance2 == 'true') {
             $needs_maintenance_SQL = ',2';
         } else {
             if ($needs_maintenance2 == 'false') {
                 $needs_maintenance_SQL = ',1';
             } else {
                 // 'null'
                 $needs_maintenance_SQL = ',0';
     } else {
         $needs_maintenance_field_SQL = '';
         $needs_maintenance_SQL = '';
     $log_uuid = Okapi::create_uuid();
     Db::execute("\n            insert into cache_logs (\n                uuid, cache_id, user_id, type, date, text, text_html,\n                last_modified, date_created, node" . $needs_maintenance_field_SQL . "\n            ) values (\n                '" . Db::escape_string($log_uuid) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($cache_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($user_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id($logtype)) . "',\n                from_unixtime('" . Db::escape_string($when) . "'),\n                '" . Db::escape_string($formatted_comment) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($text_html) . "',\n                now(),\n                now(),\n                '" . Db::escape_string(Settings::get('OC_NODE_ID')) . "'\n                " . $needs_maintenance_SQL . "\n            );\n        ");
     $log_internal_id = Db::last_insert_id();
     # Store additional information on consumer_key which has created this log entry.
     # (Maybe we'll want to display this somewhen later.)
     Db::execute("\n            insert into okapi_submitted_objects (object_type, object_id, consumer_key)\n            values (\n                " . Okapi::OBJECT_TYPE_CACHE_LOG . ",\n                '" . Db::escape_string($log_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($consumer_key) . "'\n            );\n        ");
     return $log_uuid;
Beispiel #3
 private static function insert_log_row($consumer_key, $cache_internal_id, $user_internal_id, $logtype, $when, $formatted_comment, $text_html)
     $log_uuid = self::create_uuid();
     Db::execute("\n            insert into cache_logs (uuid, cache_id, user_id, type, date, text, text_html, last_modified, date_created, node)\n            values (\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($log_uuid) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($cache_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($user_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string(Okapi::logtypename2id($logtype)) . "',\n                from_unixtime('" . mysql_real_escape_string($when) . "'),\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($formatted_comment) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($text_html) . "',\n                now(),\n                now(),\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string(Settings::get('OC_NODE_ID')) . "'\n            );\n        ");
     $log_internal_id = Db::last_insert_id();
     # Store additional information on consumer_key which have created this log entry.
     # (Maybe we'll want to display this somewhere later.)
     Db::execute("\n            insert into okapi_cache_logs (log_id, consumer_key)\n            values (\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($log_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . mysql_real_escape_string($consumer_key) . "'\n            );\n        ");
     return $log_uuid;
Beispiel #4
 private static function db_insert_image($consumer_key, $user_id, $log_internal_id, $image_uuid, $position, $caption, $is_spoiler, $file_ext)
     require_once '';
     list($position, $seq, $log_images_count) = LogImagesCommon::prepare_position($log_internal_id, $position, +1);
     # For OCDE the pictures table is write locked now.
     # Transactions do not work on OCDE MyISAM tables. However, the worst
     # thing that can happen on OCDE is creating a sequence number gap,
     # which is allowed.
     # For OCPL InnoDB tables, the transactions DO and MUST work, because
     # we write to two dependent tables.
     Db::execute('start transaction');
     # shift positions of existing images to make space for the new one
     if ($position < $log_images_count && Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') {
         Db::execute("\n                update pictures\n                set seq = seq + 1\n                where\n                    object_type = 1\n                    and object_id = '" . Db::escape_string($log_internal_id) . "'\n                    and seq >= '" . Db::escape_string($seq) . "'\n                order by seq desc\n            ");
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') {
         $local_fields_SQL = "seq";
         $local_values_escaped_SQL = "'" . Db::escape_string($seq) . "'";
         # All other fields are set by trigger or defaults for OCDE.
     } else {
         # These are the additional fields that OCPL newpic.php supplies
         # (seq is set from default):
         $local_fields_SQL = "date_created, last_modified, description, desc_html, last_url_check, user_id";
         $local_values_escaped_SQL = "NOW(), NOW(), '', 0, NOW(), '" . Db::escape_string($user_id) . "'";
     Db::execute("\n            insert into pictures (\n                uuid, node, local, title, spoiler, url, object_type, object_id,\n                unknown_format, display,\n                " . $local_fields_SQL . "\n            )\n            values (\n                '" . Db::escape_string($image_uuid) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string(Settings::get('OC_NODE_ID')) . "',\n                1,\n                '" . Db::escape_string($caption) . "',\n                '" . ($is_spoiler == 'true' ? 1 : 0) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string(Settings::get('IMAGES_URL') . $image_uuid . $file_ext) . "',\n                1,\n                '" . Db::escape_string($log_internal_id) . "',\n                0,\n                1,\n                " . $local_values_escaped_SQL . "\n            )\n        ");
     $image_internal_id = Db::last_insert_id();
     # update OCPL log entry properties; OCDE does everything necessary by triggers
     if (Settings::get('OC_BRANCH') == '') {
         # This will also update cache_logs.okapi_syncbase, so that replication
         # can output the updated log entry with one image less. For OCDE
         # that's done by DB triggers.
         Db::execute("\n                update cache_logs\n                set\n                    picturescount = picturescount + 1,\n                    last_modified = NOW()\n                where id = '" . Db::escape_string($log_internal_id) . "'\n            ");
     # Store information on the consumer_key which uploaded this image.
     # (Maybe we'll want to display this somewhen later.)
     Db::execute("\n            insert into okapi_submitted_objects (object_type, object_id, consumer_key)\n            values (\n                '" . Okapi::OBJECT_TYPE_CACHE_LOG_IMAGE . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($image_internal_id) . "',\n                '" . Db::escape_string($consumer_key) . "'\n            );\n        ");
     Db::execute('unlock tables');
     return $position;