public function do_submit() { $flight = new flight(); $flight->set_from_request(); $flight->dim = 1; if (strtotime($this->date) + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 < time()) { $this->force_delay = true; $flight->admin_info .= 'delayed as flight is old.'; } $track = new track(); $task = $track->set_task($this->coords); $flight_type = new flight_type(); $flight_type->do_retrieve(['ftid', 'multi', 'multi_defined'], ['where_equals' => ['fn' => $task->type]]); $flight->ftid = $flight_type->ftid; $flight->set_date($this->date); $flight->multi = !$this->ridge ? flight_type::get_multiplier($flight->ftid, $flight->season, $this->defined) : 1; $flight->base_score = $task->get_distance(); $flight->coords = $this->coords; $flight->score = $flight->base_score * $flight->multi; $flight->delayed = $this->force_delay ? true : $this->delay; $flight->do_save(); jquery::colorbox(['html' => 'Your flight has been added successfully', 'className' => 'success']); $form = new coordinates_form(); ajax::update($form->get_html()->get()); }
/** * @param $type * @return mixed */ public static function get_type($type) { if (!isset(self::$all_rows)) { self::$all_rows = flight_type::get_all([]); } foreach (self::$all_rows as $flight_type) { if ($flight_type->ftid == $type) { return $flight_type->title; } } return ''; }
static function flight_type($int) { if (!isset(self::$flight_type)) { $types = flight_type::get_all(['ftid', 'title']); $types->iterate(function (flight_type $type) { self::$flight_type[$type->ftid] = $type->title; }); } if (isset(self::$flight_type[$int])) { return self::$flight_type[$int]; } return false; }
function make_table(league_table $data) { $html = ''; for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { $where = $data->where . ' AND ftid=' . $i; $flights = flight::get_all(['fid', '', 'flight.gid', $data->class_table_alias . '.' . $data->class_primary_key . ' AS ClassID', $data->class_table_alias . '.name AS p_name', $data->S_alias . '.title AS c_name', 'g.class AS class', ' AS g_name', 'coords', 'g.mid', 'g.kingpost', 'did', 'defined', 'lid', 'multi', 'ftid', $data->ScoreType . ' AS score'], ['join' => ["glider g" => "flight.gid=g.gid", "club c" => "flight.cid=c.cid", "pilot p" => "", 'manufacturer gm' => 'g.mid = gm.mid'], 'where' => $where, 'order' => 'score DESC', 'limit' => 10, 'parameters' => $data->parameters]); if ($flights) { $html .= node::create('div.table_wrapper', [], node::create('h3.heading', [], flight_type::get_type($i) . ' - ' . $data->year_title) . node::create('table.main.results', [], node::create('thead tr', [], node::create('th', ['style' => 'width:20px'], 'Pos') . node::create('th', ['style' => 'width:100px'], $data->class_table_alias == 'p' ? 'Name' : 'Glider') . node::create('th', ['style' => 'width:70px'], $data->class_table_alias == 'p' ? 'Club' : 'Manufacturer') . ($data->class_table_alias == 'p' ? node::create('th', ['style' => 'width:100px'], 'Glider') : '') . node::create('th', ['style' => 'width:58px'], 'Score') . node::create('th', ['style' => 'width:300px'], 'Flight Waypoints')) . $flights->iterate_return(function (flight $flight, $count) use(&$html, $data) { $count++; return node::create('tr', [], node::create('td', [], $count) . node::create('td', [], $flight->p_name) . node::create('td', [], $flight->c_name) . ($data->class_table_alias == 'p' ? node::create('td', [], $flight->g_name) : '') . $flight->to_print() . node::create('td', [], $flight->coords)); }))); } } return $html; }
private function get_defined_task_select_html(igc_parser $parser) { if ($task = $parser->get_task('declared')) { $multiplier = flight_type::get_multiplier($task->type, date('Y'), true); return node::create('tr', [], [node::create('td', [], $task->title), node::create('td', [], number_format($task->distance, 3) . ' / ' . number_format($multiplier, 2)), node::create('td', [], number_format($task->distance * $multiplier, 3)), $parser->is_task_completed() ? node::create('td a.button.score_select', ['data-post' => '{"track":' . $parser->id . ',"type":"task"}'], 'Choose') : node::create('td span.button.score_select', [], 'Not Valid')]); } return ''; }
public function do_submit() { $flight = new flight(); $flight->set_from_request(); $flight->live = false; $flight->do_save(); if ($flight->fid) { $flight->move_temp_files($this->temp_id); $igc_parser = new igc_parser(); $igc_parser->load_data($flight->fid, false); $flight->did = $igc_parser->has_height_data() ? 3 : 2; $flight->winter = $igc_parser->is_winter(); $flight->set_date(strtotime($igc_parser->get_date())); $this->force_delay = false; if (!$this->check_date($igc_parser)) { $this->force_delay = true; $flight->admin_info .= 'delayed as flight is old.' . "\n"; } if ($igc_parser->get_validated() === 0) { $flight->admin_info .= 'G record invalid.' . "\n"; } $flight->defined = $this->type == 'task'; $flight->duration = $igc_parser->get_duration(); foreach (['od' => 'open_distance', 'or' => 'out_and_return', 'tr' => 'triangle', 'ft' => 'flat_triangle'] as $task_id => $name) { if ($task = $igc_parser->get_task($name)) { $flight->{$task_id . '_score'} = $task->get_distance(); $flight->{$task_id . '_time'} = $task->get_duration(); $flight->{$task_id . '_coordinates'} = $task->get_gridref(); if ($this->type == $task->type) { $flight->ftid = $this->type; $flight->base_score = $task->get_distance(); $flight->duration = $task->get_duration(); $flight->coords = $task->get_gridref(); } } } if ($flight->defined) { $task = $igc_parser->get_task('declared'); $flight->ftid = $task->type; if ($flight->ftid == \track\task::TYPE_OPEN_DISTANCE) { $flight->ftid = \track\task::TYPE_GOAL; } $flight->base_score = $task->get_distance(); $flight->duration = $task->get_duration(); $flight->coords = $task->get_gridref(); } $flight->multi = !$flight->ridge ? flight_type::get_multiplier($flight->ftid, $igc_parser->get_date('Y'), $flight->defined) : 1; $flight->score = $flight->multi * $flight->base_score; $flight->delayed = $this->force_delay || $this->delay; $flight->live = true; $flight->do_save(); jquery::colorbox(['html' => 'Your flight has been added successfully', 'className' => 'success']); $form = new igc_form(); ajax::update($form->get_html()->get()); $users = new_flight_notification::get_all([]); foreach ($users as $user) { $mail = new email(); $mail->load_template(root . '/template/email/basic.html'); $mail->set_recipients([$user->email]); $subject = 'New flight added'; if ($flight->delayed) { $subject .= ' - Delayed'; } if ($igc_parser->get_validated() === 0) { $subject .= ' - G record invalid'; } $mail->set_subject($subject); $mail->replacements = ['[content]' => ' <h2>New flight added: ' . $flight->get_primary_key() . '</h2> <table class="btn-primary" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <a href="' . host . '/cms/edit/2/' . $flight->get_primary_key() . '">View in CMS</a> </td> </tr> </table>']; $mail->send(); } } else { jquery::colorbox(['html' => 'Your flight has failed to save', 'className' => 'success failure']); } }