Beispiel #1
  * Insert the NZB details into the database.
  * @param $nzbDetails
  * @return bool
  * @access protected
 protected function insertNZB($nzbDetails)
     // Make up a GUID for the release.
     $this->relGuid = $this->releases->createGUID();
     // Remove part count from subject.
     $partLess = preg_replace('/(\\(\\d+\\/\\d+\\))*$/', 'yEnc', $nzbDetails['subject']);
     // Remove added yEnc from above and anything after.
     $subject = utf8_encode(trim(preg_replace('/yEnc.*$/i', 'yEnc', $partLess)));
     $renamed = 0;
     if ($nzbDetails['useFName']) {
         // If the user wants to use the file name.. use it.
         $cleanName = $nzbDetails['useFName'];
         $renamed = 1;
     } else {
         // Pass the subject through release cleaner to get a nicer name.
         $cleanName = $this->releaseCleaner->releaseCleaner($subject, $nzbDetails['from'], $nzbDetails['totalSize'], $nzbDetails['groupName']);
         if (isset($cleanName['properlynamed'])) {
             $cleanName = $cleanName['cleansubject'];
             $renamed = isset($cleanName['properlynamed']) && $cleanName['properlynamed'] === true ? 1 : 0;
     $escapedSubject = $this->pdo->escapeString($subject);
     $escapedFromName = $this->pdo->escapeString($nzbDetails['from']);
     // Look for a duplicate on name, poster and size.
     $dupeCheck = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM releases WHERE name = %s AND fromname = %s AND size BETWEEN %s AND %s', $escapedSubject, $escapedFromName, $this->pdo->escapeString($nzbDetails['totalSize'] * 0.99), $this->pdo->escapeString($nzbDetails['totalSize'] * 1.01)));
     if ($dupeCheck === false) {
         $escapedSearchName = $this->pdo->escapeString($cleanName);
         // Insert the release into the DB.
         $relID = $this->releases->insertRelease(['name' => $escapedSubject, 'searchname' => $escapedSearchName, 'totalpart' => $nzbDetails['totalFiles'], 'group_id' => $nzbDetails['group_id'], 'guid' => $this->pdo->escapeString($this->relGuid), 'postdate' => $this->pdo->escapeString($nzbDetails['postDate']), 'fromname' => $escapedFromName, 'size' => $this->pdo->escapeString($nzbDetails['totalSize']), 'categoryid' => $this->category->determineCategory($nzbDetails['group_id'], $cleanName), 'isrenamed' => $renamed, 'reqidstatus' => 0, 'preid' => 0, 'nzbstatus' => NZB::NZB_ADDED]);
     } else {
         //$this->echoOut('This release is already in our DB so skipping: ' . $subject);
         return false;
     if (isset($relID) && $relID === false) {
         $this->echoOut('ERROR: Problem inserting: ' . $subject);
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #2
$rename = false;
if ($argv[3] === 'true') {
    $rename = true;
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../www/config.php';
$pdo = new Settings();
$group = $pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = %s', $pdo->escapeString($argv[1])));
if ($group === false) {
    exit('No group with name ' . $argv[1] . ' found in the database.');
$releases = $pdo->query(sprintf('SELECT name, searchname, fromname, size, id FROM releases WHERE group_id = %d %s ORDER BY postdate LIMIT %d', $group['id'], $category, $argv[2]));
if (count($releases) === 0) {
    exit('No releases found in your database for group ' . $argv[1] . PHP_EOL);
$RC = new ReleaseCleaning($pdo);
$sphinx = new SphinxSearch();
foreach ($releases as $release) {
    $newName = $RC->releaseCleaner($release['name'], $release['fromname'], $release['size'], $argv[1]);
    if (is_array($newName)) {
        $newName = $newName['cleansubject'];
    if ($newName !== $release['searchname']) {
        echo 'Old name: ' . $release['searchname'] . PHP_EOL;
        echo 'New name: ' . $newName . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        if ($rename === true) {
            $newName = $pdo->escapeString($newName);
            $pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET searchname = %s WHERE id = %d', $newName, $release['id']));
            $sphinx->updateReleaseSearchName($release['id'], $newName);
Beispiel #3
         echo $pdo->log->header("Finished recreating search names / recategorizing / refixing names in " . $timetotal);
     } else {
         exit($pdo->log->info("You have no releases in the DB."));
 } else {
     if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == "reset") {
         $pdo = new Settings();
         $res = $pdo->query("SELECT,, releases.fromname, releases.size, AS gname FROM releases INNER JOIN groups ON releases.group_id =");
         if (count($res) > 0) {
             echo $pdo->log->header("Going to reset search names, this can take a while.");
             $done = 0;
             $timestart = time();
             $consoletools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]);
             foreach ($res as $row) {
                 $rc = new ReleaseCleaning($pdo);
                 $newname = $rc->releaseCleaner($row['name'], $row['fromname'], $row['size'], $row['gname']);
                 if (is_array($newname)) {
                     $newname = $newname['cleansubject'];
                 $newname = $pdo->escapeString($newname);
                 $pdo->queryExec(sprintf("UPDATE releases SET searchname = %s where id = %d", $newname, $row['id']));
                 $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Renaming:" . $consoletools->percentString($done, count($res)));
             $timenc = $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart);
             echo $pdo->log->header($done . " releases renamed in " . $timenc);
     } else {
         exit($pdo->log->error("\nThis script runs the subject names through namecleaner to create a clean search name, it also recategorizes and runs the releases through namefixer.\n" . "php resetSearchname.php full              ...: To run this, recategorize and refix release names on all releases.\n" . "php resetSearchname.php limited           ...: To run this on releases that have not had their names fixed, then categorizing them.\n" . "php resetSearchname.php reset             ...: To just reset searchnames.\n"));
Beispiel #4
function releaseCleaner($subject, $fromName, $size, $groupname, $usepre)
    $groups = new Groups();
    $releaseCleaning = new ReleaseCleaning($groups->pdo);
    $cleanerName = $releaseCleaning->releaseCleaner($subject, $fromName, $size, $groupname, $usepre);
    if (!is_array($cleanerName) && $cleanerName != false) {
        return ["cleansubject" => $cleanerName, "properlynamed" => true, "increment" => false];
    } else {
        return $cleanerName;
Beispiel #5
         $importfailed = true;
 if ($importfailed) {
 } else {
     $relguid = $releases->createGUID();
     $propername = true;
     $relid = false;
     if ($usenzbname === true) {
         $cleanerName = $usename;
     } else {
         $cleanerName = $releasecleaning->releaseCleaner($subject, $fromname, $totalsize, $groupName);
     if (!is_array($cleanerName)) {
         $cleanName = $cleanerName;
     } else {
         $cleanName = $cleanerName['cleansubject'];
         $propername = $cleanerName['properlynamed'];
     if (empty($postername[0])) {
         $poster = '';
     } else {
         $poster = $postername[0];
     if (empty($postdate[0])) {
         $posteddate = $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     } else {
Beispiel #6
     * Create releases from complete collections.
     * @param int|string $groupID (optional)
     * @return int
     * @access public
    public function createReleases($groupID)
        $startTime = time();
        $group = $this->groups->getCBPTableNames($this->tablePerGroup, $groupID);
        $categorize = new Categorize(['Settings' => $this->pdo]);
        $returnCount = $duplicate = 0;
        if ($this->echoCLI) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("Process Releases -> Create releases from complete collections."));
        $collections = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
				SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE %s.*, AS gname
				FROM %s
				INNER JOIN groups ON %s.group_id =
				WHERE %s %s.filecheck = %d
				AND filesize > 0 LIMIT %d', $group['cname'], $group['cname'], $group['cname'], !empty($groupID) ? ' group_id = ' . $groupID . ' AND ' : ' ', $group['cname'], self::COLLFC_SIZED, $this->releaseCreationLimit));
        if ($this->echoCLI && $collections !== false) {
            echo $this->pdo->log->primary($collections->rowCount() . " Collections ready to be converted to releases.");
        if ($collections instanceof \Traversable) {
            $preDB = new PreDb(['Echo' => $this->echoCLI, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            foreach ($collections as $collection) {
                $cleanRelName = $this->pdo->escapeString(utf8_encode(str_replace(['#', '@', '$', '%', '^', '§', '¨', '©', 'Ö'], '', $collection['subject'])));
                $fromName = $this->pdo->escapeString(utf8_encode(trim($collection['fromname'], "'")));
                // Look for duplicates, duplicates match on, releases.fromname and releases.size
                // A 1% variance in size is considered the same size when the subject and poster are the same
                $dupeCheck = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT SQL_NO_CACHE id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM releases\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE name = %s\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND fromname = %s\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND size BETWEEN '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND '%s'", $cleanRelName, $fromName, $collection['filesize'] * 0.99, $collection['filesize'] * 1.01));
                if ($dupeCheck === false) {
                    $cleanedName = $this->releaseCleaning->releaseCleaner($collection['subject'], $collection['fromname'], $collection['filesize'], $collection['gname']);
                    if (is_array($cleanedName)) {
                        $properName = $cleanedName['properlynamed'];
                        $preID = isset($cleanerName['predb']) ? $cleanerName['predb'] : false;
                        $isReqID = isset($cleanerName['requestid']) ? $cleanerName['requestid'] : false;
                        $cleanedName = $cleanedName['cleansubject'];
                    } else {
                        $properName = true;
                        $isReqID = $preID = false;
                    if ($preID === false && $cleanedName !== '') {
                        // try to match the cleaned searchname to predb title or filename here
                        $preMatch = $preDB->matchPre($cleanedName);
                        if ($preMatch !== false) {
                            $cleanedName = $preMatch['title'];
                            $preID = $preMatch['preid'];
                            $properName = true;
                    $releaseID = $this->releases->insertRelease(['name' => $cleanRelName, 'searchname' => $this->pdo->escapeString(utf8_encode($cleanedName)), 'totalpart' => $collection['totalfiles'], 'group_id' => $collection['group_id'], 'guid' => $this->pdo->escapeString($this->releases->createGUID($cleanRelName)), 'postdate' => $this->pdo->escapeString($collection['date']), 'fromname' => $fromName, 'size' => $collection['filesize'], 'categoryid' => $categorize->determineCategory($collection['group_id'], $cleanedName), 'isrenamed' => $properName === true ? 1 : 0, 'reqidstatus' => $isReqID === true ? 1 : 0, 'preid' => $preID === false ? 0 : $preID, 'nzbstatus' => NZB::NZB_NONE]);
                    if ($releaseID !== false) {
                        // Update collections table to say we inserted the release.
								UPDATE %s
								SET filecheck = %d, releaseid = %d
								WHERE id = %d', $group['cname'], self::COLLFC_INSERTED, $releaseID, $collection['id']));
                        if ($this->echoCLI) {
                            echo "Added {$returnCount} releases.\r";
                } else {
                    // The release was already in the DB, so delete the collection.
							DELETE c, b, p FROM %s c
							INNER JOIN %s b ON(
							STRAIGHT_JOIN %s p ON(
							WHERE c.collectionhash = %s', $group['cname'], $group['bname'], $group['pname'], $this->pdo->escapeString($collection['collectionhash'])));
        if ($this->echoCLI) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary(PHP_EOL . number_format($returnCount) . ' Releases added and ' . number_format($duplicate) . ' duplicate collections deleted in ' . $this->consoleTools->convertTime(time() - $startTime)), true);
        return ['added' => $returnCount, 'dupes' => $duplicate];