Beispiel #1

// Include config.php
require_once realpath(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'indexer.php');
use nzedb\ReleaseRemover;
use nzedb\ColorCLI;
// New line for CLI.
$n = PHP_EOL;
// ColorCLI class.
$cli = new ColorCLI();
// Print arguments/usage.
$totalArgs = count($argv);
if ($totalArgs < 2) {
    exit($cli->info($n . 'This deletes releases based on a list of criteria you pass.' . $n . 'Usage:' . $n . $n . 'List of supported criteria:' . $n . 'fromname   : Look for names of people who posted releases (the poster name). (modifiers: equals, like)' . $n . 'groupname  : Look in groups. (modifiers: equals, like)' . $n . 'guid       : Look for a specific guid. (modifiers: equals)' . $n . 'name       : Look for a name (the usenet name). (modifiers: equals, like)' . $n . 'searchname : Look for a name (the search name). (modifiers: equals, like)' . $n . 'size       : Release must be (bigger than |smaller than |exactly) this size.(bytes) (modifiers: equals,bigger,smaller)' . $n . 'adddate    : Look for releases added to our DB (older than|newer than) x hours. (modifiers: bigger,smaller)' . $n . 'postdate   : Look for posted to usenet (older than|newer than) x hours. (modifiers: bigger,smaller)' . $n . 'completion : Look for completion (less than) (modifiers: smaller)' . $n . 'categoryid : Look for releases within specified category (modifiers: equals)' . $n . 'imdbid     : Look for releases with imdbid (modifiers: equals)' . $n . 'rageid     : Look for releases with rageid (modifiers: equals)' . $n . 'totalpart  : Look for releases with certain number of parts (modifiers: equals,bigger,smaller)' . $n . 'nzbstatus  : Look for releases with nzbstatus (modifiers: equals)' . $n . $n . 'List of Modifiers:' . $n . 'equals     : Match must be exactly this. (fromname=equals="john" will only look for "john", not "johndoe")' . $n . 'like       : Match can be similar to this. Separate words using spaces(ie:"cars hdtv x264").' . $n . '             (fromname=like="john" will look for any posters with john in it (' . $n . 'bigger     : Match must be bigger than this. (postdate=bigger="3" means older than 3 hours ago)' . $n . 'smaller    : Match must be smaller than this (postdate=smaller="3" means between now and 3 hours ago.' . $n . $n . 'Extra:' . $n . 'ignore     : Ignore the user check. (before running we ask you if you want to run the query to delete)' . $n . $n . 'Examples:' . $n . $_SERVER['_'] . ' ' . $argv[0] . ' groupname=equals="alt.binaries.teevee" searchname=like="olympics 2014" postdate=bigger="5"' . $n . $_SERVER['_'] . ' ' . $argv[0] . ' guid=equals="8fb5956bae3de4fb94edcc69da44d6883d586fd0"' . $n . $_SERVER['_'] . ' ' . $argv[0] . ' size=smaller="104857600" size=bigger="2048" groupname=like="movies"' . $n . $_SERVER['_'] . ' ' . $argv[0] . ' fromname=like="" groupname=equals="alt.binaries.movies.divx" ignore' . $n . $_SERVER['_'] . ' ' . $argv[0] . ' imdbid=equals=NULL categoryid=equals=2020 nzbstatus=equals=1 adddate=bigger=2880 # Remove other movie releases with non-cleaned names added > 120 days ago'));
$RR = new ReleaseRemover();
// Remove argv[0] and send the array.
$RR->removeByCriteria(array_slice($argv, 1, $totalArgs - 1));
Beispiel #2
  * @param string $message
  * @return void
 public function info($message)
     if (PEAR_LOG_DEBUG) {
         echo $this->color->info($message);

require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/www/config.php';
use nzedb\ColorCLI;
$output = new ColorCLI();
echo $output->primary("Checking for files in the renamed directories.");
$status = 0;
$dirs = [['old' => 'misc/testing/DB_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/DB'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/Dev_testing/Subject_testing', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/Developers/Subject'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/Dev_testing', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/Developers'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/PostProc_testing', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/PostProc'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/Regex_testing', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/Regex'], ['old' => 'misc/testing/Release_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/testing/Release'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/tmux/powerline/themes', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix/tmux/powerline/themes'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/tmux/powerline', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix/tmux/powerline'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/screen/sequential', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix/screen/sequential'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/tmux/', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix/tmux'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/nix'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/python_scripts/lib', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/python/lib'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/python_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/python'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts/win_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/update/win'], ['old' => 'misc/update_scripts', 'newpath' => 'misc/update']];
$tatus = 0;
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
    if (isset($dir['old'])) {
        $pathOld = nZEDb_ROOT . $dir['old'];
        if (file_exists($pathOld)) {
            $pathNew = nZEDb_ROOT . $dir['newpath'];
            echo $output->info("Moving contents of '{$pathOld}' to '{$pathNew}'");
            $dirIt = new \DirectoryIterator($pathOld);
            foreach ($dirIt as $item) {
                if ($item->isDot()) {
                echo $output->info("  Moving {$item->getPathname()}");
                if (rename($item->getPathname(), $pathNew . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item->getFilename()) === false) {
                    echo $output->error("   FAILED!");
                    $status = 1;
            $d = dir($pathOld);
            if ($d->read() === false) {
            } else {
                echo $output->error("Could not move all files. Check your permissions!");
Beispiel #4
$changed = false;
$source = __DIR__ . DS . 'git-hooks' . DS . PRE_COMMIT_HOOK;
if (!file_exists(nZEDb_HOOKS . PRE_COMMIT_HOOK)) {
    copy($source, $target);
$file = file($target, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
if (preg_match('/^(?P<key>#version=)(?P<value>.*)$/', $file[1], $match)) {
    $current = $match['value'];
$out = new ColorCLI();
$versions = new \nzedb\utility\Versions();
$version = $versions->getGitHookPrecommit();
if ($version > $current) {
    copy($source, $target);
    echo $out->info("Updated pre-commit hook to version {$version}");
    $file = file($target, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
chmod($target, 0774);
$count = count($file);
$index = 0;
while ($index < $count) {
    if (preg_match('/^#nZEDb hook\\s*-\\s*(.+)$/', $file[$index], $match)) {
        if (VERBOSE) {
            echo $out->primary("Matched: " . $file[$index]);
        $file[$index] = trim($file[$index]);
        switch ($match[1]) {
            case 'update version info':
            case 'run hooks':