Beispiel #1
     * Queues anime releases for processing
    public function processAnimeReleases()
        $results = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
							SELECT searchname, id
							FROM releases
							WHERE nzbstatus = %d
							AND anidbid IS NULL
							AND categoryid = %d
							ORDER BY postdate DESC
							LIMIT %d', NZB::NZB_ADDED, Category::CAT_TV_ANIME, $this->aniqty));
        if ($results instanceof \Traversable) {
            $this->padb = new \nzedb\db\populate\AniDB(['Echo' => $this->echooutput, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            foreach ($results as $release) {
                $matched = $this->matchAnimeRelease($release);
                if ($matched === false) {
									UPDATE releases
									SET anidbid = %d
									WHERE id = %d', $this->status, $release['id']));
        } else {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->info("No work to process."), true);
Beispiel #2
    public function processGamesReleases()
        $res = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
				SELECT searchname, id
				FROM releases
				WHERE nzbstatus = 1 %s
				AND gamesinfo_id = 0
				AND categoryid = 4050
				ORDER BY postdate DESC
				LIMIT %d', $this->renamed, $this->gameQty));
        if ($res instanceof \Traversable && $res->rowCount() > 0) {
            if ($this->echoOutput) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("Processing " . $res->rowCount() . ' games release(s).'));
            foreach ($res as $arr) {
                // Reset maxhitrequest
                $this->maxHitRequest = false;
                $startTime = microtime(true);
                $usedgb = false;
                $gameInfo = $this->parseTitle($arr['searchname']);
                if ($gameInfo !== false) {
                    if ($this->echoOutput) {
                        $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver('Looking up: ') . $this->pdo->log->primary($gameInfo['title'] . ' (PC)'));
                    // Check for existing games entry.
                    $gameCheck = $this->getGamesInfoByName($gameInfo['title']);
                    if ($gameCheck === false) {
                        $gameId = $this->updateGamesInfo($gameInfo);
                        $usedgb = true;
                        if ($gameId === false) {
                            $gameId = -2;
                            // Leave gamesinfo_id 0 to parse again
                            if ($this->maxHitRequest === true) {
                                $gameId = 0;
                    } else {
                        $gameId = $gameCheck['id'];
                    // Update release.
                    $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET gamesinfo_id = %d WHERE id = %d', $gameId, $arr['id']));
                } else {
                    // Could not parse release title.
                    $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET gamesinfo_id = %d WHERE id = %d', -2, $arr['id']));
                    if ($this->echoOutput) {
                        echo '.';
                // Sleep to not flood giantbomb.
                $diff = floor((microtime(true) - $startTime) * 1000000);
                if ($this->sleepTime * 1000 - $diff > 0 && $usedgb === true) {
                    usleep($this->sleepTime * 1000 - $diff);
        } else {
            if ($this->echoOutput) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header('No games releases to process.'));
Beispiel #3
     * Match added comments to releases.
     * @access protected
    protected function matchComments()
        $res = $this->pdo->query('
			SELECT, r.nzb_guid
			FROM releases r
			INNER JOIN release_comments rc ON rc.nzb_guid = r.nzb_guid
			WHERE rc.releaseid = 0');
        $found = count($res);
        if ($found > 0) {
            foreach ($res as $row) {
                $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf("UPDATE release_comments SET releaseid = %d WHERE nzb_guid = %s", $row['id'], $this->pdo->escapeString($row['nzb_guid'])));
                $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET comments = comments + 1 WHERE id = %d', $row['id']));
            if (nZEDb_ECHOCLI) {
                echo '(Sharing) Matched ' . $found . ' comments.' . PHP_EOL;
        // Update first time seen.
        $siteTimes = $this->pdo->queryDirect('SELECT createddate, siteid FROM release_comments WHERE createddate > \'2005-01-01\' GROUP BY siteid ORDER BY createddate ASC');
        if ($siteTimes instanceof \Traversable && $siteTimes->rowCount()) {
            foreach ($siteTimes as $site) {
                $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE sharing_sites SET first_time = %s WHERE site_guid = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($site['createddate']), $this->pdo->escapeString($site['siteid'])));
Beispiel #4
 public function add($form)
     $content = $this->row2Object($form);
     $content = $this->validate($content);
     if ($content->ordinal == 1) {
         $this->pdo->queryDirect("UPDATE content SET ordinal = ordinal + 1 WHERE ordinal > 0");
     return $this->data_add($content);
Beispiel #5
  * @param bool $local
 public function processMusicReleases($local = false)
     $res = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('SELECT searchname, id FROM releases ' . 'WHERE musicinfoid IS NULL AND nzbstatus = 1 %s AND categoryid IN (3010, 3040, 3050) ' . 'ORDER BY postdate DESC LIMIT %d', $this->renamed, $this->musicqty));
     if ($res instanceof \Traversable && $res->rowCount() > 0) {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("Processing " . $res->rowCount() . ' music release(s).'));
         foreach ($res as $arr) {
             $startTime = microtime(true);
             $usedAmazon = false;
             $album = $this->parseArtist($arr['searchname']);
             if ($album !== false) {
                 $newname = $album["name"] . ' (' . $album["year"] . ')';
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver('Looking up: ') . $this->pdo->log->primary($newname));
                 // Do a local lookup first
                 $musicCheck = $this->getMusicInfoByName('', $album["name"]);
                 if ($musicCheck === false && in_array($album['name'] . $album['year'], $this->failCache)) {
                     // Lookup recently failed, no point trying again
                     if ($this->echooutput) {
                         $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver('Cached previous failure. Skipping.') . PHP_EOL);
                     $albumId = -2;
                 } else {
                     if ($musicCheck === false && $local === false) {
                         $albumId = $this->updateMusicInfo($album['name'], $album['year']);
                         $usedAmazon = true;
                         if ($albumId === false) {
                             $albumId = -2;
                             $this->failCache[] = $album['name'] . $album['year'];
                     } else {
                         $albumId = $musicCheck['id'];
                 // Update release.
                 $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf("UPDATE releases SET musicinfoid = %d WHERE id = %d", $albumId, $arr["id"]));
             } else {
                 $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf("UPDATE releases SET musicinfoid = %d WHERE id = %d", -2, $arr["id"]));
                 echo '.';
             // Sleep to not flood amazon.
             $diff = floor((microtime(true) - $startTime) * 1000000);
             if ($this->sleeptime * 1000 - $diff > 0 && $usedAmazon === true) {
                 usleep($this->sleeptime * 1000 - $diff);
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             echo "\n";
     } else {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header('No music releases to process.'));
Beispiel #6
  * Get movie releases with covers for movie browse page.
  * @param       $cat
  * @param       $start
  * @param       $num
  * @param       $orderBy
  * @param       $maxAge
  * @param array $excludedCats
  * @return bool|\PDOStatement
 public function getMovieRange($cat, $start, $num, $orderBy, $maxAge = -1, $excludedCats = [])
     $catsrch = '';
     if (count($cat) > 0 && $cat[0] != -1) {
         $catsrch = (new Category(['Settings' => $this->pdo]))->getCategorySearch($cat);
     $order = $this->getMovieOrder($orderBy);
     $sql = sprintf("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_id,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.rarinnerfilecount ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') as grp_rarinnerfilecount,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.haspreview ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_haspreview,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.passwordstatus ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_password,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.guid ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_guid,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_nfoid,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_grpname,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.searchname ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR '#') AS grp_release_name,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.postdate ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_postdate,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.size ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_size,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.totalpart ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_totalparts,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.comments ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_comments,\n\t\t\tGROUP_CONCAT(r.grabs ORDER BY r.postdate DESC SEPARATOR ',') AS grp_release_grabs,\n\t\t\tm.*, AS group_name, as nfoid FROM releases r\n\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN groups ON = r.group_id\n\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN release_nfos rn ON rn.releaseid =\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN movieinfo m ON m.imdbid = r.imdbid\n\t\t\tWHERE r.nzbstatus = 1 AND r.imdbid != '0000000'\n\t\t\tAND m.title != ''\n\t\t\tAND r.passwordstatus <= %d AND %s %s %s %s\n\t\t\tGROUP BY m.imdbid ORDER BY %s %s %s", $this->showPasswords, $this->getBrowseBy(), $catsrch, $maxAge > 0 ? 'AND r.postdate > NOW() - INTERVAL ' . $maxAge . 'DAY ' : '', count($excludedCats) > 0 ? ' AND r.categoryid NOT IN (' . implode(',', $excludedCats) . ')' : '', $order[0], $order[1], $start === false ? '' : ' LIMIT ' . $num . ' OFFSET ' . $start);
     return $this->pdo->queryDirect($sql);
Beispiel #7
    public function processConsoleReleases()
        $res = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
							SELECT searchname, id
							FROM releases
							WHERE nzbstatus = %d %s
							AND consoleinfoid IS NULL
							AND categoryid BETWEEN 1000 AND 1999
							ORDER BY postdate DESC
							LIMIT %d', NZB::NZB_ADDED, $this->renamed, $this->gameqty));
        if ($res instanceof Traversable && $res->rowCount() > 0) {
            if ($this->echooutput) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("Processing " . $res->rowCount() . ' console release(s).'));
            foreach ($res as $arr) {
                $startTime = microtime(true);
                $usedAmazon = false;
                $gameId = self::CONS_NTFND;
                $gameInfo = $this->parseTitle($arr['searchname']);
                if ($gameInfo !== false) {
                    if ($this->echooutput) {
                        $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver('Looking up: ') . $this->pdo->log->primary($gameInfo['title'] . ' (' . $gameInfo['platform'] . ')'));
                    // Check for existing console entry.
                    $gameCheck = $this->getConsoleInfoByName($gameInfo['title'], $gameInfo['platform']);
                    if ($gameCheck === false) {
                        $gameId = $this->updateConsoleInfo($gameInfo);
                        $usedAmazon = true;
                    } else {
                        if ($this->echooutput) {
                            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver("Found Local: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary("{$gameCheck['title']} - {$gameCheck['platform']}") . PHP_EOL);
                        $gameId = $gameCheck['id'];
                } elseif ($this->echooutput) {
                    echo '.';
                // Update release.
								UPDATE releases
								SET consoleinfoid = %d
								WHERE id = %d', $gameId, $arr['id']));
                // Sleep to not flood amazon.
                $diff = floor((microtime(true) - $startTime) * 1000000);
                if ($this->sleeptime * 1000 - $diff > 0 && $usedAmazon === true) {
                    usleep($this->sleeptime * 1000 - $diff);
        } else {
            if ($this->echooutput) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header('No console releases to process.'));
Beispiel #8
     * Retrieves a list of Anime titles, optionally filtered by starting character and title
     * @param string $letter
     * @param string $animetitle
     * @return array|bool
    public function getAnimeList($letter = '', $animetitle = '')
        $regex = 'REGEXP';
        $rsql = '';
        if ($letter != '') {
            if ($letter == '0-9') {
                $letter = '[0-9]';
            $rsql .= sprintf('AND at.title %s %s', $regex, $this->pdo->escapeString('^' . $letter));
        $tsql = '';
        if ($animetitle != '') {
            $tsql .= sprintf('AND at.title %s', $this->pdo->likeString($animetitle, true, true));
        return $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('SELECT at.anidbid, at.title, ai.type, ai.categories, ai.rating, ai.startdate, ai.enddate
					FROM anidb_titles AS at LEFT JOIN anidb_info AS ai USING (anidbid)
					WHERE at.anidbid > 0 %s %s
					GROUP BY at.anidbid
					ORDER BY at.title ASC', $rsql, $tsql));
Beispiel #9
  * Purge a single group or all groups.
  * @param int|string|bool $id The group ID. If false, purge all groups.
 public function purge($id = false)
     if ($id === false) {
     } else {
     $releaseArray = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT id, guid FROM releases %s", $id === false ? '' : 'WHERE group_id = ' . $id));
     if ($releaseArray instanceof \Traversable) {
         $releases = new Releases(['Settings' => $this->pdo, 'Groups' => $this]);
         $nzb = new NZB($this->pdo);
         $releaseImage = new ReleaseImage($this->pdo);
         foreach ($releaseArray as $release) {
             $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $release['guid'], 'i' => $release['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage);
Beispiel #10
     * Write an NZB to the hard drive for a single release.
     * @param int    $relID   The ID of the release in the DB.
     * @param string $relGuid The guid of the release.
     * @param string $name    The name of the release.
     * @param string $cTitle  The name of the category this release is in.
     * @return bool Have we successfully written the NZB to the hard drive?
     * @access public
    public function writeNZBforReleaseId($relID, $relGuid, $name, $cTitle)
        $path = $this->buildNZBPath($relGuid, $this->nzbSplitLevel, true) . $relGuid . '.nzb.gz';
        $fp = gzopen($path, 'wb7');
        if ($fp) {
            $nzb_guid = '';
            gzwrite($fp, sprintf($this->_nzbHeadString, htmlspecialchars($cTitle, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'), htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8')));
            $collections = $this->pdo->queryDirect($this->_collectionsQuery . $relID);
            if ($collections instanceof \Traversable) {
                foreach ($collections as $collection) {
                    $poster = htmlspecialchars($collection['fromname'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
                    $binaries = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf($this->_binariesQuery, $collection['id']));
                    if ($binaries instanceof \Traversable) {
                        foreach ($binaries as $binary) {
                            // Buffer segment writes, increases performance.
                            $string = '';
                            $parts = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf($this->_partsQuery, $binary['id']));
                            if ($parts instanceof \Traversable) {
                                foreach ($parts as $part) {
                                    if ($nzb_guid === '') {
                                        $nzb_guid = $part['messageid'];
                                    $string .= '  <segment bytes="' . $part['size'] . '" number="' . $part['partnumber'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($part['messageid'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "</segment>\n";
                            gzwrite($fp, '<file poster="' . $poster . '" date="' . $collection['udate'] . '" subject="' . htmlspecialchars($binary['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . ' (1/' . $binary['totalparts'] . ")\">\n <groups>\n  <group>" . $collection['groupname'] . "</group>\n </groups>\n <segments>\n" . $string . " </segments>\n</file>\n");
            gzwrite($fp, '</nzb>');
            if (is_file($path)) {
                // Mark release as having NZB and delete CBP.
						UPDATE releases SET nzbstatus = %d %s WHERE id = %d;
						DELETE c, b, p FROM %s c JOIN %s b ON( STRAIGHT_JOIN %s p ON( WHERE c.releaseid = %d', NZB::NZB_ADDED, $nzb_guid === '' ? '' : ', nzb_guid = UNHEX( ' . $this->pdo->escapestring(md5($nzb_guid)) . ' )', $relID, $this->_tableNames['cName'], $this->_tableNames['bName'], $this->_tableNames['pName'], $relID));
                // Chmod to fix issues some users have with file permissions.
                chmod($path, 0777);
                return true;
            } else {
                echo "ERROR: {$path} does not exist.\n";
        return false;
Beispiel #11
    public function getPreFileNames($args = [])
        $timestart = time();
        $counter = $counted = 0;
        $limit = $orderby = '';
        $show = isset($args[2]) && $args[2] === 'show' ? 1 : 0;
        if (isset($args[1]) && is_numeric($args[1])) {
            $orderby = "ORDER BY DESC";
            $limit = "LIMIT " . $args[1];
        echo $this->pdo->log->header("\nMatch PreFiles ({$args[1]}) Started at " . date('g:i:s'));
        echo $this->pdo->log->primary("Matching predb filename to cleaned\n");
        $query = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
							SELECT AS releaseid,, r.searchname,
								r.group_id, r.categoryid, AS filename
							FROM releases r
							INNER JOIN release_files rf ON = rf.releaseid
							WHERE r.preid = 0
							GROUP BY
							%s %s', $orderby, $limit));
        if ($query !== false) {
            $total = $query->rowCount();
            if ($total > 0 && $query instanceof \Traversable) {
                echo $this->pdo->log->header("\n" . number_format($total) . ' releases to process.');
                foreach ($query as $row) {
                    $success = $this->matchPredbFiles($row, 1, 1, true, $show);
                    if ($success === 1) {
                    if ($show === 0) {
                        $this->consoletools->overWritePrimary("Renamed Releases: [" . number_format($counted) . "] " . $this->consoletools->percentString(++$counter, $total));
                echo $this->pdo->log->header("\nRenamed " . number_format($counted) . " releases in " . $this->consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart) . ".");
            } else {
                echo $this->pdo->log->info("\nNothing to do.");
Beispiel #12
     * @note  Post comment for the release if that release has no comment for failure.
     *        Only one user is allowed to post comment for that release, rest will just
     *        update the failed count in dnzb_failures table
     * @param $relid
     * @param $uid
    public function postComment($relid, $uid)
        $dupe = 0;
        $text = 'This release has failed to download properly. It might fail for other users too.
		This comment is automatically generated.';
        $check = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
				SELECT text
				FROM release_comments
				WHERE releaseid = %d', $relid));
        if ($check instanceof \Traversable) {
            foreach ($check as $dbl) {
                if ($dbl['text'] == $text) {
                    $dupe = 1;
        if ($dupe === 0) {
            $this->rc->addComment($relid, $text, $uid, '');
Beispiel #13
     * Process book releases, 1 category at a time.
    public function processBookReleases()
        $bookids = [];
        if (preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $this->bookreqids)) {
            $bookids[] = $this->bookreqids;
        } else {
            $bookids = explode(', ', $this->bookreqids);
        $total = count($bookids);
        if ($total > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
						SELECT searchname, id, categoryid
						FROM releases
						WHERE nzbstatus = 1 %s
						AND bookinfoid IS NULL
						AND categoryid in (%s)
						ORDER BY postdate
						DESC LIMIT %d', $this->renamed, $bookids[$i], $this->bookqty)), $bookids[$i]);
Beispiel #14
    exit($pdo->log->error("This script is not intended to be run manually, it is called from"));
} else {
    if (isset($argv[1])) {
        $namefixer = new NameFixer(['Settings' => $pdo]);
        $pieces = explode(' ', $argv[1]);
        $guidChar = $pieces[1];
        $maxperrun = $pieces[2];
        $thread = $pieces[3];
        switch (true) {
            case $pieces[0] === 'nfo' && isset($guidChar) && isset($maxperrun) && is_numeric($maxperrun):
                $releases = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
								SELECT AS releaseid, r.guid, r.group_id, r.categoryid,, r.searchname,
									uncompress(nfo) AS textstring
								FROM releases r
								INNER JOIN release_nfos rn ON = rn.releaseid
								WHERE r.guid %s
								AND r.nzbstatus = 1
								AND r.proc_nfo = 0
								AND r.nfostatus = 1
								AND r.preid = 0
								ORDER BY r.postdate DESC
								LIMIT %s', $pdo->likeString($guidChar, false, true), $maxperrun));
                if ($releases instanceof \Traversable) {
                    foreach ($releases as $release) {
                        if (preg_match('/^=newz\\[NZB\\]=\\w+/', $release['textstring'])) {
                            $namefixer->done = $namefixer->matched = false;
                            $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET proc_nfo = 1 WHERE id = %d', $release['releaseid']));
                            echo '.';
                        } else {
                            $namefixer->done = $namefixer->matched = false;
                            if ($namefixer->checkName($release, true, 'NFO, ', 1, 1) !== true) {
Beispiel #15
    exit($pdo->log->error("\nThis script will check all images in covers/xxx and compare to db->xxxinfo.\nTo run:\nphp {$argv['0']} true\n"));
$row = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE setting = 'coverspath'");
if ($row !== false) {
} else {
    die("Unable to set Covers' constant!\n");
$path2covers = nZEDb_COVERS . 'xxx' . DS;
$dirItr = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path2covers);
$itr = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirItr, RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
foreach ($itr as $filePath) {
    if (is_file($filePath) && preg_match('/-cover\\.jpg/', $filePath)) {
        preg_match('/(\\d+)-cover\\.jpg/', basename($filePath), $match);
        if (isset($match[1])) {
            $run = $pdo->queryDirect("UPDATE xxxinfo SET cover = 1 WHERE cover = 0 AND id = " . $match[1]);
            if ($run->rowCount() >= 1) {
            } else {
                $run = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT id FROM xxxinfo WHERE id = " . $match[1]);
                if ($run->rowCount() == 0) {
                    echo $pdo->log->info($filePath . " not found in db.");
    if (is_file($filePath) && preg_match('/-backdrop\\.jpg/', $filePath)) {
        preg_match('/(\\d+)-backdrop\\.jpg/', basename($filePath), $match1);
        if (isset($match1[1])) {
            $run = $pdo->queryDirect("UPDATE xxxinfo SET backdrop = 1 WHERE backdrop = 0 AND id = " . $match1[1]);
            if ($run->rowCount() >= 1) {
Beispiel #16
function create_guids($live, $delete = false)
    $pdo = new Settings();
    $consoletools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]);
    $timestart = TIME();
    $relcount = $deleted = $total = 0;
    $relrecs = false;
    if ($live == "true") {
        $relrecs = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT id, guid FROM releases WHERE nzbstatus = 1 AND nzb_guid IS NULL ORDER BY id DESC"));
    } else {
        if ($live == "limited") {
            $relrecs = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT id, guid FROM releases WHERE nzbstatus = 1 AND nzb_guid IS NULL ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10000"));
    if ($relrecs) {
        $total = $relrecs->rowCount();
    if ($total > 0) {
        echo $pdo->log->header("Creating nzb_guids for " . number_format($total) . " releases.");
        $releases = new Releases(['Settings' => $pdo]);
        $nzb = new NZB($pdo);
        $releaseImage = new ReleaseImage($pdo);
        $reccnt = 0;
        if ($relrecs instanceof Traversable) {
            foreach ($relrecs as $relrec) {
                $nzbpath = $nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid']);
                if ($nzbpath !== false) {
                    $nzbfile = nzedb\utility\Utility::unzipGzipFile($nzbpath);
                    if ($nzbfile) {
                        $nzbfile = @simplexml_load_string($nzbfile);
                    if (!$nzbfile) {
                        if (isset($delete) && $delete == 'delete') {
                            //echo "\n".$nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid'])." is not a valid xml, deleting release.\n";
                            $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $relrec['guid'], 'i' => $relrec['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage);
                    $binary_names = array();
                    foreach ($nzbfile->file as $file) {
                        $binary_names[] = $file["subject"];
                    if (count($binary_names) == 0) {
                        if (isset($delete) && $delete == 'delete') {
                            //echo "\n".$nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid'])." has no binaries, deleting release.\n";
                            $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $relrec['guid'], 'i' => $relrec['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage);
                    foreach ($nzbfile->file as $file) {
                        if ($file["subject"] == $binary_names[0]) {
                            $segment = $file->segments->segment;
                            $nzb_guid = md5($segment);
                            $pdo->queryExec("UPDATE releases set nzb_guid = " . $pdo->escapestring($nzb_guid) . " WHERE id = " . $relrec["id"]);
                            $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Created: [" . $deleted . "] " . $consoletools->percentString($reccnt, $total) . " Time:" . $consoletools->convertTimer(TIME() - $timestart));
                } else {
                    if (isset($delete) && $delete == 'delete') {
                        //echo $pdo->log->primary($nzb->NZBPath($relrec['guid']) . " does not have an nzb, deleting.");
                        $releases->deleteSingle(['g' => $relrec['guid'], 'i' => $relrec['id']], $nzb, $releaseImage);
        if ($relcount > 0) {
            echo "\n";
        echo $pdo->log->header("Updated " . $relcount . " release(s). This script ran for " . $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart));
    } else {
        echo $pdo->log->info('Query time: ' . $consoletools->convertTime(TIME() - $timestart));
        exit($pdo->log->info("No releases are missing the guid."));
Beispiel #17
    if (!preg_match('/\\.csv$/', $path)) {
        $path = dirname($path) . '/' . basename($path) . '/predb_dump.csv';
    if (!preg_match('/^\\//', $path)) {
        $path = getcwd() . '/' . $path;
    if (file_exists($path) && is_file($path)) {
    if (isset($argv[3])) {
        $table = $argv[3];
    } else {
        $table = 'predb';
    echo $pdo->log->header("SELECT title, nfo, size, files, filename, nuked, nukereason, category, predate, source, requestid, FROM " . $table . " p LEFT OUTER JOIN groups g ON p.group_id = INTO OUTFILE '" . $path . "' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\\t\\t' ENCLOSED BY \"'\" LINES TERMINATED BY '\\r\\n';n");
    $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT title, nfo, size, files, filename, nuked, nukereason, category, predate, source, requestid, FROM " . $table . " p LEFT OUTER JOIN groups g ON p.group_id = INTO OUTFILE '" . $path . "' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t\t' ENCLOSED BY \"'\" LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'");
} else {
    if (isset($argv[1]) && ($argv[1] == 'local' || $argv[1] == 'remote') && isset($argv[2]) && is_file($argv[2])) {
        if (!preg_match('/^\\//', $path)) {
            $path = (require_once getcwd() . '/' . $argv[2]);
        if (isset($argv[3])) {
            $table = $argv[3];
        } else {
            $table = 'predb';
        // Truncate predb_imports to clear any old data
        $pdo->queryDirect("TRUNCATE TABLE predb_imports");
        // Import file into predb_imports
        if ($argv[1] == 'remote') {
            echo $pdo->log->header("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '" . $path . "' IGNORE into table predb_imports FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\\t\\t' ENCLOSED BY \"'\" LINES TERMINATED BY '\\r\\n' (title, nfo, size, files, filename, nuked, nukereason, category, predate, source, requestid, groupname);");
Beispiel #18
    exit($pdo->log->error("\nThis script will check all images in covers/games and compare to db->gamesinfo.\nTo run:\nphp {$argv['0']} true\n"));
$row = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE setting = 'coverspath'");
if ($row !== false) {
} else {
    die("Unable to set Covers' constant!\n");
$path2covers = nZEDb_COVERS . 'games' . DS;
$dirItr = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path2covers);
$itr = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirItr, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
foreach ($itr as $filePath) {
    if (is_file($filePath) && preg_match('/\\d+\\.jpg/', $filePath)) {
        preg_match('/(\\d+)\\.jpg/', basename($filePath), $match);
        if (isset($match[1])) {
            $run = $pdo->queryDirect("UPDATE gamesinfo SET cover = 1 WHERE cover = 0 AND id = " . $match[1]);
            if ($run !== false) {
                if ($run->rowCount() >= 1) {
                } else {
                    $run = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT id FROM gamesinfo WHERE id = " . $match[1]);
                    if ($run !== false && $run->rowCount() == 0) {
                        echo $pdo->log->info($filePath . " not found in db.");
$qry = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT id FROM gamesinfo WHERE cover = 1");
if ($qry instanceof \Traversable) {
Beispiel #19
        $ran = true;
        $where = '';
        if (isset($argv[3]) && $argv[3] === "truncate") {
            echo "Truncating tables\n";
            $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE consoleinfo");
            $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE gamesinfo");
            $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE movieinfo");
            $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE video_data");
            $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE musicinfo");
            $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE bookinfo");
            $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE release_nfos");
            $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE releaseextrafull");
            $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE xxxinfo");
        echo $pdo->log->header("Resetting all postprocessing");
        $qry = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT id FROM releases");
        $affected = 0;
        if ($qry instanceof \Traversable) {
            $total = $qry->rowCount();
            foreach ($qry as $releases) {
                $pdo->queryExec(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE releases\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET consoleinfoid = NULL, gamesinfo_id = 0, imdbid = NULL, musicinfoid = NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbookinfoid = NULL, rageid = -1, xxxinfo_id = 0, passwordstatus = -1, haspreview = -1,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjpgstatus = 0, videostatus = 0, audiostatus = 0, nfostatus = -1\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = %d", $releases['id']));
                $consoletools->overWritePrimary("Resetting Releases:  " . $consoletools->percentString(++$affected, $total));
if (isset($argv[1]) && ($argv[1] === "consoles" || $argv[1] === "all")) {
    $ran = true;
    if (isset($argv[3]) && $argv[3] === "truncate") {
        $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE consoleinfo");
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program (see LICENSE.txt in the base directory.  If
 * not, see:
 * @link <>.
 * @author niel
 * @copyright 2014 nZEDb
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'indexer.php';
use nzedb\db\Settings;
$pdo = new Settings();
if (!$pdo->getSetting('tablepergroup')) {
    exit("Tables per groups is not enabled, quitting!");
// Doing it this way in case there are tables existing not related to the active/backfill list (i.e. I don't have a clue when these tables get deleted so I'm doing any that are there).
$tables = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT SUBSTR(TABLE_NAME, 12) AS suffix FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = (SELECT DATABASE()) AND TABLE_NAME LIKE 'collections%' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME");
$query1 = "ALTER table collections%s add noise char(32) not null default '' after releaseid";
if ($tables instanceof \Traversable) {
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
        echo "Updating table collections{$table['suffix']}" . PHP_EOL;
        $pdo->queryExec(sprintf($query1, $table['suffix']), true);
    echo 'All done!' . PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #21
$pdo->queryExec("UPDATE groups SET first_record = 0, first_record_postdate = NULL, last_record = 0, last_record_postdate = NULL, last_updated = NULL");
echo $pdo->log->primary("Reseting all groups completed.");
$arr = ["tvrage_titles", "release_nfos", "release_comments", 'sharing', 'sharing_sites', "users_releases", "user_movies", "user_series", "movieinfo", "musicinfo", "release_files", "audio_data", "release_subtitles", "video_data", "releaseextrafull", "parts", "missed_parts", "binaries", "collections", "releases"];
foreach ($arr as &$value) {
    $rel = $pdo->queryExec("TRUNCATE TABLE {$value}");
    if ($rel !== false) {
        echo $pdo->log->primary("Truncating {$value} completed.");
$sql = "SHOW table status";
$tables = $pdo->query($sql);
foreach ($tables as $row) {
    $tbl = $row['name'];
    if (preg_match('/collections_\\d+/', $tbl) || preg_match('/binaries_\\d+/', $tbl) || preg_match('/parts_\\d+/', $tbl) || preg_match('/missed_parts_\\d+/', $tbl) || preg_match('/\\d+_collections/', $tbl) || preg_match('/\\d+_binaries/', $tbl) || preg_match('/\\d+_parts/', $tbl) || preg_match('/\\d+_missed_parts_\\d+/', $tbl)) {
        $rel = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('DROP TABLE %s', $tbl));
        if ($rel !== false) {
            echo $pdo->log->primary("Dropping {$tbl} completed.");
(new SphinxSearch())->truncateRTIndex('releases_rt');
$pdo->optimise(false, 'full');
echo $pdo->log->header("Deleting nzbfiles subfolders.");
try {
    $files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($pdo->getSetting('nzbpath'), \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (basename($file) != '.gitignore' && basename($file) != 'tmpunrar') {
            $todo = $file->isDir() ? 'rmdir' : 'unlink';
Beispiel #22
 $splitqry = $newOldqry = '';
 $splitqry = $tRun->proc_query(4, null, null, $db_name);
 $newOldqry = $tRun->proc_query(6, null, null, null);
 $splitres = $pdo->queryOneRow($splitqry, false);
 $runVar['timers']['newOld'] = $pdo->queryOneRow($newOldqry, false);
 //assign split query results to main var
 if (is_array($splitres)) {
     foreach ($splitres as $splitkey => $split) {
         $runVar['counts']['now'][$splitkey] = $split;
 $runVar['timers']['query']['split_time'] = time() - $timer02;
 $runVar['timers']['query']['split1_time'] = time() - $timer01;
 $timer03 = time();
 //This is subpartition compatible -- loops through all partitions and adds their total row counts instead of doing a slow query count
 $partitions = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT SUM(TABLE_ROWS) AS count, PARTITION_NAME AS category\n\t\t\t\tFROM information_schema.PARTITIONS\n\t\t\t\tWHERE TABLE_NAME = 'releases'\n\t\t\t\tAND TABLE_SCHEMA = %s\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY PARTITION_NAME", $pdo->escapeString($db_name)));
 foreach ($partitions as $partition) {
     $runVar['counts']['now'][$partition['category']] = $partition['count'];
 $runVar['timers']['query']['init_time'] = time() - $timer03;
 $runVar['timers']['query']['init1_time'] = time() - $timer01;
 $timer04 = time();
 $proc1qry = $tRun->proc_query(1, $runVar['settings']['book_reqids'], $runVar['settings']['request_hours'], $db_name);
 $proc1res = $pdo->queryOneRow($proc1qry !== false ? $proc1qry : '', $tRun->rand_bool($runVar['counts']['iterations']));
 $runVar['timers']['query']['proc1_time'] = time() - $timer04;
 $runVar['timers']['query']['proc11_time'] = time() - $timer01;
 $timer05 = time();
 $proc2qry = $tRun->proc_query(2, $runVar['settings']['book_reqids'], $runVar['settings']['request_hours'], $db_name);
 $proc2res = $pdo->queryOneRow($proc2qry !== false ? $proc2qry : '', $tRun->rand_bool($runVar['counts']['iterations']));
 $runVar['timers']['query']['proc2_time'] = time() - $timer05;
Beispiel #23
$releases = new Releases(['Settings' => $pdo]);
$count = $total = $all = 0;
$nzb = new NZB($pdo);
$ri = new ReleaseImage($pdo);
$consoleTools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]);
$size = ' size ';
if ($argv[2] === 'near') {
    $size = ' size between (size *.99) AND (size * 1.01) ';
if ($crosspostt != 0) {
    $query = sprintf('SELECT max(id) AS id, id AS idx, guid FROM releases WHERE adddate > (NOW() - INTERVAL %d HOUR) GROUP BY name, fromname, group_id,' . $size . 'HAVING COUNT(*) > 1', $crosspostt);
} else {
    $query = sprintf('SELECT max(id) AS id, id AS idx, guid FROM releases GROUP BY name, fromname, group_id,' . $size . 'HAVING COUNT(*) > 1');
do {
    $resrel = $pdo->queryDirect($query);
    if ($resrel instanceof \Traversable) {
        $total = $resrel->rowCount();
        echo $pdo->log->header(number_format($total) . " Releases have Duplicates");
        foreach ($resrel as $rowrel) {
            $nzbpath = $nzb->getNZBPath($rowrel['guid']);
            if (isset($argv[3]) && is_dir($argv[3])) {
                $path = $argv[3];
                if (substr($path, strlen($path) - 1) != '/') {
                    $path = $path . "/";
                if (!file_exists($path . $rowrel['guid'] . ".nzb.gz") && file_exists($nzbpath)) {
                    if (@copy($nzbpath, $path . $rowrel['guid'] . ".nzb.gz") !== true) {
                        exit("\n" . $pdo->log->error("\nUnable to write " . $path . $rowrel['guid'] . ".nzb.gz"));
Beispiel #24
  * Get all newest TV with covers for poster wall.
  * @return array
 public function getNewestTV()
     return $this->pdo->queryDirect("SELECT r.rageid, r.guid,, r.searchname, r.size, r.completion,\n\t\t\t\tr.postdate, r.categoryid, r.comments, r.grabs,\n\t\t\t\ as tvid, tv.imgdata, tv.releasetitle as tvtitle\n\t\t\tFROM releases r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN tvrage_titles tv USING (rageid)\n\t\t\tWHERE r.categoryid BETWEEN 5000 AND 5999\n\t\t\tAND tv.rageid > 0\n\t\t\tAND length(tv.imgdata) > 0\n\t\t\tAND in (select max(id) from releases where rageid > 0 group by rageid)\n\t\t\tORDER BY r.postdate DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT 24");
Beispiel #25

//This script will update all records in the xxxinfo table where there is no cover
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../www/config.php';
use nzedb\db\Settings;
$pdo = new Settings();
$movie = new XXX(['Echo' => true, 'Settings' => $pdo]);
$movies = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT title FROM xxxinfo WHERE cover = 0");
if ($movies instanceof Traversable) {
    echo $pdo->log->primary("Updating " . number_format($movies->rowCount()) . " movie covers.");
    foreach ($movies as $mov) {
        $starttime = microtime(true);
        $mov = $movie->updateXXXInfo($mov['title']);
        // sleep so that it's not ddos' the site
        $diff = floor((microtime(true) - $starttime) * 1000000);
        if (333333 - $diff > 0) {
            echo "\nsleeping\n";
            usleep(333333 - $diff);
    echo "\n";
Beispiel #26
    exit($pdo->log->error("\nThis script will move all collections, binaries, parts into tables per group.\n\n" . "php {$argv['0']} true                ...: To process all parts and leave the parts/binaries/collections tables intact.\n" . "php {$argv['0']} true truncate       ...: To process all parts and truncate parts/binaries/collections tables after completed.\n"));
$start = time();
$consoleTools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]);
$groups = new Groups(['Settings' => $pdo]);
$actgroups = $pdo->query("SELECT DISTINCT group_id from collections");
echo $pdo->log->info("Creating new collections, binaries, and parts tables for each group that has collections.");
foreach ($actgroups as $group) {
    $pdo->queryExec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS collections_" . $group['group_id']);
    $pdo->queryExec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS binaries_" . $group['group_id']);
    $pdo->queryExec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS parts_" . $group['group_id']);
    if ($groups->createNewTPGTables($group['group_id']) === false) {
        exit($pdo->log->error("\nThere is a problem creating new parts/files tables for group {$group['name']}.\n"));
$collections_rows = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT group_id FROM collections GROUP BY group_id");
echo $pdo->log->info("Counting parts, this could table a few minutes.");
$parts_count = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM parts");
$i = 0;
if ($collections_rows instanceof \Traversable) {
    foreach ($collections_rows as $row) {
        $groupName = $groups->getByNameByID($row['group_id']);
        echo $pdo->log->header("Processing {$groupName}");
        $pdo->queryExec("INSERT IGNORE INTO collections_" . $row['group_id'] . " (subject, fromname, date, xref, totalfiles, group_id, collectionhash, dateadded, filecheck, filesize, releaseid) " . "SELECT subject, fromname, date, xref, totalfiles, group_id, collectionhash, dateadded, filecheck, filesize, releaseid FROM collections WHERE group_id = {$row['group_id']}");
        $collections = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM collections where group_id = " . $row['group_id']);
        $ncollections = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM collections_" . $row['group_id']);
        echo $pdo->log->primary("Group {$groupName}, Collections = {$collections['cnt']} [{$ncollections['cnt']}]");
        $pdo->queryExec("INSERT IGNORE INTO binaries_{$row['group_id']} (name, filenumber, totalparts, currentparts, binaryhash, partcheck, partsize, collection_id) " . "SELECT name, filenumber, totalparts, currentparts, binaryhash, partcheck, partsize, FROM binaries b " . "INNER JOIN collections c ON b.collection_id = " . "INNER JOIN collections_{$row['group_id']} n ON c.collectionhash = n.collectionhash AND c.group_id = {$row['group_id']}");
        $binaries = $pdo->queryOneRow("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM binaries b INNER JOIN collections c ON  b.collection_id = where c.group_id = {$row['group_id']}");
Beispiel #27
 * not, see:
 * @link <>.
 * @author niel / kevin
 * @copyright 2014 nZEDb
if (!isset($argv[1]) || !in_array($argv[1], ['1'])) {
    exit('Options: (enter a number, it\'s not recommended to rerun the same fix)' . PHP_EOL . '1: 2014-07-28: Add unique key to binaryhash to be able to do multiple updates in 1 statement.' . PHP_EOL);
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'www' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php';
use nzedb\db\Settings;
$pdo = new Settings();
if (!$pdo->getSetting('tablepergroup')) {
    exit("Tables per groups is not enabled, quitting!");
$groups = $pdo->queryDirect('SELECT id FROM groups WHERE active = 1 OR backfill = 1');
if ($groups === false) {
    echo "No active groups. Fix not needed.\n";
} else {
    $queries = array();
    switch ($argv[1]) {
        case 1:
            // Drop this index, as we will recreate it as a unique.
            $queries[] = ['t' => 1, 'q' => 'ALTER TABLE binaries_%d DROP INDEX ix_binary_binaryhash'];
            // Recreate the index as unique so we can use on duplicate key update, saving select / update query.
            $queries[] = ['t' => 1, 'q' => 'ALTER IGNORE TABLE binaries_%d ADD UNIQUE INDEX ix_binary_binaryhash(binaryhash)'];
    $groupCount = $groups->rowCount();
Beispiel #28
    exit($pdo->log->error("tmux session: '" . $tmux_session . "' is already running, aborting.\n"));
$nntpproxy = $pdo->getSetting('nntpproxy');
if ($nntpproxy == '1') {
    $modules = ["nntp", "socketpool"];
    foreach ($modules as &$value) {
        if (!python_module_exist($value)) {
            exit($pdo->log->error("\nNNTP Proxy requires " . $value . " python module but it's not installed. Aborting.\n"));
//reset collections dateadded to now if dateadded > delay time check
echo $pdo->log->header("Resetting expired collections dateadded to now. This could take a minute or two. Really.");
if ($tablepergroup == 1) {
    $sql = "SHOW table status";
    $tables = $pdo->queryDirect($sql);
    $ran = 0;
    foreach ($tables as $row) {
        $tbl = $row['name'];
        if (preg_match('/collections_\\d+/', $tbl)) {
            $run = $pdo->queryExec('UPDATE ' . $tbl . ' SET dateadded = now() WHERE dateadded < now() - INTERVAL ' . $delaytimet . ' HOUR');
            if ($run !== false) {
                $ran += $run->rowCount();
    echo $pdo->log->primary(number_format($ran) . " collections reset.");
} else {
    $ran = 0;
    $run = $pdo->queryExec('update collections set dateadded = now() WHERE dateadded < now() - INTERVAL ' . $delaytimet . ' HOUR');
    if ($run !== false) {
Beispiel #29
use nzedb\db\Settings;
$pdo = new Settings();
if (!isset($argv[1]) || $argv[1] != "all" && $argv[1] != "full" && !is_numeric($argv[1])) {
    exit($pdo->log->error(" This script tries to match a release name or searchname to a PreDB title by using Full Text Search Matching.\n" . "It will first parse PreDB titles to match, order by oldest to newest pre.\n\n" . "php predbftmatch.php 1000 show 1000\t...: to limit to 1000 presently unsearched PreDB titles ordered by oldest to newest predate and show renaming offset title return by 1000.\n" . "php predbftmatch.php full show\t\t...: to run on all unmatched PreDB titles and show renaming.\n" . "php predbftmatch.php all show\t\t...: to run on all PreDB titles (Around 2-3 seconds per pre runtime).\n\n" . "Doing a limited search (first example) is recommended for testing.  As you match more PreDB IDs to your releases and search existing pres, the loops will get smaller and smaller.\n\n"));
$namefixer = new NameFixer(['Settings' => $pdo]);
$offset = '';
$timestart = time();
$counter = $counted = 0;
if (isset($argv[3]) && is_numeric($argv[3])) {
    $offset = " OFFSET " . $argv[3];
$titles = false;
//Selects all PreDB Titles to Match Against
if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] === "all") {
    $titles = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT id AS preid, title, source, searched FROM predb\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE LENGTH(title) >= 15 AND title NOT REGEXP '[\"\\<\\> ]'\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY predate ASC");
    //Selects all PreDB Titles that don't have a current match in releases (slower intial query but less loop time)
} else {
    if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] === "full") {
        $titles = $pdo->queryDirect("SELECT id AS preid, title, source, searched FROM predb\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE LENGTH(title) >= 15 AND searched = 0\n\t\t\t\t\tAND title NOT REGEXP '[\"\\<\\> ]' ORDER BY predate ASC");
        //Selects PreDB Titles where predate is greater than the past user selected number of hours
    } else {
        if (isset($argv[1]) && is_numeric($argv[1])) {
            $titles = $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT id AS preid, title, source, searched FROM predb\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE LENGTH(title) >= 15 AND searched = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t AND title NOT REGEXP '[\"\\<\\> ]' ORDER BY predate ASC LIMIT %d %s", $argv[1], $offset));
if (isset($argv[2]) && $argv[2] === "show") {
    $show = 1;
} else {
    $show = 0;
Beispiel #30
     * Attempt to find NFO files inside the NZB's of releases.
     * @param object $nntp           Instance of class NNTP.
     * @param string $groupID        (optional) Group ID.
     * @param string $guidChar       (optional) First character of the release GUID (used for multi-processing).
     * @param int    $processImdb    (optional) Attempt to find IMDB id's in the NZB?
     * @param int    $processTvrage  (optional) Attempt to find TvRage id's in the NZB?
     * @return int                   How many NFO's were processed?
     * @access public
    public function processNfoFiles($nntp, $groupID = '', $guidChar = '', $processImdb = 1, $processTvrage = 1)
        $ret = 0;
        $guidCharQuery = $guidChar === '' ? '' : 'AND r.guid ' . $this->pdo->likeString($guidChar, false, true);
        $groupIDQuery = $groupID === '' ? '' : 'AND r.group_id = ' . $groupID;
        $optionsQuery = self::NfoQueryString($this->pdo);
        $res = $this->pdo->query(sprintf('
				SELECT, r.guid, r.group_id,
				FROM releases r
				WHERE 1=1 %s %s %s
				ORDER BY r.nfostatus ASC, r.postdate DESC
				LIMIT %d', $optionsQuery, $guidCharQuery, $groupIDQuery, $this->nzbs));
        $nfoCount = count($res);
        if ($nfoCount > 0) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary(PHP_EOL . ($guidChar === '' ? '' : '[' . $guidChar . '] ') . ($groupID === '' ? '' : '[' . $groupID . '] ') . 'Processing ' . $nfoCount . ' NFO(s), starting at ' . $this->nzbs . ' * = hidden NFO, + = NFO, - = no NFO, f = download failed.'));
            if ($this->echo) {
                // Get count of releases per nfo status
                $nfoStats = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('
						SELECT r.nfostatus AS status, COUNT(*) AS count
						FROM releases r
						WHERE 1=1 %s %s %s
						GROUP BY r.nfostatus
						ORDER BY r.nfostatus ASC', $optionsQuery, $guidCharQuery, $groupIDQuery));
                if ($nfoStats instanceof \Traversable) {
                    $outString = PHP_EOL . 'Available to process';
                    foreach ($nfoStats as $row) {
                        $outString .= ', ' . $row['status'] . ' = ' . number_format($row['count']);
                    $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header($outString . '.'));
            $groups = new Groups(['Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            $nzbContents = new NZBContents(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'NNTP' => $nntp, 'Nfo' => $this, 'Settings' => $this->pdo, 'PostProcess' => new PostProcess(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Nfo' => $this, 'Settings' => $this->pdo])]);
            $movie = new Movie(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
            foreach ($res as $arr) {
                $fetchedBinary = $nzbContents->getNFOfromNZB($arr['guid'], $arr['id'], $arr['group_id'], $groups->getByNameByID($arr['group_id']));
                if ($fetchedBinary !== false) {
                    // Insert nfo into database.
                    $cp = 'COMPRESS(%s)';
                    $nc = $this->pdo->escapeString($fetchedBinary);
                    $ckreleaseid = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT releaseid FROM release_nfos WHERE releaseid = %d', $arr['id']));
                    if (!isset($ckreleaseid['releaseid'])) {
                        $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO release_nfos (nfo, releaseid) VALUES (' . $cp . ', %d)', $nc, $arr['id']));
                    $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET nfostatus = %d WHERE id = %d', self::NFO_FOUND, $arr['id']));
                    $movie->doMovieUpdate($fetchedBinary, 'nfo', $arr['id'], $processImdb);
                    // If set scan for tvrage info. Disabled for now while TvRage is down. TODO: Add Other Scraper Checks
                    if ($processTvrage == 1) {
                        /*$tvRage = new TvRage(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
                        		$showId = $this->parseShowId($fetchedBinary);
                        		if ($showId !== false) {
                        			$show = $tvRage->parseNameEpSeason($arr['name']);
                        			if (is_array($show) && $show['name'] != '') {
                        				// Update release with season, ep, and air date info (if available) from release title.
                        				$tvRage->updateEpInfo($show, $arr['id']);
                        				$rid = $tvRage->getByRageID($rageId);
                        				if (!$rid) {
                        					$tvrShow = $tvRage->getRageInfoFromService($rageId);
                        					$tvRage->updateRageInfo($rageId, $show, $tvrShow, $arr['id']);
        // Remove nfo that we cant fetch after 5 attempts.
        $releases = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf('SELECT
				FROM releases r
				WHERE r.nzbstatus = %d
				AND r.nfostatus < %d AND r.nfostatus > %d %s %s', NZB::NZB_ADDED, $this->maxRetries, self::NFO_FAILED, $groupIDQuery, $guidCharQuery));
        if ($releases instanceof \Traversable) {
            foreach ($releases as $release) {
                // remove any release_nfos for failed
					DELETE FROM release_nfos WHERE nfo IS NULL AND releaseid = %d', $release['id']));
                // set release.nfostatus to failed
					UPDATE releases r SET r.nfostatus = %d WHERE = %d', self::NFO_FAILED, $release['id']));
        if ($this->echo) {
            if ($nfoCount > 0) {
                echo PHP_EOL;
            if ($ret > 0) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($ret . ' NFO file(s) found/processed.', true);
        return $ret;