<?php \Nos\I18n::current_dictionary('novius_social_widget::common'); $config = array('popup' => array('layout' => array('fields' => array('view' => 'nos::form/fields', 'params' => array('begin' => '<div>', 'end' => '</div>', 'fields' => array('url', 'width', 'height'))))), 'fields' => array('url' => array('label' => __('Page URL'), 'validation' => array('required')), 'width' => array('label' => __('Width')), 'height' => array('label' => __('Height')))); $chrome = \Novius\Social\Widget\Controller_Front_Enhancer_Facebook::getDataList(); foreach ($chrome as $type => $params) { $fieldname = "data-{$type}"; $config['popup']['layout']['fields']['params']['fields'][] = $fieldname; $fieldConfig = array('label' => __($params['label']), 'template' => '{label} {field}<br>', 'form' => \Arr::merge(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1, 'empty' => 0), \Arr::get($params, 'form', array()))); $config['fields'][$fieldname] = $fieldConfig; } return $config;
<?php \Nos\I18n::current_dictionary('novius_glossary::common'); return array('model' => 'Novius\\Glossary\\Model_Word', 'search_text' => 'word_title', 'i18n' => array('item' => __('word'), 'items' => __('words'), 'showNbItems' => __('Showing {{x}} words out of {{y}}'), 'showOneItem' => __('Showing 1 word'), 'showNoItem' => __('No word'), 'showAll' => __('Show all words'), 'Pick' => __('Pick')));
<?php \Nos\I18n::current_dictionary(array('novius_html_video::common')); return array('fields' => array('media' => array('label' => __('Video'), 'renderer' => '\\Nos\\Renderer_Media', 'renderer_options' => array('mode' => 'all', 'inputFileThumb' => array('title' => 'Media Centre Video', 'texts' => array('add' => 'Pick a video', 'edit' => 'Pick another video', 'delete' => 'No video', 'wrongExtension' => 'This extension is not allowed.')))), 'width' => array('label' => __('Width'), 'form' => array('type' => 'text')), 'height' => array('label' => __('Height'), 'form' => array('type' => 'text')), 'align' => array('label' => __('Align'), 'form' => array('type' => 'select', 'options' => array('left' => __('Left'), 'center' => __('Centered'), 'right' => __('Right')))), 'autoplay' => array('label' => __('Autoplay'), 'form' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1, 'empty' => 0)), 'mute' => array('label' => __('Mute ?'), 'form' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1, 'empty' => 0)), 'loop' => array('label' => __('Play in loop ?'), 'form' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1, 'empty' => 0)), 'poster' => array('label' => 'Poster', 'renderer' => 'Nos\\Media\\Renderer_Media', 'renderer_options' => array('inputFileThumb' => array('title' => __('Poster'))))));
<?php /** * NOVIUS OS - Web OS for digital communication * * @copyright 2011 Novius * @license GNU Affero General Public License v3 or (at your option) any later version * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * @link http://www.novius-os.org */ \Nos\I18n::current_dictionary('noviusos_user::common'); echo $fieldset->open('admin/noviusos_user/user/insert_update/' . $user->user_id); echo View::forge('form/layout_standard', array('fieldset' => $fieldset, 'item' => $user, 'medias' => null, 'title' => array('user_firstname', 'user_name'), 'id' => 'user_id', 'subtitle' => array(), 'content' => array(\View::forge('form/expander', array('title' => __('Details'), 'nomargin' => false, 'content' => \View::forge('form/fields', array('fieldset' => $fieldset, 'fields' => array('user_email', 'user_last_connection', 'user_lang', 'user_expert')), false)), false), !empty($no_role) || \Config::get('novius-os.users.enable_roles', false) == false ? '' : \View::forge('form/expander', array('title' => __('Roles'), 'nomargin' => false, 'content' => \View::forge('noviusos_user::admin/user_roles_edit', array('fieldset' => $fieldset, 'user' => $user), false)), false), \View::forge('form/expander', array('title' => __('Set a new password'), 'nomargin' => false, 'content' => \View::forge('form/fields', array('fieldset' => $fieldset, 'fields' => array('password_reset', 'password_confirmation')), false)), false), \View::forge('form/expander', array('title' => __('Theme'), 'nomargin' => false, 'content' => \View::forge('form/fields', array('fieldset' => $fieldset, 'fields' => array('user__theme')), false)), false))), false); echo $fieldset->close();
<script type="text/javascript"> require.config(<?php echo \Format::forge()->to_json($config, \Fuel::$env !== \Fuel::PRODUCTION); ?> ); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> require(['jquery-nos'], function($) { $.nosLang = '<?php $user = \Session::user(); $locale = !empty($user) ? $user->user_lang : \Input::get('lang', \Config::get('novius-os.default_locale', 'en_GB')); echo $locale; ?> '; $.nosLangPluralRule = <?php echo \Format::forge(\Nos\I18n::pluralRule($locale))->to_json(); ?> ; $.nosTexts = $.extend($.nosTexts, { chooseMediaFile : <?php echo \Format::forge(__('Select a media file'))->to_json(); ?> , chooseMediaImage : <?php echo \Format::forge(__('Pick an image'))->to_json(); ?> , errorImageNotfind : <?php echo \Format::forge(__('We’re afraid we cannot find this image.'))->to_json(); ?> });
<?php \Nos\I18n::current_dictionary(array('novius_menu_anchor::default')); return array('name' => __('Anchor'), 'texts' => array('add' => __('Add a link to an anchor'), 'new' => __('New anchor')), 'icon' => 'static/apps/novius_menu_anchor/img/menu/anchor.png', 'attributes' => array('anchor'), 'view' => 'novius_menu_anchor::menu/driver/anchor', 'admin' => array('layout' => array('standard' => array('view' => 'nos::form/accordion', 'params' => array('accordions' => array('main' => array('fields' => array('mitem__anchor')))))), 'fields' => array('mitem__anchor' => array('label' => __("Anchor without '#'"), 'form' => array('type' => 'text'), 'expert' => true))));