Beispiel #1
 protected function _beforeTableSelect(Library\CommandContext $context)
     if ($context->query instanceof Library\DatabaseQuerySelect && $context->mode == Library\Database::FETCH_ROWSET) {
         $this->_table = $context->getSubject();
         $this->_table->getAdapter()->getCommandChain()->enqueue($this, $this->getPriority());
Beispiel #2
 protected function _databaseBeforeSave(Library\CommandContext $context)
     $row = $context->getSubject();
     if (is_string($row->file) && !is_uploaded_file($row->file)) {
         // remote file
         try {
             $file = $this->getObject('com:files.database.row.url');
             $file->setData(array('file' => $row->file));
             $row->contents = $file->contents;
         } catch (DatabaseRowUrlException $e) {
             throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
         if (empty($row->name)) {
             $uri = $this->getObject('lib:http.url', array('url' => $row->file));
             $path = $uri->toString(Library\HttpUrl::PATH | Library\HttpUrl::FORMAT);
             if (strpos($path, '/') !== false) {
                 $path = basename($path);
             $row->name = $path;
     $result = parent::_databaseBeforeSave($context);
     if ($result) {
         $filter = $this->getObject('com:files.filter.file.uploadable');
         $result = $filter->validate($context->getSubject());
         if ($result === false) {
             $errors = $filter->getErrors();
             if (count($errors)) {
     return $result;
 protected function _beforeControllerBrowse(Library\CommandContext $context)
     $state = $context->getSubject()->getModel()->getState();
     //If we are filtering for all the trashed entities, decorate the actionbar with the revisable toolbar
     if ($state->trashed == true && $this->hasToolbar('actionbar')) {
Beispiel #4
 protected function _reorder(Library\CommandContext $context)
     $table = $context->getSubject();
     $table->getAdapter()->execute('SET @index = 0');
     $query = $this->getObject('lib:database.query.update')->table($table->getBase())->values('ordering = (@index := @index + 1)')->order('ordering', 'ASC');
 protected function _databaseAfterSave(Library\CommandContext $context)
     $row = $context->getSubject();
     $max = $row->getContainer()->parameters->maximum_image_size;
     if ($row->isImage() && $max) {
         try {
             $imagine = new \Imagine\Gd\Imagine();
             $image = $imagine->open($row->fullpath);
             $size = $image->getSize();
             $larger = max($size->getWidth(), $size->getHeight());
             if ($larger > $max) {
                 $image->resize($size->scale($max / $larger));
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
Beispiel #6
 protected function _beforeTableSelect(Library\CommandContext $context)
     if ($query = $context->query) {
         // Calculate ordering_path only if querying a list and it's sorted by an ordering column.
         $state = $context->options->state;
         if (!$query->isCountQuery() && $state && !$state->isUnique()) {
             if (in_array($state->sort, $this->_columns)) {
                 $table = $context->getSubject();
                 $query->columns(array('ordering_path' => 'GROUP_CONCAT(ordering_crumbs.' . $state->sort . ' ORDER BY crumbs.level DESC  SEPARATOR \'/\')'))->join(array('ordering_crumbs' => $table->getOrderingTable()->getName()), 'crumbs.ancestor_id = ordering_crumbs.' . $table->getIdentityColumn(), 'INNER');
                 // Replace sort column with ordering path.
                 foreach ($query->order as &$order) {
                     if ($order['column'] == $state->sort) {
                         $order['column'] = 'ordering_path';
             $query->columns(array('ordering' => 'CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(ordering_crumbs.custom ORDER BY crumbs.level DESC  SEPARATOR \'/\'), \'/\', -1) AS UNSIGNED)'));
 public function execute($name, Library\CommandContext $context)
     if (in_array($name, $this->_actions)) {
         $entity = $context->result;
         if ($entity instanceof Library\DatabaseRowInterface || $entity instanceof Library\DatabaseRowsetInterface) {
             $rowset = array();
             if ($entity instanceof Library\DatabaseRowInterface) {
                 $rowset[] = $entity;
             } else {
                 $rowset = $entity;
             foreach ($rowset as $row) {
                 //Only log if the row status is valid.
                 $status = $row->getStatus();
                 if (!empty($status)) {
                     $identifier = $context->getSubject()->getIdentifier();
                     $log = array('action' => $context->action, 'package' => $identifier->package, 'name' => $identifier->name, 'status' => $status, 'created_by' => $context->user->getId());
                     if (is_array($this->_title_column)) {
                         foreach ($this->_title_column as $title) {
                             if ($row->{$title}) {
                                 $log['title'] = $row->{$title};
                     } elseif ($row->{$this->_title_column}) {
                         $log['title'] = $row->{$this->_title_column};
                     if (!isset($log['title'])) {
                         $log['title'] = '#' . $row->id;
                     $log['row'] = $row->id;
                     $log['ip'] = $context->request->getAddress();
                     $this->getObject('com:activities.database.row.activity', array('data' => $log))->save();
Beispiel #8
 protected function _databaseBeforeCopy(Library\CommandContext $context)
     $row = $context->getSubject();
     if (!array_intersect(array('destination_folder', 'destination_name'), $row->getModified())) {
         $row->setStatusMessage(\JText::_('Please supply a destination.'));
         return false;
     if ($row->fullpath === $row->destination_fullpath) {
         $row->setStatusMessage(JText::_('Source and destination are the same.'));
         return false;
     $dest_adapter = $row->getContainer()->getAdapter($row->getIdentifier()->name, array('path' => $row->destination_fullpath));
     $exists = $dest_adapter->exists();
     if ($exists) {
         if (!$row->overwrite) {
             $row->setStatusMessage(\JText::_('Destination resource already exists.'));
             return false;
         } else {
             $row->overwritten = true;
     return true;
 protected function _afterAdapterDelete(Library\CommandContext $context)
     if ($context->affected) {
         $languages = $this->getObject('application.languages');
         $primary = $languages->getPrimary();
         $active = $languages->getActive();
         // Remove item from other tables too.
         if ($active->iso_code == $primary->iso_code) {
             $table = $context->query->table;
         } else {
             $table = substr($context->query->table['0'], 6);
         $table = $this->_tables->find(array('name' => $table))->top();
         if ($table instanceof Library\DatabaseRowInterface && $table->enabled) {
             foreach ($languages as $language) {
                 if ($language->iso_code != $active->iso_code) {
                     $query = clone $context->query;
                     $prefix = $language->iso_code != $primary->iso_code ? strtolower($language->iso_code . '_') : '';
                     $query->table($prefix . $table->name);
             // Mark item as deleted in translations table.
             $this->getObject('com:languages.database.table.translations')->select(array('table' => $table->name, 'row' => $query->data[$table->unique_column]))->setData(array('deleted' => 1))->save();
  * Before table delete
  * Add a new revision if the row exists and it hasn't been revised yet. Delete the revisions for the row, if the
  * row was previously deleted.
  * @param  Library\CommandContext $context
  * @return void
 protected function _beforeTableDelete(Library\CommandContext $context)
     if (!$context->getSubject()->count($context->data->id)) {
         if ($this->_countRevisions(Library\Database::STATUS_DELETED) == 1) {
             //Delete the revision
             $context->affected = $this->_deleteRevisions();
             //Set the status
             //Prevent the item from being deleted
             return false;
     } else {
         if ($this->_countRevisions() == 0) {
  * Delete the row and its children
  * @param  Library\CommandContext $context A command context object.
  * @return boolean True on success, false on failure. 
 protected function _beforeTableDelete(Library\CommandContext $context)
     $table = $context->getSubject();
     $id_column = $table->getIdentityColumn();
     $select = $this->getObject('')->columns('descendant_id')->table($table->getClosureTable()->getName())->where('ancestor_id = :id')->where('descendant_id <> :id')->bind(array('id' => $context->data->id));
     $query = $this->getObject('lib:database.query.delete')->table($table->getBase())->where($id_column . ' IN :id')->bind(array('id' => $select));
     return true;
  * Modify the select query
  * If the $this->_parent_column is set, this will modify the query to add the column needed by the behavior
 protected function _beforeTableSelect(Library\CommandContext $context)
     $this->_table = $context->getSubject();
     if ($parent_column = $this->_parent_column) {
         $query = $context->query;
         if (!is_null($query) && !$query->isCountQuery()) {
             $table = $context->getSubject();
             $parent_column = $table->mapColumns($parent_column);
             $subquery = $this->getObject('')->columns(array($parent_column, 'order_total' => 'COUNT(ordering)'))->table($table->getBase())->group($parent_column);
             $query->columns('orderable.order_total')->join(array('orderable' => $subquery), 'orderable.' . $parent_column . ' = tbl.' . $parent_column);