public function testChangePassword(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->amGoingTo('test the change password functionality');
     // Create one user
     $user = Commons::createUser();
     $I->amGoingTo('login a user');
     $loginPage = LoginPage::openBy($I);
     $loginPage->login(Commons::TEST_EMAIL, Commons::TEST_PASSWORD);
     $changePasswordPage = ChangePasswordPage::openBy($I);
     $I->see('Change password');
     $I->amGoingTo('try to change the password with two different passwords for the new password and the new password repeat fields');
     $changePasswordPage->changePassword('123123', '234234');
     $I->expect('the form will catch the difference');
     $I->see('The new passwords are not the same.');
     $I->amGoingTo('test adding new password with length lower than the default length');
     $changePasswordPage->changePassword('123', '123');
     $I->expect('the form will warn the user');
     $I->see('New password should contain at least 6 characters');
     $I->see('New password repeat should contain at least 6 characters');
     $I->amGoingTo('change the password of the user properly');
     $changePasswordPage->changePassword('Nik)lay!23', 'Nik)lay!23');
     $I->expect('that this time everything will be ok and the user will be redirected to the home page');
Beispiel #2

use nkostadinov\user\tests\_pages\ChangePasswordPage;
use nkostadinov\user\tests\_pages\LoginPage;
use nkostadinov\user\tests\_pages\PasswordRecoveryRequestPage;
use nkostadinov\user\tests\_pages\RegisterPage;
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('test whether all view files are found by the controller actions');
// Login page test
$loginPage = LoginPage::openBy($I);
// Register page test
// Change password page
$I->seeInTitle('Change password');
// Password recovery page
$I->seeInTitle('Recover your password');