public function index()
     $request = RequestWrapper::$request;
     $target = $request->get('player');
     $target_id = $request->get('player_id');
     if ($target_id) {
         $target_player_obj = Player::find($target_id);
     } else {
         $target_player_obj = Player::findByName($target);
     if ($target_player_obj === null) {
         $template = 'no-player.tpl';
         $viewed_name_for_title = null;
         $parts = array();
     } else {
         $attack_error = 'You must become a ninja first.';
         $clan = Clan::findByMember($target_player_obj);
         $combat_skills = null;
         $display_clan_options = false;
         $items = null;
         $same_clan = false;
         $self = false;
         $targeted_skills = null;
         $template = 'player.tpl';
         $viewed_name_for_title = $target_player_obj->name();
         $viewing_player_obj = Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'));
         $kills_today = query_item('SELECT sum(killpoints) FROM levelling_log WHERE _player_id = :player_id AND killsdate = CURRENT_DATE AND killpoints > 0', [':player_id' => $target_player_obj->id()]);
         $rank_spot = query_item('SELECT rank_id FROM rankings WHERE player_id = :player_id limit 1', [':player_id' => $target_player_obj->id()]);
         if ($viewing_player_obj !== null) {
             $viewers_clan = Clan::findByMember($viewing_player_obj);
             $self = $viewing_player_obj->id() === $target_player_obj->id();
             $params = ['required_turns' => 0, 'ignores_stealth' => true];
             $AttackLegal = new AttackLegal($viewing_player_obj, $target_player_obj, $params);
             $attack_error = $AttackLegal->getError();
             if (!$attack_error && !$self) {
                 // They're not dead or otherwise unattackable.
                 // Pull the items and some necessary data about them.
                 $inventory = new Inventory($viewing_player_obj);
                 $items = $inventory->counts();
                 $skillDAO = new SkillDAO();
                 if (!$viewing_player_obj->isAdmin()) {
                     $combat_skills = $skillDAO->getSkillsByTypeAndClass($viewing_player_obj->_class_id, 'combat', $viewing_player_obj->level);
                     $targeted_skills = $skillDAO->getSkillsByTypeAndClass($viewing_player_obj->_class_id, 'targeted', $viewing_player_obj->level);
                 } else {
                     $combat_skills = $skillDAO->all('combat');
                     $targeted_skills = $skillDAO->all('targeted');
             if ($clan && $viewers_clan) {
                 $same_clan = $clan->id == $viewers_clan->id;
                 $display_clan_options = !$self && $same_clan && $viewing_player_obj->isClanLeader();
         $parts = ['viewing_player_obj' => $viewing_player_obj, 'target_player_obj' => $target_player_obj, 'combat_skills' => $combat_skills, 'targeted_skills' => $targeted_skills, 'self' => $self, 'rank_spot' => $rank_spot, 'kills_today' => $kills_today, 'status_list' => Player::getStatusList($target_player_obj->id()), 'clan' => $clan, 'items' => $items, 'account' => Account::findByChar($target_player_obj), 'same_clan' => $same_clan, 'display_clan_options' => $display_clan_options, 'attack_error' => $attack_error];
     $parts['authenticated'] = SessionFactory::getSession()->get('authenticated', false);
     $title = 'Ninja' . ($viewed_name_for_title ? ": {$viewed_name_for_title}" : ' Profile');
     return new StreamedViewResponse($title, $template, $parts, ['quickstat' => 'player']);
  * Display the combat/action events and mark them as read when displayed.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $char = Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'));
     $events = $this->getEvents($char->id(), 300);
     // mark events as viewed.
     $parts = ['events' => $events, 'has_clan' => (bool) Clan::findByMember($char), 'char' => $char];
     return new StreamedViewResponse('Events', 'events.tpl', $parts, ['quickstat' => 'player']);
  * The standard homepage
  * @return Response
 private function game()
     // Get the actual values of the vars.
     $ninja = Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'));
     $playerInfo = $ninja->data();
     $clan = $ninja ? Clan::findByMember($ninja) : null;
     $unreadCount = Message::where(['send_to' => $ninja->id(), 'unread' => 1])->count();
     // Assign these vars to the template.
     $parts = ['main_src' => '/intro', 'body_classes' => 'main-body', 'version' => 'NW Version 1.7.5 2010.12.05', 'ninja' => $ninja, 'player_info' => $playerInfo, 'clan' => $clan, 'unread_message_count' => $unreadCount];
     return new StreamedViewResponse('Live by the Shuriken', 'index.tpl', $parts, ['is_index' => true]);
Beispiel #4
 public function testStealthDecreasesStrengthIncreasesStamina()
     $pc = new Player();
     $str = $pc->getStrength();
     $stamina = $pc->getStamina();
     $speed = $pc->getSpeed();
     $this->assertLessThan($str, $pc->getStrength(), 'Stealth failed to affect strength.');
     $this->assertGreaterThan($stamina, $pc->getStamina(), 'Stealth status failed to affect stamina.');
     $this->assertGreaterThan($speed, $pc->getSpeed(), 'Stealth status failed to affect speed.');
 public function setUp()
     $this->char = Player::find(TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id());
     SessionFactory::init(new MockArraySessionStorage());
     $session = SessionFactory::getSession();
     $session->set('player_id', $this->char->id());
     // Mock the login.
     $request = new Request([], []);
Beispiel #6
 public function setUp()
     $this->m_dependencies = new Container();
     $this->m_dependencies['session'] = function ($c) {
         return SessionFactory::getSession();
     $this->m_dependencies['current_player'] = $this->m_dependencies->factory(function ($c) {
         return Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'));
Beispiel #7
  * Test that you can't attack if an excessive amount of turns is required
 public function testCantAttackIfExcessiveAmountOfTurnsIsRequired()
     $confirm = true;
     $char_id = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::create_testing_account($confirm);
     $char_2_id = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::create_alternate_testing_account($confirm);
     $char = Player::find($char_2_id);
     $legal = new AttackLegal(Player::find($char_id), $char, ['required_turns' => 4000000000, 'ignores_stealth' => true]);
Beispiel #8
 protected function setUp()
     $this->player = new Player();
     $this->player->uname = $this->data->uname;
     $this->player->player_id = $this->data->player_id;
     $this->player->level = $this->data->level;
     $this->player->health = $this->data->health;
     $this->player->stamina = Player::baseStaminaByLevel($this->data->level);
     $this->player->strength = Player::baseStrengthByLevel($this->data->level);
     $this->player->speed = Player::baseSpeedByLevel($this->data->level);
 public function setUp()
     SessionFactory::init(new MockArraySessionStorage());
     $char_id = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id();
     $char = Player::find($char_id);
     $account = Account::findByChar($char);
     $account_id = $account->id();
     SessionFactory::getSession()->set('authenticated', true);
     SessionFactory::getSession()->set('player_id', $char_id);
     SessionFactory::getSession()->set('account_id', $account_id);
Beispiel #10
  * Check whether the player has the skill.
 public function hasSkill($skill, $char = null)
     if ($char instanceof Player) {
         $player = $char;
     } else {
         $player = Player::findByName($char);
     $skills = $this->skills($player);
     $skill = strtolower($skill);
     $levelReq = isset($skills[$skill]['level']) ? $skills[$skill]['level'] : 1;
     return isset($skills[$skill]['available']) && $player->level >= $levelReq;
Beispiel #11
  * Rewards bounty if defender has some, or increments attacker bounty if power disparity
  * @return string
 public static function runBountyExchange(Player $user, $defender, $bounty_mod = 0)
     assert($defender instanceof Character);
     // 'cause can't typehint interfaces
     if ($defender instanceof Player && $defender->bounty > 0) {
         $bounty = $defender->bounty;
         $user->setGold($user->gold + $bounty);
         return "You have received the {$bounty} gold bounty on {$defender}'s head for your deeds!";
     } else {
         // Add bounty to attacker only if defender doesn't already have bounty on them.
         $disparity = (int) floor(($user->difficulty() - $defender->difficulty()) / 10);
         $bountyIncrease = min(self::BOUNTY_MIN, max(0, $disparity * static::BOUNTY_MULTIPLIER + $bounty_mod));
         // Cap the increase.
         if ($bountyIncrease + $user->bounty > static::BOUNTY_MAX) {
             $bountyIncrease = static::BOUNTY_MAX - $user->bounty;
         if ($bountyIncrease > 0) {
             // If Defender has no bounty and there was a level difference
             $user->setBounty($user->bounty + $bountyIncrease);
             return "Your victim was much weaker than you. The townsfolk are angered. A bounty of {$bountyIncrease} gold has been placed on your head!";
         } else {
             return '';
 public function testAttackWhenDead()
     $attacker = Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'));
     $char_id_2 = TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id_2();
     $params = ['target' => $char_id_2];
     $request = Request::create('/attack', 'GET', $params);
     $response = $this->controller->index($this->m_dependencies);
     $this->assertInstanceOf(StreamedViewResponse::class, $response);
     $reflection = new \ReflectionProperty(get_class($response), 'data');
     $response_data = $reflection->getValue($response);
  * Display the main admin area
  * Includes player viewing, account duplicates checking, npc balacing
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $request = RequestWrapper::$request;
     if (!$this->self || !$this->self->isAdmin()) {
         return new RedirectResponse(WEB_ROOT);
     $error = null;
     $char_infos = null;
     $char_inventory = null;
     $first_message = null;
     $first_char = null;
     $first_account = null;
     $first_description = null;
     $dupes = AdminViews::dupedIps();
     $stats = AdminViews::highRollers();
     $npcs = NpcFactory::allNonTrivialNpcs();
     $trivial_npcs = NpcFactory::allTrivialNpcs();
     $char_ids = preg_split("/[,\\s]+/", $request->get('view'));
     $char_name = trim($request->get('char_name'));
     if ($char_name) {
         // View a target non-self character
         $first_char = Player::findByName($char_name);
         if (null !== $first_char && null !== $first_char->id()) {
             $char_ids = [$first_char->id()];
     if (is_array($char_ids)) {
         // Get a different first character if an array is specified
         $first_char = $first_char ? $first_char : Player::find(reset($char_ids));
         if ($first_char) {
             assert($first_char instanceof Player);
             $first_account = Account::findByChar($first_char);
             $char_inventory = AdminViews::charInventory($first_char);
             $first_message = $first_char->messages;
             $first_description = $first_char->description;
         // All the rest multi-character table view
         try {
             $char_infos = AdminViews::charInfos($char_ids);
         } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
             $error = $e->getMessage();
     $parts = ['error' => $error, 'stats' => $stats, 'first_char' => $first_char, 'first_description' => $first_description, 'first_message' => $first_message, 'first_account' => $first_account, 'char_infos' => $char_infos, 'dupes' => $dupes, 'char_inventory' => $char_inventory, 'char_name' => $char_name, 'npcs' => $npcs, 'trivial_npcs' => $trivial_npcs];
     return new StreamedViewResponse('Admin Actions', 'ninjamaster.tpl', $parts);
  * Check if a player can access any of this controllers methods
  * This method is a holdover from old times when controllers were
  * actually directly servable procedural scripts (ah the old days!)
  * If a page required you to be alive or logged in, we checked if
  * you were (among a bunch of other things, usually dropping variables
  * in the global namespace) and if you were not, returned an error.
  * Now, controllers do this at a class level, which is mostly nonsense
  * and requires that the router directly serve an error page.
  * @return string
  * @TODO this whole thing should be factored out.
 public function validate()
     $error = null;
     $player = Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'));
     if ((!SessionFactory::getSession()->get('authenticated') || !$player) && static::PRIV) {
         $error = 'log_in';
     } elseif ($player && static::ALIVE) {
         // That page requires the player to be alive to view it
         if (!$player->health) {
             $error = 'dead';
         } else {
             if ($player->hasStatus(FROZEN)) {
                 $error = 'frozen';
     return $error;
  * Send a private message to a player
  * @param Container
 public function sendPersonal(Container $p_dependencies)
     $request = RequestWrapper::$request;
     if ((int) $request->get('target_id')) {
         $recipient = Player::find((int) $request->get('target_id'));
     } else {
         if ($request->get('to')) {
             $recipient = Player::findByName($request->get('to'));
         } else {
             $recipient = null;
     if ($recipient) {
         Message::create(['send_from' => $p_dependencies['session']->get('player_id'), 'send_to' => $recipient->id(), 'message' => $request->get('message', null), 'type' => 0]);
         return new RedirectResponse('/messages?command=personal&individual_or_clan=1&message_sent_to=' . rawurlencode($recipient->name()) . '&informational=' . rawurlencode('Message sent to ' . $recipient->name() . '.'));
     } else {
         return new RedirectResponse('/messages?command=personal&error=' . rawurlencode('No such ninja to message.'));
Beispiel #16
  * Perform the effects of a clonekill.
  * @return string outcome or false
 public static function kill(Player $self, Player $clone1, Player $clone2)
     if (self::canKill($clone1, $clone2)) {
         $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
         $clone1_health = $clone1->health;
         $clone2_health = $clone2->health;
         $clone1_turns = $clone1->turns;
         $clone2_turns = $clone2->turns;
         $clone1->changeTurns(-1 * $clone1->turns);
         $clone2->changeTurns(-1 * $clone2->turns);
         $result_message = "You obliterate the clone {$clone1->name()} for {$clone1_health} health, {$clone1_turns} turns\n                     and the clone {$clone2->name()} for {$clone2_health} health, {$clone2_turns} turns.";
         Event::create($self->id(), $clone1->id(), "You and {$clone2->name()} were Clone Killed at {$today}.");
         Event::create($self->id(), $clone2->id(), "You and {$clone1->name()} were Clone Killed at {$today}.");
         return $result_message;
     } else {
         return false;
Beispiel #17
  * Displays a template wrapped in the header and footer as needed.
 public function displayPage($template, $title = null, $local_vars = array(), $options = null)
     // Updates the quickstat via javascript if requested.
     $quickstat = isset($options['quickstat']) ? $options['quickstat'] : null;
     $quickstat = $quickstat ? $quickstat : (isset($local_vars['quickstat']) ? $local_vars['quickstat'] : null);
     $body_classes = isset($options['body_classes']) ? $options['body_classes'] : (isset($local_vars['body_classes']) ? $local_vars['body_classes'] : null);
     $is_index = isset($options['is_index']) ? $options['is_index'] : false;
     $user_id = SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id');
     $player = Player::find($user_id);
     $public_char_info = $player ? $player->publicData() : [];
     // Char info to pass to javascript.
     $this->assign('logged_in', $user_id);
     $this->assign('user_id', $user_id);
     $this->assign('title', $title);
     $this->assign('quickstat', $quickstat);
     $this->assign('is_index', $is_index);
     $this->assign('json_public_char_info', $public_char_info ? json_encode($public_char_info) : null);
     $this->assign('body_classes', $body_classes);
     $this->assign('main_template', $template);
function smarty_function_health_percent($p_params)
    $health = $p_params['health'];
    $level = $p_params['level'];
    return min(100, round($health / Player::maxHealthByLevel($level) * 100));
Beispiel #19
  * Normal attack on a single thief.
 private function attackNormalThief(Player $player)
     $damage = rand(0, 35);
     // Damage done
     $gold = 0;
     if ($victory = $player->harm($damage)) {
         $gold = rand(0, 40);
         // Gold in question
         if ($damage > 30) {
             // Steal gold
             $player->setGold(max(0, $player->gold - $gold));
         } else {
             if ($damage < 30) {
                 // award gold and item
                 $player->setGold($player->gold + $gold);
                 $inventory = new Inventory($player);
                 $inventory->add('shuriken', 1);
     return ['npc.thief.tpl', ['attack' => $damage, 'gold' => $gold, 'victory' => $victory]];
Beispiel #20
  * Guard1:
  * Dam: 1 to attacker_str + 40
  * Gold: 1 to attacker_str + 40
  * Bounty: 10 + 0-10
  * 1 in 9 chance of ginseng root
  * Guard2: Strength is about 30, which is multiplied by 2, + 1 point during damage calc.
  * Gold doesn't get boosted by strength
 public function testGuard2AbstractNpcIsSimilarToGuard1()
     if (!DEBUG) {
     $guard2 = new Npc('guard2');
     $mock_pc = new Player();
     $dam = $guard2->maxDamage($mock_pc);
     // partial_match_strength should add about 1/3rd of the enemies' strength as dam.
     $this->assertGreaterThan(40, $dam);
     $this->assertLessThan(80, $dam);
     // Dam is strength * 2 + 1
     $this->assertLessThan(61, $guard2->gold());
     $this->assertGreaterThan(40, $guard2->gold());
     $this->assertGreaterThan(9, $guard2->bountyMod());
Beispiel #21
 public function testFindPrivateMessagesForACertainChar()
     $messageCount = 4;
     $this->messageData['send_to'] = $this->char_id;
     $this->messageData['send_from'] = $this->char_id_2;
     for ($count = 0; $count < $messageCount; $count++) {
         $this->messageData['message'] = 'Random phpunit test message' . $count;
         // Test deletes these
     $char = Player::find($this->char_id);
     $messages = Message::findByReceiver($char)->all();
     $this->assertEquals($messageCount, count($messages));
     Message::deleteByReceiver($char, 0);
     $this->assertEquals(0, Message::countByReceiver($char));
Beispiel #22
 public function testFindAccountByNinja()
     $player = Player::findByName($this->test_ninja_name);
     $account = Account::findByChar($player);
 public function testDojoChangeClassLowTurnsDoesNotError()
     $request = Request::create('/', 'GET', ['requested_identity' => 'crane']);
     $char = Player::find($this->char_id);
Beispiel #24
require_once dirname(__DIR__ . '..') . '/lib/';
use Pimple\Container;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use NinjaWars\core\RouteNotFoundException;
use NinjaWars\core\Router;
use NinjaWars\core\environment\RequestWrapper;
use NinjaWars\core\data\GameLog;
use NinjaWars\core\data\Player;
use NinjaWars\core\extensions\SessionFactory;
// setup our runtime environment
require_once LIB_ROOT . 'environment/bootstrap.php';
try {
    $container = new Container();
    $container['current_player'] = function ($c) {
        return Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'));
    $container['session'] = function ($c) {
        return SessionFactory::getSession();
    // Update the activity of the page viewer in the database.
    GameLog::updateActivityInfo(RequestWrapper::$request, SessionFactory::getSession());
    // get the request information to parse the route
    $response = Router::route(Request::createFromGlobals(), $container);
    if ($response instanceof Response) {
    } else {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Route returned something other than a Response');
} catch (RouteNotFoundException $e) {
Beispiel #25
  * Revive up to a small max in minor hours, and a stable percent on major hours.
  * Generally the objective is to cause a minor-minor-major pattern:
  * Revive to a fixed minimum number of alive every time (minor or major),
  * and revive beyond the minimum, by percent, every major time
  * to slowly creep towards 100% by healing a percent of whoever is dead
  * For example, if 1,000 out of 1,000 are dead:
  * Minor revive heals to the minimum of 100
  * Minor revive heals none (100 are already alive)
  * Major revive heals 50 from those that are dead (number 5% of all actives)
  * minor revive heals 0 (because at least 100 are already alive)
  * minor revive heals 0 (because at least 100 are already alive)
  * Major revive heals another 50 from those that are dead (if any)
  * etc
  * Defaults
  * sample_use: revive_players(30, 3));
  * @param array('minor_revive_to'=>100, 'major_revive_percent'=>5,
  *      'just_testing'=>false)
  * @return mixed 
 public function revivePlayers($set = array())
     $minor_revive_to = isset($set['minor_revive_to']) ? $set['minor_revive_to'] : 100;
     $major_revive_percent = isset($set['major_revive_percent']) ? $set['major_revive_percent'] : 5;
     $major_hour = 3;
     // Hour for the major revive.
     $pc_data = self::pcsActiveDeadAlive();
     assert($pc_data['active'] > 0);
     // If none dead, return false.
     if ($pc_data['dead'] < 1) {
         return array(0, 0);
     $game_hour = self::gameHour();
     // Calculate the revive amount
     if (!($game_hour % $major_hour == 0)) {
         // minor
         if ($pc_data['alive'] >= $minor_revive_to) {
             return array(0, $pc_data['dead']);
             // No revives called for yet!
         } else {
             // else revive minor_revive_to - total_alive.
             $revive_amount = (int) floor($minor_revive_to - $pc_data['alive']);
     } else {
         // major.
         $percent_int = (int) floor($major_revive_percent / 100 * $pc_data['active']);
         // Use the max of either pcs dead, or revives requested
         $revive_amount = min($percent_int, $pc_data['dead']);
     $maximum_heal = Player::maxHealthByLevel(MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL);
     $revived = self::performNecromancy($revive_amount, $maximum_heal, $game_hour);
     return [$revived, $pc_data['dead']];
  * Just return a character wholesale
 public static function char()
     return Player::find(TestAccountCreateAndDestroy::char_id());
Beispiel #27
 function testGetClanObjectNumericRating()
     $this->markTestIncomplete('Clan rating is not yet implemented');
     $player1 = Player::find($this->char_id);
     $clan = Clan::find($this->clan_id);
     $this->assertTrue($clan->addMember($player1, $player1));
     $this->assertTrue($clan->addMember(Player::find($this->char_id_2), $player1));
Beispiel #28
 private function jsonIndex()
     $player = Player::find(SessionFactory::getSession()->get('player_id'));
     $events = [];
     $messages = [];
     $unread_messages = null;
     $unread_events = null;
     $items = null;
     if ($player) {
         $events = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->prepare("SELECT event_id, message AS event, date, send_to, send_from, unread, uname AS sender FROM events JOIN players ON player_id = send_from WHERE send_to = :userID and unread = 1 ORDER BY date DESC");
         $events->bindValue(':userID', $player->id());
         $unread_events = $events->rowCount();
         $messages = DatabaseConnection::$pdo->prepare("SELECT message_id, message, date, send_to, send_from, unread, uname AS sender FROM messages JOIN players ON player_id = send_from WHERE send_to = :userID1 AND send_from != :userID2 and unread = 1 ORDER BY date DESC");
         $messages->bindValue(':userID1', $player->id());
         $messages->bindValue(':userID2', $player->id());
         $unread_messages = $messages->rowCount();
         $items = query_array('SELECT item.item_display_name as item, amount FROM inventory join item on inventory.item_type = item.item_id WHERE owner = :user_id ORDER BY item_display_name', [':user_id' => $player->id()]);
     return ['player' => $player ? $player->publicData() : [], 'member_counts' => $this->memberCounts(), 'unread_messages_count' => $unread_messages, 'message' => !empty($messages) ? $messages->fetch() : null, 'inventory' => ['inv' => 1, 'items' => $items, 'hash' => md5(strtotime("now"))], 'unread_events_count' => $unread_events, 'event' => !empty($events) ? $events->fetch() : null];
Beispiel #29
  * @return void
 private function stealthStrike(Player $attacker, Player $target)
     $attacker->turns = $attacker - turns - 1 * self::STEALTH_STRIKE_COST;
Beispiel #30
  * Returns a view spec hash for rendering a template
  * @param Array $parts Hash of variables to pass to the view
  * @return Response
 private function render($parts)
     $char = Player::findPlayable($this->getAccountId());
     if (!$char) {
         $char = new Player();
     $myBounty = $char->bounty;
     // Pulling the bounties.
     $bounties = query_array("SELECT player_id, uname, bounty, class_name AS class, level, clan_id, clan_name\n            FROM players JOIN class ON class_id = _class_id LEFT JOIN clan_player ON player_id = _player_id\n            LEFT JOIN clan ON clan_id = _clan_id WHERE bounty > 0 AND active = 1 and health > 0 ORDER BY bounty DESC");
     $parts['bounties'] = $bounties;
     $parts['myBounty'] = $myBounty;
     $parts['char'] = $char;
     $parts['display_gold'] = number_format($char->gold);
     $quickstat = $parts['quickstat'];
     return new StreamedViewResponse('Doshin Office', 'doshin.tpl', $parts, ['quickstat' => $quickstat]);