  * Determine if the user is authorized to update a given post
  * a post can be edited at any time by
  * - topic moderator
  * - bbs administrator
  * - the creator of the post within X seconds if that post is the most recent in the topic
  * @return bool
 public function authorize()
     $return = false;
     // specify which form we are dealing with to separate
     // the errors in the form
     // @todo: this seems like a dumb method
     $this->session()->flash('postForm', $this::input('id'));
     if (!\Auth::check()) {
         $return = false;
     $post = \Nexus\Post::findOrFail($this::input('id'));
     // is this the most recent post in this topic, is it by the logged in user and is it recent
     $latestPost = $post->topic->posts->last();
     if ($post['id'] == $latestPost['id'] && $post->author->id == \Auth::user()->id && $post->time->diffInSeconds() <= config('nexus.recent_edit')) {
         $return = true;
     // is the auth user a moderator of the current section
     if ($post->topic->section->moderator->id == \Auth::id()) {
         $return = true;
     // is the auth user an administrator of the bbs
     if (\Auth::user()->administrator) {
         $return = true;
     return $return;
  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function show($topic_id)
     $posts = \Nexus\Post::with('author')->where('topic_id', $topic_id)->orderBy('id', 'dsc');
     $topic = \Nexus\Topic::findOrFail($topic_id);
     // is this topic readonly to the authenticated user?
     $readonly = true;
     if ($topic->readonly == false) {
         $readonly = false;
     if ($topic->section->moderator->id === \Auth::user()->id) {
         $readonly = false;
     if (\Auth::user()->administrator) {
         $readonly = false;
     // is this topic secret to the authenticated user?
     $userCanSeeSecrets = false;
     if ($topic->section->moderator->id === \Auth::user()->id) {
         $userCanSeeSecrets = true;
     if (\Auth::user()->administrator) {
         $userCanSeeSecrets = true;
     // get the previously read progress so we can indicate this in the view
     $readProgress = \Nexus\Helpers\ViewHelper::getReadProgress(\Auth::user(), $topic);
     // get the subscription status
     $topicStatus = \Nexus\Helpers\ViewHelper::getTopicStatus(\Auth::user(), $topic);
     $unsubscribed = $topicStatus['unsubscribed'];
     \Nexus\Helpers\ViewHelper::updateReadProgress(\Auth::user(), $topic);
     \Nexus\Helpers\ActivityHelper::updateActivity(\Auth::user()->id, "Reading <em>{$topic->title}</em>", action('Nexus\\TopicController@show', ['id' => $topic->id]));
     $breadcrumbs = \Nexus\Helpers\BreadcrumbHelper::breadcrumbForTopic($topic);
     return view('topics.index', compact('topic', 'posts', 'readonly', 'userCanSeeSecrets', 'readProgress', 'breadcrumbs', 'unsubscribed'));
Beispiel #3
 public function getMostRecentPostTimeAttribute()
     $result = false;
     $latestPost = Post::select('time')->where('topic_id', $this->id)->orderBy('time', 'dec')->first();
     if ($latestPost) {
         $result = $latestPost->time;
     return $result;
Beispiel #4
 public function getMostRecentPostAttribute()
     $post = null;
     $topicIDs = Topic::select('id')->where('section_id', $this->id)->get()->toArray();
     $postID = Post::select('id')->whereIn('topic_id', $topicIDs)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get()->first();
     if ($postID) {
         $post = Post::find($postID->id);
     return $post;
     * perform a search against all the posts and
     * return some results
     * @todo - ignore word order
     * @todo - remove stop words
     * @todo - deal with exact phrases
    public function find($text)
        $phraseSearch = false;
        $displaySearchResults = true;
        // if text is ^"(.*)"$ or ^'(.*)'$ then we are searching for a phrase
        $pattern = <<<'pattern'
        $matches = false;
        preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches);
        if (!$matches) {
            // set initial results as nothing
            $results = false;
            // look for all the words
            $rawSearchTerms = explode(' ', $text);
            $searchTerms = array();
            // remove stop words here
            foreach ($rawSearchTerms as $word) {
                if (!in_array(strtolower($word), self::$stopWords)) {
                    $searchTerms[] = $word;
            // dd($searchTerms);
            foreach ($searchTerms as $word) {
                // remove unwanted characters from the start and end
                // @todo this does not remove multiple unwanted commas etc
                $word = trim($word);
                if (strlen($word) !== 0) {
                    if ($results) {
                        $results = $results->where('text', 'like', "%{$word}%");
                    } else {
                        // first where
                        $results = \Nexus\Post::where('text', 'like', "%{$word}%");
        } else {
            $phrase = trim($matches[1]);
            $results = \Nexus\Post::where('text', 'like', "%{$phrase}%");
        if ($results) {
            $results->orderBy('time', 'desc');
        \Nexus\Helpers\ActivityHelper::updateActivity(\Auth::user()->id, "Searching", action('Nexus\\SearchController@index'));
        $breadcrumbs = \Nexus\Helpers\BreadcrumbHelper::breadcumbForUtility('Search');
        return view('search.results', compact('results', 'breadcrumbs', 'text', 'displaySearchResults'));
Beispiel #6
 public function test_deleting_topic_soft_deletes_its_posts()
     // GIVEN we have a topic with post
     $topic = factory(Topic::class, 1)->create();
     factory(Post::class, 20)->create(['topic_id' => $topic->id]);
     // we have 1 topic with 20 posts
     $this->assertEquals(Topic::all()->count(), 1);
     $this->assertEquals(Post::where('topic_id', $topic->id)->count(), 20);
     // WHEN we archive the topic
     // THEN we have no topics and no posts
     $this->assertEquals(Topic::all()->count(), 0);
     $this->assertEquals(Post::all()->count(), 0);
     // BUT we have 1 trashed topic and 20 trashed posts
     $this->assertEquals(Topic::withTrashed()->count(), 1);
     $this->assertEquals(Post::withTrashed()->where('topic_id', $topic->id)->count(), 20);
  * Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
  * true if
  *     user is the moderator of the topic
  *     user is an administrator
  * @todo
  *     user is the author
  *     post time is within XX sections
  * @return bool
 public function authorize()
     $return = false;
     $post = \Nexus\Post::findOrFail($this->post);
     try {
         if ($post->topic->section->moderator->id == \Auth::id()) {
             $return = true;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $return = false;
         \Log::error('Post Delete - attempt to delete post by non-moderator ' . $e);
     // is the auth user an administrator of the bbs
     if (\Auth::user()->administrator) {
         $return = true;
     return $return;
 private function migratePosts()
     $this->info('Importing Posts');
     if (!\Nexus\Post::first()) {
         $errorCount = 0;
         $count = \DB::select('select count(message_id) as count from messagetable')[0]->count;
         $this->line("Found {$count} posts");
         $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar($count);
         \DB::table('messagetable')->chunk(1000, function ($posts) use(&$errorCount, &$count, &$bar) {
             foreach ($posts as $classicPost) {
                 $newPost = new \Nexus\Post();
                 $newPost->id = $classicPost->message_id;
                 $newPost->text = $classicPost->message_text;
                 $newPost->topic_id = $classicPost->topic_id;
                 $newPost->user_id = $classicPost->user_id;
                 $newPost->title = $classicPost->message_title;
                 $newPost->time = $classicPost->message_time;
                 $newPost->popname = $classicPost->message_popname;
                 $newPost->update_user_id = $classicPost->update_user_id;
                 if ($classicPost->message_html === 'n') {
                     $newPost->html = false;
                 } else {
                     $newPost->html = true;
                 try {
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     \Log::info('Nexus:upgrade - Failed to import post: ' . $e);
         if ($errorCount) {
             $this->error("\nFailed to import {$errorCount} posts. See log for details");
         $this->info("\nPosts Complete\n");
     } else {
         $this->error('Upgrade: found existing posts - skipping Posts');
 public function recentTopics($maxresults = 10)
     $latestPosts = \Nexus\Post::orderBy('id', 'desc')->take($maxresults)->get(['topic_id'])->groupBy('topic_id');
     $topics = array();
     foreach ($latestPosts as $topic) {
         $topics[] = $topic[0]->topic;
     return $topics;
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function destroy(Requests\Post\DeleteRequest $request, $id)
     // using forceDelete here because in this case we do not want a soft delete
     $post = \Nexus\Post::findOrFail($id);
     $topicID = $post->topic_id;
     return redirect()->route('topic.show', ['id' => $post->topic_id]);