Beispiel #1
 public static function initRuntime(Control $control, Template $template, stdClass $global)
     self::$template = $template->getFile();
     if (!$control instanceof Presenter && count(self::$parents)) {
         end(self::$parents)->dependencies[Cache::FILES][] = $template->getFile();
Beispiel #2
  * Register in base presenter.
  * When registered it will provide url for assets belonging to 
  * compiler extension class which has implemented IAssetsProvider.
  * @param Template $template
  * @param string $name Name of the macro used in templates.
  * @param string $extensionClass Compiler extension class
 public function register(Template $template, $name, $extensionClass)
     $latte = $template->getLatte();
     $template->_echo511_assetlocator = $this->extensionsData;
     $set = new MacroSet($latte->getCompiler());
     $set->addMacro($name, function ($node, $writer) use($extensionClass) {
         return $writer->write('echo $_echo511_assetlocator->getFilesystem(\'' . $extensionClass . '\')->getUrl(\'' . trim($node->args, '"\'') . '\');');
Beispiel #3
 public static function prepareTemplate(Template $template)
     $texy = new \Texy();
     $latte = $template->getLatte();
     $latte->addFilter('texy', function ($text) use($texy) {
         return Html::el('')->setHtml($texy->process($text));
     $latte->addFilter('time', function ($text) {
         return date('j.n.Y G:i:s', $text);
 public function register(Template $template)
     foreach (['timeAgo', 'duration', 'hours', 'minutes', 'templateLink', 'lcFirst', 'subjectColor', 'subjectIcon', 'highlight', 'vlna'] as $filter) {
         $template->addFilter($filter, [$this, $filter]);
     $cases = ['nominative' => 1, 'genitive' => 2, 'dative' => 3, 'accusative' => 4, 'vocative' => 5, 'locative' => 6, 'instrumental' => 7];
     foreach ($cases as $name => $case) {
         $template->addFilter($name, function ($phrase) use($case) {
             return $this->inflection->inflect($phrase, $case);
Beispiel #5
  * Gets html content
  * @return string|Template
 public function getContent()
     if ($this->content instanceof Template) {
         // if is it template
         return $this->content->render();
     } else {
         if (file_exists($this->content)) {
             // if is it file
             $l = new Engine();
             return $l->renderToString($this->content);
     return (string) $this->content;
 public function run()
     error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
     if (!$this->skippedFiles) {
     $latte = $this->template->getLatte();
     /* @var $file SplFileInfo */
     foreach ($this->prepareFiles() as $file) {
         try {
             echo $file->getPathname() . "\n";
             $code = $latte->compile($file->getPathname());
             file_put_contents($latte->getCacheFile($file->getPathname()), $code);
         } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
             if (substr($e->getMessage(), 0, 30) !== 'Cannot include undefined block') {
                 throw $e;
         } catch (CompileException $e) {
             $find = NULL;
             if (!preg_match('/Unknown macro \\{(.*)\\}/U', $e->getMessage(), $find)) {
                 throw $e;
             $macroName = $find[1];
             $this->template->getLatte()->onCompile[] = function (Engine $engine) use($macroName) {
                 $engine->addMacro($macroName, new EmptyMacro());
                 //goto checkFile;
             $this->skippedFiles[] = $file;
     if ($this->skippedFiles) {
Beispiel #7
  * Render the templates
  * @param \Nette\Forms\Form $form
  * @return void
 public function render(\Nette\Forms\Form $form)
     if ($form === $this->form) {
         // don't forget for second run, @hosiplan! ;)
         foreach ($this->form->getControls() as $control) {
             $control->setOption('rendered', FALSE);
         echo $this->template;
     // Store the current form instance
     $this->form = $form;
     // Translator available?
     if ($translator = $form->getTranslator()) {
         // intentional =
     // Pre-proccess form
     $errors = $form->getErrors();
     foreach ($form->getControls() as $control) {
         $control->setOption('rendered', FALSE);
         if (!$control->getOption('blockname', FALSE)) {
             $ex = explode('\\', get_class($control));
             $control->setOption('blockname', end($ex));
         if ($this->errorsAtInputs) {
             $errors = array_diff($errors, $control->errors);
     // Assign to template
     $this->template->form = $form;
     $this->template->errors = $errors;
     $this->template->renderer = $this;
     $this->template->errorsAtInputs = $this->errorsAtInputs;
     // And echo the output
     echo $this->template;
Beispiel #8
  * register helpers
  * @param \Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\Template
  * @return \Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\Template
 public function register(Template $template)
     $this->cache = new Cache($this->cacheStorage, self::CACHE_NAMESPACE);
     $methods = $this->cache->load('methods', function () {
         $methods = [];
         foreach ($this->getReflection()->getMethods() as $method) {
             if ($filterName = $method->getAnnotation('register')) {
                 $methods[] = [$filterName, $method->name];
         return $methods;
     foreach ($methods as $method) {
         $template->addFilter($method[0] === TRUE ? $method[1] : $method[0], $this->{$method[1]});
     if (isset($template->domainDir)) {
         $this->domainDir = $template->domainDir;
     if (isset($template->domainDirUrl)) {
         $this->domainDirUrl = $template->domainDirUrl;
     $this->template = $template;
     return $template;
  * @param Latte\Template|\Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\Template|\Nette\Templating\Template $template
  * @param ITranslator $translator
 private static function overrideTemplateTranslator($template, ITranslator $translator)
     if ($template instanceof Latte\Template) {
         $template->getEngine()->addFilter('translate', array(new TemplateHelpers($translator), 'translate'));
     } elseif ($template instanceof \Nette\Bridges\ApplicationLatte\Template) {
         $template->getLatte()->addFilter('translate', array(new TemplateHelpers($translator), 'translate'));
     } elseif ($template instanceof \Nette\Templating\Template) {
         $template->registerHelper('translate', array(new TemplateHelpers($translator), 'translate'));
     return $translator;
Beispiel #10
  * Builds final pdf
  * @return mPDF
  * @throws \Exception
 private function build()
     if (empty($this->documentTitle)) {
         throw new \Exception("Var 'documentTitle' cannot be empty.");
     if ($this->ignoreStylesInHTMLDocument) {
         if (!class_exists('Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler')) {
             throw new MissingServiceException("Class 'Symfony\\Component\\DomCrawler\\Crawler' not found. Try composer-require 'symfony/dom-crawler'.");
         if (!class_exists('Symfony\\Component\\CssSelector\\CssSelector')) {
             throw new MissingServiceException("Class 'Symfony\\Component\\CssSelector\\CssSelector' not found. Try composer-require 'symfony/css-selector'.");
     if ($this->generatedFile) {
         // singleton
         return $this->generatedFile;
     if ($this->source instanceof ITemplate || $this->source instanceof Template) {
         $html = $this->source->__toString();
     } else {
         $html = $this->source;
     // Fix: $html can't be empty (mPDF generates Fatal error)
     if (empty($html)) {
         $html = '<html><body></body></html>';
     $mpdf = $this->getMPDF();
     $mpdf->biDirectional = $this->multiLanguage;
     $mpdf->SetDisplayMode($this->displayZoom, $this->displayLayout);
     $mpdf->showImageErrors = true;
     // Add styles
     if (!empty($this->styles)) {
         $mpdf->WriteHTML($this->styles, 1);
     // copied from mPDF -> removes comments
     $html = preg_replace('/<!--mpdf/i', '', $html);
     $html = preg_replace('/mpdf-->/i', '', $html);
     $html = preg_replace('/<\\!\\-\\-.*?\\-\\->/s', '', $html);
     // @see:
     if ($this->ignoreStylesInHTMLDocument) {
         // deletes all <style> tags
         $crawler = new Crawler($html);
         foreach ($crawler->filter('style') as $child) {
         $html = $crawler->html();
         $mode = 2;
         // If <body> tags are found, all html outside these tags are discarded, and the rest is parsed as content for the document. If no <body> tags are found, all html is parsed as content. Prior to mPDF 4.2 the default CSS was not parsed when using mode #2
     } else {
         $mode = 0;
         // Parse all: HTML + CSS
     // Add content
     $mpdf->WriteHTML($html, $mode);
     $mpdf->page = count($mpdf->pages);
     //set pointer to last page to force render of all pages
     $this->generatedFile = $mpdf;
     return $this->generatedFile;
Beispiel #11
  * @param Template $template
 public function templatePrepareFilters($template)