Beispiel #1
  * Create test database and provide information for database access
  * @throws Exception
 protected function setupTestDatabase()
     // create database, same name as magento database, only appending '_test'
     if (false === $this->createDatabase($this->config->getDbName() . '_test')) {
         throw new Exception('Could not create test database');
     // set access information in local.xml.phpunit
     $file = $this->config->getTarget() . '/app/etc/local.xml.phpunit';
     $db = sprintf('<dbname><\\![CDATA[%s_test]]><\\/dbname>', $this->config->getDbName());
     $cmd = sprintf('sed -i "s/<dbname>.*<\\/dbname>/%s/g" %s', $db, $file);
     exec($cmd, $result, $return);
     if (0 !== $return) {
         Logger::error('Failed to set db name for unit testing framework');
     // unify base url, as ecomdev/magento needs it with protocol and trailing slash given
     $baseUrl = ltrim($this->config->getMagentoBaseUrl(), 'http://');
     $baseUrl = rtrim($baseUrl, '/');
     $baseUrl = "http://{$baseUrl}/";
     $baseUrl = '<base_url>' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $baseUrl) . '<\\/base_url>';
     $cmd = sprintf('sed -i "s/<base_url>.*<\\/base_url>/%s/g" %s', $baseUrl, $file);
     exec($cmd, $result, $return);
     if (0 !== $return) {
         Logger::error('Failed to set base url for unit testing framework');
Beispiel #2
 public function execute()
     $filename = $this->config->getTarget() . '/robots.txt';
     $lines = $this->config->plugins->RobotsTxt->lines->toArray();
     if (false === file_put_contents($filename, implode(PHP_EOL, $lines))) {
         Logger::error('An error occured while creating robots.txt', array(), false);
Beispiel #3
 protected function modifyProduct(\Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product, \Zend_Config $settings)
     foreach ($settings as $attribute => $value) {
         $product->setData($attribute, $value);
         Logger::log('* change attribute <comment>%s</comment> of product #%d: "%s"', array($attribute, $product->getId(), $value));
Beispiel #4
 protected function _checkout($targetPath, $branch)
     Logger::log('Git checkout %s', array($branch));
     $command = sprintf('cd %s; git checkout %s 2>&1; cd -', $targetPath, $branch);
     exec($command, $result, $return);
     if (0 !== $return) {
         throw new Exception(implode(PHP_EOL, $result));
Beispiel #5
 public function execute()
     $commands = $this->config->plugins->Cli->commands->toArray();
     foreach ($commands as $command) {
         $cmd = escapeshellcmd($command);
         Logger::comment("Running custom command: {$cmd}");
Beispiel #6
  * Execute the PerformanceCheck plugin
 protected function _execute()
     $possiblePerformanceKillers = $this->_scanForPerformanceLeaks($this->_extensionPath);
     if (0 < sizeof($possiblePerformanceKillers)) {
         foreach ($possiblePerformanceKillers as $possiblePerformanceKiller) {
             Logger::setResultValue($this->_extensionPath, $this->_pluginName, $possiblePerformanceKiller, count($possiblePerformanceKillers));
             IssueHandler::addIssue(new Issue(array("extension" => $this->_extensionPath, "checkname" => $this->_pluginName, "type" => 'performance_leak', "comment" => $possiblePerformanceKiller . ' (' . count($possiblePerformanceKillers) . 'times)', "failed" => true)));
 public function execute()
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $msg .= $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getFile() . ' l. ' . $e->getLine() . ")\n";
         Logger::error('An error occured while initializing InitGermanSetup:', array(), false);
         Logger::log('%s (%s, line %s)', array($e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()));
Beispiel #8
  * determine which Magento versions seem to be compatible to this call
  * @return array Array of Magento versions (e.g. [ 'CE', 'CE' ])
 public function getMagentoVersions()
     if ($fixedVersions = $this->_getFixedVersions()) {
         return $fixedVersions;
     $query = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $this->_getFieldsToSelect()) . '
         FROM [' . $this->_table . '] t
         INNER JOIN [' . $this->_tagType . '_signature] ts ON ( = ts.' . $this->_tagType . '_id)
         INNER JOIN [signatures] s ON (ts.signature_id =
         WHERE = %s
         GROUP BY';
     try {
         /* find all signatures matching that call */
         $result = dibi::query($query, $this->getName());
     } catch (\DibiDriverException $e) {
         dibi::test($query, $this->getName());
         throw $e;
     $versions = array();
     if (is_null($result) || 0 == count($result)) {
         return null;
     /* get best matching signature id */
     if (1 < count($result)) {
         $signatureIds = $this->_getBestMatching($result->fetchAll());
     } else {
         try {
             $signatureIds = array_keys($result->fetchPairs());
         } catch (\DibiDriverException $e) {
             dibi::test($query, $signatureId);
             throw $e;
     if (false == is_array($signatureIds) || 0 == count($signatureIds)) {
         Logger::warning('Could not find any matching definition of ' . $this->_name);
         return null;
     /* fetch Magento versions */
     $query = 'SELECT CONCAT(edition, " ", version) AS magento
         FROM [magento_signature] ms
         INNER JOIN [magento] m ON (ms.magento_id =
         WHERE ms.signature_id IN (%s)
         GROUP BY magento';
     try {
         return dibi::fetchPairs($query, $signatureIds);
     } catch (\DibiDriverException $e) {
         dibi::test($query, $signatureId);
         throw $e;
 public function execute()
     if (!Mage::getSingleton('fastsimpleimport/import')) {
         Logger::error('Could not create dummy products. Please add extension %s to be installed', array('git://'), false);
     $settings = $this->config->plugins->{$this->getPluginName()};
     $countOfSimpleProducts = 0;
     $countOfConfigurableProducts = 0;
     $countOfBundleProducts = 0;
     $countOfGroupedProducts = 0;
     $countOfVirtualProducts = 0;
     $countOfDownloadProducts = 0;
     if ($settings instanceof \Zend_Config) {
         if ($settings->simpleProducts) {
             $countOfSimpleProducts = $settings->simpleProducts;
         if ($settings->configurableProducts) {
             $countOfConfigurableProducts = $settings->configurableProducts;
         if ($settings->bundleProducts) {
             $countOfBundleProducts = $settings->bundleProducts;
         if ($settings->groupedProducts) {
             $countOfGroupedProducts = $settings->groupedProducts;
         if ($settings->virtualProducts) {
             $countOfVirtualProducts = $settings->virtualProducts;
         if ($settings->downloadProducts) {
             $countOfDownloadProducts = $settings->downloadProducts;
     } else {
         $countOfSimpleProducts = $settings;
     $data = array();
     $data = $this->getSimpleProducts($countOfSimpleProducts);
      * @todo
     $data = array_merge($data, $this->getConfigurableProducts($countOfConfigurableProducts));
     $data = array_merge($data, $this->getBundleProducts($countOfBundleProducts));
     $data = array_merge($data, $this->getGroupedProducts($countOfGroupedProducts));
     $data = array_merge($data, $this->getVirtualProducts($countOfVirtualProducts));
     $data = array_merge($data, $this->getDownloadProducts($countOfDownloadProducts));
Beispiel #10
 public function copy($target, $branch = 'master')
     if (!file_exists($this->_source)) {
         throw new Exception("Source directory does not exist: '{$this->_source}'");
     // make sure that source ends with directory separator
     // as we want to copy its contents, not the directory itself
     $this->_source = rtrim($this->_source, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     Logger::log('Copy files from %s', array($this->_source));
     $command = sprintf('rsync -a -h %s %s 2>&1', $this->_source, $target);
     exec($command, $result, $return);
     if (0 !== $return) {
         throw new Exception("Could not copy files to {$target}");
 public function execute()
     $settings = $this->config->plugins->ApplyConfigSettings;
     if ($settings instanceof \Zend_Config) {
         foreach ($this->config->plugins->ApplyConfigSettings as $name => $setting) {
             if ($setting instanceof \Zend_Config && $setting->path && isset($setting->value)) {
                 Mage::getModel('eav/entity_setup', 'core_setup')->setConfigData($setting->path, $setting->value);
                 Logger::log('* Applied setting %s', array($name));
             } else {
                 Logger::error('Did not apply setting %s', array($name), false);
     } else {
         Logger::error('Invalid configuration for plugin ApplyConfigSettings', array(), false);
Beispiel #12
 protected function _getProcesses($setting)
     $processes = array();
     if ($setting == 'all') {
         $collection = $this->_getIndexer()->getProcessesCollection();
         foreach ($collection as $process) {
             $processes[] = $process;
     } else {
         if (!empty($setting)) {
             foreach ($setting as $code) {
                 $process = $this->_getIndexer()->getProcessByCode(trim($code));
                 if (!$process) {
                     Logger::error('Unknown indexer with code %s', array(trim($code)), false);
                 } else {
                     $processes[] = $process;
     return $processes;
Beispiel #13
  * @see vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Console/Command/Symfony\Component\Console\Command.Command::execute()
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->preExecute($input, $output);
     $plugins = $this->config->getPlugins();
     foreach ($plugins as $name => $settings) {
         // check if plugin was defined in ini, but disabled
         if ('0' === $settings->enabled) {
             Logger::log('Skipping plugin "%s"', array($name));
         // set path to plugin by convention
         $path = $this->getBasePath() . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         // load script file
         $file = $path . $name . '.php';
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
             Logger::error('Could not find plugin "%s"', array($name), $stop = false);
             Logger::log('Expected it at path "%s"', array($path));
         // load default jumpstorm config for plugin execution
         $pluginConfig = $this->config;
         $customIni = $settings->ini;
         if (null !== $customIni && file_exists($customIni)) {
             // add custom config settings, if given
             $pluginConfig = new Config($customIni, null, array('allowModifications' => true));
         Logger::comment(sprintf('Running plugin "%s"', $name));
         $class = "{$name}\\{$name}";
         $plugin = new $class($pluginConfig);
         Logger::notice(sprintf('Finished running plugin "%s"', $name));
Beispiel #14
 protected function generateResultHtml($extension)
     $haml = new HamlGenerator('php', array('enable_escaper' => false));
     $template = 'Resources/views/result.haml';
     $targetFile = 'tmp/result.php';
     $compiled = $haml->compileString(file_get_contents($template), $template);
     file_put_contents($targetFile, $compiled);
     //        $results = $this->convertResultCommentsToHtml(
     //            Logger::getResultArray($extension)
     //        );
     //        $results = $this->convertResultCommentsToHtml(Logger::getIssueResults($extension));
     $passedChecks = Logger::getPassedChecksOfIssueHandler($extension);
     $failedChecks = Logger::getFailedChecksOfIssueHandler($extension);
     //        $failedChecks = $results['failedChecks'];
     //        $score        = $results['score'];
     include $targetFile;
     $result = ob_get_contents();
     $targetHtml = 'tmp/result.html';
     file_put_contents($targetHtml, $result);
Beispiel #15
  * Create empty database. Any old database with the same name gets dropped.
  * @todo use built-in mysql commands instead of calling exec()
  * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise
 protected function createDatabase($dbName)
     // prepare mysql command: user, host and password
     $mysql = $this->prepareMysqlCommand();
     // recreate database if it already exists
     Logger::log('Creating database %s', array($dbName));
     exec(sprintf('%s -e \'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `%s`\'', $mysql, $dbName), $result, $return);
     exec(sprintf('%s -e \'CREATE DATABASE `%s`\'', $mysql, $dbName), $result, $return);
     return 0 === $return;
Beispiel #16
 public function __call($method, $args)
     Logger::warning("Called Magento method \"{$method}\" in installer script");
     return $this;
Beispiel #17
  * Extension files are installed to .modman directory before deployment,
  * so create that directory if necessary
  * @return string Absolute path to extension directory
 private function createExtensionFolder()
     $folder = $this->getExtensionFolder();
     if (!is_dir($folder)) {
         Logger::log('Creating extension folder %s', array($folder));
     return $folder;
Beispiel #18
  * Sync extension files from .modman to target directories
  * @param string $alias
 protected function deployExtension($alias)
     // detect location of modman file, if available
     $modmanFile = $this->locateModmanFile();
     if ($modmanFile) {
         // if modman file was found, deploy via modman
         // alias may have to be changed to subdirectory
         $pattern = sprintf("|^%s/(.+)/%s\$|", $this->extensionRootDir, 'modman');
         preg_match($pattern, $modmanFile, $matches);
         $alias = $matches[1];
         Logger::log('Deploying extension %s via modman', array($alias));
         $command = sprintf('cd %s; modman deploy %s --force', $this->magentoRoot, $alias);
         exec($command, $result, $return);
     } else {
         // deploy via rsync otherwise
         Logger::log('Deploying extension %s via rsync', array($alias));
         $command = sprintf('rsync -a -h --exclude="doc/*" --exclude="*.git" %s %s 2>&1', $this->extensionDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->magentoRoot);
         exec($command, $result, $return);
     if (0 !== $return) {
         throw new Exception("Could not deploy extension {$alias}");
Beispiel #19
  * Execute the MageCompatibility plugin
 protected function _execute()
     try {
         $availableVersions = dibi::query('SELECT concat( m.edition, " ", m.version ) as Magento FROM magento m ORDER BY Magento')->fetchPairs();
         $supportedVersions = array();
         $extension = new Extension($this->_extensionPath);
         $methods = $extension->getUsedMagentoMethods();
         $classes = $extension->getUsedMagentoClasses();
         IssueHandler::addIssue(new Issue(array("extension" => $this->_extensionPath, "checkname" => $this->_pluginName, "type" => 'mage_compatibility', "comment" => sprintf('Extension uses %d classes and %d methods of Magento core', $classes->count(), $methods->count()), "failed" => true)));
         $incompatibleVersions = array();
         foreach ($availableVersions as $version) {
             $incompatibleVersions[$version] = array('classes' => array(), 'methods' => array(), 'constants' => array());
         foreach ($classes as $class) {
             $supportedVersions = $class->getMagentoVersions();
             if (is_array($supportedVersions)) {
                 $tagIncompatibleVersions = array_diff($availableVersions, $supportedVersions);
                 foreach ($tagIncompatibleVersions as $version) {
                     $incompatibleVersions[$version]['classes'][] = $class->getName();
         foreach ($methods as $method) {
             $isExtensionMethod = false;
             $context = current($method->getContext());
             $supportedVersions = $method->getMagentoVersions();
             //echo $context['class'] . '->' . $method->getName() . ' ';
             if (false == is_array($supportedVersions)) {
             $tagIncompatibleVersions = array_diff($availableVersions, $supportedVersions);
             foreach ($tagIncompatibleVersions as $version) {
                 $methodName = $method->getContext('class') . '->' . $method->getName() . '(' . implode(', ', $method->getParams()) . ')';
                 if ($extension->hasMethod($method->getName())) {
                     $methodName .= ' [maybe part of the extension]';
                 $incompatibleVersions[$version]['methods'][] = $methodName;
         $compatibleVersions = array();
         foreach ($incompatibleVersions as $version => $incompatibilities) {
             $message = '';
             $incompatibleClasses = array_unique($incompatibilities['classes']);
             $incompatibleMethods = array_unique($incompatibilities['methods']);
             $incompatibleConstants = array_unique($incompatibilities['constants']);
             if (0 < count($incompatibleClasses)) {
                 $message .= sprintf("<comment>The following classes are not compatible to Magento %s:</comment>\n  * %s\n", $version, implode("\n  * ", $incompatibleClasses));
             if (0 < count($incompatibleMethods)) {
                 $message .= sprintf("<comment>The following methods are not compatible to Magento %s:</comment>\n  * %s\n", $version, implode("\n  * ", $incompatibleMethods));
             if (0 < count($incompatibleConstants)) {
                 $message .= sprintf("<comment>The following constants are not compatible to Magento %s:</comment>\n  * %s\n", $version, implode("\n  * ", $incompatibleConstants));
             if (0 < strlen($message)) {
                 IssueHandler::addIssue(new Issue(array("extension" => $this->_extensionPath, "checkname" => $this->_pluginName, "type" => 'mage_compatibility', "comment" => sprintf("<error>Extension is not compatible to Magento %s</error>\n%s", $version, $message), "failed" => true)));
             } else {
                 $compatibleVersions[] = $version;
         IssueHandler::addIssue(new Issue(array("extension" => $this->_extensionPath, "checkname" => $this->_pluginName, "type" => 'mage_compatibility', "comment" => 'Checked Magento versions: ' . implode(', ', $availableVersions) . "\n" . '* Extension seems to support following Magento versions: ' . implode(', ', $compatibleVersions), "failed" => false)));
         foreach (array_keys($incompatibleVersions) as $key) {
             if (0 == count($incompatibleVersions[$key]['classes']) && 0 == count($incompatibleVersions[$key]['methods']) && 0 == count($incompatibleVersions[$key]['constants'])) {
         if ($this->_containsNoLatestVersion(array_keys($incompatibleVersions), 'CE')) {
             IssueHandler::addIssue(new Issue(array("extension" => $this->_extensionPath, "checkname" => $this->_pluginName, "type" => 'mage_compatibility', "comment" => sprintf('Extension supports Magento at least from CE version %s and EE version %s', $this->_settings->min->ce, $this->_settings->min->ee), "failed" => false)));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $message = is_array($e->getMessage()) ? $e->getMessage() : array($e->getMessage());
         Logger::error(implode(PHP_EOL, $message), array(), false);
Beispiel #20
  * Check if all prerequisites for running unit tests are fullfilled or can
  * be fulfilled by using Jumpstorm.
  * @param string $extensionPath Path to the extension to be evaluated
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function _setupUnitTestEnvironment($extensionPath)
      * getting the neccessary information like magento target from
      * the jumpstorm configuration even jumpstorm is not used to set up
      * the test environment
     if (!$this->_settings->jumpstormIniFile) {
         throw new \Exception("Required information missing in ini file: plugins.CodeCoverage.jumpstormIniFile");
     $jumpstormConfig = new \Zend_Config_Ini($this->_settings->jumpstormIniFile, null, array('allowModifications' => true));
     // check if required ini section is given
     if (!$jumpstormConfig->common) {
         throw new \Exception("Required information missing in jumpstorm ini file: [common]");
     if ($this->_config->token) {
         $jumpstormConfig->common->magento->target = $jumpstormConfig->common->magento->target . '_' . $this->_config->token;
         $jumpstormConfig->common->db->name = $jumpstormConfig->common->db->name . '_' . $this->_config->token;
     $this->_magentoTarget = rtrim($jumpstormConfig->common->magento->target, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     $this->_testDbName = $jumpstormConfig->common->db->name;
     // import test environment configuration from console: [extensions] section
     $jumpstormConfig->extensions = array('extension' => array('source' => $extensionPath));
     // force (re)installation using jumpstorm
     if ($this->_settings->useJumpstorm) {
         $requiredSections = array('magento', 'unittesting');
         foreach ($requiredSections as $section) {
             if (!$jumpstormConfig->{$section}) {
                 throw new \Exception("Required information missing in jumpstorm ini file: [{$section}]");
         $iniFile = 'tmp/jumpstorm' . (string) $this->_config->token . '.ini';
         $writer = new \Zend_Config_Writer_Ini();
         $writer->write($iniFile, $jumpstormConfig);
         $executable = 'vendor/netresearch/jumpstorm/jumpstorm';
         $params = '';
         if (Logger::VERBOSITY_MAX == Logger::getVerbosity()) {
             $params .= ' -v';
         $command = sprintf('%s magento -c %s %s', $executable, $iniFile, $params) . ' && ' . sprintf('%s unittesting -c %s %s', $executable, $iniFile, $params) . ' && ' . sprintf('%s extensions -c %s %s', $executable, $iniFile, $params);
         Logger::notice('Setting up Magento environment via Jumpstorm');
         $output = $this->_executeCommand($command);
         if (Logger::VERBOSITY_MAX == Logger::getVerbosity()) {
             Logger::log(implode("\n", $output));
Beispiel #21
  * collect method calls
  * @param PHPParser_Node_Stmt $stmt
  * @return int Number of called methods
 protected function _collectMethodCalls($stmt, $xmlTree)
     $numberOfMethodCalls = 0;
     $methodCallXPath = '//node:Expr_MethodCall | //node:Expr_StaticCall';
     $methodCalls = $xmlTree->xpath($methodCallXPath);
     foreach ($methodCalls as $call) {
         $methodName = $call->xpath('./subNode:name/scalar:string/text()');
         if (false === $methodName) {
         $methodName = current($methodName);
         if (is_array($methodName)) {
             $methodName = current($methodName);
         $variable = current($call->xpath('./subNode:var | ./subNode:class'));
         $object = $this->_getResultType($variable);
         if (false == $object) {
         if ($this->_isPhpMethod($object, $methodName)) {
         if ($this->_isCallabilityChecked($call, $object, $methodName)) {
             Logger::addComment($this->_extensionPath, 'MageCompatibility', sprintf('<info>Found version switch</info> for %s::%s', $object, $methodName));
         if (false == $this->_isExtensionMethod($object, $methodName)) {
             $method = new Method((string) $methodName, $this->_getArgs($call), array('class' => $object));
     return $numberOfMethodCalls;
Beispiel #22
  * @see vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Console/Command/Symfony\Component\Console\Command.Command::execute()
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->preExecute($input, $output);
     // set the path where magento should get installed
     $target = $this->validateTarget($this->config->getTarget());
     // empty target directory if it already exists
     if (file_exists($target)) {
         Logger::comment('Delete existing Magento at %s', array($target));
         exec(sprintf('rm -rf %s/*', $target));
         exec(sprintf('rm -rf %s/.[a-zA-Z0-9]*', $target));
     // set the source where magento should get retrieved from
     $source = $this->config->getMagentoSource();
     // copy files from source to target
     $this->installMagento($source, $target, $this->config->getMagentoBranch());
     // move installed files to docroot
     $this->moveToDocroot($target, 'htdocs');
     $this->moveToDocroot($target, 'magento');
     Logger::success('Fetched Magento sources');
     // create empty database with credentials from ini file
     if (false === $this->createDatabase($this->config->getDbName())) {
         throw new Exception('Could not create live database');
     // install sample data
     if (null !== $this->config->getMagentoSampledataSource()) {
         $this->installSampledata($this->config->getMagentoSampledataSource(), $target, $this->config->getMagentoSampledataBranch());
         Logger::success('Installed sample data');
     // run install.php
     // clean cache
     exec(sprintf('rm -rf %s/var/cache/*', $target));
     Logger::success('Finished Magento installation');