Beispiel #1
 * A var_dump function optimized for Flow's object structures
 * @param mixed $variable The variable to display a dump of
 * @param string $title optional custom title for the debug output
 * @param boolean $return if TRUE, the dump is returned for displaying it embedded in custom HTML. If FALSE (default), the variable dump is directly displayed.
 * @param boolean $plaintext If TRUE, the dump is in plain text, if FALSE the debug output is in HTML format. If not specified, the mode is guessed from FLOW_SAPITYPE
 * @return void|string if $return is TRUE, the variable dump is returned. By default, the dump is directly displayed, and nothing is returned.
 * @api
function var_dump($variable, $title = null, $return = false, $plaintext = null)
    if ($plaintext === null) {
        $plaintext = FLOW_SAPITYPE === 'CLI';
        $ansiColors = $plaintext && DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '/';
    } else {
        $ansiColors = false;
    if ($title === null) {
        $title = 'Flow Variable Dump';
    if ($ansiColors) {
        $title = "" . $title . "";
    if (!$plaintext && Debugger::$stylesheetEchoed === false) {
        echo '<style type="text/css">' . file_get_contents('resource://Neos.Flow/Public/Error/Debugger.css') . '</style>';
        Debugger::$stylesheetEchoed = true;
    if ($plaintext) {
        $output = $title . chr(10) . Debugger::renderDump($variable, 0, true, $ansiColors) . chr(10) . chr(10);
    } else {
        $output = '
			<div class="Flow-Error-Debugger-VarDump ' . ($return ? 'Flow-Error-Debugger-VarDump-Inline' : 'Flow-Error-Debugger-VarDump-Floating') . '">
				<div class="Flow-Error-Debugger-VarDump-Top">
					' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '
				<div class="Flow-Error-Debugger-VarDump-Center">
					<pre dir="ltr">' . Debugger::renderDump($variable, 0, false, false) . '</pre>
    if ($return === true) {
        return $output;
    } else {
        echo $output;