getNodeTypeNamesDeniedForCreation() public method

Returns the node types that the currently authenticated user is *denied* to create within the given $referenceNode
public getNodeTypeNamesDeniedForCreation ( Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface $referenceNode ) : string[]
$referenceNode Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface
return string[] Array of granted node type names
  * @Then /^I should get the list of all available node types as denied node types for this node from the node authorization service$/
 public function iShouldGetTheListOfAllAvailableNodeTypesAsDeniedNodeTypesForThisNodeFromTheNodeAuthorizationService()
     if ($this->isolated === true) {
     } else {
         $availableNodeTypes = $this->nodeTypeManager->getNodeTypes();
         $deniedNodeTypeNames = $this->nodeAuthorizationService->getNodeTypeNamesDeniedForCreation($this->currentNodes[0]);
         if (count($availableNodeTypes) !== count($deniedNodeTypeNames)) {
             Assert::fail('The node authorization service did not return the expected amount of node type names! Got: ' . implode(', ', $deniedNodeTypeNames));
         foreach ($availableNodeTypes as $nodeType) {
             if (in_array($nodeType, $deniedNodeTypeNames) === false) {
                 Assert::fail('The following node type name has not been returned by the node authorization service: ' . $nodeType);