function ajaxGetForm($host) { $domain = \Moxl\Utils::getDomain($host); // We create a new session or clear the old one $s = Sessionx::start(); $s->init(null, null, $host, $domain); \Moxl\Stanza\Stream::init($host); }
function ajaxLogin($username) { $validate_user = Validator::string()->length(4, 40); if (!$validate_user->validate($username)) { Notification::append(null, $this->__('login_anonymous.bad_username')); return; } // We get the Server Configuration $cd = new \Modl\ConfigDAO(); $config = $cd->get(); $host = ''; $password = '******'; // We try to get the domain $domain = \Moxl\Utils::getDomain($host); // We launch the XMPP socket RPC::call('register', $host); // We set the username in the session $s = Session::start(); $s->set('username', $username); // We create a new session or clear the old one $s = Sessionx::start(); $s->init($username, $password, $host, $domain); \Moxl\Stanza\Stream::init($host); }
$loop->stop(); } elseif ($message == "<proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>" || $message == '<proceed xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>') { stream_set_blocking($conn->stream, 1); $out = stream_socket_enable_crypto($conn->stream, 1, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT); $restart = true; } #fwrite(STDERR, colorize($message, 'yellow')." : ".colorize('received', 'green')."\n"); #fwrite(STDERR, colorize(getenv('sid'), 'yellow')." widgets : ".\sizeToCleanSize(memory_get_usage())."\n"); \Moxl\API::clear(); \RPC::clear(); if (!$parser->parse($message)) { fwrite(STDERR, colorize(getenv('sid'), 'yellow') . " " . $parser->getError() . "\n"); } if ($restart) { $session = \Sessionx::start(); \Moxl\Stanza\Stream::init($session->host); stream_set_blocking($conn->stream, 0); $restart = false; } $msg = \RPC::commit(); \RPC::clear(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo base64_encode(gzcompress(json_encode($msg), 9)) . ""; #fwrite(STDERR, colorize($msg.' '.strlen($msg), 'yellow')." : ".colorize('sent to browser', 'green')."\n"); } $xml = \Moxl\API::commit(); \Moxl\API::clear(); if (!empty($xml)) { $conn->write(trim($xml)); #fwrite(STDERR, colorize(trim($xml), 'yellow')." : ".colorize('sent to XMPP', 'green')."\n"); }
function ajaxLogout() { $pd = new \Modl\PresenceDAO(); $pd->clearPresence(); $session = \Session::start(); $p = new Unavailable(); $p->setType('terminate')->setResource($session->get('resource'))->setTo($session->get('jid'))->request(); Stream::end(); }
$loop->stop(); return; } fwrite(STDERR, colorize(getenv('sid'), 'yellow') . " : " . colorize('TLS enabled', 'blue') . "\n"); $restart = true; } #fwrite(STDERR, colorize(getenv('sid'), 'yellow')." widgets : ".\sizeToCleanSize(memory_get_usage())."\n"); \Moxl\API::clear(); \RPC::clear(); $timestamp = time(); if (!$parser->parse($message)) { fwrite(STDERR, colorize(getenv('sid'), 'yellow') . " " . $parser->getError() . "\n"); } if ($restart) { $session = \Session::start(); \Moxl\Stanza\Stream::init($session->get('host')); stream_set_blocking($conn->stream, 0); $restart = false; } $msg = \RPC::commit(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo base64_encode(gzcompress(json_encode($msg), 9)) . ""; //fwrite(STDERR, colorize(json_encode($msg).' '.strlen($msg), 'yellow')." : ".colorize('sent to browser', 'green')."\n"); } \RPC::clear(); $xml = \Moxl\API::commit(); if (!empty($xml)) { $conn->write(trim($xml)); #fwrite(STDERR, colorize(trim($xml), 'yellow')." : ".colorize('sent to XMPP', 'green')."\n"); } \Moxl\API::clear();
public function request() { $this->store(); Stream::bindSet($this->_resource); }
public function request() { $this->store(); Stream::sessionStart($this->_to); }
function ajaxLogin($form) { // We get the Server Configuration $cd = new \Modl\ConfigDAO(); $config = $cd->get(); // First we check the form $validate_login = Validator::email()->length(6, 40); $validate_password = Validator::string()->length(4, 40); $login = $form->login->value; $password = $form->pass->value; if (!$validate_login->validate($login)) { $this->showErrorBlock('login_format'); return; } if (!$validate_password->validate($password)) { $this->showErrorBlock('password_format'); return; } list($username, $host) = explode('@', $login); // Check whitelisted server if ($config->xmppwhitelist != '' && !in_array($host, explode(',', $config->xmppwhitelist))) { $this->showErrorBlock('unauthorized'); return; } // We check if we already have an open session $sd = new \Modl\SessionxDAO(); $here = $sd->getHash(sha1($username . $password . $host)); if ($here) { RPC::call('Login.setCookie', $here->session); RPC::call('movim_redirect', Route::urlize('main')); $this->showErrorBlock('conflict'); return; } // We try to get the domain $domain = \Moxl\Utils::getDomain($host); // We launch the XMPP socket RPC::call('register', $host); // We create a new session or clear the old one $s = Sessionx::start(); $s->init($username, $password, $host, $domain); \Moxl\Stanza\Stream::init($host); }
function ajaxLogout() { $pd = new \Modl\PresenceDAO(); $session = \Sessionx::start(); $pd->clearPresence($session->username . '@' . $session->host); $session = \Sessionx::start(); $p = new Unavailable(); $p->setType('terminate')->setResource($session->resource)->setTo($this->user->getLogin())->request(); Stream::end(); }
public function handle($stanza, $parent = false) { if (isset($stanza->required)) { Stream::startTLS(); } }
public function handle($stanza, $parent = false) { $session = \Sessionx::start(); \Moxl\Stanza\Stream::init($session->host); }
private function doLogin($login, $password) { // We get the Server Configuration $cd = new \Modl\ConfigDAO(); $config = $cd->get(); // First we check the form $validate_login = Validator::email()->length(1, 254); $validate_password = Validator::stringType()->length(1, 128); if (!$validate_login->validate($login)) { $this->showErrorBlock('login_format'); return; } if (!$validate_password->validate($password)) { $this->showErrorBlock('password_format'); return; } list($username, $host) = explode('@', $login); // Check whitelisted server if ($config->xmppwhitelist != '' && !in_array($host, explode(',', $config->xmppwhitelist))) { $this->showErrorBlock('unauthorized'); return; } // We check if we already have an open session $sd = new \Modl\SessionxDAO(); $here = $sd->getHash(sha1($username . $password . $host)); if ($here) { //if($s->get('hash') == sha1($username.$password.$host)) { RPC::call('Login.setCookie', $here->session); RPC::call('MovimUtils.redirect', Route::urlize('main')); $this->showErrorBlock('conflict'); return; } $s = Session::start(); // We create a new session or clear the old one $s->set('password', $password); $s->set('username', $username); $s->set('host', $host); $s->set('jid', $login); $s->set('hash', sha1($username . $password . $host)); $s = Sessionx::start(); $s->init($username, $password, $host); // We launch the XMPP socket RPC::call('register', $host); \Moxl\Stanza\Stream::init($host); }