Beispiel #1
  * Split date by its parts
  * @param  string $value ISO datetime string
  * @return array[date, time, zone, timePartFound]
 public function splitDate($value)
     $parts = Match::on($this->laxTime)->test(true, function () use($value) {
         $parts = explode(' ', $value);
         //join back zone part if found
         if (count($parts) == 3) {
             $parts[1] .= ' ' . $parts[2];
         return $parts;
     })->test(false, function () use($value) {
         return explode('t', $value);
     if (count($parts) == 0 || count($parts) > 2 || count($parts) == 1 && empty($parts[0])) {
         return array(null, null, null, $this->timepartFound, $this->zonepartFound);
     if (count($parts) == 1) {
         //we have a date only
         return array($parts[0], null, null, $this->timepartFound, $this->zonepartFound);
     if (count($parts) == 2) {
         $this->timepartFound = true;
         //we have a date and something else
         list($time, $zone) = $this->splitTime($parts[1]);
         if (!is_null($zone)) {
             return array($parts[0], $time, $zone, $this->timepartFound, $this->zonepartFound);
         } elseif (!is_null($time)) {
             return array($parts[0], $time, null, $this->timepartFound, $this->zonepartFound);
         return array($parts[0], null, null, $this->timepartFound, $this->zonepartFound);
     return array($parts[0], null, null, $this->timepartFound, $this->zonepartFound);
Beispiel #2
  * Do the validation
  * @param  mixed $value
  * @return boolean
 protected function validate($value)
     return Match::on(Option::create(preg_match(self::REGEX_DOUBLE, $value), 0))->Monad_Option_Some(true)->Monad_Option_None(function () {
         $this->messenger->add(new StringType(self::ERR_MSG));
         return false;
Beispiel #3
  * Do the validation
  * @param  mixed $value
  * @return boolean
 protected function validate($value)
     return Match::on(Option::create(in_array($value, $this->enum), false))->Monad_Option_Some(true)->Monad_Option_None(function () {
         $this->messenger->add(new StringType(self::ERR_MSG));
         return false;
Beispiel #4
  * Validate
  * @param  mixed $value
  * @return boolean
 protected function validate($value)
     $f = $this->function;
     return Match::on(Option::create((bool) $f($value, $this->messenger), false))->Monad_Option_Some(true)->Monad_Option_None(function () {
         return false;
Beispiel #5
  * @param AccountType $type
  * @return FTry
 protected function checkType(AccountType $type)
     return Match::on($type->getValue())->test(AccountType::CR, function () {
         return FTry::with(AccountType::CR());
     })->test(AccountType::DR, function () {
         return FTry::with(AccountType::DR());
     })->any(function () {
         return FTry::with(new AccountsException(self::ERR_NOTYPE));
Beispiel #6
  * Do the validation
  * @param  mixed $value
  * @return boolean
 protected function validate($value)
     return Match::on(Option::create($this->validator->isValid($value), false))->Monad_Option_Some(true)->Monad_Option_None(function () {
         $msgs = $this->validator->getMessages();
         array_walk($msgs, function ($msg) {
             $this->messenger->add(new StringType($msg));
         return false;
Beispiel #7
  * Do the validation
  * @param  mixed $value
  * @return boolean
 protected function validate($value)
     return Match::on(Option::create(is_array($value), false))->Monad_Option_Some(function () use($value) {
         return Match::on(Option::create($this->checkForEmpty && empty($value), false))->Monad_Option_Some(function () {
             $this->messenger->add(new StringType(self::ERR_ARRAY_EMPTY));
             return false;
     })->Monad_Option_None(function () {
         $this->messenger->add(new StringType(self::ERR_INVALID));
         return false;
  * @param Assembler $assembler
  * @return \Closure
 public function giveMe(Assembler $assembler)
     return $assembler->colour(Match::on(mt_rand(1, 2))->test(1, function () {
         return function () {
             return new PaintColour('red');
     })->test(2, function () {
         return function () {
             return new PaintColour('black');
Beispiel #9
  * Do the validation
  * @param mixed $ip IP Address to check - if null, then use current IP of requestor
  * @return boolean
 protected function validate($ip = null)
     $ip = empty($ip) ? IpUtil::getUserIp() : $ip;
     return Match::on(FTry::with(function () use($ip) {
         return array_reduce($this->netmasks, function (&$result, $cidr) use($ip) {
             return $result || IpUtil::cidrMatch($ip, $cidr);
         }, false);
     }))->Monad_FTry_Success(function ($value) {
         return Match::on(Option::create($value->flatten(), false))->Monad_Option_Some(true)->Monad_Option_None(function () {
             $this->messenger->add(new StringType(self::ERR_MSG1));
             return false;
     })->Monad_FTry_Failure(function ($e) {
         return Match::on(Option::create(strpos($e->value()->getMessage(), 'cidr'), false))->Monad_Option_Some(function () {
             $this->messenger->add(new StringType(self::ERR_MSG2));
             return false;
         })->Monad_Option_None(function () {
             $this->messenger->add(new StringType(self::ERR_MSG1));
             return false;
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use Chippyash\Validation\Pattern\HasTypeMap;
use Chippyash\Validation\Pattern\Repeater;
use Chippyash\Validation\Common\ISO8601DateString;
use Chippyash\Validation\Common\Email;
use Chippyash\Validation\Common\UKPostCode;
use Chippyash\Validation\Common\Lambda;
use Chippyash\Validation\Messenger;
use Chippyash\Validation\ValidationProcessor;
use Monad\Match;
use Monad\Option;
use Chippyash\Type\Number\IntType;
$requiredValidator = new HasTypeMap(['a' => new ISO8601DateString(), 'b' => 'boolean', 'c' => new Repeater(new HasTypeMap(['d' => 'string', 'e' => new UKPostCode()]), null, new IntType(4)), 'f' => new Repeater(new Email())]);
$optionalValidator = new Lambda(function ($value, Messenger $messenger) {
    return Match::on(\Monad\Option::create(isset($value->g), false))->Monad_Option_Some(function () use($value) {
        return $value->g === 'foobar';
$json1 = <<<EOT
    "a": "2015-12-01",
    "b": false,
    "c": [
            "d": "fred",
            "e": "NN10 6HB"
            "d": "jim",
            "e": "EC1V 7DA"
Beispiel #11
  * @param array $value
  * @return FTry
 protected function setTypeFromValue(array $value)
     //required to be defined as a var so it can be called in next statement
     $basicTest = function () use($value) {
         if (count($value) > 0) {
             return array_values($value)[0];
         return null;
     //@var Option
     //firstValue is used twice below
     $firstValue = Option::create($basicTest());
     //@var Option
     //NB - this separate declaration is not needed, but is provided only to
     // allow some separation between what can become a complex match pattern
     $type = Match::on($firstValue)->Monad_Option_Some(function ($option) {
         return Option::create(gettype($option->value()));
     })->Monad_Option_None(function () {
         return new None();
     //@var Option
     //MatchLegalType requires to be defined separately as it is used twice
     //in the next statement
     $matchLegalType = FTry::with(Match::on($type)->Monad_Option_None()->Monad_Option_Some(function ($v) use($firstValue) {
         Match::on($v->value())->test('object', function ($v) use($firstValue) {
             return new Some($v);
         })->test('string', function ($v) {
             return new Some($v);
         })->test('integer', function ($v) {
             return new Some($v);
         })->test('double', function ($v) {
             return new Some($v);
         })->test('boolean', function ($v) {
             return new Some($v);
         })->test('resource', function ($v) {
             return new Some($v);
         })->any(function () {
             return new None();
     })->any(function () {
         return new None();
     return FTry::with(function () use($matchLegalType) {
         return $matchLegalType->value();
Beispiel #12
  * Get a Link entry's nominal id using its name
  * @param StringType $name
  * @return Nominal|null
 public function getLinkId(StringType $name)
     return Match::create(Option::create($this->getLink($name)))->Monad_Option_Some(function ($val) {
         return $val->value()->getId();
     })->Monad_Option_None(function () {
         return null;
Beispiel #13
  * Get Id of parent for an account
  * @param Nominal $nId
  * @return null|IntType
  * @throws AccountsException
 public function getParentId(Nominal $nId)
     return Match::on(Match::on($this->tryGetNode($nId, self::ERR_INVALAC))->Monad_FTry_Success(function ($node) {
         return Match::on($node->flatten()->getParent());
     })->value()->pass()->value())->Tree_Node_Node(function ($node) {
         $v = $node->getValue();
         return is_null($v) ? null : $v->getId();
  * @param $date
  * @param $time
  * @param $zone
  * @return bool
 private function matchOnAvailableParts($date, $time, $zone)
     $matcher = new MatchDate($this->format, $this->formatRegex, $this->messenger);
     return Match::on(Option::create($this->timepartFound, false))->Monad_Option_Some(function () use($matcher, $date, $time, $zone) {
         return Match::on(Option::create($this->zonepartFound, false))->Monad_Option_Some(function () use($matcher, $date, $time, $zone) {
             //date, time and zone
             return Match::on(Option::create($matcher->matchDateAndTimeAndZone($date, $time, $zone), false))->Monad_Option_Some(true)->Monad_Option_None(function () {
                 $this->messenger->clear()->add(new StringType(C::ERR_INVALID));
                 return false;
         })->Monad_Option_None(function () use($matcher, $date, $time) {
             //date and time
             return Match::on(Option::create($matcher->matchDateAndTime($date, $time), false))->Monad_Option_Some(true)->Monad_Option_None(function () {
                 $this->messenger->clear()->add(new StringType(C::ERR_INVALID));
                 return false;
     })->Monad_Option_None(function () use($matcher, $date) {
         //date only
         return Match::on(Option::create($matcher->matchDate($date), false))->Monad_Option_Some(true)->Monad_Option_None(function () {
             $this->messenger->clear()->add(new StringType(C::ERR_INVALID));
             return false;
Beispiel #15
  * Get parent id as an Option
  * @return Option
 protected function optGetParentId()
     return Match::on(FTry::with(function () {
         return $this->chart->getParentId($this->id);
     }))->Monad_FTry_Success(function ($id) {
         return Option::create($id->flatten());
     })->Monad_FTry_Failure(function () {
         return Option::create(null);
  * Get amount if the account is balanced
  * @return Currency
  * @throw AccountsException
 public function getAmount()
     return Match::create(Option::create($this->entries->checkBalance(), false))->Monad_Option_Some(function () {
         $tot = 0;
         foreach ($this->entries as $entry) {
             $tot += $entry->getAmount()->get();
         //use last entry to grab currency code from
         /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */
         return CFactory::create($entry->getAmount()->getCode()->get())->set($tot / 2);
     })->Monad_Option_None(function () {
         throw new AccountsException('No amount for unbalanced transaction');
Beispiel #17
 public function testYouCanTestForEquality()
     $test = Match::on('foo')->test('foo')->value();
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $test);
     $test = Match::on('foo')->test('bar')->value();
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $test);
     $test = Match::on('foo')->test('foo', function ($v) {
         return new Some($v);
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $test);
     $test = Match::on('bar')->test('foo', function ($v) {
         return new Some($v);
     })->any(function () {
         return new None();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Monad\\Option\\None', $test);