public function testIfWillCompareModel()
     $langs = [];
     $model = new WithEmbeddedArrayI18NModel();
     // Attach first
     $m = new ModelWithI18N();
     $m->_id = new \MongoId();
     $m->layout = 'new';
     $m->title = 'New York';
     $m->title = 'Nowy Jork';
     $model->pages[] = $m;
     // Attach second
     $m2 = new ModelWithI18N();
     $m2->_id = new \MongoId();
     $m2->layout = 'new';
     $m2->title = 'Prague';
     $m2->title = 'Praga';
     $model->pages[] = $m2;
     $comparator = new ModelComparator($this);
     $data = RawArray::fromModel($model);
     foreach ([0, 1] as $i) {
         $this->assertSame($model->pages[$i]->_id, $data['pages'][$i]['_id']);
         $this->assertSame($model->pages[$i]->title, $data['pages'][$i]['title']['en']);
         $this->assertSame($model->pages[$i]->layout, $data['pages'][$i]['layout']);
     $comparator->compare($data, $model);
 public function testToArray()
     $model = new BaseAttributesNoAnnotations();
     $array = RawArray::fromModel($model);
     $this->assertSame($model->int, $array['int']);
     $this->assertSame($model->string, $array['string']);
     $this->assertSame($model->bool, $array['bool']);
     $this->assertSame($model->float, $array['float']);
     $this->assertSame($model->array, $array['array']);
     $this->assertSame($model->null, $array['null']);
 public function testIfWillConvertToArrayWithEmbeddedDocuments()
     $model = new WithPlainEmbedded();
     $model->title = 'stats';
     $model->stats = new SimplePlainEmbedded();
     $model->stats->active = true;
     $model->stats->name = 'foo';
     $model->stats->visits = 1233;
     $raw = RawArray::fromModel($model);
     $this->assertSame($raw['title'], $model->title);
     foreach (['active', 'name', 'visits'] as $name) {
         $this->assertSame($model->stats->{$name}, $raw['stats'][$name]);
  * This is use case, where model is initialized from external JSON
  * And order of elements are changed in json.
 public function testIfWillProperlyStoreI18NFieldsWhenChangedOrderFromExternalSource()
     $langs = ['en', 'pl'];
     $model = new WithEmbeddedArrayI18NModel();
     // Attach single
     $one = new ModelWithI18N();
     $one->layout = 'new';
     $one->title = 'New York';
     $one->title = 'Nowy Jork';
     $model->page = $one;
     // Attach first
     $m = new ModelWithI18N();
     $m->layout = 'new';
     $m->title = 'New York';
     $m->title = 'Nowy Jork';
     $model->pages[] = $m;
     // Attach second
     $m = new ModelWithI18NSecond();
     $m->layout = 'new';
     $m->title = 'Prague';
     $m->title = 'Praga';
     $model->pages[] = $m;
     // This are expected values
     $expectedData = RawArray::fromModel($model);
     $expectedData['pages'] = array_reverse($expectedData['pages']);
     // Now assume that external json data arrived
     $externalData = JsonArray::fromModel($model);
     $externalData['pages'] = array_reverse($externalData['pages']);
     $expectedModel = JsonArray::toModel($externalData, $model, $model);
     $comparator = new ModelComparator($this);
     $comparator->compare($expectedData, $expectedModel);
     $raw = RawArray::fromModel($expectedModel);
Beispiel #5
  * Replaces the current document.
  * **NOTE: This will overwrite entire document.**
  * Any filtered out properties will be removed as well.
  * The record is inserted as a documnent into the database collection, if exists it will be replaced.
  * Validation will be performed before saving the record. If the validation fails,
  * the record will not be saved. You can call {@link getErrors()} to retrieve the
  * validation errors.
  * @param boolean $runValidation whether to perform validation before saving the record.
  * If the validation fails, the record will not be saved to database.
  * @return boolean whether the saving succeeds
  * @since v1.0
 public function replace($runValidation = true)
     if (!$runValidation || $this->validator->validate()) {
         $model = $this->model;
         if ($this->_beforeSave($model)) {
             $data = RawArray::fromModel($model);
             $rawResult = $this->_collection->save($data, $this->options->getSaveOptions());
             $result = $this->_result($rawResult, true);
             if ($result) {
                 return true;
             throw new ManganException("Can't save the document to disk, or attempting to save an empty document");
         return false;
     } else {
         return false;