  * 从消息队列中获取要监控的文件列表
  * @param bool $block
  * @return void
 protected function collectFiles($block = false)
     $msg_type = $message = null;
     $flag = $block ? 0 : MSG_IPC_NOWAIT;
     if (@msg_receive(\Man\Core\Master::getQueueId(), self::MSG_TYPE_FILE_MONITOR, $msg_type, 10000, $message, true, $flag)) {
         // 被排除的路径
         $exclude_path = array();
         // 因为配置可能会被更改,所以每次都会重新从配置中查找排除路径
         $config_exclude_path = $this->getExcludeFiles();
         foreach ($config_exclude_path as $path) {
             if ($real_path = realpath($path)) {
                 $exclude_path[] = $real_path;
         foreach ($message as $file) {
             $is_exclude_file = false;
             foreach ($exclude_path as $path) {
                 // 是被排除的文件
                 if (0 === strpos($file, $path)) {
                     $is_exclude_file = true;
             if (!$is_exclude_file && !isset($this->filesToInotify[$file])) {
                 $stat = @stat($file);
                 $mtime = isset($stat['mtime']) ? $stat['mtime'] : 0;
                 $this->filesToInotify[$file] = $mtime;
Beispiel #2
  * 从消息队列中获取要监控的文件列表
  * @param bool $block
  * @return void
 protected function collectFiles($block = false)
     $msg_type = $message = null;
     $flag = $block ? 0 : MSG_IPC_NOWAIT;
     if (msg_receive(\Man\Core\Master::getQueueId(), self::MSG_TYPE_FILE_MONITOR, $msg_type, 10000, $message, true, $flag)) {
         foreach ($message as $file) {
             if (!isset($this->filesToInotify[$file])) {
                 $stat = @stat($file);
                 $mtime = isset($stat['mtime']) ? $stat['mtime'] : 0;
                 $this->filesToInotify[$file] = $mtime;
  * 开发环境将当前进程使用的文件写入消息队列,用于FileMonitor监控文件更新
  * @return void
 protected function writeFilesListToQueue()
     if (!Master::getQueueId()) {
     $error_code = 0;
     $flip_file_list = array_flip(get_included_files());
     $file_list = array_diff_key($flip_file_list, $this->includeFiles);
     $this->includeFiles = $flip_file_list;
     if ($file_list) {
         foreach (array_chunk($file_list, 10, true) as $list) {
             msg_send(Master::getQueueId(), self::MSG_TYPE_FILE_MONITOR, array_keys($list), true, false, $error_code);
Beispiel #4
  * 检测主进程是否存在
  * @return void
 public function checkMasterProcess()
     $master_pid = \Man\Core\Master::getMasterPid();
     if (!posix_kill($master_pid, 0)) {
  * 检查配置的pid文件是否可写
  * @return void
 public static function checkPidFile()
     // 已经有进程pid可能server已经启动
     if (@file_get_contents(WORKERMAN_PID_FILE)) {
         \Man\Core\Master::notice("Workerman already started", true);
     if (is_dir(WORKERMAN_PID_FILE)) {
         exit("\npid-file " . WORKERMAN_PID_FILE . " is Directory\n\nWorkerman start failed\n\n");
     $pid_dir = dirname(WORKERMAN_PID_FILE);
     if (!is_dir($pid_dir)) {
         if (!mkdir($pid_dir, 0777, true)) {
             exit("Create dir {$pid_dir} fail\n");
     if (!is_writeable($pid_dir)) {
         exit("\n{$pid_dir} is not writeable, can't write pid file\n\nWorkerman start failed\n\n");
Beispiel #6
  * 检查配置的pid文件是否可写
  * @return void
 public static function checkPidFile()
     // 已经有进程pid可能server已经启动
     if (@file_get_contents(WORKERMAN_PID_FILE)) {
         \Man\Core\Master::notice("Server already started", true);
     if (is_dir(WORKERMAN_PID_FILE)) {
         exit("\npid-file " . WORKERMAN_PID_FILE . " is Directory\n\nServer start failed\n\n");
     $pid_dir = dirname(WORKERMAN_PID_FILE);
     if (!is_dir($pid_dir)) {
         if (!mkdir($pid_dir, true)) {
             exit("Create dir {$pid_dir} fail\n");
     if (!is_writeable($pid_dir)) {
         exit("\nYou should start the server as root\n\nServer start failed\n\n");
  * 关闭标准输入输出
  * @return void
 protected function resetFd()
     if (\Man\Core\Master::hasResetFd()) {
     global $STDOUT, $STDERR;
     $STDOUT = fopen('/dev/null', "a");
     $STDERR = fopen('/dev/null', "a");
  * 获取主进程统计信息
  * @return array
 protected function getMasterStatus()
     if (!Master::getShmId()) {
         return array();
     return @shm_get_var(Master::getShmId(), Master::STATUS_VAR_ID);
Beispiel #9
  * 检查worker配置、worker语法错误等
  * @return void
 public static function checkWorkersConfig()
     foreach (Config::getAllWorkers() as $worker_name => $config) {
         if (strlen($worker_name) > self::$maxWorkerNameLength) {
             self::$maxWorkerNameLength = strlen($worker_name);
         if (isset($config['user']) && strlen($config['user']) > self::$maxUserNameLength) {
             self::$maxUserNameLength = strlen($config['user']);
         if (isset($config['listen']) && strlen($config['listen']) > self::$maxListenLength) {
             self::$maxListenLength = strlen($config['listen']);
     $total_worker_count = 0;
     // 检查worker
     echo "------------------------ WORKERS -------------------------------\n";
     echo "worker", str_pad('', self::$maxWorkerNameLength + 2 - strlen('worker')), "listen", str_pad('', self::$maxListenLength + 2 - strlen('listen')), "processes", str_pad('', self::$maxProcessCountLength + 2 - strlen('processes')), "", "status\n";
     foreach (Config::getAllWorkers() as $worker_name => $config) {
         echo str_pad($worker_name, self::$maxWorkerNameLength + 2);
         if (isset($config['listen'])) {
             echo str_pad($config['listen'], self::$maxListenLength + 2);
         } else {
             echo str_pad('none', self::$maxListenLength + 2);
         if (empty($config['start_workers'])) {
             \Man\Core\Master::notice(str_pad($worker_name, 40) . " [start_workers not set]\tWorkerman start fail");
             exit(str_pad('', self::$maxProcessCountLength + 2) . " [start_workers not set]\n\nWorkerman start fail\n");
         echo str_pad(' ' . $config['start_workers'], self::$maxProcessCountLength + 2);
         $total_worker_count += $config['start_workers'];
         // 语法检查
         if (!($worker_file = \Man\Core\Lib\Config::get($worker_name . '.worker_file'))) {
             \Man\Core\Master::notice("{$worker_name} not set worker_file in conf/conf.d/{$worker_name}.conf");
             echo " [not set worker_file] \n";
         echo " [OK] \n";
     if ($total_worker_count > \Man\Core\Master::SERVER_MAX_WORKER_COUNT) {
         \Man\Core\Master::notice("Number of worker processes can not be greater than " . \Man\Core\Master::SERVER_MAX_WORKER_COUNT . ".\tPlease check start_workers in " . WORKERMAN_ROOT_DIR . "config/main.php\tWorkerman start fail");
         exit("\nNumber of worker processes can not be greater than " . \Man\Core\Master::SERVER_MAX_WORKER_COUNT . ".\nPlease check start_workers in " . WORKERMAN_ROOT_DIR . "config/main.php\n\nWorkerman start fail\n");
     echo "----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
Beispiel #10
  * 将当前worker进程状态写入消息队列
  * @return void
 protected function writeStatusToQueue()
     if (!Master::getQueueId()) {
     $error_code = 0;
     @msg_send(Master::getQueueId(), self::MSG_TYPE_STATUS, array_merge($this->statusInfo, array('memory' => memory_get_usage(true), 'pid' => posix_getpid(), 'worker_name' => $this->workerName)), true, false, $error_code);