Beispiel #1
 public function loadUserByUsername($username)
     $userData = DB::getInstance()->getUserData($username);
     if ($userData) {
         $password = array_key_exists('pass', $userData) ? $userData['pass'] : null;
         $role_id = array_key_exists('role_id', $userData) ? $userData['role_id'] : null;
         switch ($role_id) {
             case 1:
                 $role = ['ROLE_PUPIL'];
             case 2:
                 $role = ['ROLE_TEACHER'];
             case 3:
                 $role = ['ROLE_BOSS'];
             case 4:
                 $role = ['ROLE_FOOD'];
             case 5:
                 $role = ['ROLE_CLIENT'];
                 throw new UnsupportedUserException(sprintf('User "%s" has a wrong ROLE_ID: "%s".', $username, $userData['ROLE_ID']));
         return new User($username, $password, $role, $userData['usr_id'], $userData['usr_name'], $userData['tlph'], $userData['email'], $userData['role_id'], $userData['limit'], $userData['prt_id'], $userData['prt_name'], $userData['blnc']);
     throw new UsernameNotFoundException(sprintf('Username "%s" does not exist.', $username));
Beispiel #2
 public function countSchoolAction()
     try {
         $count = DB::getInstance()->getCountSchool()['cnt'];
         return new Response($count);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return new Response(17);
Beispiel #3
 public function getConclusionThirdByPeriod($parameters)
     $query = "with x as (\n            Select (case when r.is_cplx = 0 then 0 else (case when r.IS_BJT = 0 then r.COST*r.CNT when r.IS_BJT = 1 then r.COST_BJT*r.cnt else 0 end) end) as price_compl\n              , (case when r.is_cplx = 1 then 0 else (case when r.IS_BJT = 0 then r.COST*r.CNT when r.IS_BJT = 1 then r.COST_BJT*r.cnt else 0 end) end) as price_ind\n              , (case when r.IS_BJT = 1 then r.COST_BJT*r.CNT else r.COST*r.cnt end) as total_price\n             from CS_SHKET.RLS r\n             inner join CS_SHKET.DMEAL dm on dm.MEAL_ID = r.MEAL_ID and r.ADATE = dm.ADATE and dm.MAIN_MEAL_ID = 0\n             inner join CS_SHKET.MEAL m on m.MEAL_ID = dm.MEAL_ID\n             where r.ADATE between ? and ?\n               and r.scl_id = ?\n               and r.del <> 1 and dm.del <> 1 and m.del <> 1\n          )\n            Select\n                isnull(SUM(x.price_compl), 0) as sum_compl\n              , isnull(SUM(x.price_ind), 0) as sum_ind\n              , isnull(SUM(x.total_price), 0) as total_price\n             from x";
     $date_from = substr($parameters['date_from'], -4) . "-" . substr($parameters['date_from'], 3, 2) . "-" . substr($parameters['date_from'], 0, 2);
     $date_to = substr($parameters['date_to'], -4) . "-" . substr($parameters['date_to'], 3, 2) . "-" . substr($parameters['date_to'], 0, 2);
     $result = DB::getInstance()->getAll($query, [$date_from, $date_to, $parameters['school_id']], PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     return $result;
Beispiel #4
 public function getBalanceDetail($parameters)
     $query = "Select CONVERT(nvarchar, blnc.ddate, 104) as dt, CONVERT(nvarchar, blnc.ddate, 108) as tm\n            , blnc.ddate, as type_name, as user_name\n            , case when blnc.summ < 0 then abs(blnc.SUMM) else null end as minus\n            , case when blnc.summ >= 0 then blnc.SUMM else null end as plus\n            ,(select sum(b.SUMM)\n                from CS_SHKET.BLNC b\n                where b.USR_ID = u.usr_id\n                  and b.DDATE <= blnc.ddate\n                  and b.del <> 1\n            ) as bal, as cls_name\n            from cs_shket.usr u\n            inner join cs_shket.user_in_scl_cls uic on uic.usr_id = u.usr_id\n            inner join cs_shket.blnc blnc on u.usr_id = blnc.usr_id\n            inner join cs_shket.cls cls on uic.cls_id = cls.cls_id\n            inner join cs_shket.acr acr on acr.acr_id = blnc.acr_id\n            where u.usr_id = ?\n              and u.role_id = 1\n              and blnc.del <> 1\n              and (acr.acr_id = ? or ? = -1)\n              and cast(blnc.ddate as date) between ? and ?\n            order by blnc.ddate desc\n        ";
     $date_from = substr($parameters['date_from'], -4) . "-" . substr($parameters['date_from'], 3, 2) . "-" . substr($parameters['date_from'], 0, 2);
     $date_to = substr($parameters['date_to'], -4) . "-" . substr($parameters['date_to'], 3, 2) . "-" . substr($parameters['date_to'], 0, 2);
     $result = DB::getInstance()->getAll($query, [$parameters['user_id'], $parameters['acr_id'], $parameters['acr_id'], $date_from, $date_to]);
     return $result;
Beispiel #5
 public function getUserInfoById($user_id)
     $query = " select as user_name, a.scl_id, a.cls_id, as scl_name, as cls_name, tr.NAME, tr.COST, tr.TRF_ID, tr.inf_bal, tr.inf_ent, tr.inf_eat\n                   from cs_shket.USER_IN_SCL_CLS a, cs_shket.cls, cs_shket.scl, cs_shket.usr\n                      , (select trf.trf_id, trf.NAME, trf.COST, usr.USR_ID\n                              , inf_bal, INF_ENT, INF_EAT\n                           from CS_SHKET.TRf, CS_SHKET.USR\n                          where usr.TRF_ID = trf.TRF_ID ) tr\n                  where a.del <> 1 and cls.del <> 1 and scl.del <> 1\n                    and a.usr_id = ? and a.scl_id = scl.scl_id\n                    and a.scl_id = cls.scl_id\n                    and a.cls_id = cls.cls_id\n                    and usr.usr_id = a.usr_id\n                    and tr.USR_ID = a.USR_ID";
     $result = DB::getInstance()->getAll($query, [$user_id], PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     return $result;
Beispiel #6
 public function changePupilBjt($parameters)
     $query = "select IS_BJT from cs_shket.usr where usr_id = ?";
     $result = DB::getInstance()->getFirst($query, [$parameters['user_id']]);
     if ($result['IS_BJT'] == 1) {
         $parameters['is_bjt'] = 0;
     } else {
         $parameters['is_bjt'] = 1;
     $query = "update cs_shket.usr set mdate = ?, is_bjt = ?, upd = 1 where usr_id = ?";
     DB::getInstance()->getFirst($query, [date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $parameters['is_bjt'], $parameters['user_id']]);
     return $parameters['is_bjt'];