Beispiel #1

$notifications = Lobby\DB::getJSONOption("notify_items");
 * If there is a update available either app or core, add a Notify item
if (\Lobby\Update::isAvailable()) {
    $notifications["update"] = array("contents" => "New Updates Are Available", "icon" => "update", "iconURL" => null, "href" => \Lobby::u("/admin/update.php"));
echo json_encode($notifications);
Beispiel #2
if (!\Lobby::status("lobby.install")) {
     * Left Menu
    \Lobby\UI\Panel::addTopItem("lobbyHome", array("text" => "Home", "href" => L_URL, "position" => "left"));
    $adminArray = array("text" => "Admin", "href" => "/admin", "position" => "left");
    $adminArray["subItems"] = array("app_manager" => array("text" => "Apps", "href" => "/admin/apps.php"), "lobby_store" => array("text" => "Lobby Store", "href" => "/admin/lobby-store.php"), "about" => array("text" => "Settings", "href" => "/admin/settings.php"));
    \Lobby\UI\Panel::addTopItem("lobbyAdmin", $adminArray);
    if (\Lobby\FS::exists("/upgrade.lobby")) {
        require_once L_DIR . "/includes/src/Update.php";
        $l_info = json_decode(\Lobby\FS::get("/lobby.json"));
        if ($lobby_version != $l_info->version) {
            Lobby\DB::saveOption("lobby_latest_version", $l_info->version);
            Lobby\DB::saveOption("lobby_latest_version_release", $l_info->released);
if (\Lobby::status("lobby.admin")) {
     * Add Admin Pages' stylesheet, script
    \Assets::js("admin", "/admin/js/admin.js");
     * Add sidebar
    Hooks::addAction("admin.body.begin", function () {
        require L_DIR . "/admin/inc/sidebar.php";
     * Add sidebar handler in panel
Beispiel #3
 \Lobby\Update::$progress = function ($resource, $download_size, $downloaded, $upload_size, $uploaded = "") use($appID, $lastPercentage) {
      * On new versions of cURL, $resource parameter is not passed
      * So, swap vars if it doesn't exist
     if (!is_resource($resource)) {
         $uploaded = $upload_size;
         $upload_size = $downloaded;
         $downloaded = $download_size;
         $download_size = $resource;
     if ($download_size > 1000 && $downloaded > 0) {
         $percent = round($downloaded / $download_size * 100, 0);
     } else {
         $percent = 1;
     if ($lastPercentage !== $percent || isset($GLOBALS['non_percent'])) {
         $lastPercentage = $percent;
         if ($download_size > 0) {
             $readable_size = FS::normalizeSize($download_size);
             sendStatusToLobby("download_status", "Downloaded {$percent}% of {$readable_size}");
         } else {
              * We couldn't find the percentage
             $GLOBALS['non_percent'] = 1;
             $downloaded = FS::normalizeSize($downloaded);
             sendStatusToLobby("download_status", "Downloaded {$downloaded}");
          * Show Install message when download is completed
         if ($percent == 100 && !isset($GLOBALS['install-msg-printed'])) {
             $GLOBALS['install-msg-printed'] = 1;
             $downloaded = FS::normalizeSize($downloaded);
             sendStatusToLobby("download_status", "Downloaded 100% of {$downloaded}");
             sendStatusToLobby("install_status", "Installing <b>{$appID}</b>...");
Beispiel #4
    $base = log($size) / log(1024);
    $base = floor($base);
    $suffix = array("", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB");
    return round(pow(1024, $base - floor($base)), 1) . $suffix[$base];
$GLOBALS['last'] = 0;
\Lobby\Update::$progress = function ($resource, $download_size, $downloaded, $upload_size, $uploaded) {
    if ($download_size == 0) {
        $percent = 0;
    } else {
        $percent = round($downloaded / $download_size * 100, 0);
    if ($GLOBALS['last'] != $percent) {
        $GLOBALS['last'] = $percent;
        $rd_size = convertToReadableSize($download_size);
        echo "<script>document.querySelector('.downloadStatus').innerHTML = 'Downloaded {$percent}% of {$rd_size}';</script>";
        if ($percent == 100) {
            echo "<p>Installing <b>{$GLOBALS['name']}</b>...</p>";
if ($type == "app" && \Lobby\Update::app($id)) {
    echo "Installed - The app has been installed. <a target='_parent' href='" . L_URL . "/admin/install-app.php?action=enable&id={$_GET['id']}" . H::csrf("g") . "'>Enable the app</a> to use it.";
} else {
    if ($type == "lobby" && ($redirect = \Lobby\Update::software())) {
        echo "<a target='_parent' href='{$redirect}'>Updated Lobby</a>";
Beispiel #5
        echo \Lobby::l("/admin/update.php?step=2" . CSRF::getParam(), "Start Update", "clear class='btn green'");
    } elseif ($step == 2) {
        $version = Lobby\DB::getOption("lobby_latest_version");
        echo '<iframe src="' . L_URL . "/admin/download.php?type=lobby" . CSRF::getParam() . '" style="border: 0;width: 100%;height: 200px;"></iframe>';
$shouldUpdate = Request::postParam("updateApp");
if ($action === "updateApps" && is_array($shouldUpdate) && CSRF::check()) {
    foreach ($shouldUpdate as $appID) {
        echo '<iframe src="' . L_URL . "/admin/download.php?type=app&app={$appID}&isUpdate=1" . CSRF::getParam() . '" style="border: 0;width: 100%;height: 200px;"></iframe>';
if ($step === null) {
    echo "<h2>Apps</h2>";
$appUpdates = Update::getApps();
if ($step === null && empty($appUpdates)) {
    echo "<p>All apps are up to date.</p>";
} else {
    if ($step === null && isset($appUpdates) && count($appUpdates)) {
          <p>New versions of apps are available. Choose which apps to update from the following :</p>
          <form method="POST" clear>
        echo CSRF::getInput();
                  <td style='width: 2%;'>Update ?</td>
                  <td style='width: 20%;'>App</td>