if ($page == "/") { $page = "/index"; } $GLOBALS['workspaceHTML'] = $class->inc("/src/Page{$page}.php"); } else { $GLOBALS['workspaceHTML'] = $page_response; } if ($GLOBALS['workspaceHTML'] === false || $GLOBALS['workspaceHTML'] == null) { ob_start(); ser("Error", "The app '<strong>{$AppID}</strong>' does not have an Admin Page"); $error = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $GLOBALS['workspaceHTML'] = "<div class='contents'>" . $error . "</div>"; } } }); } public static function statusRoutes() { /** * The default 404 page */ self::$router->onHttpError(function ($code, $router) { if ($code == 404) { ser(); } }); } } \Lobby\Router::init();
require_once __DIR__ . "/config.php"; /** * Add the Login Page in /admin/login route */ \Lobby\Router::route("/admin/login", function () { if (\Fr\LS::userExists("admin") === false) { \Fr\LS::register("admin", "admin", array("name" => "Admin", "created" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))); } include __DIR__ . "/page/login.php"; }); /** * Add the Change Password Page in /admin/ChangePassword route */ \Lobby\Router::route("/admin/ChangePassword", function () { include __DIR__ . "/page/change_password.php"; }); if (\Fr\LS::$loggedIn) { /** * Logged In */ \Lobby::hook("init", function () { /** * Add Change Password Item in Top Panel -> Admin before Log Out item * This is done by first removing the Log Out item, adding the Change * Password item and then adding back the Log Out item */ \Lobby\Panel::$top_items['left']['lobbyAdmin']['subItems']['ChangePassword'] = array("text" => "Change Password", "href" => "/admin/ChangePassword"); \Lobby\Panel::$top_items['left']['lobbyAdmin']['subItems']['LogOut'] = array("text" => "Log Out", "href" => "/admin/login?logout"); }); } else {
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/load.php"; $GLOBALS['workspaceHTML'] = ""; /** * Dispatch the Routes */ \Lobby\Router::dispatch(); if (!isset($GLOBALS['route_active'])) { if ($GLOBALS['workspaceHTML'] != "" || is_array($GLOBALS['workspaceHTML'])) { require_once L_DIR . "/includes/lib/core/Inc/page.php"; } else { ser(); } }
<?php /** * * index.php file for LobbyOS * * A localhost/Web OS For Web Apps: http://lobby.subinsb.com * * @category lobby * @package lobby * @author The LobbyOS developer community * @license Apache License * @version 0.2.1 */ require_once __DIR__ . "/load.php"; use Lobby\Router; /** * Dispatch the Routes */ Router::dispatch(); if (!Router::$routeActive) { if (\Response::hasContent()) { \Response::send(); } else { if (Router::pathExists()) { return false; } else { \Response::showError(); } } }
/** * Add routes */ public function routes() { /** * Add the Login Page in /admin/login route */ \Lobby\Router::route("/admin/login", function () { if (LS::userExists("admin") === false) { LS::register("admin", "admin", array("name" => "Admin", "created" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))); } include __DIR__ . "/page/login.php"; }); }
public function appAdminSetup() { Router::route("/admin/app/[:appID]?/[**:page]?", function ($request) { $appID = $request->appID; $page = $request->page === null ? "/" : "/{$request->page}"; $App = new \Lobby\Apps($appID); if (!$App->exists) { ser(); return null; } Hooks::addFilter("admin.view.sidebar", function ($links) use($appID, $App) { $links["/admin/app/{$appID}"] = $App->info["name"]; return $links; }); Hooks::addFilter("app.manifest", function ($info) { $info["adminURL"] = L_URL . "/admin/app/" . $info["id"]; return $info; }); $class = $App->getInstance(); /** * Set the title */ Response::setTitle($App->info["name"]); $pageResponse = $class->page($page); if ($pageResponse === "auto") { if ($page === "/") { $page = "/index"; } $html = $class->inc("/src/page/admin{$page}.php"); if ($html) { Response::setPage($html); } else { ser(); } } else { if ($pageResponse === null) { ob_start(); echo ser("Error", "The app '<strong>{$AppID}</strong>' does not have an Admin Page. <a clear href='" . \Lobby::u("/app/{$AppID}") . "' class='btn green'>Go To App</a>"); $error = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); Response::setPage($error); } else { Response::setPage($pageResponse); } } }); }