Beispiel #1
  * Get full path to results file.
  * @return string
 public function getFilePath()
     if (!$this->fileDir) {
         $this->fileDir = ConfigProvider::getInstance()->logsDir;
     return $this->fileDir . '/' . $this->fileName;
Beispiel #2
 public function execute($command_name, $params = [])
     if (ConfigProvider::getInstance()->debug) {
         $this->log('Executing command "%s" with params %s', $command_name, json_encode($params, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
     return parent::execute($command_name, $params);
Beispiel #3
  * @expectedException \RuntimeException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Custom configuration options can be set only before the Config object was instantiated
 public function testShouldFailIfSettingCustomConfigurationOptionsAfterFirstInstantiation()
     $provider = ConfigProvider::getInstance();
     // Create Config instance
     // This should fail, as the Config instance was already created
Beispiel #4
  * Create Legacy instance
  * @param AbstractTestCaseBase $tc TestCase instance
 public function __construct(AbstractTestCaseBase $tc)
     $logsDir = ConfigProvider::getInstance()->logsDir;
     if ($logsDir) {
         // if the directory is not defined, the setFileDir() must be called explicitly later
     $this->testClassName = get_class($tc);
     $this->log('New legacy instantiated in class "%s"', $this->testClassName);
Beispiel #5
  * Get path to given fixture, which could be then entered into file input field.
  * @param string $fixture Fixture identifier (relative path to fixture from directory with tests)
  * @return string Path to fixture
 public function getFixturePath($fixture)
     $fixturesDir = ConfigProvider::getInstance()->fixturesDir;
     $directorySeparator = '/';
     if (strpos($fixturesDir, '\\') !== false) {
         // if \ was used in the path, we are most probably on windows
         $directorySeparator = '\\';
         $fixture = str_replace('/', $directorySeparator, $fixture);
     $fixturePath = rtrim($fixturesDir, $directorySeparator) . $directorySeparator . $fixture;
     // if relative path was provided and the file is accessible, resolve into absolute path
     if (realpath($fixturePath)) {
         $fixturePath = realpath($fixturePath);
     $this->debug('Assembled path to fixture: "%s"', $fixturePath);
     return $fixturePath;
Beispiel #6
  * Take screenshot and save it.
  * @param AbstractTestCase $test
 protected function takeSnapshot(AbstractTestCase $test)
     $savePath = ConfigProvider::getInstance()->logsDir . '/';
     $testIdentifier = Strings::webalize(get_class($test), null, $lower = false) . '-' . Strings::webalize($test->getName(), null, $lower = false) . '-' . date('Y-m-d-H-i-s');
     if (!$test->wd instanceof \RemoteWebDriver) {
         $test->warn('WebDriver instance not found, cannot take screenshot.');
     $test->appendTestLog('Test failed on page "%s", taking page snapshots:', $test->wd->getCurrentURL());
     // Save PNG screenshot
     $screenshotPath = $savePath . $testIdentifier . '.png';
     $test->appendTestLog('Screenshot saved to file "%s" ', $this->getSnapshotUrl($screenshotPath));
     // Save HTML snapshot of page
     $htmlPath = $savePath . $testIdentifier . '.html';
     file_put_contents($htmlPath, $test->wd->getPageSource());
     $test->appendTestLog('HTML snapshot saved to file "%s" ', $this->getSnapshotUrl($htmlPath));
Beispiel #7
  * Subroutine to encapsulate creation of real WebDriver. Handles some exceptions that may occur etc.
  * The WebDriver instance is stored to $test->wd when created.
  * @param AbstractTestCase $test
  * @param $remoteServerUrl
  * @param \DesiredCapabilities $capabilities
  * @param $connectTimeoutMs
  * @param $requestTimeoutMs
 protected function createWebDriver(AbstractTestCase $test, $remoteServerUrl, \DesiredCapabilities $capabilities, $connectTimeoutMs, $requestTimeoutMs)
     $browserName = ConfigProvider::getInstance()->browserName;
     for ($startAttempts = 0; $startAttempts < 4; $startAttempts++) {
         try {
             $test->wd = RemoteWebDriver::create($remoteServerUrl, $capabilities, $connectTimeoutMs, $requestTimeoutMs);
         } catch (\UnknownServerException $e) {
             if ($browserName == 'firefox' && strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Unable to bind to locking port') !== false) {
                 // As a consequence of Selenium issue #5172 (cannot change locking port), Firefox may on CI server
                 // collide with other FF instance. As a workaround, we try to start it again after a short delay.
                 $test->warn('Firefox locking port is occupied; beginning attempt #%d to start it ("%s")', $startAttempts + 2, $e->getMessage());
             } elseif (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Error forwarding the new session') !== false) {
                 $test->warn("Cannot execute test on the node. Maybe you started just the hub and not the node?");
             throw $e;
     $test->warn('All %d attempts to instantiate Firefox WebDriver failed', $startAttempts + 1);
     throw $e;
Beispiel #8
 public function debug($format, $args = null)
     if (ConfigProvider::getInstance()->debug) {
         echo $this->formatOutput(func_get_args(), 'DEBUG');