Beispiel #1
 private static function _getVotesOverTime($vars, $users = false)
     $time = time();
     $startDate = Lib\Url::GetInt('startDate', $time - 3600 * 24, $vars);
     // Default to the last 24 hours
     $endDate = Lib\Url::GetInt('endDate', $time, $vars);
     $bracketId = Lib\Url::GetInt('bracketId', null, $vars);
     $granularity = Lib\Url::GetInt('granularity', 2, $vars);
     $cacheKey = '_getVotesOverTime_' . implode('_', [$startDate, $endDate, $bracketId, $granularity, $users]);
     $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
     if (false === $retVal && $bracketId) {
         $selectCount = $users ? 'DISTINCT user_id' : '1';
         $result = Lib\Db::Query('SELECT COUNT(' . $selectCount . ') AS total, DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(vote_date)) AS date, HOUR(FROM_UNIXTIME(vote_date)) AS hour, (MINUTE(FROM_UNIXTIME(vote_date)) % :granularity) AS hour_fraction FROM votes WHERE bracket_id = :bracketId AND vote_date BETWEEN :start AND :end GROUP BY date, hour, hour_fraction ORDER BY date, hour, hour_fraction', [':granularity' => $granularity, ':bracketId' => $bracketId, ':start' => $startDate, ':end' => $endDate]);
         if ($result && $result->count) {
             $retVal = [];
             while ($row = Lib\Db::Fetch($result)) {
                 $obj = new stdClass();
                 $obj->date = (int) $row->date;
                 $obj->hour = (int) $row->hour;
                 $obj->minutes = $row->hour_fraction == 0 ? 0 : 60 * ((int) $row->hour_fraction / $granularity);
                 $obj->count = (int) $row->total;
                 $retVal[] = $obj;
             Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, $retVal, STATS_CACHE_DURATION);
     return $retVal;
Beispiel #2
 public static function start()
     self::$_id = Url::Get(SESSION_NAME, null, $_COOKIE);
     if (!self::$_id) {
         self::$_id = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32));
         setcookie(SESSION_NAME, self::$_id, time() + SESSION_EXPIRE, '/', SESSION_DOMAIN);
     self::$_sess = Cache::Get(SESSION_NAME . '_' . self::$_id, true);
Beispiel #3
  * Gets all characters for a bracket
 public static function getByBracketId($bracketId)
     $retVal = null;
     if (is_numeric($bracketId)) {
         $cacheKey = 'Character_getByBracketId_' . $bracketId;
         $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
         if (false === $retVal) {
             $retVal = null;
             // TODO - make order by column configurable
             $retVal = Character::queryReturnAll(['bracketId' => $bracketId], ['source' => 'ASC', 'name' => 'ASC']);
             Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, $retVal);
     return $retVal;
Beispiel #4
  * Returns an array of parent items for this object
 public function getParents()
     $cacheKey = 'MalItem::getItemParents_' . $this->id;
     $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
     if (false === $retVal && $this->id) {
         $retVal = null;
         $result = Lib\Db::Query('SELECT i.* FROM mal_xref x INNER JOIN mal_items i ON i.item_id = x.mal_parent WHERE x.mal_child = :id ORDER BY x.mal_parent ASC', [':id' => $this->id]);
         if ($result && $result->count) {
             $retVal = [];
             while ($row = Lib\Db::Fetch($result)) {
                 $retVal[] = new MalItem($row);
         Lib\Cache::Set($retVal, 3600);
     return $retVal;
Beispiel #5
 public static function generate(array $params)
     $message = null;
     $bracket = self::_getBracket(array_shift($params));
     if ($bracket) {
         $cacheKey = 'Controller::Admin::Advance_bracketAdvanceTime_' . $bracket->id;
         $lastBracketAdvance = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
         if (!$lastBracketAdvance || $lastBracketAdvance + self::BRACKET_ADVANCE_DELAY < time()) {
             Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, time());
             $message = new stdClass();
             $message->type = 'success';
             $message->message = $bracket->name . ' has advanced to the next round';
         } else {
             $message = new stdClass();
             $message->type = 'error';
             $delta = $lastBracketAdvance + self::BRACKET_ADVANCE_DELAY - time();
             $time = Lib\Util::relativeTime(time() - $delta);
             $message->message = $bracket->name . ' was recently advanced. Please wait ' . $time . ' before advancing again.';
     return self::_main($message, true);
Beispiel #6
  * Gets the unvoted rounds for a bracket and tier
 public static function getBracketRounds($bracketId, $tier, $group = false, $ignoreCache = false)
     // If no user, check as guest
     $user = User::getCurrentUser();
     if (!$user) {
         $user = new User();
         $user->id = 0;
     $cacheKey = 'GetBracketRounds_' . $bracketId . '_' . $tier . '_' . ($group !== false ? $group : 'all') . '_' . $user->id;
     $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
     if (false === $retVal || $ignoreCache) {
         $params = [':bracketId' => $bracketId, ':tier' => $tier, ':userId' => $user->id];
         if (false !== $group) {
             $params[':group'] = $group;
             // Check to see how many rounds there are in the group total. If there's only one, come back and get them all
             $row = Lib\Db::Fetch(Lib\Db::Query('SELECT COUNT(1) AS total FROM round WHERE bracket_id = :bracketId AND round_tier = :tier AND round_group = :group', [':bracketId' => $bracketId, ':tier' => $tier, ':group' => $group]));
             if (is_object($row) && (int) $row->total == 1) {
                 $retVal = self::getBracketRounds($bracketId, $tier, false, $ignoreCache);
                 $result = null;
             } else {
                 $result = Lib\Db::Query('SELECT *, (SELECT character_id FROM votes WHERE user_id = :userId AND round_id = r.round_id) AS user_vote FROM round r WHERE r.bracket_id = :bracketId AND r.round_tier = :tier AND r.round_group = :group ORDER BY r.round_order', $params);
         } else {
             $result = Lib\Db::Query('SELECT *, (SELECT character_id FROM votes WHERE user_id = :userId AND round_id = r.round_id) AS user_vote FROM round r WHERE r.bracket_id = :bracketId AND r.round_tier = :tier ORDER BY r.round_order', $params);
         if ($result && $result->count > 0) {
             $retVal = [];
             // Hashmap of characters to retrieve in the next step
             $characters = [];
             while ($row = Lib\Db::Fetch($result)) {
                 $round = new Round($row);
                 // If the tier is not 0, character2 is "nobody", and the number of items is not a power of two
                 // this is a wildcard round and the user has already voted
                 if ($row->round_tier != 0 && $row->round_character2_id == 1 && ($result->count + 1 & $result->count) != 0) {
                     return null;
                 // Save off the character IDs for retrieval later
                 $characters[$row->round_character1_id] = true;
                 $characters[$row->round_character2_id] = true;
                 $retVal[] = $round;
             // Retrieve the characters
             $result = Character::query(['id' => ['in' => array_keys($characters)]]);
             if ($result && $result->count) {
                 while ($row = Lib\Db::Fetch($result)) {
                     $character = new Character($row);
                     $characters[$character->id] = $character;
                 // Replace all the instances for the rounds
                 foreach ($retVal as $round) {
                     $round->character1 = $characters[$round->character1Id];
                     $round->character2 = $characters[$round->character2Id];
                     // Flag the character the user voted for if the voted
                     if ($round->votedCharacterId) {
                         if ($round->votedCharacterId == $round->character1->id) {
                             $round->character1->voted = true;
                         } else {
                             $round->character2->voted = true;
         Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, $retVal);
     return $retVal;
Beispiel #7
  * Checks to see if the user is flooding the server with requests too quickly
 private static function _isFlooding($user)
     $cacheKey = 'FloodGuard_' . $user->id;
     $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey, true);
     return $retVal && $retVal + FLOOD_CONTROL > time();
Beispiel #8
  * Makes an internal API call
 private static function _internal($module, $method, $params, $cache)
     global $_apiHits;
     $cacheKey = md5($module . '-' . $method . '-' . serialize($params));
     $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
     if ($retVal === false || $cache == 0) {
         $retVal = Api\DxApi::handleRequest($module, $method, $params);
         Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, $retVal);
     return $retVal;
Beispiel #9
  * Makes an API call to another instance of DxApi via REST
 private static function _external($module, $method, $params, $cache, $apiUri)
     global $_apiHits;
     $qs = '/index.php?type=json&method=' . $module . '.' . $method;
     // Build the query string
     if (count($params) > 0) {
         foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
             $qs .= "&{$key}=" . urlencode($val);
     // Check to see if there is a cached version of this
     $cacheKey = md5($apiUri . $qs);
     $retVal = Cache::Get($cacheKey);
     if ($retVal === false || $cache == 0) {
         $file = file_get_contents($apiUri . $qs);
         $retVal = json_decode($file);
         // Only cache on success
         if ($retVal->status->ret_code == 0) {
             Cache::Set($cacheKey, $retVal, $cache);
     // Return the request
     return $retVal;
Beispiel #10
  * Retrieves a stashed message from caches and then clears it
 protected static function _getStashedMessage()
     $retVal = null;
     if (self::$_user) {
         $cacheKey = self::_stashCacheKey();
         $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
         Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, false);
     return $retVal;
Beispiel #11
  * Gets a bracket by perma lookup
 public static function getBracketByPerma($perma, $force = false)
     $cacheKey = 'Api:Bracket:getBracketByPerma_' . $perma;
     $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
     if (false === $retVal || $force) {
         $result = Lib\Db::Query('SELECT * FROM `bracket` WHERE `bracket_perma` = :perma', [':perma' => $perma]);
         if ($result && $result->count) {
             $retVal = new Bracket(Lib\Db::Fetch($result));
         Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, $retVal);
     return $retVal;
Beispiel #12
  * Gets a record from the database by the primary key
 private function _getById($id)
     $retVal = null;
     if (self::_verifyProperties($this)) {
         if (is_numeric($id)) {
             $cacheKey = 'Lib:Dal:' . $this->_dbTable . '_getById_' . $id;
             $retVal = Cache::Get($cacheKey);
             if (!$retVal) {
                 $query = 'SELECT `' . implode('`, `', $this->_dbMap) . '` FROM `' . $this->_dbTable . '` ';
                 $query .= 'WHERE `' . $this->_dbMap[$this->_dbPrimaryKey] . '` = :id LIMIT 1';
                 $result = Db::Query($query, [':id' => $id]);
                 if (null !== $result && $result->count === 1) {
                     $retVal = Db::Fetch($result);
                     Cache::Set($cacheKey, $retVal);
             if ($retVal) {
         } else {
             throw new Exception('ID must be a number');
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Class must have "_dbTable", "_dbMap", and "_dbPrimaryKey" properties to use method "getById"');