  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function saveFile(UploadedFile $uploadedFile, $fileName)
     $stream = fopen($uploadedFile->getRealPath(), 'r+');
     $result = $this->filesystem->writeStream($this->getMediaBasePath() . '/' . $fileName . '.' . $uploadedFile->guessClientExtension(), $stream);
     return $result;
 public function writeStream($path, $resource)
     try {
         return $this->filesystem->writeStream($path, $resource);
     } catch (FileExistsException $exception) {
         return $this->filesystem->updateStream($path, $resource);
  * 1.txt
  * 2.txt.
 public function testWriteStream()
     $stream = tmpfile();
     fwrite($stream, 'OSS text');
     $this->assertTrue($this->filesystem->writeStream('2.txt', $stream));
 function it_should_successfully_update_stream($path, Filesystem $filesystem)
     $filesystem->writeStream($path, 'resource2')->willThrow('League\\Flysystem\\FileExistsException');
     $filesystem->updateStream($path, 'resource2')->willReturn(true);
     $this->writeStream($path, 'resource2');
     $filesystem->writeStream($path, 'resource2')->shouldBeCalled();
     $filesystem->updateStream($path, 'resource2')->shouldBeCalled();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function persist(File $file) : bool
     // only write temporary, i.e. not yet persisted files, to backend file storage
     if ($file->isTmpFile()) {
         // use streams for writing to backend file storage
         $stream = fopen($file->getTmpPathname(), 'r+');
         return $this->filesystem->writeStream($file->getKey(), $stream);
     return true;
  * @param string $fileName
  * @return bool
 public function uploadFile($fileName)
     if (true === $this->fileExists($fileName)) {
         $fileStream = $this->openFile($fileName, 'r');
         $result = $this->fileSystem->writeStream($this->getFileNameFromPath($fileName), $fileStream);
         return false !== $result;
     return false;
Beispiel #7
  * @param array $fileList
 public function store(array $fileList)
     foreach ($fileList as $file) {
         $this->logger->notice('Storing ' . $file . ' in s3 bucket ' . $this->filesystem->getAdapter()->getBucket());
         try {
             $stream = fopen($file, 'r');
             $this->filesystem->writeStream($this->getStoredFilename($file), $stream, ['visibility' => AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE]);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->logger->error('Exception while storing ' . $file . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
         if (isset($stream) && is_resource($stream)) {
 function it_should_execute_the_transfer_file_command(Filesystem $source, Filesystem $destination)
     $destination->writeStream('destination', 'data')->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->beConstructedWith($source, 'source', $destination, 'destination');
  * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
 public function testWriteStreamFail()
     $adapter = Mockery::mock('League\\Flysystem\\AdapterInterface');
     $filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
     $filesystem->writeStream('file.txt', 'not a resource');
  * Saves the file with a unique file name.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $file
  * @param string $directory what subdirectory to upload the file into
  * @return mixed If the Flysystem transfer succeeded, returns the final
  *   file name used.
 public function handle(UploadedFile $file = null, $directory = null)
     if (null == $file) {
         return null;
     $stream = fopen($file->getRealPath(), 'r+');
     if (null === $directory) {
         $directory = '';
     do {
         $filename = $this->fileNameGenerator->nextName();
     } while ($this->flysystem->has($directory . $filename));
     // TODO error not being handled
     $result = $this->flysystem->writeStream($directory . $filename, $stream);
     return $filename;
  * Write a new file using a stream.
  * @param string   $path     The path of the new file.
  * @param resource $resource The file handle.
  * @param array    $config   An optional configuration array.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If $resource is not a file handle.
  * @throws FileExistsException
  * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
 public function writeStream($path, $resource, array $config = [])
     $result = parent::writeStream($path, $resource, $config);
     if ($result && ($resource = $this->get($path))) {
         return $this->dispatch(new SyncFile($resource));
     return $result;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function backup(Filesystem $source, Filesystem $destination, Database $database, array $parameter)
     $this->output->writeln('  * <comment>export "' . $parameter['path'] . '" to "export.xml"</comment>');
     $tempfile = $this->temporaryFileSystem->createTemporaryFile('jackrabbit');
     $stream = fopen($tempfile, 'w+');
     $this->export($this->getSession($parameter), $parameter['path'], $stream);
     $destination->writeStream('export.xml', fopen($tempfile, 'r'));
 function it_throws_an_exception_if_the_file_already_exists_on_the_filesystem($mountManager, $factory, \SplFileInfo $rawFile, Filesystem $fs, FileInfoInterface $fileInfo)
     $fs->writeStream(Argument::any(), Argument::any())->willThrow(new FileExistsException('The file exists.'));
     $factory->createFromRawFile($rawFile, 'destination')->willReturn($fileInfo);
     $this->shouldThrow(new FileTransferException(sprintf('Unable to move the file "%s" to the "destination" filesystem.', __FILE__)))->during('store', [$rawFile, 'destination']);
  * Deploy files to the remote filesystem.
  * @return void
 public function deployToRemote()
     $local_path = $this->relativeDumpPath();
     $files = $this->localAdapter->listContents($local_path);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $contents = $this->localAdapter->readStream($local_path . $file['basename']);
         $file_size = $this->localAdapter->getSize($local_path . $file['basename']);
         $this->out($this->parseString('Uploading %s (%s)', [$file['basename'], $this->formatBytes($file_size)], 'light_green'));
         $this->remoteAdapter->writeStream($local_path . $file['basename'], $contents);
  * @return mixed
 public function doBackup()
     $date = date('YmdHisO');
     $dumpName = trim($this->options->getPath() . $date . '.sql', '/');
     switch ($this->dumperOptions->getCompress()) {
         case Mysqldump::GZIP:
             $dumpName = $dumpName . '.gz';
         case Mysqldump::BZIP2:
             $dumpName = $dumpName . '.bz2';
     $tmpFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'bsb-flysystem-mysql-backup-');
     $fileStream = fopen($tmpFile, 'rb');
     try {
         if (false === $fileStream) {
             throw new \RuntimeException("A temp file could not be created");
         // start dump and backup
         $this->filesystem->writeStream($dumpName, $fileStream);
         // write a latest file
         if ($this->options->getWriteLatest()) {
             $this->filesystem->put($this->options->getPath() . $this->options->getWriteLatest(), pathinfo($dumpName, PATHINFO_BASENAME));
         if ($this->options->getAutoPrune()) {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage());
     } finally {
         if (is_resource($fileStream)) {
         if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {
     return $dumpName;
Beispiel #16
  * @inheritdoc
 public function writeStream($path, $resource, array $config = [])
     $innerPath = $this->getInnerPath($path);
     try {
         $return = $this->fileSystem->writeStream($innerPath, $resource, $config);
     } catch (FileExistsException $e) {
         throw $this->exceptionWrapper($e, $path);
     if ($return !== false) {
         $this->invokePlugin("addPathToIndex", [$path, $innerPath], $this);
     return $return;
 public function do()
     $this->io->writeln('Deploying via Codedeploy!');
     $s3Client = new S3Client(['version' => 'latest', 'region' => 'us-east-1']);
     $adapter = new AwsS3Adapter($s3Client, $this->config->get('bucket'));
     $s3 = new Filesystem($adapter);
     $build_file = $this->config->get('build_path', getcwd() . '/build') . '/build.zip';
     if (!file_exists($build_file)) {
         throw new \Exception('Could not find build file.');
     $stream = fopen($build_file, 'r+');
     $fileMd5 = md5_file($build_file);
     $s3File = $this->config->get('AppName') . '/revisions/' . $fileMd5 . '.zip';
     $s3->writeStream($s3File, $stream);
     $codedeploy = new CodeDeployClient(['region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => 'latest']);
     $codedeploy->registerApplicationRevision(['applicationName' => $this->config->get('AppName'), 'revision' => ['revisionType' => 'S3', 's3Location' => ['bucket' => $this->config->get('bucket'), 'key' => $s3File, 'bundleType' => 'zip']]]);
     $codedeploy->createDeployment(['applicationName' => $this->config->get('AppName'), 'deploymentGroupName' => $this->config->get('AppName'), 'revision' => ['revisionType' => 'S3', 's3Location' => ['bucket' => $this->config->get('bucket'), 'key' => $s3File, 'bundleType' => 'zip']], 'ignoreApplicationStopFailures' => false]);
Beispiel #18
  * @param File[] $files
  * @throws CanNotSavedException
  * @return File[]
 public function save($files)
     $fileSystemAdapter = $this->getAdapter();
     $fileSystem = new Filesystem($fileSystemAdapter);
     $savedFiles = [];
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $saveLocation = $this->fileNameResolver->resolve(new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')), 'database', $file->getExtension());
         if ($fileSystem->has($saveLocation)) {
         $stream = fopen($file->getPath(), 'r+');
         $uploadFile = $fileSystem->writeStream($saveLocation, $stream);
         if (!$uploadFile) {
             throw new CanNotSavedException();
         $savedFiles[] = new File($fileSystemAdapter->applyPathPrefix($saveLocation));
     return $savedFiles;
Beispiel #19
 public function writeStream($path, $resource, array $config = [])
     try {
         return parent::writeStream($path, $resource, $config);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->errors[] = $e->getMessage();
     return false;
Beispiel #20
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @throws FileExistsException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws FileNotFoundException
  * @throws LogicException
 public function restore(Filesystem $source, Filesystem $destination, ReadonlyDatabase $database, array $parameter)
     // TODO make it smoother
     $files = $source->listFiles('', true);
     $progressBar = new ProgressBar($this->output, count($files));
     $progressBar->setFormat(' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s% %memory:6s%');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $path = $file['path'];
         $fullPath = $parameter['directory'] . '/' . $file['path'];
         if ($destination->has($fullPath)) {
             if ($destination->hash($fullPath) === $source->hash($path)) {
         $destination->writeStream($fullPath, $source->readStream($path));
 public function testWriteStreamInvalid()
     $this->filesystem->writeStream('path.txt', '__INVALID__');
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function import($request)
     $_from = null;
     $_instance = $request->getInstance();
     $_mount = $_instance->getStorageMount();
     $this->info('[provisioning:storage:import] instance "' . $_instance->instance_id_text . '" begin');
     //  Grab the target (zip archive) and pull out the target of the import
     $_zip = $request->getTarget();
     /** @var \ZipArchive $_archive */
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
     $_archive = $_zip->getAdapter()->getArchive();
     $_path = null;
     foreach ($_zip->listContents() as $_file) {
         if ('dir' != $_file['type'] && false !== strpos($_file['path'], '.storage.zip')) {
             $_from = Disk::segment([sys_get_temp_dir(), 'dfe', 'import', sha1($_file['path'])], true);
             if (!$_archive->extractTo($_from, $_file['path'])) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to unzip archive file "' . $_file['path'] . '" from snapshot.');
             $_path = Disk::path([$_from, $_file['path']], false);
             if (!$_path || !file_exists($_path)) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$from file "' . $_file['path'] . '" missing or unreadable.');
             $_from = new Filesystem(new ZipArchiveAdapter($_path));
     if (!$_mount instanceof Filesystem) {
         $_mount = new Filesystem(new ZipArchiveAdapter($_mount));
     //  If "clean" == true, storage is wiped clean before restore
     if (true === $request->get('clean', false)) {
     //  Extract the files
     $_restored = [];
     /** @type Filesystem $_archive */
     foreach ($_from->listContents() as $_file) {
         $_filename = $_file['path'];
         if ('dir' == array_get($_file, 'type')) {
         } else {
             $_mount->writeStream($_filename, $_archive->readStream($_filename));
         $_restored[] = $_file;
     $_path && is_dir(dirname($_path)) && Disk::deleteTree(dirname($_path));
     //  Fire off a "storage.imported" event...
     \Event::fire('dfe.storage.imported', [$this, $request]);
     $this->info('[provisioning:storage:import] instance "' . $_instance->instance_id_text . '" complete');
     return $_restored;
Beispiel #23
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function execute()
     $this->destinationFilesystem->writeStream($this->destinationPath, $this->sourceFilesystem->readStream($this->sourcePath));
Beispiel #24
 public function writeFile($directory, $file)
     $stream = fopen($file->getRealPath(), 'r+');
     $this->flysystem->writeStream($directory . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), $stream);