Beispiel #1
  * Find data in Mongo
  * and create array of $this->aData
  * @return object $this
 protected function getData()
     $aTokens = TitleTokenizer::factory($this->Request->getUTF8('q'))->getArrayCopy();
     if (!empty($aTokens)) {
         d('looking for something');
         try {
             $cur = $this->Registry->Mongo->QUESTIONS->find(array('a_title' => array('$all' => $aTokens), 'a_deleted' => null), array('_id', 'title', 'url', 'intro', 'hts', 'status', 'i_ans', 'ans_s'))->sort(array('status' => 1, 'i_ans' => -1))->limit(12);
             $this->aData = iterator_to_array($cur, false);
             d('$this->aData: ' . print_r($this->aData, 1));
         } catch (\MongoException $e) {
             d('MongoException: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' aTokens was: ' . print_r($this->aTokens, 1));
     return $this;
  * Prepares data for the question object,
  * creates the $this->Question object
  * and saves data to QUESTIONS collection
  * @return object $this
  * @throws QuestionParserException in case a filter (which is an observer)
  * either throws a FilterException (or sub-class of it) OR just cancells event
 protected function makeQuestion()
     $oTitle = $this->Submitted->getTitle()->htmlentities()->trim();
     $username = $this->Submitted->getUserObject()->getDisplayName();
     $aTags = $this->Submitted->getTagsArray();
      * Must pass array('drop-proprietary-attributes' => false)
      * otherwise tidy removes rel="code"
     $aEditorConfig = $this->Registry->Ini->getSection('EDITOR');
     $tidyConfig = $aEditorConfig['ENABLE_CODE_EDITOR'] ? array('drop-proprietary-attributes' => false) : null;
     $Body = $this->Submitted->getBody()->tidy($tidyConfig)->safeHtml()->asHtml();
      * Now body is in html but we still need to run
      * it through HTMLStringParser string in order
      * to make clickable links and to
      * make sure all links are nofollow
     $htmlBody = HTMLStringParser::factory($Body)->parseCodeTags()->linkify()->importCDATA()->setNofollow()->hilightWords($aTags)->valueOf();
     d('after HTMLStringParser: ' . $htmlBody);
     $uid = $this->Submitted->getUserObject()->getUid();
     $hash = hash('md5', strtolower($htmlBody . json_encode($aTags)));
      * @todo can parse forMakrdown now but ideally
      * parseMarkdown() would be done inside Utf8string
      * as well as parseSmilies
      * @todo later can also parse for smilies here
     $this->checkForDuplicate($uid, $hash);
     $username = $this->Submitted->getUserObject()->getDisplayName();
     $time = time();
      * @var array
     $aData = array('_id' => $this->Registry->Resource->create('QUESTION'), 'title' => $oTitle->valueOf(), 'b' => $htmlBody, 'hash' => $hash, 'intro' => $this->Submitted->getBody()->asPlainText()->truncate(150)->valueOf(), 'url' => $this->Submitted->getTitle()->toASCII()->makeLinkTitle()->valueOf(), 'i_words' => $this->Submitted->getBody()->asPlainText()->getWordsCount(), 'i_uid' => $uid, 'username' => $username, 'ulink' => '<a href="' . $this->Submitted->getUserObject()->getProfileUrl() . '">' . $username . '</a>', 'avtr' => $this->Submitted->getUserObject()->getAvatarSrc(), 'i_up' => 0, 'i_down' => 0, 'i_votes' => 0, 'i_favs' => 0, 'i_views' => 0, 'i_cat' => $this->Submitted->getCategoryId(), 'a_tags' => $aTags, 'a_title' => TitleTokenizer::factory($oTitle)->getArrayCopy(), 'status' => 'unans', 'tags_html' => \tplQtags::loop($aTags, false), 'credits' => '', 'i_ts' => $time, 'hts' => date('F j, Y g:i a T'), 'i_lm_ts' => $time, 'i_ans' => 0, 'ans_s' => 's', 'v_s' => 's', 'f_s' => 's', 'ip' => $this->Submitted->getIP(), 'app' => $this->Submitted->getApp(), 'app_id' => $this->Submitted->getAppId(), 'app_link' => $this->Submitted->getAppLink(), 'i_flwrs' => 1);
      * Submitted question object may provide
      * extra elements to be added to aData array
      * This is usually useful for parsing questions that
      * came from external API, in which case the answered/unanswred
      * status as well as number of answers is already known
      * as well as adding 'credit' div
     $aExtraData = $this->Submitted->getExtraData();
     d('$aExtraData: ' . print_r($aExtraData, 1));
     if (is_array($aExtraData) && !empty($aExtraData)) {
         $aData = array_merge($aData, $aExtraData);
     $this->Question = new Question($this->Registry, $aData);
      * Post onBeforeNewQuestion event
      * and watch for filter either cancelling the event
      * or throwing FilterException (prefferred way because
      * a specific error message can be passed in FilterException
      * this way)
      * In either case we throw QuestionParserException
      * Controller that handles the question form should be ready
      * to handle this exception and set the form error using
      * message from exception. This way the error will be shown to
      * the user right on the question form while question form's data
      * is preserved in form.
      * Filter can also modify the data in Question before
      * it is saved. This is convenient, we can even set different
      * username, i_uid if we want to 'post as alias'
     try {
         $oNotification = $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Question, 'onBeforeNewQuestion');
         if ($oNotification->isNotificationCancelled()) {
             throw new QuestionParserException('Sorry, we are unable to process your question at this time.');
     } catch (FilterException $e) {
         e('Got filter exteption: ' . $e->getFile() . ' ' . $e->getLine() . ' ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . $e->getTraceAsString());
         throw new QuestionParserException($e->getMessage());
      * Do ensureIndexes() now and not before we are sure that we even going
      * to add a new question.
     $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Question, 'onNewQuestion');
     return $this;
Beispiel #3
  * Process submitted form values
  * edge cases with category: if category was required
  *       when question was posted but now it's optional
  *       then it's possible to change the category from selected one
  *       to empty (no category) by simply selecting the "no category"
  *       in the drop down menu. Also if category support was removed completely
  *       by admin by setting CATEGORIES to empty in !config.ini
  *       then submitted value will be empty - in this case we don't want to
  *       update an existing category with an empty one. So the only way we can
  *       accept the empty category is when CATEGORIES are optional and empty value is submitted
  * @return \Lampcms\Controllers\Editor
 protected function process()
     $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Resource, 'onBeforeEdit');
     $formVals = $this->Form->getSubmittedValues();
     d('formVals: ' . json_encode($formVals));
     $htmlBody = $this->makeBody($formVals['qbody']);
     $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::BODY] = $htmlBody;
     $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::WORDS_COUNT] = $this->Body->asPlainText()->getWordsCount();
      * @important Don't attempt to edit the value of title
      *            for the answer since it technically does not have the title
      *            If we don't skip this step for Answer then title
      *            of answer will be removed
     if ($this->Resource instanceof \Lampcms\Question) {
         $hash = hash('md5', strtolower($htmlBody . json_encode($this->Resource[QuestionSchema::TAGS_ARRAY])));
         $origTitle = $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::TITLE];
         $origCategoryId = $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::CATEGORY_ID];
         d('$origTitle: ' . $origTitle . ' $origCategoryId: ' . $origCategoryId);
         $oTitle = $this->makeTitle($formVals['title']);
         $title = $oTitle->valueOf();
         $categoryId = \array_key_exists('category', $formVals) ? $formVals['category'] : 0;
         $categoryId = (int) $categoryId;
         $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::TITLE] = $title;
         $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::URL] = $oTitle->toASCII()->makeLinkTitle()->valueOf();
         $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::TITLE_ARRAY] = \Lampcms\TitleTokenizer::factory($oTitle)->getArrayCopy();
         $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::INTRO] = $this->plainTextBody->truncate(150)->valueOf();
         $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::BODY_HASH] = $hash;
          * Need to update 'title' of all answers to this question
          * But first check to see if title has actually changed
          * ONLY if Question status is POSTED (don't do anything for pending)
         if ($this->Resource[QuestionSchema::RESOURCE_STATUS_ID] === QuestionSchema::POSTED) {
             if ($origTitle !== $title) {
             if ($origCategoryId !== $categoryId) {
                  * If Submitted category ID is empty
                  * then allow it ONLY if category support is optional ( value of CATEGORIES is 1 in !config.ini)
                 if ($categoryId > 0 || $this->Registry->Ini->CATEGORIES == 1) {
                     $this->Resource[QuestionSchema::CATEGORY_ID] = $categoryId;
                     $this->updateCategoryCounter($origCategoryId, $categoryId);
                      * Post onCategoryUpdate event
                      * It will cause the CacheObserver to unset the cached categories html blocks
                     $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Resource, 'onCategoryUpdate');
     $this->Resource->setEdited($this->Registry->Viewer, \strip_tags($formVals['reason']));
     $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Resource, 'onEdit');
     return $this;
Beispiel #4
  * Process submitted form values
 protected function process()
     $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Resource, 'onBeforeEdit');
     $formVals = $this->Form->getSubmittedValues();
     d('formVals: ' . print_r($formVals, 1));
     $this->Resource['b'] = $this->makeBody($formVals['qbody']);
     $this->Resource['i_words'] = $this->Body->asPlainText()->getWordsCount();
      * @important Don't attempt to edit the value of title
      * for the answer since it technically does not have the title
      * If we don't skip this step for Answer then title
      * of answer will be removed
     if ($this->Resource instanceof \Lampcms\Question) {
         $oTitle = $this->makeTitle($formVals['title']);
         $title = $oTitle->valueOf();
         $this->Resource['title'] = $title;
         $this->Resource['url'] = $oTitle->toASCII()->makeLinkTitle()->valueOf();
         $this->Resource['a_title'] = \Lampcms\TitleTokenizer::factory($oTitle)->getArrayCopy();
          * @todo
          * Need to update 'title' of all answers to this question
          * But first check to see if title has actually changed
     $this->Resource->setEdited($this->Registry->Viewer, \strip_tags($formVals['reason']));
     $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Resource, 'onEdit');
     return $this;
  * Prepares data for the question object,
  * creates the $this->Question object
  * and saves data to QUESTIONS collection
  * @return object $this
  * @throws QuestionParserException in case a filter (which is an observer)
  * either throws a FilterException (or sub-class of it) OR just cancels event
 protected function makeQuestion()
     $Ini = $this->Registry->Ini;
     $oTitle = $this->Submitted->getTitle()->htmlentities()->trim();
     $username = $this->Submitted->getUserObject()->getDisplayName();
     $aTags = $this->Submitted->getTagsArray();
      * Must pass array('drop-proprietary-attributes' => false)
      * otherwise tidy removes rel="code"
     $aEditorConfig = $Ini->getSection('EDITOR');
     $tidyConfig = $aEditorConfig['ENABLE_CODE_EDITOR'] ? array('drop-proprietary-attributes' => false) : null;
     $Body = $this->Submitted->getBody()->tidy($tidyConfig)->safeHtml()->asHtml();
      * Now body is in html but we still need to run
      * it through HTMLStringParser string in order
      * to make clickable links and to
      * make sure all links are nofollow
     $HtmlDoc = HTMLStringParser::stringFactory($Body)->parseCodeTags()->linkify()->importCDATA()->setNofollow()->hilightWords($aTags)->parseImages();
     $aImages = $HtmlDoc->getImages();
     $htmlBody = $HtmlDoc->valueOf();
     d('after HTMLStringParser: ' . $htmlBody);
     $uid = $this->Submitted->getUserObject()->getUid();
     $hash = hash('md5', strtolower($htmlBody . json_encode($aTags)));
      * @todo can parse forMakrdown now but ideally
      *       parseMarkdown() would be done inside Utf8string
      *       as well as parseSmilies
      * @todo later can also parse for smilies here
     $this->checkForDuplicate($uid, $hash);
     $Poster = $this->Submitted->getUserObject();
     $username = $Poster->getDisplayName();
     $time = time();
      * If NEW_POSTS_MODERATION in !config.ini is > 0 then
      * check if viewer requires new posts to be moderated
     $resourceStatus = $Ini->NEW_POSTS_MODERATION > 0 && $Poster->isOnProbation() ? Schema::PENDING : Schema::POSTED;
      * @var array
     $aData = array(Schema::PRIMARY => $this->Registry->Resource->create('QUESTION'), Schema::TITLE => $oTitle->valueOf(), Schema::BODY => $htmlBody, Schema::BODY_HASH => $hash, Schema::INTRO => $this->Submitted->getBody()->asPlainText()->truncate(150)->valueOf(), Schema::URL => $this->Submitted->getTitle()->toASCII()->makeLinkTitle()->valueOf(), Schema::WORDS_COUNT => $this->Submitted->getBody()->asPlainText()->getWordsCount(), Schema::POSTER_ID => $uid, Schema::POSTER_USERNAME => $username, Schema::USER_PROFILE_URL => '<a href="' . $Poster->getProfileUrl() . '">' . $username . '</a>', Schema::AVATAR_URL => $Poster->getAvatarSrc(), Schema::UPVOTES_COUNT => 0, Schema::DOWNVOTES_COUNT => 0, Schema::VOTES_SCORE => 0, Schema::NUM_FAVORITES => 0, Schema::NUM_VIEWS => 0, Schema::CATEGORY_ID => $this->Submitted->getCategoryId(), Schema::TAGS_ARRAY => $aTags, Schema::TITLE_ARRAY => TitleTokenizer::factory($oTitle)->getArrayCopy(), Schema::STATUS => 'unans', Schema::TAGS_HTML => \tplQtags::loop($aTags, false), Schema::CREDITS => '', Schema::CREATED_TIMESTAMP => $time, Schema::TIME_STRING => date('F j, Y g:i a T'), Schema::LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP => $time, Schema::NUM_ANSWERS => 0, 'ans_s' => 's', 'v_s' => 's', 'f_s' => 's', Schema::IP_ADDRESS => $this->Submitted->getIP(), Schema::APP_NAME => $this->Submitted->getApp(), Schema::APP_ID => $this->Submitted->getAppId(), Schema::APP_LINK => $this->Submitted->getAppLink(), Schema::NUM_FOLLOWERS => 1, Schema::RESOURCE_STATUS_ID => $resourceStatus);
     if (!empty($aImages)) {
         $aData[Schema::UPLOADED_IMAGES] = $aImages;
      * Submitted question object may provide
      * extra elements to be added to aData array
      * This is usually useful for parsing questions that
      * came from external API, in which case the answered/unanswred
      * status as well as number of answers is already known
      * as well as adding 'credit' div
     $aExtraData = $this->Submitted->getExtraData();
     d('$aExtraData: ', $aExtraData);
     if (\is_array($aExtraData) && !empty($aExtraData)) {
         $aData = array_merge($aData, $aExtraData);
     $this->Question = new Question($this->Registry, $aData);
      * Post onBeforeNewQuestion event
      * and watch for filter either cancelling the event
      * or throwing FilterException (preferred way because
      * a specific error message can be passed in FilterException
      * this way)
      * In either case we throw QuestionParserException
      * Controller that handles the question form should be ready
      * to handle this exception and set the form error using
      * message from exception. This way the error will be shown to
      * the user right on the question form while question form's data
      * is preserved in form.
      * Filter can also modify the data in Question before
      * it is saved. This is convenient, we can even set different
      * username, i_uid if we want to 'post as alias'
     try {
         $oNotification = $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Question, 'onBeforeNewQuestion');
         if ($oNotification->isNotificationCancelled()) {
             throw new QuestionParserException('@@Sorry, we are unable to process your question at this time@@.');
     } catch (FilterException $e) {
         e('Got filter exception: ' . $e->getFile() . ' ' . $e->getLine() . ' ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . $e->getTraceAsString());
         throw new QuestionParserException($e->getMessage());
      * Do ensureIndexes() now and not before we are sure that we even going
      * to add a new question.
     if ($resourceStatus === Schema::POSTED) {
         $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Question, 'onCategoryUpdate');
         $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Question, 'onNewQuestion');
     } elseif ($resourceStatus === Schema::PENDING) {
         $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this->Question, 'onNewPendingQuestion');
     return $this;