  * Step 2 in oAuth process
  * this is when linkedin redirected the user back
  * to our callback url, which calls this controller
  * @return object $this
  * @throws Exception in case something goes wrong with oAuth class
 protected function step2()
     try {
          * This is a callback (redirected back from linkedin page
          * after user authorized us)
          * In this case we must: create account or update account
          * in USER table
          * Re-create oViewer object
          * send cookie to remember user
          * and then send out HTML with js instruction to close the popup window
         d('Looks like we are at step 2 of authentication. Request: ' . print_r($_REQUEST, 1));
          * @todo check first to make sure we do have oauth_token
          * on REQUEST, else close the window
         $this->oAuth->setToken($this->Request['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['linkedin_oauth']['oauth_token_secret']);
         $ver = $this->Registry->Request->get('oauth_verifier', 's', '');
         d(' $ver: ' . $ver);
         $url = empty($var) ? self::ACCESS_TOKEN_URL : self::ACCESS_TOKEN_URL . '?oauth_verifier=' . $ver;
         d('url: ' . $url);
         $this->aAccessToken = $this->oAuth->getAccessToken($url);
         d('$this->aAccessToken: ' . print_r($this->aAccessToken, 1));
         $this->oAuth->setToken($this->aAccessToken['oauth_token'], $this->aAccessToken['oauth_token_secret']);
         $resp = $this->oAuth->getLastResponse();
         if (!$this->bConnect) {
             \Lampcms\Cookie::sendLoginCookie($this->Registry->Viewer->getUid(), $this->User->rs);
         } else {
              * The b_li flag in Viewer is necessary
              * for the social checkboxes to set
              * the checkbox to 'checked' state
             $this->Registry->Viewer['b_li'] = true;
     } catch (\OAuthException $e) {
         e('OAuthException: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . print_r($e, 1));
         $err = 'Something went wrong during authorization. Please try again later' . $e->getMessage();
         throw new \Exception($err);
     return $this;
  * Step 2 in oAuth process
  * this is when Twitter redirected the user back
  * to our callback url, which calls this controller
  * @return object $this
  * @throws Exception in case something goes wrong with oAuth class
 protected function finishOauthDance()
     try {
          * This is a callback (redirected back from twitter page
          * after user authorized us)
          * In this case we must: create account or update account
          * in USER table
          * Re-create oViewer object
          * send cookie to remember user
          * and then send out HTML with js instruction to close the popup window
         d('Looks like we are at step 2 of authentication. Request: ' . print_r($_REQUEST, 1));
         // State 1 - Handle callback from Twitter and get and store an access token
          * @todo check first to make sure we do have oauth_token
          * on REQUEST, else close the window
         $this->oAuth->setToken($this->Request['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['oauth_token_secret']);
         $aAccessToken = $this->oAuth->getAccessToken(self::ACCESS_TOKEN_URL);
         d('$aAccessToken: ' . print_r($aAccessToken, 1));
          * @todo
          * there is a slight possibility that
          * we don't get the oData back like if
          * request for verify_credentials with token/secret fails
          * This should not happend because user has just authorized us - this
          * is a callback url after all.
          * But still, what if... what if Twitter hickups and does not
          * return valid response, then what should be do?
          * Probably throw some generic exception telling user to try
          * again in a few minutes
          * So basically we should delegate this whole process to
          * the Twitter->verifyCredentials()
         $this->oAuth->setToken($aAccessToken['oauth_token'], $aAccessToken['oauth_token_secret']);
         if (false === ($this->aUserData = \json_decode($this->oAuth->getLastResponse(), true))) {
             e('Unable to json_decode data returned by Twitter API: ' . $this->oAuth->getLastResponse());
         if (isset($this->aUserData['status'])) {
         d('json: ' . var_export($this->aUserData, true));
         $aDebug = $this->oAuth->getLastResponseInfo();
         d('debug: ' . print_r($aDebug, 1));
         $this->aUserData = array_merge($this->aUserData, $aAccessToken);
         d('$this->aUserData ' . print_r($this->aUserData, 1));
         $this->aUserData['_id'] = !empty($this->aUserData['id_str']) ? $this->aUserData['id_str'] : (string) $this->aUserData['id'];
         if (!$this->bConnect) {
             Cookie::sendLoginCookie($this->Registry->Viewer->getUid(), $this->User->rs);
         } else {
              * Set flag to session indicating that user just
              * connected Twitter Account
             $this->Registry->Viewer['b_tw'] = true;
     } catch (\OAuthException $e) {
         e('OAuthException: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . print_r($e, 1));
         // throw new \Lampcms\Exception('Something went wrong during authorization. Please try again later'.$e->getMessage());
         * Cannot throw exception because then it would be
         * displayed as regular page, with login block
         * but the currently opened window is a popup window
         * for showing twitter oauth page and we don't need
         * a login form or any other elements of regular page there
         $err = 'Something went wrong during authorization. Please try again later' . $e->getMessage();
     return $this;
Beispiel #3
 public function main()
      * Will not check for the valid 'form token'
      * in this form because potential
      * hacher has nothing to gain by
      * exploiting CSRF of a login form because
      * the user using this form is be definition
      * 'not yet logged in', so there is really
      * nothing to gain by tricking someonw to login
     $bRemember = isset($this->Request['chkRemember']) ? (bool) $this->Request['chkRemember'] : false;
     d('$bRemember ' . $bRemember . ' $this->Request ' . print_r($this->Request->getArrayCopy(), 1));
     try {
         $oCheckLogin = new UserAuth($this->Registry);
         $User = $oCheckLogin->validateLogin($this->Request['login'], $this->Request['pwd']);
          * If user logged in that means he got the email
          * with password,
          * thus we confirmed email address
          * and can activate user
     } catch (\Lampcms\LoginException $e) {
          * @todo may add extra setting to !config.ini to send login errors
          * to special dedicated email address that will receive all security (hacking attempts)
          * related errors.
         d('Login error: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in file: ' . $e->getFile() . ' on line: ' . $e->getLine());
         if (Request::isAjax()) {
             Responder::sendJSON(array('error' => $e->getMessage()));
         $_SESSION['login_error'] = $e->getMessage();
         d('$_SESSION[login_error] ' . $_SESSION['login_error']);
     d('User: '******'onUserLogin');
     if ($bRemember) {
         \Lampcms\Cookie::sendLoginCookie($User->getUid(), $User['rs']);
  * Based on value of email address in the data received
  * from Google API
  * Login existing user or create a new account
  * and login the new user
 protected function createOrUpdate()
     $User = null;
     $this->email = \mb_strtolower($this->userInfo['email']);
      * @todo this can be refactored for php 5.4
      * Search EMAILS collection
      * try to find user that has this email address
     $res = $this->Registry->Mongo->EMAILS->findOne(array(Schema::EMAIL => $this->email), array('i_uid' => true));
     if (!empty($res) && !empty($res['i_uid'])) {
         d('found user id by email address. uid: ' . $res['i_uid']);
         $aUser = $this->Registry->Mongo->USERS->findOne(array(Schema::PRIMARY => $res['i_uid']));
         $User = User::userFactory($this->Registry, $aUser);
      * Was Not able to find user by search EMAILS collection
      * Search USERS collection by email address
     if (null === $User) {
         $a = $this->Registry->Mongo->USERS->findOne(array(Schema::EMAIL => $this->email));
         if (!empty($a)) {
             d('found user id by email address. uid: ' . $a['_id']);
             $User = User::userFactory($this->Registry, $a);
     if (null === $User) {
         $User = $this->createUser();
     try {
         Cookie::sendLoginCookie($User->getUid(), $User->rs);
         $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this, 'onGoogleLogin');
     } catch (\Lampcms\LoginException $e) {
          * re-throw as regular exception
          * so that it can be caught and shown in popup window
         e('Unable to process login: ' . $e->getMessage());
  * Step 2 in oAuth process
  * this is when linkedin redirected the user back
  * to our callback url, which calls this controller
  * @throws \Exception in case something goes wrong with oAuth class
  * @return object $this
 protected function step2()
     try {
          * This is a callback (redirected back from linkedin page
          * after user authorized us)
          * In this case we must: create account or update account
          * in USER table
          * Re-create oViewer object
          * send cookie to remember user
          * and then send out HTML with js instruction to close the popup window
         d('We are at step 2 of authentication. $_REQUEST: ' . print_r($_REQUEST, 1));
         $token = $this->Request['oauth_token'];
         d('$token: ' . $token);
          * @todo check first to make sure we do have oauth_token
          *       on REQUEST, else close the window
         $this->oAuth->setToken($token, $_SESSION['linkedin_oauth']['oauth_token_secret']);
          * Get 'oauth_verifier' request param which was sent from LinkedIn
         $ver = $this->Registry->Request->get('oauth_verifier', 's', '');
         d('$ver: ' . $ver);
         if (empty($ver)) {
             $ver = null;
         $url = self::ACCESS_TOKEN_URL;
         d('url: ' . $url);
         $this->aAccessToken = $this->oAuth->getAccessToken($url, null, $ver);
         d('$this->aAccessToken: ' . \print_r($this->aAccessToken, 1));
         $this->oAuth->setToken($this->aAccessToken['oauth_token'], $this->aAccessToken['oauth_token_secret']);
         d('getting profile from PROFILE_URL');
         $this->oAuth->fetch(self::PROFILE_URL, null, OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_GET, array('Connection' => 'close'));
         $aDebug = $this->oAuth->getLastResponseInfo();
         d('debug: ' . \print_r($aDebug, 1));
         $resp = $this->oAuth->getLastResponse();
         if (!$this->bConnect) {
             \Lampcms\Cookie::sendLoginCookie($this->Registry->Viewer->getUid(), $this->User->rs);
         } else {
              * The b_li flag in Viewer is necessary
              * for the social checkboxes to set
              * the checkbox to 'checked' state
             $this->Registry->Viewer['b_li'] = true;
     } catch (\OAuthException $e) {
         e('OAuthException: ' . $e->getMessage());
         $aDebug = $this->oAuth->getLastResponseInfo();
         d('debug: ' . print_r($aDebug, 1));
         $err = '@@Something went wrong during authorization. Please try again later@@ ' . $e->getMessage();
         throw new \Exception($err);
     return $this;