  * Parse the avatar file in $tempPath,
  * by creating small square image from it,
  * save into file system and then add path to new avatar
  * in User object as 'avatar' element
  * @param User $User
  * @param unknown_type $tempPath
  * @throws \Lampcms\Exception
  * @return bool false if unable to parse image | true if added image
 public static function addIcon(Clientdata $o, $tempPath)
     d('$tempPath: ' . $tempPath);
     $size = 72;
     d('$avatarDir: ' . $avatarDir);
     $savePath = Path::prepare($o['_id'], $avatarDir);
     d('$savePath: ' . $savePath);
      * Create avatar and save it
      * with compression level of 80% (small compression)
     try {
         $ImgParser = \Lampcms\Image\Editor::factory($o->getRegistry())->loadImage($tempPath)->makeSquare($size);
         $savePath .= $ImgParser->getExtension();
         $ImgParser->save($avatarDir . $savePath, null, 80);
         d('avatar saved to ' . $savePath);
     } catch (\Lampcms\ImageException $e) {
         e('ImageException caught in: ' . $e->getFile() . ' on line: ' . $e->getLine() . ' error: ' . $e->getMessage());
         return false;
      * Now remove tempPath file
      * Now add the path to avatar
      * to Clientdata object
      * save() is not invoked on Clientdata object here!
      * Either rely on auto-save  or call save()
      * from a function that invoked this method
     $o['icon'] = $savePath;
     return true;
  * Parse the avatar file in $tempPath,
  * by creating small square image from it,
  * save into file system and then add path to new avatar
  * in User object as 'avatar' element
  * @param User $User
  * @param unknown_type $tempPath
  * @throws \Lampcms\Exception
  * @return object $this
 public function addAvatar(User $User, $tempPath)
     d('$tempPath: ' . $tempPath);
     if (empty($tempPath)) {
         d('no avatar to add');
         return $this;
     $size = $this->Registry->Ini->AVATAR_SQUARE_SIZE;
     $avatarDir = LAMPCMS_DATA_DIR . 'img' . DS . 'avatar' . DS . 'sqr' . DS;
     d('$avatarDir: ' . $avatarDir);
     $savePath = Path::prepare($User->getUid(), $avatarDir);
     d('$savePath: ' . $savePath);
      * Create avatar and save it
      * with compression level of 80% (small compression)
     $ImgParser = \Lampcms\Image\Editor::factory($this->Registry)->loadImage($tempPath)->makeSquare($size);
     $savePath .= $ImgParser->getExtension();
     $ImgParser->save($avatarDir . $savePath, null, 80);
     d('avatar saved to ' . $savePath);
     //} catch(\Lampcms\ImageException $e){
     //e('ImageException caught in: '.$e->getFile().' on line: '.$e->getLine().' error: '.$e->getMessage());
     //throw new \Lampcms\Exception('Unable to process your avatar image at this time');
      * Now remove tempPath file
      * Now add the path to avatar
      * to user object
      * save() is not invoked on User object here!
      * Either rely on auto-save (may not work in case User is
      * actually the Viewer object) or call save()
      * from a function that invoked this method
     $User['avatar'] = $savePath;
     return $this;
  * Resize uploaded image if necessary
  * if image dimensions are smaller than defined
  * in settings then just save the original
  * and return path to saved image
  * @return mixed string path to saved image
  * @throws \Lampcms\ImageException
  * @throws \Lampcms\DevException
 protected function resize()
     $Editor = \Lampcms\Image\Editor::factory($this->Registry);
      * If we get here it means file was an image
      * update USER collection to insert i_last_upload_ts timestamp
      *       will be used to check upload flood
      *       do this now before the actual resize/save
      *       in case resize does not work the upload will still
      *       be counted
     $this->User[Schema::LAST_UPLOAD_TIME] = time();
     $basePath = LAMPCMS_DATA_DIR . 'img';
     $fileName = time();
     $fileExt = $Editor->getExtension();
     $destFolder = Path::prepareByTimestamp($basePath, 'u' . $this->User->getUid(), false);
     $origPath = $destFolder . $fileName . $fileExt;
     if (!copy($this->file, LAMPCMS_DATA_DIR . 'img' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $origPath)) {
         throw new \Lampcms\DevException('Unable to copy orig file from ' . $this->file . ' to ' . LAMPCMS_DATA_DIR . 'img' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $origPath);
     $max = $this->EditorOptions['IMAGE_UPLOAD_W_X'];
     list($w, $h) = explode(',', $max);
     $scaleSize = $Editor->getFactor(trim($w), trim($h));
     if ($scaleSize) {
         $resizedPath = $destFolder . $fileName . '_ws' . $fileExt;
         try {
             $Editor->scale($w, $h)->save(LAMPCMS_DATA_DIR . 'img' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $resizedPath);
             return \str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $resizedPath);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             e('Unable to resize and save uploaded image. ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . $e->getFile() . ' on ' . $e->getLine());
             throw new ImageException('@@Unable to resize image@@');
     return \str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $origPath);