Beispiel #1
  * Builds the MagnifyingGlass object.
  * If created with no parameter, it defaults to enabled with a zoom factor
  * of 5. Passing a number in upon creation, then the zoomFactor will be set.
  * @param  bool                  $zoomFactor
  * @throws InvalidConfigValue
  * @throws InvalidConfigProperty
  * @return MagnifyingGlass
 public function __construct($zoomFactor = 5)
     parent::__construct($this, array('zoomFactor' => $zoomFactor));
Beispiel #2
  * Builds the chartArea object when passed an array of configuration options.
  * @param  array     $config
  * @return ChartArea
 public function __construct($config = array())
     parent::__construct($this, $config);
Beispiel #3
  * Builds the configuration when passed an array of options.
  * All options can be set by either passing an array with associative
  * values for option => value, or by chaining together the functions once
  * an object has been created.
  * @param  VerticalAxis|HorizontalAxis $child  The axis object
  * @param  array                       $config Associative array containing key => value pairs for the various configuration options.
  * @throws InvalidConfigValue
  * @throws InvalidConf
  * @throws InvalidConfigValuerty
  * @return Axis
 public function __construct($child, $config)
     parent::__construct($child, $config);