  * Boot Browser
  * @return JonnyW\PhantomJs\Client
 public function boot()
     $client = Client::getInstance();
     $client->setBinDir(base_path() . '/bin');
     $this->client = $client;
     return $client;
 protected function request($method, $path = 'index.php', array $params = array(), $debug = false)
     $client = \JonnyW\PhantomJs\Client::getInstance();
     $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createRequest();
     $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
     $debugParams = array('tubepress_debug' => $debug ? 'true' : 'false', 'XDEBUG_SESSION_START' => 'true');
     $encodedOpts = base64_encode(serialize($this->_options));
     $finalParams = array_merge($debugParams, array('options' => $encodedOpts), $params);
     $urlFactory = new tubepress_url_impl_puzzle_UrlFactory();
     $url = $urlFactory->fromString('http://' . self::$_WEB_SERVER_ADDRESS)->setPath($path)->setQuery($finalParams);
     $client->getEngine()->setPath(self::_getProjectRoot() . '/bin/phantomjs');
     $client->send($request, $response);
     if ($response->getStatus() !== 200) {
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('%s returned HTTP %s: %s', $url, $response->getStatus(), $response->getContent()));
     return $response;
 public function takeScreenshots($site, $newDir, $stats, $siteStatus, $auth)
     $delay = $stats["delay"];
     $urlHost = parse_url($site)["host"];
     $urlPath = isset(parse_url($site)['path']) ? parse_url($site)['path'] : '';
     $urlPathName = str_replace("/", "", $urlPath);
     if ($siteStatus === "OK") {
         $filepath = $newDir . $urlHost . "_" . $urlPathName . ".jpg";
     } elseif ($siteStatus === "404") {
         $filepath = $newDir . $urlHost . "_" . $urlPathName . "_" . $siteStatus . ".jpg";
     $client = Client::getInstance();
     $client->getEngine()->setPath(base_path() . '/bin/phantomjs');
     $width = $stats["width"];
     $height = $stats["height"];
     $top = 0;
     $left = 0;
     try {
          * @see JonnyW\PhantomJs\Message\CaptureRequest
         $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createCaptureRequest($site, 'GET');
         if ($auth["status"] == true) {
             $request->addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' . base64_encode($auth["username"] . ":" . $auth["password"]));
         $request->setViewportSize($width, $height);
          * @see JonnyW\PhantomJs\Message\Response
         $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
         // Send the request
         $client->send($request, $response);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
         $this->exceptionLinks[] = $e->getMessage();
         // push error links to array
  * Execute the command.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     $bookmark = $this->bookmark;
     $client = Client::getInstance();
     $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createCaptureRequest();
     $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
     $width = 800;
     $height = 800;
     $captureFile = public_path("images/screenshots/{$bookmark->id}.png");
     $thumbFile = public_path("images/screenshots/{$bookmark->id}_thumb.png");
     $request->setCaptureDimensions($width, $height);
     $request->setViewportSize($width, $height);
     $timeout = 20000;
     // 20 seconds
     //$delay = 5; // 5 seconds
     $client->send($request, $response);
     $status = $response->getStatus();
     if ($status === 200 || $status === 301 || $status === 302) {
         $img = Image::make($captureFile);
         $img->widen(228)->crop(228, 160, 0, 0);
         $bookmark->thumbnail = 1;
         Log::info('TakeSnapshot completed. log:' . $client->getLog());
     } else {
         Log::error('TakeSnapshot error. response status : ' . $status . ', log:' . $client->getLog());
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $app = $this->getProjectApplication();
     $this->logger = $this->getLogger();
     $this->regionService = $app['region.skyforge.service'];
     $authData = $this->regionService->getAuthOptions();
     $client = Client::getInstance();
     //        $client->getEngine()->debug(true);
     $client->getEngine()->addOption('--config=' . $app['config']['app']['path'] . '/phantomjs.json');
     $client->getEngine()->setPath($app['config']['app']['path'] . '/../bin/phantomjs');
     //        $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createCaptureRequest($authData['url'], $authData['method']);
     //        $request->setRequestData($authData['data']);
     $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createCaptureRequest('http://erliz.ru/', 'GET');
     $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
     $request->setViewportSize(1920, 1080);
     $request->setOutputFile($app['config']['app']['path'] . '/log/screen_test_' . time() . '.jpg');
     $client->send($request, $response);
     if ($response->getStatus() === 200) {
     //        print_r($client->getLog());
Beispiel #6
use JonnyW\PhantomJs\Client;
use JonnyW\PhantomJs\DependencyInjection\ServiceContainer;
// Create a file with a custom name
// e.g. custom_procedure.proc and save it
// somewhere. Set the parameters below to
// the name of your file and the location of
// your file. You can have many files in the
// same location and you only need to create
// 1 procedure loader with the path to your
// files. The only restriction is the extension
// your files must be .proc
$fileName = 'custom_procedure';
$filePath = '/path/to/your/procedure/';
$serviceContainer = ServiceContainer::getInstance();
$procedureLoaderFactory = $serviceContainer->get('procedure_loader_factory');
$procedureLoader = $procedureLoaderFactory->createProcedureLoader($filePath);
// Set the path to your custom procedure(s)
$client = Client::getInstance();
// Add new loader with path to you procedures to the chain loader
$request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createRequest();
$response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
// Set the request type to the name of your procedure you want to execute for this request
$client->send($request, $response);
// If your debug log contains 'SyntaxError: Parse error'
// then your custom procedure has a javascript error. Try
// setting $client->debug(true) before making your request
// to get more information about your error.
  * @return string
 public function Export()
     $assetPath = ASSETS_PATH;
     $reflowPath = REFLOW_DIR;
     $deckSegment = $this->URLSegment;
     $manager = new ProcessManager();
     $rule = new InMemoryRule();
     $manager->addTask(new ProcessCallbackTask(function () use($assetPath, $deckSegment) {
         exec("mkdir {$assetPath}/{$deckSegment}/export");
     /** @var Slide $slide */
     foreach ($this->Slides() as $slide) {
         $slideLink = $slide->AbsoluteLink("Capture");
         $slideSegment = $slide->URLSegment;
         $link = rtrim($this->AbsoluteLink(), "/") . "#" . $slide->URLSegment;
         $manager->addTask(new ProcessCallbackTask(function () use($link, $assetPath, $reflowPath, $slideLink, $slideSegment, $deckSegment) {
             $client = Client::getInstance();
             $client->setBinDir($reflowPath . "/../vendor/bin");
              * @see JonnyW\PhantomJs\Message\CaptureRequest
             $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createCaptureRequest($link, "GET");
             $request->setViewportSize(1440, 900);
             // TODO
             // TODO
              * @see JonnyW\PhantomJs\Message\Response
             $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
             // Send the request
             $client->send($request, $response);
         print "Exporting: " . $slide->Title . "<br>";
     $slides = [];
     /** @var Slide $slide */
     foreach ($this->Slides() as $slide) {
         $slideSegment = $slide->URLSegment;
         $slides[] = "{$assetPath}/{$deckSegment}/export/{$slideSegment}.png";
     while ($manager->tick()) {
     $manager->addTask(new ProcessCallbackTask(function () use($assetPath, $deckSegment, $slides) {
         $pdf = new FPDF();
         /** @var Slide $slide */
         foreach ($slides as $slide) {
             $pdf->AddPage("L", array(15 * 72, 9.380000000000001 * 72));
             $pdf->Image($slide, 0, 0, 15 * 72, 9.380000000000001 * 72);
         $pdf->Output("{$assetPath}/{$deckSegment}/export.pdf", "F");
     while ($manager->tick()) {
Beispiel #8
  * Test can get client through
  * factory method.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function testCanGetClientThroughFactoryMethod()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\JonnyW\\PhantomJs\\Client', Client::getInstance());
Beispiel #9
  * Rasterizes an SVG image to a PNG.
  * Uses phantomjs to save the SVG as a PNG image at the specified size.
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	$file			The path to the file that should be rasterized.
  * @param	string	$dest			The path to the directory where the output PNG should be saved.
  * @param	integer	$columns		The number of columns in the output image. 0 = maintain aspect ratio based on $rows.
  * @param	integer	$rows			The number of rows in the output image. 0 = maintain aspect ratio based on $columns.
 public static function rasterize($file, $dest, $columns, $rows)
     // check the input
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         return false;
     if (!file_exists($dest) || !is_dir($dest)) {
         return false;
     // figure out the output width and height
     $svgTmp = new Respimg($file);
     $width = (double) $svgTmp->getImageWidth();
     $height = (double) $svgTmp->getImageHeight();
     $new_width = $columns;
     $new_height = $rows;
     $x_factor = $columns / $width;
     $y_factor = $rows / $height;
     if ($rows < 1) {
         $new_height = round($x_factor * $height);
     } elseif ($columns < 1) {
         $new_width = round($y_factor * $width);
     // get the svg data
     $svgdata = file_get_contents($file);
     // figure out some path stuff
     $dest = rtrim($dest, '/');
     $filename = substr($file, strrpos($file, '/') + 1);
     $filename_base = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.'));
     // setup the request
     $client = Client::getInstance();
     $serviceContainer = ServiceContainer::getInstance();
     $procedureLoaderFactory = $serviceContainer->get('procedure_loader_factory');
     $procedureLoader = $procedureLoaderFactory->createProcedureLoader(__DIR__);
     $request = new RespimgCaptureRequest();
     $request->setViewportSize($new_width, $new_height);
     $request->setRasterFile($dest . '/' . $filename_base . '-w' . $new_width . '.png');
     $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
     // send + return
     $client->send($request, $response);
     return true;
  * Get procedure loader.
  * @access protected
  * @return \JonnyW\PhantomJs\Procedure\ProcedureLoader
 protected function getProcedureLoader()
     return Client::getInstance()->getProcedureLoader();
Beispiel #11
  * Test get instance returns instance
  * of client.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function testGetInstanceReturnsInstanceOfClient()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\JonnyW\\PhantomJs\\Client', Client::getInstance());
Beispiel #12
  * Perform the actual download.
  * @param string $url
  * @param int $delay
  * @param bool $opendata
  * @return array
 private function doDownload($url, $delay = 5, $opendata = false)
     $client = PJClient::getInstance();
     if ($this->proxyManager->useProxy()) {
         $client->addOption('--proxy=' . $this->proxyManager->getProxyAddress());
     $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createRequest($this->fullURL($url, true, $opendata));
     $request->addHeader('User-Agent', $this->identity->getUserAgent($opendata));
     $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
     $client->send($request, $response);
     $status = $response->getStatus();
     $html = $response->getContent();
     sleep(max(10, min(0, $this->proxyManager->getProxyLastUsageTime() + 10000 - time())));
     return ['status' => $status, 'html' => preg_replace('|charset="?windows-1251"?|u', 'charset="utf-8"', $html)];
Beispiel #13
  * Get client instance.
  * @return \JonnyW\PhantomJs\Client
 protected function getClient()
     return Client::getInstance();