  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \imagemanipulation\filter\IImageFilter::applyFilter()
 public function applyFilter(ImageResource $aResource)
     $watermarkRes = new ImageImageResource($this->watermark);
     imagealphablending($aResource->getResource(), true);
     imagealphablending($watermarkRes->getResource(), true);
     if ($this->position == 'random') {
         $this->position = rand(1, 8);
     if ($this->watermarkOpacity) {
         $opacityFilter = new ImageFilterOpacity($this->watermarkOpacity);
     $destWidth = $aResource->getX();
     $destHeight = $aResource->getY();
     $watermarkWidth = $watermarkRes->getX();
     $watermarkHeight = $watermarkRes->getY();
     switch ($this->position) {
         case 'top-right':
         case 'right-top':
         case 1:
             $result = imagecopy($aResource->getResource(), $watermarkRes->getResource(), $destWidth - $watermarkWidth, 0, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
         case 'top-left':
         case 2:
             $result = imagecopy($aResource->getResource(), $watermarkRes->getResource(), 0, 0, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
         case 'bottom-right':
         case 3:
             $result = imagecopy($aResource->getResource(), $watermarkRes->getResource(), $destWidth - $watermarkWidth, $destHeight - $watermarkHeight, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
         case 'bottom-left':
         case 4:
             $result = imagecopy($aResource->getResource(), $watermarkRes->getResource(), 0, $destHeight - $watermarkHeight, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
         case 'center':
         case 5:
             $result = imagecopy($aResource->getResource(), $watermarkRes->getResource(), $destWidth / 2 - $watermarkWidth / 2, $destHeight / 2 - $watermarkHeight / 2, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
         case 'top':
         case 6:
             $result = imagecopy($aResource->getResource(), $watermarkRes->getResource(), $destWidth / 2 - $watermarkWidth / 2, 0, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
         case 'bottom':
         case 7:
             $result = imagecopy($aResource->getResource(), $watermarkRes->getResource(), $destWidth / 2 - $watermarkWidth / 2, $destHeight - $watermarkHeight, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
         case 'left':
         case 8:
             $result = imagecopy($aResource->getResource(), $watermarkRes->getResource(), 0, $destHeight / 2 - $watermarkHeight / 2, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
         case 'right':
         case 9:
             $result = imagecopy($aResource->getResource(), $watermarkRes->getResource(), $destWidth - $watermarkWidth, $destHeight / 2 - $watermarkHeight / 2, 0, 0, $watermarkWidth, $watermarkHeight);
             if (!$result) {
                 throw new \Exception('Applying watermark failed');
  * Saves the image to disk
  * @param \SplFileInfo $file the filename of the new image. Leave null with overwrite = false to automatically create a new file with the .copy pre-extension. the .copy file will be overwritten on next change...
  * @param string $aOverwrite wether or not to overwrite the file
  * @return \imagemanipulation\ImageBuilder $this for chaining
 public function save(\SplFileInfo $file = null, $aOverwrite = false)
     $search = "." . $this->file->getExtension();
     if ($file === null && $aOverwrite === false && !strstr($this->file->getPathname(), '.copy' . $search)) {
         $file = new \SplFileInfo(str_replace($search, ".copy" . $search, $this->file->getPathname()));
     } else {
         if ($file === null) {
             $file = $this->file;
     return $this;

use imagemanipulation\ImageImageResource;
use imagemanipulation\reflection\ImageFilterReflection;
use imagemanipulation\ImageType;
// create the image resource
$resource = new ImageImageResource(new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uglydog.png'));
$resource->filter(new ImageFilterReflection(300));
$resource->render(ImageType::PNG, 80);
 protected function assertColorQ4(ImageImageResource $aRes, $aColor)
     $coord = Coordinate::create($aRes->getWidth() - self::OFFSET, $aRes->getHeight() - self::OFFSET);
     $testColor = $aRes->getColorAt($coord)->getHexColor();
     $this->assertEquals($aColor, $testColor, "Checking color in quadrant 4 {$coord} {$aColor} vs {$testColor}");
  * @param $aFile \SplFileInfo The orifinal image file
  * @param $aIdentifier string The identifier to use for caching purposes
  * @return \imagemanipulation\ImageImageResource
 public function getImageRes(\SplFileInfo $aFile, $identifier)
     $folder = get_called_class();
     $folder = str_replace("::", "", $folder);
     $folder = str_replace("\\", "", $folder);
     $cacheDir = $this->getCacheDir();
     if (strstr($identifier, "::")) {
         $expl = explode("::", $identifier);
         $identifier = $expl[1];
     $dir = $cacheDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder;
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
     $testFile = new \SplFileInfo($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $identifier . "." . $aFile->getExtension());
     if ($testFile->isFile()) {
         $path = $testFile->getPathname();
     $res = new ImageImageResource($aFile);
     return $res;
Beispiel #6

use imagemanipulation\ImageImageResource;
use imagemanipulation\ImageType;
use imagemanipulation\rotate\ImageFilterRotate;
// create the image resource
$resource = new ImageImageResource(new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uglydog.png'));
// rotate the image by 45 degrees and fill missing background with #0190D2
$resource->filter(new ImageFilterRotate(45, '#0190D2'));
// render the image
$resource->render(ImageType::PNG, 80);
 protected function assertColorQ4(ImageImageResource $aRes, $aColor)
     $testColor = $aRes->getColorAt(new Coordinate($aRes->getX() - 2, $aRes->getY() - 2))->getHexColor();
     $this->assertEquals($aColor, $testColor, "Checking color in quadrant 4 " . $aColor . ' vs ' . $testColor);
Beispiel #8

use imagemanipulation\ImageImageResource;
use imagemanipulation\filter\ImageFilterSobelEdgeDetect;
use imagemanipulation\ImageType;
use imagemanipulation\filter\ImageFilterSobelEdgeEnhance;
use imagemanipulation\filter\ImageFilterNegative;
use imagemanipulation\filter\ImageFilterLineDetection;
use imagemanipulation\filter\ImageFilterGrayScale;
// create the image resource
$resource = new ImageImageResource(new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uglydog.jpg'));
$filter = new ImageFilterLineDetection();
$resource->save(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . get_class($filter) . '6.png', ImageType::PNG, 80);
$resource->render(ImageType::PNG, 80);
Beispiel #9

use imagemanipulation\overlay\ImageFilterOverlay;
use imagemanipulation\ImageImageResource;
use imagemanipulation\ImageType;
// create the image resource
$resource = new ImageImageResource(new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uglydog.png'));
$overlayResource = new ImageImageResource(new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'monkey.png'));
$overlay = new ImageFilterOverlay($overlayResource, 20, 0, 0, true);
$resource->render(ImageType::PNG, 80);
  * @param $aFile \SplFileInfo The orifinal image file
  * @param $aIdentifier string The identifier to use for caching purposes
  * @return \imagemanipulation\ImageImageResource
 public function getImageRes(\SplFileInfo $aFile, $aIdentifier)
     $aIdentifier = str_replace("::", "", $aIdentifier);
     $aIdentifier = str_replace("\\", "", $aIdentifier);
     $cacheDir = $this->getCacheDir();
     $testFile = new \SplFileInfo($cacheDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $aIdentifier . '-' . $aFile->getFilename());
     if ($testFile->isFile()) {
         $path = $testFile->getPathname();
     $res = new ImageImageResource($aFile);
     return $res;