Beispiel #1
 private function getExceptionData($exception)
     $data = [];
     $data['host'] = Request::server('HTTP_HOST');
     $data['method'] = Request::method();
     $data['fullUrl'] = Request::fullUrl();
     if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli') {
         $data['host'] = parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST);
         $data['method'] = 'CLI';
     $data['exception'] = $exception->getMessage();
     $data['error'] = $exception->getTraceAsString();
     $data['line'] = $exception->getLine();
     $data['file'] = $exception->getFile();
     $data['class'] = get_class($exception);
     $data['storage'] = array('SERVER' => Request::server(), 'GET' => Request::query(), 'POST' => $_POST, 'FILE' => Request::file(), 'OLD' => Request::hasSession() ? Request::old() : [], 'COOKIE' => Request::cookie(), 'SESSION' => Request::hasSession() ? Session::all() : [], 'HEADERS' => Request::header());
     $data['storage'] = array_filter($data['storage']);
     $count = $this->config['count'];
     $data['exegutor'] = [];
     $data['file_lines'] = [];
     $file = new SplFileObject($data['file']);
     for ($i = -1 * abs($count); $i <= abs($count); $i++) {
         list($line, $exegutorLine) = $this->getLineInfo($file, $data['line'], $i);
         $data['exegutor'][] = $exegutorLine;
         $data['file_lines'][$data['line'] + $i] = $line;
     // to make Symfony exception more readable
     if ($data['class'] == 'Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException') {
         preg_match("~^(.+)' in ~", $data['exception'], $matches);
         if (isset($matches[1])) {
             $data['exception'] = $matches[1];
     return $data;
Beispiel #2
 public function current($uri = false)
     if ($uri) {
         return Request::url();
     return Request::fullUrl();
Beispiel #3
 public function active($parent = false)
     $path = substr(Request::fullUrl(), strlen(url('/')) + 1);
     if ($parent) {
         $p = explode('/', $path);
         return !empty($p[0]) && $p[0] == $this->path;
     return $this->path == $path;
 public function create()
     // keep backtrack token in the session one more step of the way.
     if (Session::has('backTo')) {
     } else {
         Session::flash('backTo', Request::fullUrl());
     return view('medicine.create');
Beispiel #5
  * @param string $url
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $position
  * @param array  $attributes
  * @return $this
 public function link($url, $name, $position = "BL", $attributes = array())
     $base = str_replace(Request::path(), '', strtok(Request::fullUrl(), '?'));
     $match_url = str_replace($base, '/', strtok($url, '?'));
     if (Request::path() != $match_url) {
         $url = Persistence::get($match_url, parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY));
     $attributes = array_merge(array("class" => "btn btn-default"), $attributes);
     $this->button_container[$position][] = HTML::link($url, $name, $attributes);
     $this->links[] = $url;
     return $this;
 public function edit(Journal $journal)
     // keep backtrack token in the session one more step of the way.
     if (Session::has('backTo')) {
     } else {
         Session::flash('backTo', Request::fullUrl());
     $journal = $journal->load('triggers');
     // Create list with name=>id to use in select2 field.
     $triggers = Auth::user()->triggers()->lists('name', 'id');
     $medicines = Auth::user()->medicines()->lists('name', 'id');
     $common_triggers = CommonTriggers::all()->lists('name', 'id');
     //        $pain_locations = PainLocations::all()->lists('name', 'id');
     return view('journal.edit', compact('journal', 'common_triggers', 'triggers', 'medicines'));
Beispiel #7
  * Get the current request's route if available.
  * @return string
 protected function getCurrentUrl()
     if (App::runningInConsole()) {
         return 'console';
     return Request::fullUrl();
 public static function save()
     Session::put('rapyd.' . Request::path(), Request::fullUrl());
Beispiel #9
  * Reset or save index parameters
  * @param string $module
  * @param array $possibleParameters
  * @return boolean
 public static function resetSaveIndexParameters($module, $possibleParameters = ['search', 'orderbycolumn', 'orderbytype', 'relation'])
      * Get common parameters
     $allParameters = Request::all();
      * Parse existing parameters
     foreach ($allParameters as $parameter => $value) {
         $cacheKey = implode('.', [$module, Auth::user()->id, $parameter]);
          * Reset
         if (empty($value) == TRUE) {
         } else {
             Cache::forever($cacheKey, $value);
      * Get new from cache
     foreach ($possibleParameters as $parameter => $value) {
         $cacheKey = implode('.', [$module, Auth::user()->id, $value]);
         $allParameters[$value] = Cache::get($cacheKey);
      * Sort parameters
      * Redirect ?
     $newRoute = trim(route($module . '.index', $allParameters), "?");
     $oldRoute = Request::fullUrl();
      * Routes are the same, everything is OK
     if ($newRoute == $oldRoute) {
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         return $newRoute;
Beispiel #10
  * enable auto-back feature on given actions
  * @param  string $actions
  * @param  string $uri
  * @return $this
 public function back($actions = 'insert|update|do_delete', $url = "")
     if ($url == "") {
         if (count($this->links)) {
             $url = array_pop($this->links);
         } else {
             return $this;
     } else {
         $base = str_replace(Request::path(), '', strtok(Request::fullUrl(), '?'));
         $match_url = str_replace($base, '/', strtok($url, '?'));
         if (Request::path() != $match_url) {
             $url = Persistence::get($match_url);
     $this->back_on = explode("|", $actions);
     $this->back_url = $url;
     return $this;
 public function index()
     $triggers = Auth::user()->triggers;
     Session::flash('backTo', Request::fullUrl());
     return view('trigger.index', compact('triggers'));
Beispiel #12
  * Overrides the base form open method to allow for automatic insertion of csrf tokens
  * and form class
  * @param null   $action    Defaults to the current url
  * @param string $method    Defaults to POST
  * @param array  $attributes
  * @return string
 public function open($action = null, $method = 'POST', $attributes = array())
     // If an action has not been specified, use the current url
     $action = $action ?: Request::fullUrl();
     // Add in the form class if necessary
     if (empty($attributes['class'])) {
         $attributes['class'] = $this->getOption('formClass');
     } elseif (strpos($attributes['class'], 'form-') === false) {
         $attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $this->getOption('formClass');
     // Auto-complete attribute
     if (empty($attributes['autocomplete'])) {
         $attributes['autocomplete'] = $this->getOption('autocomplete');
     // Laravel's form builder uses a single array as a parameter
     $attributes['url'] = $action;
     $attributes['method'] = $method;
     return Form::open($attributes);