Beispiel #1
  * @return void
 public function fire()
     if (!$this->isDataSetted) {
     $this->config->set('database', ['fetch' => PDO::FETCH_OBJ, 'default' => $this->data->get('driver'), 'connections' => [], 'redis' => []]);
     switch ($this->data->get('driver')) {
         case 'mysql':
             $this->config->set('database.connections.mysql', ['driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => $this->data->get('database_host'), 'database' => $this->data->get('database'), 'username' => $this->data->get('database_username'), 'password' => $this->data->get('database_password'), 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci', 'prefix' => $this->data->get('database_prefix'), 'strict' => true, 'engine' => null]);
         case 'pgsql':
             $this->config->set('database.connections.pgsql', ['driver' => 'pgsql', 'host' => $this->data->get('database_host'), 'database' => $this->data->get('database'), 'username' => $this->data->get('database_username'), 'password' => $this->data->get('database_password'), 'charset' => 'utf8', 'prefix' => $this->data->get('database_prefix'), 'schema' => 'public', 'sslmode' => 'prefer']);
         case 'sqlite':
             $this->config->set('database.connections.sqlite', ['driver' => 'sqlite', 'database' => $this->container->storagePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstraps' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'database.sqlite', 'prefix' => $this->data->get('database_prefix')]);
             touch($this->container->storagePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstraps' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'database.sqlite');
     $this->call('migrate', ['--force' => true, '--path' => str_replace(base_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', database_path('migrations'))]);
     $this->call('passport:client', ['--password' => true, '--name' => 'Notadd Administrator Client']);
     $setting = $this->container->make(SettingsRepository::class);
     $setting->set('', $this->data->get('website'));
     $setting->set('setting.image.engine', 'webp');
     if ($this->data->get('image_engine', false)) {
     } else {
         $setting->set('setting.image.engine', 'normal');
     $this->info('Notadd Installed!');
Beispiel #2
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
  * @param \Closure                 $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     if ($tz = $request->header('Time-Zone')) {
         $this->config->set('cachet.timezone', $tz);
     return $next($request);
Beispiel #3
  * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Notadd\Foundation\Application $application
  * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository                                     $repository
  * @return void
 protected function loadConfigurationFiles(Application $application, RepositoryContract $repository)
     foreach ($this->getConfigurationFiles($application) as $key => $path) {
         $repository->set($key, require $path);
     if ($application->isInstalled()) {
         $database = (require $application->storagePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstraps' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'replace.php');
         $repository->set('database', $database);
Beispiel #4
  * Load the configuration items from all of the files.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app
  * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository      $config
  * @return void
 protected function loadConfigurationFiles(Application $app, \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository $config)
     foreach ($this->getConfigurationFiles($app) as $key => $path) {
         $config->set($key, require $path);
     foreach ($this->getConfigurationFilesYml($app) as $key => $path) {
         $c = Yaml::parse($this->files->get($path));
         $config->set($key, $c);
Beispiel #5
  * Map configuration to allow orchestra to store it in database.
  * @param  string  $name
  * @param  array   $aliases
  * @return bool
 public function map($name, $aliases)
     $memory = $this->memory->make();
     $meta = $memory->get("extension_{$name}", []);
     foreach ($aliases as $current => $default) {
         isset($meta[$current]) && $this->config->set($default, $meta[$current]);
         $meta[$current] = $this->config->get($default);
     $memory->put("extension_{$name}", $meta);
     return true;
  * @return void
 public function fire()
     if (!$this->isDataSetted) {
     $this->config->set('database', ['fetch' => PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'default' => 'mysql', 'connections' => ['mysql' => ['driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => $this->data->get('host'), 'database' => $this->data->get('database'), 'username' => $this->data->get('username'), 'password' => $this->data->get('password'), 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci', 'prefix' => $this->data->get('prefix'), 'strict' => true]], 'migrations' => 'migrations', 'redis' => []]);
     $this->setting->set('site.title', $this->data->get('title'));
     $this->setting->set('seo.title', $this->data->get('title'));
     $this->comment('Application Installed!');
  * Add namespace overrides to configuration.
  * @param $namespace
  * @param $directory
 public function addNamespaceOverrides($namespace, $directory)
     if (!$this->files->isDirectory($directory)) {
     /* @var SplFileInfo $file */
     foreach ($this->files->allFiles($directory) as $file) {
         $key = trim(str_replace($directory, '', $file->getPath()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->getBaseName('.php'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         // Normalize key slashes.
         $key = str_replace('\\', '/', $key);
         $this->config->set($namespace . '::' . $key, array_replace($this->config->get($namespace . '::' . $key, []), $this->files->getRequire($file->getPathname())));
Beispiel #8
 protected function loadConfigurationFiles(Application $app, RepositoryContract $repository)
     foreach ($this->getConfigurationFiles($app) as $key => $path) {
         $parts = explode(".", $path);
         $ext = array_pop($parts);
         switch ($ext) {
             case 'php':
                 $repository->set($key, require $path);
             case 'ini':
                 $repository->set($key, parse_ini_file($path, true));
  * Load the configuration items from all of the files.
  * @param  Application $app
  * @param  Repository  $config
  * @return void
 protected function loadConfigurationFiles(Application $app, Repository $config)
     foreach ($this->getConfigurationFiles($app) as $key => $path) {
         $ext = substr($path, strrpos($path, '.') + 1);
         switch ($ext) {
             case 'php':
                 $config->set($key, require $path);
             case 'yml':
             case 'yaml':
                 $config->set($key, $this->parseYamlOrLoadFromCache($path));
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     // Obtener las bases de datos
     $bds = BaseDatosCadeco::all();
     foreach ($bds as $bd) {
         $this->info('Revirtiendo la ultima migracion en ' . $bd->nombre);
         $this->config->set('database.connections.' . $this->argument('connection') . '.database', $bd->nombre);
         $this->call('migrate:rollback', ['--database' => $this->argument('connection')]);
 protected function loadConfigurationFiles(Application $app, RepositoryContract $config)
     foreach ($this->getConfigurationFiles($app) as $key => $paths) {
         $config->set($key, require $paths[0]);
         if (count($paths) > 1) {
             foreach ($paths as $i => $path) {
                 if ($i === 0) {
                 $values = (require $paths[$i]);
                 $config->set($key, array_replace_recursive($config->get($key), $values));
Beispiel #12
  * Set the handles to orchestra/extension package config (if available).
  * @param  string  $name
  * @param  array   $options
  * @return void
 protected function registerExtensionHandles($name, array $options)
     $handles = Arr::get($options, 'config.handles');
     if (!is_null($handles)) {
         $this->config->set("orchestra/extension::handles.{$name}", $handles);
Beispiel #13
  * Save the given property's value in this handler's
  * configuration
  * @param Property $property
  * @param mixed $valueToBeSaved
 protected function saveValueFor(Property $property, $valueToBeSaved)
     // Change the configuration
     $this->config->set($this->key, $valueToBeSaved);
     // Save the value as a "previous" answer
     self::$previousAnswers[$property->getId()] = $valueToBeSaved;
     // Output what value is being used
     $this->outputStatus($valueToBeSaved, $property->getType(), $property->getId());
  * Handle the form.
  * @param ForgotPasswordFormBuilder $builder
  * @param UserRepositoryInterface   $users
  * @param UserPassword              $password
 public function handle(ForgotPasswordFormBuilder $builder, UserRepositoryInterface $users, UserPassword $password, Repository $config)
     $user = $users->findByEmail($builder->getFormValue('email'));
     if ($path = $builder->getFormOption('reset_path')) {
         $config->set('anomaly.module.users::paths.reset', $path);
     $password->send($user, $builder->getFormOption('reset_redirect'));
  * Merge the items in the given files into the items.
  * @param RepositoryContract $repository
  * @param string             $env
  * @param array              $filesByEnv
  * @return void
 protected function mergeEnv(RepositoryContract $repository, $env, $filesByEnv)
     $ignoreCount = strlen($env) + 1;
     foreach ($filesByEnv as $key => $path) {
         $key = substr($key, $ignoreCount);
         $origin = $repository->get($key);
         $repository->set($key, array_replace_recursive($origin, require $path));
  * Handle the command.
  * @param SettingRepositoryInterface $settings
  * @param AddonCollection            $addons
  * @param Repository                 $config
 public function handle(SettingRepositoryInterface $settings, AddonCollection $addons, Repository $config)
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     foreach ($addons->withConfig('settings') as $addon) {
         foreach ($config->get($addon->getNamespace('settings')) as $key => $setting) {
             if (isset($setting['env']) && env($setting['env']) !== null) {
             if (!isset($setting['bind'])) {
             if (!$settings->has($key = $addon->getNamespace($key))) {
             $config->set($setting['bind'], $settings->value($key));
     foreach ($addons->withConfig('settings/settings') as $addon) {
         foreach ($config->get($addon->getNamespace('settings/settings')) as $key => $setting) {
             if (isset($setting['env']) && env($setting['env']) !== null) {
             if (!isset($setting['bind'])) {
             if (!$settings->has($key = $addon->getNamespace($key))) {
             $config->set($setting['bind'], $settings->value($key));
     foreach ($config->get('streams::settings/settings', []) as $key => $setting) {
         if (isset($setting['env']) && env($setting['env']) !== null) {
         if (!isset($setting['bind'])) {
         if (!$settings->has($key = 'streams::' . $key)) {
         $config->set($setting['bind'], $settings->value($key));
  * Load the configuration items from all of the files.
  * @param  string  $configPath
  * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository  $config
  * @param  string namespace
  * @return void
 protected function loadConfigurationFiles($configPath, RepositoryContract $config, $namespace = '')
     foreach ($this->getConfigurationFiles($configPath) as $key => $path) {
         //Module config default filename is config
         //This way module config is accessible via
         // Config::get('namespace.value')
         //Instead of :
         // Config::get('namespace.config.value')
         //Inspire from :
         //But doesn't use :: notation for namespace cause otherwise it would have been
         // Config::get('namespace::.value')
         //@todo change the way Repository works to be able to use namespaces
         if ($namespace !== '' && $key === 'config') {
             $config->set($namespace, require $path);
         } else {
             $config->set($namespace . $key, require $path);
  * Override give config values from persistent setting storage.
  * @param array $override
  * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository $config
  * @param \Krucas\Settings\Settings $settings
  * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $dispatcher
 protected function overrideConfig(array $override, Repository $config, Settings $settings, Dispatcher $dispatcher)
     foreach ($override as $key => $settingKey) {
         $configKey = is_string($key) ? $key : $settingKey;
         $dispatcher->fire("settings.overriding: {$configKey}", [$configKey, $settingKey]);
         $settingValue = $settings->get($settingKey);
         $configValue = $config->get($configKey);
         $config->set($configKey, $settingValue);
         $dispatcher->fire("settings.override: {$configKey}", [$configKey, $configValue, $settingKey, $settingValue]);
  * Load the configuration items from all of the files.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application  $app
  * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository  $repository
  * @return void
 protected function loadConfigurationFiles(Application $app, RepositoryContract $repository)
     $baseFiles = $this->getConfigurationFiles($app->baseConfigPath());
     $projFiles = !$app->isBaseProject() ? $this->getConfigurationFiles($app->configPath()) : [];
     $keys = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($baseFiles), array_keys($projFiles)));
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         $baseCfg = array_key_exists($key, $baseFiles) ? require $baseFiles[$key] : [];
         $projCfg = array_key_exists($key, $projFiles) ? require $projFiles[$key] : [];
         $repository->set($key, array_merge($baseCfg, $projCfg));
  * Obtiene las obras de un usuario cadeco de todas las bases de datos definidas
  * @param $idUsuario
  * @return Collection|Obra
 public function getObras($idUsuario)
     $obrasUsuario = new Collection();
     $basesDatos = BaseDatosCadeco::where('activa', true)->orderBy('nombre')->get();
     foreach ($basesDatos as $bd) {
         $this->config->set('database.connections.cadeco.database', $bd->nombre);
         $usuarioCadeco = $this->getUsuarioCadeco($idUsuario);
         $obras = $this->getObrasUsuario($usuarioCadeco);
         foreach ($obras as $obra) {
             $obra->databaseName = $bd->nombre;
     $perPage = 10;
     $currentPage = Paginator::resolveCurrentPage();
     $currentPage = $currentPage ? $currentPage : 1;
     $offset = $currentPage * $perPage - $perPage;
     $paginator = new LengthAwarePaginator($obrasUsuario->slice($offset, $perPage), $obrasUsuario->count(), $perPage);
     return $paginator;
  * Handle the form.
  * @param ForgotPasswordFormBuilder $builder
  * @param UserRepositoryInterface   $users
  * @param UserPassword              $password
  * @param MessageBag                $messages
  * @param Repository                $config
 public function handle(ForgotPasswordFormBuilder $builder, UserRepositoryInterface $users, UserPassword $password, MessageBag $messages, Repository $config)
     if ($builder->hasFormErrors()) {
     $user = $users->findByEmail($builder->getFormValue('email'));
     if ($path = $builder->getFormOption('reset_path')) {
         $config->set('anomaly.module.users::paths.reset', $path);
     $password->send($user, $builder->getFormOption('reset_redirect'));
  * Look for locale=LOCALE in the query string.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @param  \Closure $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
     if (defined('LOCALE')) {
         return $next($request);
     if ($locale = $request->get('_locale')) {
         if ($locale) {
             $request->session()->put('_locale', $locale);
         } else {
         return $this->redirect->to($request->path());
     if ($locale = $request->session()->get('_locale')) {
         $this->config->set('_locale', $locale);
     if (!$locale) {
     return $next($request);
Beispiel #23
  * Run booting on installed application.
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return \Orchestra\Contracts\Memory\Provider
 protected function bootInstalledApplication()
     // Initiate Memory class from App, this to allow advanced user
     // to use other implementation if there is a need for it.
     $memory = $this->app->make('orchestra.memory')->make();
     $name = $memory->get('');
     if (is_null($name)) {
         throw new Exception('Installation is not completed');
     $this->config->set('', $name);
     // In event where we reach this point, we can consider no
     // exception has occur, we should be able to compile acl and
     // menu configuration
     // In any event where Memory failed to load, we should set
     // Installation status to false routing for installation is
     // enabled.
     $this->app->instance('orchestra.installed', true);
     return $memory;
  * Set a configuration value.
  * @param $name
  * @param $value
  * @return mixed
 public function set($name, $value)
     $item = $this->getItemPath($name);
     return $this->config->set($item, $value);
  * Set the default connection name.
  * @param string $name
  * @return void
 public function setDefaultConnection($name)
     $this->config->set($this->getConfigName() . '.default', $name);
Beispiel #26
  * @param Repository $config
  * @param Container $container
 public function syncUsers(Repository $config, Container $container)
     $this->output->write('Start user sync...');
     $config->set('gitter.output', false);
     $client = Client::make($config->get('gitter.token'), $this->argument('room'));
     $room = $container->make(Room::class);
     $users = $client->request('room.users', ['roomId' => $room->id]);
     $message = "\r<comment>[%s/%s]</comment> %s%80s";
     $count = count($users);
     $current = 1;
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $user = User::fromGitterObject($user);
         $this->output->write(sprintf($message, $current, $count, $user->login, ''));
     $this->output->write(sprintf($message, $count, $count, 'OK', ''));
  * Load the configuration items from all of the files.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application  $app
  * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository  $config
  * @return void
 protected function loadConfigurationFiles(Application $app, RepositoryContract $config)
     foreach ($this->getConfigurationFiles($app) as $key => $path) {
         $config->set($key, require $path);
  * Handle the command.
  * @param Repository $config
 public function handle(Repository $config)
     $config->set('database.connections.core', $config->get('database.connections.' . $config->get('database.default')));
  * Boot the service provider.
  * @param Repository  $config
  * @param Application $application
 public function boot(Repository $config, Application $application)
     $config->set('search', $config->get(''));
     $config->set('search.connections.zend.path', str_replace('storage::', $application->getStoragePath() . '/', $config->get('search.connections.zend.path')));
Beispiel #30
  * Set a given configuration value.
  * @param array|string $key
  * @param mixed        $value
 public function set($key, $value = null)
     $this->repository->set($key, $value);