  * Strategy pattern: Initialize the configuration.
  * Create the new Zend_Form objects from the specified configuration files
  * for adding to this object and put this object into the Zend_Registry
  * See {@link \Zend_Form}
  * See {@link \Zend_Registry}
  * @param \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
 public function init(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     foreach ($this->_options as $id => $params) {
         if (is_array($params)) {
             // Check if the path parameter has been defined
             if (!isset($params['path'])) {
                 throw new Exception('The \'path\' parameter is required with
                     the path to form configuration file');
             // Check if the class parameter has been defined
             if (isset($params['class'])) {
                 $formClass = $params['class'];
             } else {
                 //Use the defautl class (base class)
                 $formClass = '\\Zend_Form';
             if (!isset($params['section'])) {
                 $params['section'] = null;
             //Get full path to configuration file
             $basePath = !isset($params['inModule']) || $params['inModule'] == true ? \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getModuleDirectory() : APPLICATION_PATH;
             $params['path'] = \ifc\util\zend\Config::prepareAbsolutePath($basePath, $params['path']);
             //Create form from configuration file
             $this->_forms[$id] = new $formClass(\ifc\util\zend\Config::loadConfigFile($params['path'], $params['section']));
         } else {
             throw new Exception('The form configuration file specification
                 has to be an array');
     //Save it for later retrieval
     \Zend_Registry::set($this->_regKey, $this);
  * Strategy pattern: Initialize the configuration.
  * It adds pages from the configuration file to registered navigation container,
  * otherwise register a new one and it adds the pages to this.
  * See {@link \Zend_Navigation_Container}
  * See {@link \Zend_Application_Bootstrap_BootstrapAbstract}
  * See {@link \Zend_Application_Resource_Navigation}
  * See getContainer() from {@link \Zend_View_Helper_Navigation_HelperAbstract}
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request Request to process (in this
  *      configuration is not used)
 public function init(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     if ($this->_getBootstrap()->hasResource('navigation')) {
         $navigation = $this->_getBootstrap()->getResource('navigation');
     } else {
         if (\Zend_Registry::isRegistered('Zend_Navigation') && \Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Navigation') instanceof \Zend_Navigation_Container) {
             // This is the default container used by view if it didn't has a defined container
             $navigation = \Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Navigation');
         } else {
             // There is not registered \Zend_Navigation_Containter; we are going
             // to register one through the bootstrap
             $navigation = new \Zend_Navigation_Container();
             $this->_getBootstrap()->getContainer()->{'navigation'} = $navigation;
     // If the configuraiton file defines a new navigation structure, then
     // replaces old structure
     if (!$this->_complementaryPages) {
     if (isset($this->_file)) {
         $navigation->addPages(\ifc\util\zend\Config::loadConfigFile($this->_file['path'], $this->_file['section']));
  * @todo document this method
  * @param array $config
 public function configure(array $config)
     if (!isset($config['connection']) || !is_array($config['connection'])) {
         throw new Exception('The \'connection\' configuration parameter is
                 required and this has to be an array');
     $this->_dbConnectionOptions = $config['connection'];
     $this->_ormConfig = new \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();
     //Create ORM Mapping driver to use
     if (isset($config['mappingDriver'])) {
         $driverMappingConfig = $config['mappingDriver'];
         if (!isset($driverMappingConfig['type']) || !isset($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath'])) {
             throw new Exception('\'type\' and \'mappingDocsPath\' parameters are
                 required by mapping driver configuration');
         //Get full path to mapping documents
         if (is_array($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath'])) {
             foreach ($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath'] as &$path) {
                 $path = \ifc\util\zend\Config::prepareAbsolutePath(APPLICATION_PATH, $path);
         } else {
             $driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath'] = \ifc\util\zend\Config::prepareAbsolutePath(APPLICATION_PATH, $driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
         $driverMappingConfig['type'] = strtolower($driverMappingConfig['type']);
         switch ($driverMappingConfig['type']) {
             case 'xml':
                 $driverImpl = new Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\XmlDriver($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
             case 'yml':
                 $driverImpl = new Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\YamlDriver($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
             case 'annotation':
                 $driverImpl = $this->_ormConfig->newDefaultAnnotationDriver($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
             case 'php':
                 $driverImpl = new Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\PHPDriver($driverMappingConfig['mappingDocsPath']);
                 throw new Exception('Unrecognized ORM driver mapping');
     } else {
         throw new Exception('The \'mappingDriver\' configuration parameter is required');
     //Parametrize configuration object
     if (isset($config['configuration'])) {
         //Each defined parameters of the {@link \Doctrine\ORM\Configuration} is
         //the name of one setters methods of the  that only receive one parameter
         // of a simple type
                       foreach ($config['configuration'] as $param => $value) {
                       $method = 'set' . $param;
                       if (method_exists($this->_ormConfig, $method)) {
                       } else {
                       throw new Exception($param . ' is is not a correct parameter
                       for ORM Configuration; the accepted parameters to configure the
                       \\Doctrine\\ORM\\Configuration are the name of the setter methods
                       without the \'set\' prefix that accept one parameter of a basic type.');
                       }/* */
         $configParams = $config['configuration'];
         // If exist ProxyDir parameter, set the Proxy directori
         if (isset($configParams['proxyDir'])) {
             $this->_ormConfig->setProxyDir($path = \ifc\util\zend\Config::prepareAbsolutePath(APPLICATION_PATH, $configParams['proxyDir']));
         // If exist ProxyNamespace parameter, set the Proxy namespace
         if (isset($configParams['proxyNamespace'])) {
         // If exist AutoGenerateProxyClasses parameter, set the flag if
         // the proxy classess have to be autogenerated
         if (isset($configParams['autoGenerateProxyClasses'])) {
             $this->_ormConfig->setAutoGenerateProxyClasses($path = \ifc\util\zend\Config::prepareAbsolutePath(APPLICATION_PATH, $configParams['autoGenerateProxyClasses']));
     //Configure cache
     if (isset($config['cache'])) {
         $cacheConfig = $config['cache'];
         if (!isset($cacheConfig['class'])) {
             throw new Exception('The \'class\' configuration parameter is required
                 to configure ORM cache');
         if (!class_exists($cacheConfig['class'])) {
             throw new Exception($cacheConfig['class'] . ' not found');
         $cache = new $cacheConfig['class']();
         if (isset($cacheConfig['uses'])) {
                               foreach ($cacheConfig['uses'] as $use => $flag) {
                               if ($flag) {
                               $method = 'set' . $use;
                               if (method_exists($this->_ormConfig, $method)) {
                               } else {
                               throw new Exception($use . ' is is not a correct cache use
                               for ORM Configuration; the accepted parameters to configure the
                               cache of \\Doctrine\\ORM\\Configuration are the name of the
                               setter methods without the \'set\' prefix that accept one parameter
                               of a class that implements \\Doctrine\\Common\\Cache interface.');
                               }/* */
             $cacheUseConfig = $cacheConfig['uses'];
             //Puts the Metadata cache if this is required
             if (isset($cacheUseConfig['metadata']) && $cacheUseConfig['metadata']) {
             //Puts the Query cache if this is required
             if (isset($cacheUseConfig['query']) && $cacheUseConfig['query']) {
             //Puts the Result cache if this is required
             if (isset($cacheUseConfig['result']) && $cacheUseConfig['result']) {
     $this->_entityManager = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create($this->_dbConnectionOptions, $this->_ormConfig, new \Doctrine\Common\EventManager());