Beispiel #1
  * Apply permissions, restrictions and roles to the given user
  * @param   User    $user
 public function applyRoles(User $user)
     $username = $user->getUsername();
     try {
         $roles = Config::app('roles');
     } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
         Logger::error('Can\'t get permissions and restrictions for user \'%s\'. An exception was thrown:', $username, $e);
     $userGroups = $user->getGroups();
     $permissions = array();
     $restrictions = array();
     $roleObjs = array();
     foreach ($roles as $roleName => $role) {
         if ($this->match($username, $userGroups, $role)) {
             $permissionsFromRole = StringHelper::trimSplit($role->permissions);
             $permissions = array_merge($permissions, array_diff($permissionsFromRole, $permissions));
             $restrictionsFromRole = $role->toArray();
             foreach ($restrictionsFromRole as $name => $restriction) {
                 if (!isset($restrictions[$name])) {
                     $restrictions[$name] = array();
                 $restrictions[$name][] = $restriction;
             $roleObj = new Role();
             $roleObjs[] = $roleObj->setName($roleName)->setPermissions($permissionsFromRole)->setRestrictions($restrictionsFromRole);
  * My account
 public function indexAction()
     $config = Config::app()->getSection('global');
     $user = $this->Auth()->getUser();
     if ($user->getAdditional('backend_type') === 'db') {
         try {
             $userBackend = UserBackend::create($user->getAdditional('backend_name'));
         } catch (ConfigurationError $e) {
             $userBackend = null;
         if ($userBackend !== null) {
             $changePasswordForm = new ChangePasswordForm();
             $this->view->changePasswordForm = $changePasswordForm;
     $form = new PreferenceForm();
     if ($config->get('config_backend', 'ini') !== 'none') {
         $form->setStore(PreferencesStore::create(new ConfigObject(array('store' => $config->get('config_backend', 'ini'), 'resource' => $config->config_resource)), $user));
     $this->view->form = $form;
Beispiel #3
  * Create and return a user backend with the given name and given configuration applied to it
  * @param   string          $name
  * @param   ConfigObject    $backendConfig
  * @return  UserBackendInterface
  * @throws  ConfigurationError
 public static function create($name, ConfigObject $backendConfig = null)
     if ($backendConfig === null) {
         $authConfig = Config::app('authentication');
         if ($authConfig->hasSection($name)) {
             $backendConfig = $authConfig->getSection($name);
         } else {
             throw new ConfigurationError('User backend "%s" does not exist', $name);
     if ($backendConfig->name !== null) {
         $name = $backendConfig->name;
     if (!($backendType = strtolower($backendConfig->backend))) {
         throw new ConfigurationError('Authentication configuration for user backend "%s" is missing the \'backend\' directive', $name);
     if ($backendType === 'external') {
         $backend = new ExternalBackend($backendConfig);
         return $backend;
     if (in_array($backendType, static::$defaultBackends)) {
         // The default backend check is the first one because of performance reasons:
         // Do not attempt to load a custom user backend unless it's actually required
     } elseif (($customClass = static::getCustomUserBackend($backendType)) !== null) {
         $backend = new $customClass($backendConfig);
         if (!is_a($backend, 'Icinga\\Authentication\\User\\UserBackendInterface')) {
             throw new ConfigurationError('Cannot utilize user backend of type "%s". Class "%s" does not implement UserBackendInterface', $backendType, $customClass);
         return $backend;
     } else {
         throw new ConfigurationError('Authentication configuration for user backend "%s" defines an invalid backend type.' . ' Backend type "%s" is not supported', $name, $backendType);
     if ($backendConfig->resource === null) {
         throw new ConfigurationError('Authentication configuration for user backend "%s" is missing the \'resource\' directive', $name);
     $resource = ResourceFactory::create($backendConfig->resource);
     switch ($backendType) {
         case 'db':
             $backend = new DbUserBackend($resource);
         case 'msldap':
             $backend = new LdapUserBackend($resource);
             $backend->setUserClass($backendConfig->get('user_class', 'user'));
             $backend->setUserNameAttribute($backendConfig->get('user_name_attribute', 'sAMAccountName'));
         case 'ldap':
             $backend = new LdapUserBackend($resource);
             $backend->setUserClass($backendConfig->get('user_class', 'inetOrgPerson'));
             $backend->setUserNameAttribute($backendConfig->get('user_name_attribute', 'uid'));
     return $backend;
Beispiel #4
  * Create menu from the application's menu config file plus the config files from all enabled modules
  * @return  self
 public static function fromConfig()
     $menu = new static('menu');
     $manager = Icinga::app()->getModuleManager();
     try {
         $menuConfigs = array(Config::app('menu'));
     } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
         $menuConfigs = array();
     try {
         $modules = $manager->listEnabledModules();
     } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
         $modules = array();
     foreach ($modules as $moduleName) {
         try {
             $moduleMenuConfig = Config::module($moduleName, 'menu');
         } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
             $moduleMenuConfig = array();
         if (!empty($moduleMenuConfig)) {
             $menuConfigs[] = $moduleMenuConfig;
     return $menu->loadMenuItems($menu->flattenConfigs($menuConfigs));
Beispiel #5
 public function setAuthenticated(User $user, $persist = true)
     $username = $user->getUsername();
     try {
         $config = IcingaConfig::app();
     } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
         Logger::error(new Exception('Cannot load preferences for user "' . $username . '". An exception was thrown', 0, $e));
         $config = new Zend_Config(array());
     if (($preferencesConfig = $config->preferences) !== null) {
         try {
             $preferencesStore = PreferencesStore::create($preferencesConfig, $user);
             $preferences = new Preferences($preferencesStore->load());
         } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
             Logger::error(new Exception('Cannot load preferences for user "' . $username . '". An exception was thrown', 0, $e));
             $preferences = new Preferences();
     } else {
         $preferences = new Preferences();
     $membership = new Membership();
     $groups = $membership->getGroupsByUsername($username);
     $admissionLoader = new AdmissionLoader();
     $user->setPermissions($admissionLoader->getPermissions($username, $groups));
     $user->setRestrictions($admissionLoader->getRestrictions($username, $groups));
     $this->user = $user;
     if ($persist == true) {
         $session = Session::getSession();
Beispiel #6
  * Display the application log
 public function applicationlogAction()
     if (!Logger::writesToFile()) {
         $this->httpNotFound('Page not found');
     $this->addTitleTab('application log');
     $resource = new FileReader(new ConfigObject(array('filename' => Config::app()->get('logging', 'file'), 'fields' => '/(?<!.)(?<datetime>[0-9]{4}(?:-[0-9]{2}){2}' . 'T[0-9]{2}(?::[0-9]{2}){2}(?:[\\+\\-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})?)' . ' - (?<loglevel>[A-Za-z]+) - (?<message>.*)(?!.)/msS')));
     $this->view->logData = $resource->select()->order('DESC');
Beispiel #7
  * Create a new authentication chain from config
  * @param Config $config User backends configuration
 public function __construct(Config $config = null)
     if ($config === null) {
         try {
             $this->config = Config::app(static::AUTHENTICATION_CONFIG);
         } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
             $this->config = new Config();
             $this->error = static::EPERM;
     } else {
         $this->config = $config;
  * Show form to adjust user preferences
 public function indexAction()
     $storeConfig = Config::app()->getSection('preferences');
     $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser();
     $form = new PreferenceForm();
     if ($storeConfig->get('store', 'ini') !== 'none') {
         $form->setStore(PreferencesStore::create($storeConfig, $user));
     $this->view->form = $form;
  * Show form to adjust user preferences
 public function indexAction()
     $config = Config::app()->getSection('global');
     $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser();
     $form = new PreferenceForm();
     if ($config->get('config_backend', 'ini') !== 'none') {
         $form->setStore(PreferencesStore::create(new ConfigObject(array('store' => $config->get('config_backend', 'ini'), 'resource' => $config->config_resource)), $user));
     $this->view->form = $form;
Beispiel #10
 private function getMainConfig($file = null)
     if ($file === null) {
         if ($this->config === null) {
             $this->config = Config::app();
         return $this->config;
     } else {
         if (!array_key_exists($file, $this->configs)) {
             $this->configs[$file] = Config::module($module, $file);
         return $this->configs[$file];
     return $this->config;
  * Return a list of groups for an username
  * @param   string  $username
  * @return  array
 public function getGroupsByUsername($username)
     $groups = array();
     try {
         $config = Config::app('memberships');
     } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
         return $groups;
     foreach ($config as $section) {
         $users = String::trimSplit($section->users);
         if (in_array($username, $users)) {
             $groups = array_merge($groups, String::trimSplit($section->groups));
     return $groups;
Beispiel #12
 protected function createResourcesIni()
     $resourceConfig = $this->data['resourceConfig'];
     $resourceName = $resourceConfig['name'];
     try {
         $config = Config::app('resources', true);
         $config->setSection($resourceName, $resourceConfig);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->resourcesIniError = $e;
         return false;
     $this->resourcesIniError = false;
     return true;
Beispiel #13
 public function setAuthenticated(User $user, $persist = true)
     $username = $user->getUsername();
     try {
         $config = Config::app();
     } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
         Logger::error(new IcingaException('Cannot load preferences for user "%s". An exception was thrown: %s', $username, $e));
         $config = new Config();
     if ($config->get('preferences', 'store', 'ini') !== 'none') {
         $preferencesConfig = $config->getSection('preferences');
         try {
             $preferencesStore = PreferencesStore::create($preferencesConfig, $user);
             $preferences = new Preferences($preferencesStore->load());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Logger::error(new IcingaException('Cannot load preferences for user "%s". An exception was thrown: %s', $username, $e));
             $preferences = new Preferences();
     } else {
         $preferences = new Preferences();
     $groups = $user->getGroups();
     foreach (Config::app('groups') as $name => $config) {
         try {
             $groupBackend = UserGroupBackend::create($name, $config);
             $groupsFromBackend = $groupBackend->getMemberships($user);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Logger::error('Can\'t get group memberships for user \'%s\' from backend \'%s\'. An exception was thrown: %s', $username, $name, $e);
         if (empty($groupsFromBackend)) {
         $groupsFromBackend = array_values($groupsFromBackend);
         $groups = array_merge($groups, array_combine($groupsFromBackend, $groupsFromBackend));
     $admissionLoader = new AdmissionLoader();
     list($permissions, $restrictions) = $admissionLoader->getPermissionsAndRestrictions($user);
     $this->user = $user;
     if ($persist) {
 protected function savePreferences(array $preferences)
     $session = Session::getSession();
     $currentPreferences = $session->user->getPreferences();
     foreach ($preferences as $key => $value) {
         if ($value === null) {
         } else {
             $currentPreferences->{$key} = $value;
     if (($preferencesConfig = IcingaConfig::app()->preferences) === null) {
         throw new ConfigurationError('Cannot save preferences changes since you\'ve not configured a preferences backend');
     $store = PreferencesStore::create($preferencesConfig, $session->user);
     // Necessary for patching existing preferences
Beispiel #15
  * Check if the existing resources are set. If not, load them from resources.ini
  * @throws  ConfigurationError
 private static function assertResourcesExist()
     if (self::$resources === null) {
         self::$resources = Config::app('resources');
Beispiel #16
  * Return the default global setting for show_stacktraces
  * @return  bool
 protected function getDefaultShowStacktraces()
     return Config::app()->get('global', 'show_stacktraces', true);
Beispiel #17
 public function Config($file = null)
     if ($file === null) {
         return Config::app();
     } else {
         return Config::app($file);
  * Set up the user backend factory
  * @return  $this
 protected function setupUserBackendFactory()
     try {
     } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
         Logger::error(new IcingaException('Cannot load user backend configuration. An exception was thrown:', $e));
     return $this;
Beispiel #19
  * Create menu from the application's menu config file plus the config files from all enabled modules
  * @return      static
 public static function fromConfig()
     $menu = new static('menu');
     $manager = Icinga::app()->getModuleManager();
     $modules = $manager->listEnabledModules();
     $menuConfigs = array(Config::app('menu'));
     foreach ($modules as $moduleName) {
         $moduleMenuConfig = Config::module($moduleName, 'menu');
         if (!$moduleMenuConfig->isEmpty()) {
             $menuConfigs[] = $moduleMenuConfig;
     return $menu->loadSubMenus($menu->flattenConfigs($menuConfigs));
Beispiel #20
  * Remove a role
 public function removeAction()
     $name = $this->params->getRequired('role');
     $role = new RoleForm();
     try {
         $role->setIniConfig(Config::app('roles', true))->load($name);
     } catch (NotFoundError $e) {
     $confirmation = new ConfirmRemovalForm(array('onSuccess' => function (ConfirmRemovalForm $confirmation) use($name, $role) {
         try {
         } catch (NotFoundError $e) {
             return false;
         if ($role->save()) {
             Notification::success(t('Role removed'));
             return true;
         return false;
     $confirmation->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Remove Role'))->setRedirectUrl('role/list')->handleRequest();
     $this->renderForm($confirmation, $this->translate('Remove Role'));
  * Edit a particular resource
  * @param   string      $name           The name of the resource to edit
  * @param   array       $values         The values to edit the configuration with
  * @return  array                       The edited configuration
  * @throws  InvalidArgumentException    In case the resource does not exist
 public function edit($name, array $values)
     if (!$name) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('Old resource name missing'));
     } elseif (!($newName = isset($values['name']) ? $values['name'] : '')) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('New resource name missing'));
     } elseif (!$this->config->hasSection($name)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('Unknown resource provided'));
     $resourceConfig = $this->config->getSection($name);
     $this->config->setSection($newName, $resourceConfig->merge($values));
     if ($newName !== $name) {
         $appConfig = Config::app();
         $section = $appConfig->getSection('global');
         if ($section->config_resource === $name) {
             $section->config_resource = $newName;
             $this->updatedAppConfig = $appConfig->setSection('global', $section);
     return $resourceConfig;
  * Retrieve restrictions
  * @param   $username
  * @param   array $groups
  * @return  array
 public function getRestrictions($username, array $groups)
     $restrictions = array();
     try {
         $config = Config::app('restrictions');
     } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
         return $restrictions;
     foreach ($config as $section) {
         if ($this->match($section, $username, $groups)) {
             if (!array_key_exists($section->name, $restrictions)) {
                 $restrictions[$section->name] = array();
             $restrictions[$section->name][] = $section->restriction;
     return $restrictions;
  * Return the given user group backend or the first match in order
  * @param   string  $name           The name of the backend, or null in case the first match should be returned
  * @param   string  $interface      The interface the backend should implement, no interface check if null
  * @return  UserGroupBackendInterface
  * @throws  Zend_Controller_Action_Exception    In case the given backend name is invalid
 protected function getUserGroupBackend($name = null, $interface = 'Icinga\\Data\\Selectable')
     if ($name !== null) {
         $config = Config::app('groups');
         if (!$config->hasSection($name)) {
             $this->httpNotFound(sprintf($this->translate('User group backend "%s" not found'), $name));
         } else {
             $backend = UserGroupBackend::create($name, $config->getSection($name));
             if ($interface && !$backend instanceof $interface) {
                 $interfaceParts = explode('\\', strtolower($interface));
                 throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(sprintf($this->translate('User group backend "%s" is not %s'), $name, array_pop($interfaceParts)), 400);
     } else {
         $backends = $this->loadUserGroupBackends($interface);
         $backend = array_shift($backends);
     return $backend;
Beispiel #24
  * @depends testWhetherItIsPossibleToInitializeAConfigFromAIniFile
 public function testWhetherItIsPossibleToRetrieveApplicationConfiguration()
     $config = Config::app();
     $this->assertEquals(array('logging' => array('enable' => 1), 'backend' => array('type' => 'db', 'user' => 'user', 'password' => 'password', 'disable' => 1)), $config->toArray(), 'Config::app does not load INI files correctly');
  * Check whether the controller requires configuration. That is when no configuration
  * is available and when it is possible to setup the configuration
  * @return  bool
  * @see     requiresConfiguration
 protected function requiresConfig()
     if (!$this->requiresConfiguration) {
         return false;
     if (file_exists(Config::$configDir . '/setup.token')) {
         try {
             $config = Config::app()->toArray();
         } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
             return true;
         return empty($config);
     } else {
         return false;
  * Log into the application
 public function loginAction()
     $icinga = Icinga::app();
     if ($icinga->setupTokenExists() && $icinga->requiresSetup()) {
     $triedOnlyExternalAuth = null;
     $auth = $this->Auth();
     $this->view->form = $form = new LoginForm();
     $this->view->title = $this->translate('Icingaweb Login');
     try {
         $redirectUrl = $this->view->form->getValue('redirect');
         if ($redirectUrl) {
             $redirectUrl = Url::fromPath($redirectUrl);
         } else {
             $redirectUrl = Url::fromPath('dashboard');
         if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) {
         try {
             $config = Config::app('authentication');
         } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
             throw new ConfigurationError($this->translate('Could not read your authentication.ini, no authentication methods are available.'), 0, $e);
         $chain = new AuthChain($config);
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         if ($request->isPost() && $this->view->form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
             $user = new User($this->view->form->getValue('username'));
             $password = $this->view->form->getValue('password');
             $backendsTried = 0;
             $backendsWithError = 0;
             $redirectUrl = $form->getValue('redirect');
             if ($redirectUrl) {
                 $redirectUrl = Url::fromPath($redirectUrl);
             } else {
                 $redirectUrl = Url::fromPath('dashboard');
             foreach ($chain as $backend) {
                 if ($backend instanceof ExternalBackend) {
                 try {
                     $authenticated = $backend->authenticate($user, $password);
                 } catch (AuthenticationException $e) {
                 if ($authenticated === true) {
             if ($backendsTried === 0) {
                 $this->view->form->addError($this->translate('No authentication methods available. Did you create' . ' authentication.ini when setting up Icinga Web 2?'));
             } else {
                 if ($backendsTried === $backendsWithError) {
                     $this->view->form->addError($this->translate('All configured authentication methods failed.' . ' Please check the system log or Icinga Web 2 log for more information.'));
                 } elseif ($backendsWithError) {
                     $this->view->form->addError($this->translate('Please note that not all authentication methods were available.' . ' Check the system log or Icinga Web 2 log for more information.'));
             if ($backendsTried > 0 && $backendsTried !== $backendsWithError) {
                 $this->view->form->getElement('password')->addError($this->translate('Incorrect username or password'));
         } elseif ($request->isGet()) {
             $user = new User('');
             foreach ($chain as $backend) {
                 $triedOnlyExternalAuth = $triedOnlyExternalAuth === null;
                 if ($backend instanceof ExternalBackend) {
                     $authenticated = $backend->authenticate($user);
                     if ($authenticated === true) {
                         $this->rerenderLayout()->redirectNow(Url::fromPath(Url::fromRequest()->getParam('redirect', 'dashboard')));
                 } else {
                     $triedOnlyExternalAuth = false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $this->view->requiresExternalAuth = $triedOnlyExternalAuth && !$auth->isAuthenticated();
     $this->view->requiresSetup = Icinga::app()->requiresSetup();
  * Remove a user group backend
 public function removeAction()
     $backendName = $this->params->getRequired('backend');
     $backendForm = new UserGroupBackendForm();
     $form = new ConfirmRemovalForm();
     $form->setOnSuccess(function (ConfirmRemovalForm $form) use($backendName, $backendForm) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return false;
         if ($backendForm->save()) {
             Notification::success(sprintf(t('User group backend "%s" successfully removed'), $backendName));
             return true;
         return false;
     $this->renderForm($form, $this->translate('Remove User Group Backend'));
Beispiel #28
  * Load and return the shared navigation of the given type
  * @param   string  $type
  * @return  Navigation
 public function getSharedNavigation($type)
     $config = Config::app('navigation')->getConfigObject();
     if ($type === 'dashboard-pane') {
         $panes = array();
         foreach ($config->select()->where('type', 'dashlet') as $dashletName => $dashletConfig) {
             if ($this->hasAccessToSharedNavigationItem($dashletConfig)) {
                 // TODO: Throw ConfigurationError if pane or url is missing
                 $panes[$dashletConfig->pane][$dashletName] = $dashletConfig->url;
         $navigation = new Navigation();
         foreach ($panes as $paneName => $dashlets) {
             $navigation->addItem($paneName, array('type' => 'dashboard-pane', 'dashlets' => $dashlets));
     } else {
         $items = array();
         foreach ($config->select()->where('type', $type) as $name => $typeConfig) {
             if ($this->hasAccessToSharedNavigationItem($typeConfig)) {
                 $items[$name] = $typeConfig;
         $navigation = Navigation::fromConfig($items);
     return $navigation;
  * Display a confirmation form to remove a resource
 public function removeresourceAction()
     $this->getTabs()->add('resources/remove', array('label' => $this->translate('Remove Resource'), 'url' => Url::fromRequest()))->activate('resources/remove');
     $form = new ConfirmRemovalForm(array('onSuccess' => function ($form) {
         $configForm = new ResourceConfigForm();
         $resource = $form->getRequest()->getQuery('resource');
         try {
         } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
             return false;
         if ($configForm->save()) {
             Notification::success(sprintf(t('Resource "%s" has been successfully removed'), $resource));
         } else {
             return false;
     // Check if selected resource is currently used for authentication
     $resource = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('resource');
     $authConfig = Config::app('authentication');
     foreach ($authConfig as $backendName => $config) {
         if ($config->get('resource') === $resource) {
             $form->addDescription(sprintf($this->translate('The resource "%s" is currently utilized for authentication by user backend "%s". ' . 'Removing the resource can result in noone being able to log in any longer.'), $resource, $backendName));
     $this->view->form = $form;
Beispiel #30
 public function setAuthenticated(User $user, $persist = true)
     $username = $user->getUsername();
     try {
         $config = Config::app();
     } catch (NotReadableError $e) {
         Logger::error(new IcingaException('Cannot load preferences for user "%s". An exception was thrown: %s', $username, $e));
         $config = new Config();
     if ($config->get('global', 'config_backend', 'ini') !== 'none') {
         $preferencesConfig = new ConfigObject(array('store' => $config->get('global', 'config_backend', 'ini'), 'resource' => $config->get('global', 'config_resource')));
         try {
             $preferencesStore = PreferencesStore::create($preferencesConfig, $user);
             $preferences = new Preferences($preferencesStore->load());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Logger::error(new IcingaException('Cannot load preferences for user "%s". An exception was thrown: %s', $username, $e));
             $preferences = new Preferences();
     } else {
         $preferences = new Preferences();
     // TODO(el): Quick-fix for #10957. Only reload CSS if the theme changed.
     $groups = $user->getGroups();
     foreach (Config::app('groups') as $name => $config) {
         try {
             $groupBackend = UserGroupBackend::create($name, $config);
             $groupsFromBackend = $groupBackend->getMemberships($user);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Logger::error('Can\'t get group memberships for user \'%s\' from backend \'%s\'. An exception was thrown: %s', $username, $name, $e);
         if (empty($groupsFromBackend)) {
         $groupsFromBackend = array_values($groupsFromBackend);
         $groups = array_merge($groups, array_combine($groupsFromBackend, $groupsFromBackend));
     $admissionLoader = new AdmissionLoader();
     $this->user = $user;
     if ($persist) {