Beispiel #1
  * Get all the complex data for the loader.
  * This return value will be cached and stored in the database
  * There is no file monitoring for this cache
  * @param Loader $loader
  * @param int    $type
  * @return array
 public function prepareLoader(Loader $loader, $type)
     $hooks = [];
     $folder = ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath($loader->getExtensionKey()) . 'Classes/Hooks/';
     $files = FileUtility::getBaseFilesInDir($folder, 'php');
     foreach ($files as $hookFile) {
         $hookClass = ClassNamingUtility::getFqnByPath($loader->getVendorName(), $loader->getExtensionKey(), 'Hooks/' . $hookFile);
         if (!$loader->isInstantiableClass($hookClass)) {
         $classReflection = ReflectionUtility::createReflectionClass($hookClass);
         // add class hook
         $tagConfiguration = ReflectionUtility::getTagConfiguration($classReflection, ['hook']);
         if (sizeof($tagConfiguration['hook'])) {
             $hooks[] = ['locations' => $tagConfiguration['hook'], 'configuration' => $hookClass];
         // add method hooks
         foreach ($classReflection->getMethods(MethodReflection::IS_PUBLIC) as $methodReflection) {
             /** @var $methodReflection \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Reflection\MethodReflection */
             $tagConfiguration = ReflectionUtility::getTagConfiguration($methodReflection, ['hook']);
             if (sizeof($tagConfiguration['hook'])) {
                 $hooks[] = ['locations' => $tagConfiguration['hook'], 'configuration' => $hookClass . '->' . $methodReflection->getName()];
     return $hooks;
Beispiel #2
  * Get the Arguments from the original method via Reflection.
  * If the $aspectClassName not available (e.g. Extension is not installed) then
  * throw a Exception.
  * @param $aspectClassName
  * @param $aspectJoinPoint
  * @return array
  * @throws \HDNET\Autoloader\Exception
 protected function getMethodArgumentsFromClassMethod($aspectClassName, $aspectJoinPoint)
     $reflectionClass = ReflectionUtility::createReflectionClass($aspectClassName);
     $methodReflection = $reflectionClass->getMethod($aspectJoinPoint);
     /** @var $classReflection \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Reflection\ClassReflection */
     $methodArguments = $methodReflection->getParameters();
     $arguments = [];
     /** @var $argument \ReflectionParameter */
     foreach ($methodArguments as $argument) {
         $arguments[] = ['name' => $argument->getName(), 'typeHint' => $argument->getClass()->name, 'reference' => $argument->isPassedByReference()];
     return $arguments;
Beispiel #3
  * Check if the given class is a smart object
  * Also add a work around, because the static_info_tables SPL Autoloader
  * get into a conflict with different classes.
  * @param string $className
  * @return bool
 public static function isSmartObjectClass($className)
     $riskAutoLoader = ['SJBR\\StaticInfoTables\\Cache\\CachedClassLoader', 'autoload'];
     $registerAutoLoader = spl_autoload_unregister($riskAutoLoader);
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
         $return = false;
     } else {
         $classReflection = ReflectionUtility::createReflectionClass($className);
         $return = !(bool) (!$classReflection->isInstantiable() || !$classReflection->isTaggedWith('db'));
     if ($registerAutoLoader) {
         spl_autoload_register($riskAutoLoader, true, true);
     return $return;
Beispiel #4
  * Check if the class is tagged with noHeader
  * @param $class
  * @return bool
 protected function isTaggedWithNoHeader($class)
     $classReflection = ReflectionUtility::createReflectionClass($class);
     return $classReflection->isTaggedWith('noHeader');