Beispiel #1
  * Reformat the array representation of citation into a more useable format - In-text style citations
  * @author	Mark Grimshaw
  * @version	1
 function citationToArrayInTextStyle()
     //print_r($this->style); print "<P>";
     include_once "PARSESTYLE.php";
     $temp = PARSESTYLE::parseStringToArray('citation', trim($this->style['template']), $this->styleMap);
     // Ensure we have only valid fields.
     foreach ($temp as $field => $value) {
         if (array_key_exists($field, $this->styleMap->citation) || $field == 'independent' || $field == 'ultimate' || $field == 'preliminaryText') {
             $this->template[$field] = $value;
     if (isset($this->template)) {
     if (trim($this->style['followCreatorTemplate'])) {
         $temp = PARSESTYLE::parseStringToArray('citation', trim($this->style['followCreatorTemplate']), $this->styleMap);
         foreach ($temp as $field => $value) {
             if (array_key_exists($field, $this->styleMap->citation) || $field == 'independent' || $field == 'ultimate' || $field == 'preliminaryText') {
                 $this->followCreatorTemplate[$field] = $value;
     if (trim($this->style['consecutiveCreatorTemplate'])) {
         $temp = PARSESTYLE::parseStringToArray('citation', trim($this->style['consecutiveCreatorTemplate']), $this->styleMap);
         foreach ($temp as $field => $value) {
             if (array_key_exists($field, $this->styleMap->citation) || $field == 'independent' || $field == 'ultimate' || $field == 'preliminaryText') {
                 $this->consecutiveCreatorTemplate[$field] = $value;
     if (trim($this->style['subsequentCreatorTemplate'])) {
         $temp = PARSESTYLE::parseStringToArray('citation', trim($this->style['subsequentCreatorTemplate']), $this->styleMap);
         foreach ($temp as $field => $value) {
             if (array_key_exists($field, $this->styleMap->citation) || $field == 'independent' || $field == 'ultimate' || $field == 'preliminaryText') {
                 $this->subsequentCreatorTemplate[$field] = $value;
     if (trim($this->style['ambiguousTemplate'])) {
         $temp = PARSESTYLE::parseStringToArray('citation', trim($this->style['ambiguousTemplate']), $this->styleMap);
         // Ensure we have only valid fields.
         foreach ($temp as $field => $value) {
             if (array_key_exists($field, $this->styleMap->citation) || $field == 'independent' || $field == 'ultimate' || $field == 'preliminaryText') {
                 $this->ambiguousTemplate[$field] = $value;
     // replacement citation templates for particular resource types
     foreach ($this->styleMap->types as $type => $value) {
         $key = $type . "Template";
         if (array_key_exists($key, $this->style) && trim($this->style[$key])) {
             $temp = PARSESTYLE::parseStringToArray('citation', trim($this->style[$key]), $this->styleMap);
             foreach ($temp as $field => $value) {
                 if (array_key_exists($field, $this->styleMap->citation) || $field == 'independent' || $field == 'ultimate' || $field == 'preliminaryText') {
                     $this->{$key}[$field] = $value;
Beispiel #2
  * Perform pre-processing on the raw SQL array
  * @author	Mark Grimshaw
  * @version	1
  * @param	$type	The resource type
  * @param	$row	Associate array of raw SQL data
  * @return	$row	Processed row of raw SQL data
 function preProcess($type, $row)
      * Ensure that $this->item is empty for each resource!!!!!!!!!!
     $this->item = array();
     // Map this system's resource type to OSBib's resource type
     $this->type = array_search($type, $this->styleMap->types);
     if ($this->bibtex && array_key_exists('author', $row)) {
         $row['creator1'] = $row['author'];
     if ($this->bibtex && array_key_exists('editor', $row)) {
         $row['creator2'] = $row['editor'];
      * Set any author/editor re-ordering for book and book_article type.
     if (!$this->preview && ($type == 'book' || $type == 'book_article') && $row['creator2'] && !$row['creator1'] && $this->style['editorSwitch'] && array_key_exists('author', $this->{$type})) {
         $row['creator1'] = $row['creator2'];
         $row['creator2'] = FALSE;
         $editorArray = PARSESTYLE::parseStringToArray($type, $this->style['editorSwitchIfYes'], $this->styleMap);
         if (!empty($editorArray) && array_key_exists('editor', $editorArray)) {
             $this->{$type}['author'] = $editorArray['editor'];
             $this->editorSwitch = TRUE;
     if ($this->style['dateMonthNoDay'] && array_key_exists('date', $this->styleMap->{$type}) && array_key_exists('dateMonthNoDayString', $this->style) && $this->style['dateMonthNoDayString']) {
         $this->dateArray = PARSESTYLE::parseStringToArray($type, $this->style['dateMonthNoDayString'], $this->styleMap, TRUE);
         $this->dateMonthNoDay = TRUE;
      * If $row comes in in BibTeX format, process and add items to $this->item
     if ($this->bibtex) {
         if (!$this->type) {
             list($type, $row) = $this->preProcessBibtex($row, $type);
         } else {
             list($type, $row) = $this->preProcessBibtex($row, $this->type);
      * Ensure that for theses types, the first letter of type and label are capitalized (e.g. 'Master's Thesis').
     if ($type == 'thesis') {
         if (($key = array_search('type', $this->styleMap->{$type})) !== FALSE) {
             if (isset($row[$key])) {
                 $row[$key] = ucfirst($row[$key]);
         if (($key = array_search('label', $this->styleMap->{$type})) !== FALSE) {
             if (isset($row[$key])) {
                 $row[$key] = ucfirst($row[$key]);
      * Set to catch-all generic style.  For all keys except named database fields, creator1 and year1, 
      * we only print if the value in $this->styleMap matches the value in 
      * $this->styleMap->generic for each key.
     if ($this->citationFootnote) {
         // using footnote template
         $footnoteType = 'footnote_' . $type;
         if (isset($this->{$footnoteType})) {
             // footnote template for this resource exists
             $this->footnoteType = $footnoteType;
             $this->footnoteTypeArray[$type] = $footnoteType;
         } else {
             $footnoteType = 'footnote_' . $this->fallback[$type];
             if (isset($this->{$footnoteType})) {
                 // fallback footnote template exists
                 $this->footnoteType = $footnoteType;
                 $this->footnoteTypeArray[$type] = $footnoteType;
             } else {
                 if (!isset($this->{$type})) {
                     // use fallback bibliography template
                     $fallback = $this->fallback[$type];
                     $this->footnoteTypeArray[$type] = $fallback;
                     $type = $fallback;
                 } else {
                     $this->footnoteTypeArray[$type] = $type;
     } else {
         if (!isset($this->{$type})) {
             $fallback = $this->fallback[$type];
             $type = $fallback;
     $this->type = $type;
      * Add BibTeX entry to $this->item
     if ($this->bibtex) {
         foreach ($row as $field => $value) {
             if (array_key_exists($field, $this->styleMap->{$type}) && !array_key_exists($this->styleMap->{$type}[$field], $this->item)) {
                 $this->addItem($row[$field], $field);
     return $row;