withQuery() public method

public withQuery ( $query )
Beispiel #1
 public static function appendPath($url, $path)
     $uri = new Psr7Uri($url);
     $cutUrl = (string) $uri->withQuery('')->withFragment('');
     if ($path === '' || $path[0] === '#') {
         return $cutUrl . $path;
     } else {
         return rtrim($cutUrl, '/') . '/' . ltrim($path, '/');
Beispiel #2
  * @return \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
 public function getUri()
     $uri = new Uri($this->serviceUri);
     return $uri->withQuery(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\build_query($this->params));
Beispiel #3
 public static function appendPath($url, $path)
     $uri = new Psr7Uri($url);
     $cutUrl = (string) $uri->withQuery('')->withFragment('');
     return rtrim($cutUrl, '/') . '/' . ltrim($path, '/');
  * @param SpeechInfoInterface $speech source of url parameters
  * @return UriInterface
 public function generate(SpeechInfoInterface $speech)
     $query = http_build_query(['uuid' => $speech->getUuid(), 'key' => $this->key, 'topic' => $speech->getTopic(), 'lang' => $speech->getLang()]);
     $request = new Uri($this->base);
     return $request->withQuery($query);
Beispiel #5
  * Get the URL for authentication.
  * @param string $redirectUri
  * @param string $scope
  * @param null|string $state
  * @param bool $preferSignup
  * @return string
 public function getAuthRequestUri($redirectUri, $scope = 'global', $state = null, $preferSignup = false)
     $uri = new Uri(vsprintf('%s/oauth/auth', [$this->endpoint]));
     $query = ['scope' => $scope, 'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri, 'response_type' => static::OAUTH_RESPONSE_TYPE_CODE, 'client_id' => $this->clientId, 'access_type' => static::OAUTH_ACCESS_TYPE_OFFLINE];
     if ($state) {
         $query['state'] = $state;
     if ($preferSignup) {
         $query['prefer_signup'] = true;
     return $uri->withQuery(http_build_query($query));
 protected function getHeaderViewData($title, Request $request = null)
     $session = $this->get('session');
     $header = new Header($title);
     $header->stores = new Url($this->trans('header.stores'), '');
     $header->help = new Url($this->trans('header.help'), '');
     $header->callUs = new Url($this->trans('header.callUs', ['phone' => $this->config['sunrise.header.callUs']]), '');
     $header->location = new ViewData();
     $languages = new ViewDataCollection();
     $routeParams = $request->get('_route_params');
     $queryParams = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\parse_query($request->getQueryString());
     foreach ($this->config['languages'] as $language) {
         $languageEntry = new ViewData();
         if ($language == \Locale::getPrimaryLanguage($this->locale)) {
             $languageEntry->selected = true;
         $languageEntry->label = $this->trans('header.languages.' . $language);
         $routeParams['_locale'] = $language;
         $languageUri = $this->generateUrl($request->get('_route'), $routeParams);
         $uri = new Uri($languageUri);
         $languageEntry->value = (string) $uri->withQuery(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\build_query($queryParams));
     $header->location->language = $languages;
     //        $countries = new ViewDataCollection();
     //        foreach ($this->config['countries'] as $country) {
     //            $countryEntry = new ViewData();
     //            $countryEntry->label = $this->trans('header.countries.' . $country);
     //            $countryEntry->value = $country;
     //            $countries->add($countryEntry);
     //        }
     //        $header->location->country = $countries;
     $header->user = new ViewData();
     $header->user->isLoggedIn = false;
     $header->user->signIn = new Url('Login', '');
     $header->miniCart = new ViewData();
     $header->miniCart->totalItems = $session->get('cartNumItems', 0);
     $header->navMenu = $this->getNavMenu();
     return $header;
Beispiel #7
  * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
 public function testQueryMustBeValid()
     $uri = new Uri('');
     $uri->withQuery(new \stdClass());
 public function testDeletePatch()
     $queryParams = ['test_query_key' => 'test_query_value'];
     $url = new Uri('/test1/test2');
     $queryStr = http_build_query($queryParams);
     $reqHeaders = ['Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'X-Test-Header' => 'test_header_value'];
     $reqOpts = ['headers' => $reqHeaders, 'query' => $queryParams];
     $expRespData = ['value' => true];
     $expResp = new Response(200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'], json_encode($expRespData));
     $httpClient = $this->getMockHttpClient();
     $httpClient->expects($this->once())->method('request')->with($this->equalTo('DELETE'), $this->equalTo($url->getPath()), $this->equalTo($reqOpts))->will($this->returnValue($expResp));
     $client = new Client();
     $data = $client->delete($url->getPath(), $queryParams, $reqHeaders);
     $this->assertSame($expRespData, $data);
     $this->assertSame($expResp, $client->getResponse());