  * @param                                    $fileName
  * @param \PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall $node
 function run($fileName, $node, ClassLike $inside = null, Scope $scope = null)
     if ($inside instanceof Trait_) {
         // Traits should be converted into methods in the class, so that we can check them in context.
     if ($node->name instanceof Expr) {
         // Variable method name.  Yuck!
     $methodName = strval($node->name);
     $varName = "{expr}";
     $className = "";
     if ($node->var instanceof Variable && $node->var->name == "this" && !$inside) {
         $this->emitError($fileName, $node, self::TYPE_SCOPE_ERROR, "Can't use \$this outside of a class");
     if ($scope) {
         $className = $this->inferenceEngine->inferType($inside, $node->var, $scope);
     if ($className != "" && $className[0] != "!") {
         if (!$this->symbolTable->getAbstractedClass($className)) {
             $this->emitError($fileName, $node, self::TYPE_UNKNOWN_CLASS, "Unknown class {$className} in method call to {$methodName}()");
         //echo $fileName." ".$node->getLine(). " : Looking up $className->$methodName\n";
         $method = Util::findAbstractedSignature($className, $methodName, $this->symbolTable);
         if ($method) {
             $this->checkMethod($fileName, $node, $className, $scope, $method);
         } else {
             // If there is a magic __call method, then we can't know if it will handle these calls.
             if (!Util::findAbstractedMethod($className, "__call", $this->symbolTable) && !$this->symbolTable->isParentClassOrInterface("iteratoriterator", $className)) {
                 $this->emitError($fileName, $node, self::TYPE_UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Call to unknown method of {$className}: \$" . $varName . "->" . $methodName);