visit() public static method

By returning different values from the enter and leave functions, the behavior of the visitor can be altered, including skipping over a sub-tree of the AST (by returning false), editing the AST by returning a value or null to remove the value, or to stop the whole traversal by returning BREAK. When using visit() to edit an AST, the original AST will not be modified, and a new version of the AST with the changes applied will be returned from the visit function. var editedAST = visit(ast, { enter(node, key, parent, path, ancestors) { @return undefined: no action false: skip visiting this node visitor.BREAK: stop visiting altogether null: delete this node any value: replace this node with the returned value }, leave(node, key, parent, path, ancestors) { @return undefined: no action visitor.BREAK: stop visiting altogether null: delete this node any value: replace this node with the returned value } }); Alternatively to providing enter() and leave() functions, a visitor can instead provide functions named the same as the kinds of AST nodes, or enter/leave visitors at a named key, leading to four permutations of visitor API: 1) Named visitors triggered when entering a node a specific kind. visit(ast, { Kind(node) { enter the "Kind" node } }) 2) Named visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving a node of a specific kind. visit(ast, { Kind: { enter(node) { enter the "Kind" node } leave(node) { leave the "Kind" node } } }) 3) Generic visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving any node. visit(ast, { enter(node) { enter any node }, leave(node) { leave any node } }) 4) Parallel visitors for entering and leaving nodes of a specific kind. visit(ast, { enter: { Kind(node) { enter the "Kind" node } }, leave: { Kind(node) { leave the "Kind" node } } })
public static visit ( $root, $visitor, $keyMap = null )
Beispiel #1
 private function gatherSpreads($node)
     $spreadNodes = [];
     Visitor::visit($node, [Node::FRAGMENT_SPREAD => function (FragmentSpread $spread) use(&$spreadNodes) {
         $spreadNodes[] = $spread;
     return $spreadNodes;
Beispiel #2
 public static function doPrint($ast)
     return Visitor::visit($ast, array('leave' => array(Node::NAME => function ($node) {
         return $node->value . '';
     }, Node::VARIABLE => function ($node) {
         return '$' . $node->name;
     }, Node::DOCUMENT => function (Document $node) {
         return self::join($node->definitions, "\n\n") . "\n";
     }, Node::OPERATION_DEFINITION => function (OperationDefinition $node) {
         $op = $node->operation;
         $name = $node->name;
         $defs = Printer::manyList('(', $node->variableDefinitions, ', ', ')');
         $directives = self::join($node->directives, ' ');
         $selectionSet = $node->selectionSet;
         return !$name ? $selectionSet : self::join([$op, self::join([$name, $defs]), $directives, $selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::VARIABLE_DEFINITION => function (VariableDefinition $node) {
         return self::join([$node->variable . ': ' . $node->type, $node->defaultValue], ' = ');
     }, Node::SELECTION_SET => function (SelectionSet $node) {
         return self::blockList($node->selections, ",\n");
     }, Node::FIELD => function (Field $node) {
         $r11 = self::join([$node->alias, $node->name], ': ');
         $r1 = self::join([$r11, self::manyList('(', $node->arguments, ', ', ')')]);
         $r2 = self::join($node->directives, ' ');
         return self::join([$r1, $r2, $node->selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::ARGUMENT => function (Argument $node) {
         return $node->name . ': ' . $node->value;
     }, Node::FRAGMENT_SPREAD => function (FragmentSpread $node) {
         return self::join(['...' . $node->name, self::join($node->directives, '')], ' ');
     }, Node::INLINE_FRAGMENT => function (InlineFragment $node) {
         return self::join(['... on', $node->typeCondition, self::join($node->directives, ' '), $node->selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::FRAGMENT_DEFINITION => function (FragmentDefinition $node) {
         return self::join(['fragment', $node->name, 'on', $node->typeCondition, self::join($node->directives, ' '), $node->selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::INT => function (IntValue $node) {
         return $node->value;
     }, Node::FLOAT => function (FloatValue $node) {
         return $node->value;
     }, Node::STRING => function (StringValue $node) {
         return json_encode($node->value);
     }, Node::BOOLEAN => function (BooleanValue $node) {
         return $node->value ? 'true' : 'false';
     }, Node::ENUM => function (EnumValue $node) {
         return $node->value;
     }, Node::ARR => function (ArrayValue $node) {
         return '[' . self::join($node->values, ', ') . ']';
     }, Node::OBJECT => function (ObjectValue $node) {
         return '{' . self::join($node->fields, ', ') . '}';
     }, Node::OBJECT_FIELD => function (ObjectField $node) {
         return $node->name . ': ' . $node->value;
     }, Node::DIRECTIVE => function (Directive $node) {
         return self::join(['@' . $node->name, $node->value], ': ');
     }, Node::LIST_TYPE => function (ListType $node) {
         return '[' . $node->type . ']';
     }, Node::NON_NULL_TYPE => function (NonNullType $node) {
         return $node->type . '!';
  * This uses a specialized visitor which runs multiple visitors in parallel,
  * while maintaining the visitor skip and break API.
  * @param Schema $schema
  * @param TypeInfo $typeInfo
  * @param DocumentNode $documentNode
  * @param array $rules
  * @return array
 public static function visitUsingRules(Schema $schema, TypeInfo $typeInfo, DocumentNode $documentNode, array $rules)
     $context = new ValidationContext($schema, $documentNode, $typeInfo);
     $visitors = [];
     foreach ($rules as $rule) {
         $visitors[] = $rule($context);
     Visitor::visit($documentNode, Visitor::visitWithTypeInfo($typeInfo, Visitor::visitInParallel($visitors)));
     return $context->getErrors();
Beispiel #4
  * @it maintains type info during edit
 public function testMaintainsTypeInfoDuringEdit()
     $visited = [];
     $typeInfo = new TypeInfo(TestCase::getDefaultSchema());
     $ast = Parser::parse('{ human(id: 4) { name, pets }, alien }');
     $editedAst = Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitWithTypeInfo($typeInfo, ['enter' => function ($node) use($typeInfo, &$visited) {
         $parentType = $typeInfo->getParentType();
         $type = $typeInfo->getType();
         $inputType = $typeInfo->getInputType();
         $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->kind === 'Name' ? $node->value : null, $parentType ? (string) $parentType : null, $type ? (string) $type : null, $inputType ? (string) $inputType : null];
         // Make a query valid by adding missing selection sets.
         if ($node->kind === 'Field' && !$node->selectionSet && Type::isCompositeType(Type::getNamedType($type))) {
             return new FieldNode(['alias' => $node->alias, 'name' => $node->name, 'arguments' => $node->arguments, 'directives' => $node->directives, 'selectionSet' => new SelectionSetNode(['kind' => 'SelectionSet', 'selections' => [new FieldNode(['name' => new NameNode(['value' => '__typename'])])]])]);
     }, 'leave' => function ($node) use($typeInfo, &$visited) {
         $parentType = $typeInfo->getParentType();
         $type = $typeInfo->getType();
         $inputType = $typeInfo->getInputType();
         $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->kind === 'Name' ? $node->value : null, $parentType ? (string) $parentType : null, $type ? (string) $type : null, $inputType ? (string) $inputType : null];
     $this->assertEquals(Printer::doPrint(Parser::parse('{ human(id: 4) { name, pets }, alien }')), Printer::doPrint($ast));
     $this->assertEquals(Printer::doPrint(Parser::parse('{ human(id: 4) { name, pets { __typename } }, alien { __typename } }')), Printer::doPrint($editedAst));
     $this->assertEquals([['enter', 'Document', null, null, null, null], ['enter', 'OperationDefinition', null, null, 'QueryRoot', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'QueryRoot', 'QueryRoot', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'human', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'human', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Argument', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'Name', 'id', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'Name', 'id', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'IntValue', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'IntValue', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'Argument', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Human', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Human', 'String', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Human', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Human', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Human', 'String', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'pets', 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'pets', 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['enter', 'Name', '__typename', 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Name', '__typename', 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Human', 'Human', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'alien', 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'alien', 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Alien', 'Alien', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['enter', 'Name', '__typename', 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Name', '__typename', 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Alien', 'Alien', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'QueryRoot', 'QueryRoot', null], ['leave', 'OperationDefinition', null, null, 'QueryRoot', null], ['leave', 'Document', null, null, null, null]], $visited);
Beispiel #5
 public static function doPrint($ast)
     return Visitor::visit($ast, array('leave' => array(Node::NAME => function ($node) {
         return '' . $node->value;
     }, Node::VARIABLE => function ($node) {
         return '$' . $node->name;
     }, Node::DOCUMENT => function (Document $node) {
         return self::join($node->definitions, "\n\n") . "\n";
     }, Node::OPERATION_DEFINITION => function (OperationDefinition $node) {
         $op = $node->operation;
         $name = $node->name;
         $varDefs = self::wrap('(', self::join($node->variableDefinitions, ', '), ')');
         $directives = self::join($node->directives, ' ');
         $selectionSet = $node->selectionSet;
         // Anonymous queries with no directives or variable definitions can use
         // the query short form.
         return !$name && !$directives && !$varDefs && $op === 'query' ? $selectionSet : self::join([$op, self::join([$name, $varDefs]), $directives, $selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::VARIABLE_DEFINITION => function (VariableDefinition $node) {
         return $node->variable . ': ' . $node->type . self::wrap(' = ', $node->defaultValue);
     }, Node::SELECTION_SET => function (SelectionSet $node) {
         return self::block($node->selections);
     }, Node::FIELD => function (Field $node) {
         return self::join([self::wrap('', $node->alias, ': ') . $node->name . self::wrap('(', self::join($node->arguments, ', '), ')'), self::join($node->directives, ' '), $node->selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::ARGUMENT => function (Argument $node) {
         return $node->name . ': ' . $node->value;
     }, Node::FRAGMENT_SPREAD => function (FragmentSpread $node) {
         return '...' . $node->name . self::wrap(' ', self::join($node->directives, ' '));
     }, Node::INLINE_FRAGMENT => function (InlineFragment $node) {
         return self::join(["...", self::wrap('on ', $node->typeCondition), self::join($node->directives, ' '), $node->selectionSet], ' ');
     }, Node::FRAGMENT_DEFINITION => function (FragmentDefinition $node) {
         return "fragment {$node->name} on {$node->typeCondition} " . self::wrap('', self::join($node->directives, ' '), ' ') . $node->selectionSet;
     }, Node::INT => function (IntValue $node) {
         return $node->value;
     }, Node::FLOAT => function (FloatValue $node) {
         return $node->value;
     }, Node::STRING => function (StringValue $node) {
         return json_encode($node->value);
     }, Node::BOOLEAN => function (BooleanValue $node) {
         return $node->value ? 'true' : 'false';
     }, Node::ENUM => function (EnumValue $node) {
         return $node->value;
     }, Node::LST => function (ListValue $node) {
         return '[' . self::join($node->values, ', ') . ']';
     }, Node::OBJECT => function (ObjectValue $node) {
         return '{' . self::join($node->fields, ', ') . '}';
     }, Node::OBJECT_FIELD => function (ObjectField $node) {
         return $node->name . ': ' . $node->value;
     }, Node::DIRECTIVE => function (Directive $node) {
         return '@' . $node->name . self::wrap('(', self::join($node->arguments, ', '), ')');
     }, Node::NAMED_TYPE => function (NamedType $node) {
         return $node->name;
     }, Node::LIST_TYPE => function (ListType $node) {
         return '[' . $node->type . ']';
     }, Node::NON_NULL_TYPE => function (NonNullType $node) {
         return $node->type . '!';
     }, Node::SCHEMA_DEFINITION => function (SchemaDefinition $def) {
         return self::join(['schema', self::join($def->directives, ' '), self::block($def->operationTypes)], ' ');
     }, Node::OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION => function (OperationTypeDefinition $def) {
         return $def->operation . ': ' . $def->type;
     }, Node::SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION => function (ScalarTypeDefinition $def) {
         return self::join(['scalar', $def->name, self::join($def->directives, ' ')], ' ');
     }, Node::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION => function (ObjectTypeDefinition $def) {
         return self::join(['type', $def->name, self::wrap('implements ', self::join($def->interfaces, ', ')), self::join($def->directives, ' '), self::block($def->fields)], ' ');
     }, Node::FIELD_DEFINITION => function (FieldDefinition $def) {
         return $def->name . self::wrap('(', self::join($def->arguments, ', '), ')') . ': ' . $def->type . self::wrap(' ', self::join($def->directives, ' '));
     }, Node::INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION => function (InputValueDefinition $def) {
         return self::join([$def->name . ': ' . $def->type, self::wrap('= ', $def->defaultValue), self::join($def->directives, ' ')], ' ');
     }, Node::INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION => function (InterfaceTypeDefinition $def) {
         return self::join(['interface', $def->name, self::join($def->directives, ' '), self::block($def->fields)], ' ');
     }, Node::UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION => function (UnionTypeDefinition $def) {
         return self::join(['union', $def->name, self::join($def->directives, ' '), '= ' . self::join($def->types, ' | ')], ' ');
     }, Node::ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION => function (EnumTypeDefinition $def) {
         return self::join(['enum', $def->name, self::join($def->directives, ' '), self::block($def->values)], ' ');
     }, Node::ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION => function (EnumValueDefinition $def) {
         return self::join([$def->name, self::join($def->directives, ' ')], ' ');
     }, Node::INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION => function (InputObjectTypeDefinition $def) {
         return self::join(['input', $def->name, self::join($def->directives, ' '), self::block($def->fields)], ' ');
     }, Node::TYPE_EXTENSION_DEFINITION => function (TypeExtensionDefinition $def) {
         return "extend {$def->definition}";
     }, Node::DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION => function (DirectiveDefinition $def) {
         return 'directive @' . $def->name . self::wrap('(', self::join($def->arguments, ', '), ')') . ' on ' . self::join($def->locations, ' | ');
Beispiel #6
  * @param HasSelectionSet $node
  * @return array List of ['node' => Variable, 'type' => ?InputObjectType]
 function getVariableUsages(HasSelectionSet $node)
     $usages = isset($this->variableUsages[$node]) ? $this->variableUsages[$node] : null;
     if (!$usages) {
         $newUsages = [];
         $typeInfo = new TypeInfo($this->schema);
         Visitor::visit($node, Visitor::visitWithTypeInfo($typeInfo, [Node::VARIABLE_DEFINITION => function () {
             return false;
         }, Node::VARIABLE => function (Variable $variable) use(&$newUsages, $typeInfo) {
             $newUsages[] = ['node' => $variable, 'type' => $typeInfo->getInputType()];
         $usages = $newUsages;
         $this->variableUsages[$node] = $usages;
     return $usages;
  * This uses a specialized visitor which runs multiple visitors in parallel,
  * while maintaining the visitor skip and break API.
  * @param Schema $schema
  * @param Document $documentAST
  * @param array $rules
  * @return array
 public static function visitUsingRules(Schema $schema, Document $documentAST, array $rules)
     $typeInfo = new TypeInfo($schema);
     $context = new ValidationContext($schema, $documentAST, $typeInfo);
     $errors = [];
     // TODO: convert to class
     $visitInstances = function ($ast, $instances) use($typeInfo, $context, &$errors, &$visitInstances) {
         $skipUntil = new \SplFixedArray(count($instances));
         $skipCount = 0;
         Visitor::visit($ast, ['enter' => function ($node, $key) use($typeInfo, $instances, $skipUntil, &$skipCount, &$errors, $context, $visitInstances) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($instances); $i++) {
                 // Do not visit this instance if it returned false for a previous node
                 if ($skipUntil[$i]) {
                 $result = null;
                 // Do not visit top level fragment definitions if this instance will
                 // visit those fragments inline because it
                 // provided `visitSpreadFragments`.
                 if ($node->kind === Node::FRAGMENT_DEFINITION && $key !== null && !empty($instances[$i]['visitSpreadFragments'])) {
                     $result = Visitor::skipNode();
                 } else {
                     $enter = Visitor::getVisitFn($instances[$i], false, $node->kind);
                     if ($enter instanceof \Closure) {
                         // $enter = $enter->bindTo($instances[$i]);
                         $result = call_user_func_array($enter, func_get_args());
                     } else {
                         $result = null;
                 if ($result instanceof VisitorOperation) {
                     if ($result->doContinue) {
                         $skipUntil[$i] = $node;
                         // If all instances are being skipped over, skip deeper traversal
                         if ($skipCount === count($instances)) {
                             for ($k = 0; $k < count($instances); $k++) {
                                 if ($skipUntil[$k] === $node) {
                                     $skipUntil[$k] = null;
                             return Visitor::skipNode();
                     } else {
                         if ($result->doBreak) {
                             $instances[$i] = null;
                 } else {
                     if ($result && self::isError($result)) {
                         self::append($errors, $result);
                         for ($j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
                             $leaveFn = Visitor::getVisitFn($instances[$j], true, $node->kind);
                             if ($leaveFn) {
                                 // $leaveFn = $leaveFn->bindTo($instances[$j])
                                 $result = call_user_func_array($leaveFn, func_get_args());
                                 if ($result instanceof VisitorOperation) {
                                     if ($result->doBreak) {
                                         $instances[$j] = null;
                                 } else {
                                     if (self::isError($result)) {
                                         self::append($errors, $result);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($result !== null) {
                                             throw new \Exception("Config cannot edit document.");
                         return Visitor::skipNode();
                     } else {
                         if ($result !== null) {
                             throw new \Exception("Config cannot edit document.");
             // If any validation instances provide the flag `visitSpreadFragments`
             // and this node is a fragment spread, validate the fragment from
             // this point.
             if ($node instanceof FragmentSpread) {
                 $fragment = $context->getFragment($node->name->value);
                 if ($fragment) {
                     $fragVisitingInstances = [];
                     foreach ($instances as $idx => $inst) {
                         if (!empty($inst['visitSpreadFragments']) && !$skipUntil[$idx]) {
                             $fragVisitingInstances[] = $inst;
                     if (!empty($fragVisitingInstances)) {
                         $visitInstances($fragment, $fragVisitingInstances);
         }, 'leave' => function ($node) use($instances, $typeInfo, $skipUntil, &$skipCount, &$errors) {
             for ($i = count($instances) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                 if ($skipUntil[$i]) {
                     if ($skipUntil[$i] === $node) {
                         $skipUntil[$i] = null;
                 $leaveFn = Visitor::getVisitFn($instances[$i], true, $node->kind);
                 if ($leaveFn) {
                     // $leaveFn = $leaveFn.bindTo($instances[$i]);
                     $result = call_user_func_array($leaveFn, func_get_args());
                     if ($result instanceof VisitorOperation) {
                         if ($result->doBreak) {
                             $instances[$i] = null;
                     } else {
                         if (self::isError($result)) {
                             self::append($errors, $result);
                         } else {
                             if ($result !== null) {
                                 throw new \Exception("Config cannot edit document.");
     // Visit the whole document with instances of all provided rules.
     $allRuleInstances = [];
     foreach ($rules as $rule) {
         $allRuleInstances[] = $rule($context);
     $visitInstances($documentAST, $allRuleInstances);
     return $errors;
Beispiel #8
 public function testVisitsKitchenSink()
     $kitchenSink = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/kitchen-sink.graphql');
     $ast = Parser::parse($kitchenSink);
     $visited = [];
     Visitor::visit($ast, ['enter' => function (Node $node, $key, $parent) use(&$visited) {
         $r = ['enter', $node->kind, $key, $parent instanceof Node ? $parent->kind : null];
         $visited[] = $r;
     }, 'leave' => function (Node $node, $key, $parent) use(&$visited) {
         $r = ['leave', $node->kind, $key, $parent instanceof Node ? $parent->kind : null];
         $visited[] = $r;
     $expected = [['enter', 'Document', null, null], ['enter', 'OperationDefinition', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'OperationDefinition'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'OperationDefinition'], ['enter', 'VariableDefinition', 0, null], ['enter', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition'], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable'], ['leave', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition'], ['enter', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition'], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType'], ['leave', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition'], ['leave', 'VariableDefinition', 0, null], ['enter', 'VariableDefinition', 1, null], ['enter', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition'], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable'], ['leave', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition'], ['enter', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition'], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType'], ['leave', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition'], ['enter', 'EnumValue', 'defaultValue', 'VariableDefinition'], ['leave', 'EnumValue', 'defaultValue', 'VariableDefinition'], ['leave', 'VariableDefinition', 1, null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'OperationDefinition'], ['enter', 'Field', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'alias', 'Field'], ['leave', 'Name', 'alias', 'Field'], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['enter', 'Argument', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument'], ['enter', 'ListValue', 'value', 'Argument'], ['enter', 'IntValue', 0, null], ['leave', 'IntValue', 0, null], ['enter', 'IntValue', 1, null], ['leave', 'IntValue', 1, null], ['leave', 'ListValue', 'value', 'Argument'], ['leave', 'Argument', 0, null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field'], ['enter', 'Field', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['leave', 'Field', 0, null], ['enter', 'InlineFragment', 1, null], ['enter', 'NamedType', 'typeCondition', 'InlineFragment'], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType'], ['leave', 'NamedType', 'typeCondition', 'InlineFragment'], ['enter', 'Directive', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive'], ['leave', 'Directive', 0, null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'InlineFragment'], ['enter', 'Field', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field'], ['enter', 'Field', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['leave', 'Field', 0, null], ['enter', 'Field', 1, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'alias', 'Field'], ['leave', 'Name', 'alias', 'Field'], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field'], ['enter', 'Argument', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument'], ['enter', 'IntValue', 'value', 'Argument'], ['leave', 'IntValue', 'value', 'Argument'], ['leave', 'Argument', 0, null], ['enter', 'Argument', 1, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument'], ['enter', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument'], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable'], ['leave', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument'], ['leave', 'Argument', 1, null], ['enter', 'Directive', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive'], ['enter', 'Argument', 0, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument'], ['enter', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument'], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable'], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable'], ['leave', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument'], ['leave', 'Argument', 0, null], ['leave', 'Directive', 0, null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field'], ['enter', 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     $this->assertEquals($expected, $visited);