Beispiel #1
  * Set a session cookie
  * Attempt to use httponly if available
 public static function cookie($name, $value = '', $expires = false)
     global $dirPrefix;
     $cookiePath = empty($dirPrefix) ? '/' : $dirPrefix;
     $cookiePath = \gp\tool::HrefEncode($cookiePath, false);
     $secure = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on';
     $domain = \gp\tool::ServerName(true);
     if (!$domain || strpos($domain, '.') === false) {
         $domain = '';
     if (strpos($domain, ':') !== false) {
         $domain = substr($domain, 0, strrpos($domain, ':'));
     // expire if value is empty
     // cookies are set with either www removed from the domain or with an empty string
     if (empty($value)) {
         $expires = time() - 2592000;
         if ($domain) {
             setcookie($name, $value, $expires, $cookiePath, $domain, $secure, true);
             setcookie($name, $value, $expires, $cookiePath, $domain, false, true);
         setcookie($name, $value, $expires, $cookiePath, '', $secure, true);
         setcookie($name, $value, $expires, $cookiePath, '', false, true);
     // get expiration and set
     if ($expires === false) {
         $expires = time() + 2592000;
         //30 days
     } elseif ($expires === true) {
         $expires = 0;
         //expire at end of session
     setcookie($name, $value, $expires, $cookiePath, $domain, $secure, true);
Beispiel #2
     * Generate rewrite rules for the apache server
    public static function Rewrite_RulesApache($hide_index, $home_root, $contents, $www)
        // Apache
        if (!$hide_index && is_null($www)) {
            return $contents;
        $home_root = rtrim($home_root, '/') . '/';
        $new_lines = array();
        $server_name = \gp\tool::ServerName(true);
        // with www
        if ($www) {
            $new_lines[] = '# with www';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} "^' . $server_name . '"';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteRule (.*) "http://www.' . $server_name . '/$1" [R=301,L]';
            $new_lines[] = '';
            $new_lines[] = '# with www and https';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} "^' . $server_name . '"';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteRule (.*) "https://www.' . $server_name . '/$1" [R=301,L]';
            // without www
        } elseif ($www === false) {
            $new_lines[] = '# without www';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} "^www.' . $server_name . '"';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteRule (.*) "http://' . $server_name . '/$1" [R=301,L]';
            $new_lines[] = '';
            $new_lines[] = '# without www and https';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} "^www.' . $server_name . '"';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteRule (.*) "https://' . $server_name . '/$1" [R=301,L]';
        $new_lines[] = "\n";
        // hide index.php
        if ($hide_index) {
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteBase "' . $home_root . '"';
            $new_lines[] = '';
            $new_lines[] = '# Don\'t rewrite multiple times';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} gp_rewrite';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteRule .* - [L]';
            $new_lines[] = '';
            $new_lines[] = '# Redirect away from requests with index.php';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteRule index\\.php(.*) "' . rtrim($home_root, '/') . '$1" [R=302,L]';
            $new_lines[] = '';
            $new_lines[] = '# Add gp_rewrite to root requests';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteRule ^$ "' . $home_root . 'index.php?gp_rewrite" [qsa,L]';
            $new_lines[] = '';
            $new_lines[] = '# Don\'t rewrite for static files';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [OR]';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \\.(js|css|jpe?g|jpe|gif|png|ico)$ [NC]';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteRule .* - [L]';
            $new_lines[] = '';
            $new_lines[] = '# Send all other requests to index.php';
            $new_lines[] = '# Append the gp_rewrite argument to tell cms not to use index.php and to prevent multiple rewrites';
            $new_lines[] = 'RewriteRule /?(.*) "' . $home_root . 'index.php?gp_rewrite=$1" [qsa,L]';
            $new_lines[] = '';
        return $contents . '

# BEGIN gpEasy
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On

	' . implode("\n\t", $new_lines) . '
# END gpEasy';