Beispiel #1
  * Returns the Saga instance stored in this entry.
  * @param SerializerInterface $serializer The serializer to decode the Saga
  * @return SagaInterface the Saga instance stored in this entry
 public function getSaga(SerializerInterface $serializer)
     if (null !== $this->saga) {
         return $this->saga;
     return $serializer->deserialize(new SimpleSerializedObject($this->serializedSaga, new SimpleSerializedType($this->sagaType)));
 private function doGetNext()
     if ($this->cursor->valid()) {
         $event = $this->cursor->current();
         $payload = $this->serializer->deserialize($event->getPayload());
         $metadata = $this->serializer->deserialize($event->getMetaData());
         $this->next = new GenericDomainEventMessage($event->getAggregateIdentifier(), $event->getScn(), $payload, $metadata, $event->getEventIdentifier(), $event->getTimestamp());
     } else {
         $this->next = null;
  * Loads a known Saga instance by its unique identifier. Returned Sagas must be {@link #commit(Saga) committed}
  * after processing.
  * Due to the concurrent nature of Sagas, it is not unlikely for a Saga to have ceased to exist after it has been
  * found based on associations. Therefore, a repository should return <code>null</code> in case a Saga doesn't
  * exists, as opposed to throwing an exception.
  * @param string $sagaIdentifier The unique identifier of the Saga to load
  * @return SagaInterface The Saga instance, or <code>null</code> if no such saga exists
 public function load($sagaIdentifier)
     $dbSaga = $this->mongoTemplate->sagaCollection()->findOne(SagaEntry::queryByIdentifier($sagaIdentifier));
     if (null === $dbSaga) {
         return null;
     $serializedSaga = new SimpleSerializedObject($dbSaga[SagaEntry::SERIALIZED_SAGA], new SimpleSerializedType($dbSaga[SagaEntry::SAGA_TYPE]));
     $saga = $this->serializer->deserialize($serializedSaga);
     if (null !== $this->injector) {
     return $saga;
 public function load($sagaId)
     try {
         $result = $this->entityManager->createQuery("SELECT se FROM Governor\\Framework\\Saga\\Repository\\Orm\\SagaEntry se WHERE se.sagaId = :sagaId")->setParameter(":sagaId", $sagaId)->getSingleResult();
         $serializedSaga = new SerializedSaga($result->getSerializedSaga(), new SimpleSerializedType($result->getSagaType(), $result->getRevision()));
         $loadedSaga = $this->serializer->deserialize($serializedSaga);
         if (null !== $this->injector) {
         $this->logger->debug("Loaded saga id [{id}] of type [{type}]", array('id' => $sagaId, 'type' => get_class($loadedSaga)));
         return $loadedSaga;
     } catch (NoResultException $ex) {
         return null;
Beispiel #5
  * @param SerializerInterface $serializer The serialize to deserialize message contents with
  * @param mixed $data
  * @return self
 public static function fromBytes(SerializerInterface $serializer, $data)
     $raw = unpack("a36commandIdentifier/nsuccess", $data);
     $isSuccess = $raw['success'] === 1 ? true : false;
     $offset = 36 + 2;
     self::read($raw, $offset, $data, 'resultType');
     if (self::NULL === $raw['resultType']) {
         return new self($raw['commandIdentifier'], $serializer, null, $isSuccess);
     self::read($raw, $offset, $data, 'result');
     $result = $serializer->deserialize(new SimpleSerializedObject($raw['result'], new SimpleSerializedType($raw['resultType'])));
     return new self($raw['commandIdentifier'], $serializer, $result, $isSuccess);
  * @param SerializerInterface $serializer The serialize to deserialize message contents with
  * @param mixed $data
  * @return self
 public static function fromBytes(SerializerInterface $serializer, $data)
     $raw = unpack("NcommandNameLength", $data);
     $offset = 4;
     $raw = array_merge($raw, unpack(sprintf("a%scommandName/a36commandIdentifier/nexpectReply", $raw['commandNameLength']), substr($data, $offset)));
     $offset += $raw['commandNameLength'] + 36 + 2;
     self::read($raw, $offset, $data, "payloadType");
     self::read($raw, $offset, $data, "payload");
     self::read($raw, $offset, $data, "meta");
     $payload = $serializer->deserialize(new SimpleSerializedObject($raw['payload'], new SimpleSerializedType($raw['payloadType'])));
     $metaData = $serializer->deserialize(new SimpleSerializedObject($raw['meta'], new SimpleSerializedType(MetaData::class)));
     return new self(new GenericCommandMessage($payload, $metaData, $raw['commandIdentifier'], $raw['commandName']), $serializer, $raw['expectReply'] === 1 ? true : false);
  * Returns the actual DomainEvent from the EventEntry using the provided Serializer.
  * @param string $actualAggregateIdentifier The actual aggregate identifier instance used to perform the lookup, or
  *                                  <code>null</code> if unknown
  * @param SerializerInterface $eventSerializer Serializer used to de-serialize the stored DomainEvent
  * @param $upcasterChain             Set of upcasters to use when an event needs upcasting before
  *                                  de-serialization
  * @param bool $skipUnknownTypes whether to skip unknown event types
  * @return DomainEventMessageInterface[] The actual DomainEventMessage instances stored in this entry
 public function getDomainEvents($actualAggregateIdentifier, SerializerInterface $eventSerializer, $upcasterChain, $skipUnknownTypes)
     // TODO upcasting
     return [new GenericDomainEventMessage($this->aggregateIdentifier, $this->scn, $eventSerializer->deserialize(new SimpleSerializedObject($this->serializedPayload, new SimpleSerializedType($this->payloadType, $this->payloadRevision))), $eventSerializer->deserialize(new SimpleSerializedObject($this->serializedMetaData, new SimpleSerializedType(MetaData::class))), $this->eventIdentifier, \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $this->timeStamp))];
             return upcastAndDeserialize(this, actualAggregateIdentifier, eventSerializer,
             upcasterChain, skipUnknownTypes);*/