Beispiel #1
 function index()
     $path = \GCore\C::get('GCORE_ADMIN_PATH') . 'extensions' . DS . 'chronoforms' . DS;
     $files = \GCore\Libs\Folder::getFiles($path, true);
     $strings = array();
     //function to prepare strings
     $prepare = function ($str) {
         /*$path = \GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_PATH');
         		if(strpos($str, $path) !== false AND strpos($str, $path) == 0){
         			return '//'.str_replace($path, '', $str);
         $val = !empty(\GCore\Libs\Lang::$translations[$str]) ? \GCore\Libs\Lang::$translations[$str] : '';
         return 'const ' . trim($str) . ' = "' . str_replace("\n", '\\n', $val) . '";';
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (substr($file, -4, 4) == '.php') {
             // AND strpos($file, DS.'extensions'.DS) === TRUE){
             //$strings[] = $file;
             $file_code = file_get_contents($file);
             preg_match_all('/l_\\(("|\')([^(\\))]*?)("|\')\\)/i', $file_code, $langs);
             if (!empty($langs[2])) {
                 $strings = array_merge($strings, $langs[2]);
     $strings = array_unique($strings);
     $strings = array_map($prepare, $strings);
     echo '<textarea rows="20" cols="80">' . implode("\n", $strings) . '</textarea>';
Beispiel #2
 public static function on_finalize($controller)
     $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($controller->connection['Connection']['extras']['plugins']['download']);
     $path_field = $config->get('path_field');
     $download_action = $config->get('download_action');
     if (!empty($path_field) and !empty($download_action)) {
         if ($controller->action == $download_action) {
             if (!empty($controller->data['gcb'])) {
                 $path_pcs = explode('.', $path_field);
                 $field = array_pop($path_pcs);
                 $model = array_pop($path_pcs);
                 $row = $controller->connection_models[$model]->load($controller->data['gcb']);
                 if (!empty($row)) {
                     $file_path = \GCore\Libs\Arr::getVal($row, explode('.', $path_field));
                     if ($config->get('download_path')) {
                         $file_path = rtrim($config->get('download_path'), DS) . DS . $file_path;
                     if (is_dir($file_path)) {
                         //this is a folder
                         $files = @\GCore\Libs\Folder::getFiles($file_path, false);
                         foreach ($files as $file) {
                             $found[$file] = filemtime($file);
                         if (empty($found)) {
                             return false;
                         $files = array_keys($found);
                         $file = array_pop($files);
                         \GCore\Libs\Download::send($file, 'D');
                     } else {
                         //this is a file
                         $file = $file_path;
                         \GCore\Libs\Download::send($file, 'D');
 function delete_cache()
     $path = \GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_PATH') . 'cache' . DS;
     $files = \GCore\Libs\Folder::getFiles($path);
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
         if (basename($file) != 'index.html' and basename($file) != 'demos.cf5bak') {
             $result = \GCore\Libs\File::delete($file);
             if ($result) {
     $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession();
     $session->setFlash('info', $count . ' ' . l_('CACHE_FILES_DELETED'));
Beispiel #4
    public function on_list($fld, $ttl, &$data_columns)
        $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($this->connection['Connection']['extras']['plugins']['download']);
        if ($config->get('path_field') and $config->get('download_action')) {
            $path = $config->get('path_field');
            $action = $config->get('download_action');
            if ($fld == '') {
                $link = r_('index.php?ext=chronoconnectivity&cont=lists&act=' . $action . '&ccname=' . $this->connection['Connection']['title'] . '&gcb={' . $this->model->alias . '.' . $this->model->pkey . '}');
                $text = $ttl;
                if ($config->get('display_icon', 1)) {
                    $text = '<i class="fa fa-download fa-fw"></i> ' . $text;
                $data_columns[$fld]['html'] = '<a class="' . $config->get('download_link_class', 'btn btn-success btn-xs') . '" href="' . $link . '">' . $text . '</a>';
            $file_info = array();
            $file_info['filesize'] = '';
            $file_info['filetime'] = '';
            $file_info['filename'] = '';
            $get_file_info = function ($cell, $row, $column) use($path, $file_info, $config) {
                $file_path = \GCore\Libs\Arr::getVal($row, explode('.', $path));
                if ($config->get('download_path')) {
                    $file_path = rtrim($config->get('download_path'), DS) . DS . $file_path;
                //$file_info = array();
                if (file_exists($file_path)) {
                    if (is_dir($file_path)) {
                        //this is a folder
                        $files = @\GCore\Libs\Folder::getFiles($file_path, false);
                        foreach ($files as $file) {
                            $found[$file] = filemtime($file);
                        if (empty($found)) {
                            return false;
                        $files = array_keys($found);
                        $file = array_pop($files);
                        $file_info['filesize'] = \GCore\Libs\File::humanSize(filesize($file));
                        $file_info['filetime'] = date($config->get('filetime_format', 'd-m-Y H:i'), filemtime($file));
                        $file_info['filename'] = basename($file);
                    } else {
                        //this is a file
                        $file = $file_path;
                        $file_info['filesize'] = \GCore\Libs\File::humanSize(filesize($file));
                        $file_info['filetime'] = date($config->get('filetime_format', 'd-m-Y H:i'), filemtime($file));
                        $file_info['filename'] = basename($file);
                foreach ($file_info as $k => $info) {
                    if ($column == '_DOWNLOAD_.' . $k) {
                        return $file_info[$k];
                return '';
            foreach ($file_info as $k => $info) {
                if ($fld == '_DOWNLOAD_.' . $k) {
                    $data_columns[$fld]['function'] = $get_file_info;
            if ($fld == '') {
                $data_columns[$fld]['function'] = create_function('$value,$row', '
					if(\\GCore\\Libs\\Arr::getVal($row, explode(".", "' . $download . '"), 0) >= (int)' . $config->get('hot_limit', '1000') . '){
						return 1;
						return 0;
                $data_columns[$fld]['html'] = array(0 => '', 1 => '<span class="label label-danger">' . $config->get('hot_text', 'Hot') . '</span>');