Beispiel #1
 public function create(Definition $serviceConf, \Pimple $container)
     $serviceName = $serviceConf->getName();
     $factoryFunction = null;
     if (!$serviceConf->isSynthetic()) {
         // we dont know how to create a synthetic service, its set later
         // the class name can be a parameter reference
         $serviceConf->setClass($this->normalize($serviceConf->getClass(), $container));
         $that = $this;
         $aspectFactory = $this->aspectFactory;
         $shared = $this->shared;
         // the instantiator closure function
         $factoryFunction = function ($c) use($that, $serviceConf, $aspectFactory, &$shared) {
             $serviceName = $serviceConf->getName();
             if (!empty($shared[$serviceName])) {
                 return $shared[$serviceName];
             $instance = $that->createInstance($serviceConf, $c);
             // add aspects
             if (null !== $aspectFactory && $serviceConf->hasAspects()) {
                 $instance = $that->addAspects($serviceConf->getAspects(), $instance, $c);
             // add some method calls
             if ($serviceConf->hasCalls()) {
                 $instance = $that->addMethodCalls($serviceConf->getCalls(), $instance, $c);
             // let another object modify this instance
             if ($serviceConf->hasConfigurators()) {
                 $instance = $that->addConfigurators($serviceConf->getConfigurators(), $instance, $c);
             // if the service is a shared instance we save it for later use, this is default
             if (true === $serviceConf->isShared()) {
                 $shared[$serviceName] = $instance;
             return $instance;
         if ($serviceConf->hasTags()) {
             $tags = $serviceConf->getTags();
             /** @var TagHandlerInterface $handler */
             foreach ($this->tagHandlers as $handler) {
                 $handler->process($serviceConf, $tags, $container);
         // create a lazy proxy
         if (null !== $this->proxyFactory && $serviceConf->isLazy()) {
             $factoryFunction = $this->proxyFactory->createProxy($serviceConf->getClass(), $factoryFunction);
     $container[$serviceName] = $factoryFunction;
     return $container;
 public function process(Definition $serviceConf, array $tags, \Pimple $container)
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         if (strtolower($tag['name']) === 'konfigurator.event_listener') {
             $container[$this->dispatcher] = $container->extend($this->dispatcher, function ($dispatcher, $c) use($serviceConf, $tag) {
                 $dispatcher->addListener($tag['event'], function () use($serviceConf, $tag, $c) {
                     $service = $serviceConf->getName();
                     $method = $tag['method'];
                     if (isset($c[$service])) {
                         return call_user_func_array(array($c[$service], $method), func_get_args());
                     return false;
                 return $dispatcher;