getInstance() public static method

public static getInstance ( ) : Autoloader
return Autoloader
Beispiel #1
  * Public constructor. This does NOT go through the fof.xml file. You are advised to use getInstance() instead.
  * @param   array  $values  Overrides for the container configuration and services
  * @throws  \FOF30\Container\Exception\NoComponent  If no component name is specified
 public function __construct(array $values = array())
     // Initialise
     $this->bareComponentName = '';
     $this->componentName = '';
     $this->componentNamespace = '';
     $this->frontEndPath = '';
     $this->backEndPath = '';
     $this->thisPath = '';
     $this->factoryClass = 'FOF30\\Factory\\BasicFactory';
     $this->platformClass = 'FOF30\\Platform\\Joomla\\Platform';
     // Try to construct this container object
     // Make sure we have a component name
     if (empty($this['componentName'])) {
         throw new Exception\NoComponent();
     $bareComponent = substr($this->componentName, 4);
     $this['bareComponentName'] = $bareComponent;
     // Try to guess the component's namespace
     if (empty($this['componentNamespace'])) {
         $this->componentNamespace = ucfirst($bareComponent);
     } else {
         $this->componentNamespace = trim($this->componentNamespace, '\\');
     // Make sure we have front-end and back-end paths
     if (empty($this['frontEndPath'])) {
         $this->frontEndPath = JPATH_SITE . '/components/' . $this->componentName;
     if (empty($this['backEndPath'])) {
         $this->backEndPath = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $this->componentName;
     // Get the namespaces for the front-end and back-end parts of the component
     $frontEndNamespace = '\\' . $this->componentNamespace . '\\Site\\';
     $backEndNamespace = '\\' . $this->componentNamespace . '\\Admin\\';
     // Special case: if the frontend and backend paths are identical, we don't use the Site and Admin namespace
     // suffixes after $this->componentNamespace (so you may use FOF with JApplicationWeb apps)
     if ($this->frontEndPath == $this->backEndPath) {
         $frontEndNamespace = '\\' . $this->componentNamespace . '\\';
         $backEndNamespace = '\\' . $this->componentNamespace . '\\';
     // Do we have to register the component's namespaces with the autoloader?
     $autoloader = Autoloader::getInstance();
     if (!$autoloader->hasMap($frontEndNamespace)) {
         $autoloader->addMap($frontEndNamespace, $this->frontEndPath);
     if (!$autoloader->hasMap($backEndNamespace)) {
         $autoloader->addMap($backEndNamespace, $this->backEndPath);
     // Inflector service
     if (!isset($this['inflector'])) {
         $this['inflector'] = function (Container $c) {
             return new Inflector();
     // Filesystem abstraction service
     if (!isset($this['filesystem'])) {
         $this['filesystem'] = function (Container $c) {
             return new JoomlaFilesystem($c);
     // Platform abstraction service
     if (!isset($this['platform'])) {
         if (empty($c['platformClass'])) {
             $c['platformClass'] = 'FOF30\\Platform\\Joomla\\Platform';
         $this['platform'] = function (Container $c) {
             $className = $c['platformClass'];
             return new $className($c);
     if (empty($this['thisPath'])) {
         $this['thisPath'] = $this['frontEndPath'];
         if ($this->platform->isBackend()) {
             $this['thisPath'] = $this['backEndPath'];
     // MVC Factory service
     if (!isset($this['factory'])) {
         $this['factory'] = function (Container $c) {
             if (empty($c['factoryClass'])) {
                 $c['factoryClass'] = 'FOF30\\Factory\\BasicFactory';
             if (strpos($c['factoryClass'], '\\') === false) {
                 $class = $c->getNamespacePrefix() . 'Factory\\' . $c['factoryClass'];
                 if (class_exists($class)) {
                     $c['factoryClass'] = $class;
                 } else {
                     $c['factoryClass'] = '\\FOF30\\Factory\\' . ucfirst($c['factoryClass']) . 'Factory';
             if (!class_exists($c['factoryClass'], true)) {
                 $c['factoryClass'] = 'FOF30\\Factory\\BasicFactory';
             $factoryClass = $c['factoryClass'];
             /** @var FactoryInterface $factory */
             $factory = new $factoryClass($c);
             if (isset($c['scaffolding'])) {
             if (isset($c['saveScaffolding'])) {
             if (isset($c['saveControllerScaffolding'])) {
             if (isset($c['saveModelScaffolding'])) {
             if (isset($c['saveViewScaffolding'])) {
             if (isset($c['section'])) {
             return $factory;
     // Component Configuration service
     if (!isset($this['appConfig'])) {
         $this['appConfig'] = function (Container $c) {
             $class = $c->getNamespacePrefix() . 'Configuration\\Configuration';
             if (!class_exists($class, true)) {
                 $class = '\\FOF30\\Configuration\\Configuration';
             return new $class($c);
     // Component Params service
     if (!isset($this['params'])) {
         $this['params'] = function (Container $c) {
             return new Params($c);
     // Blade view template compiler service
     if (!isset($this['blade'])) {
         $this['blade'] = function (Container $c) {
             return new Blade();
     // Database Driver service
     if (!isset($this['db'])) {
         $this['db'] = function (Container $c) {
             return $c->platform->getDbo();
     // Request Dispatcher service
     if (!isset($this['dispatcher'])) {
         $this['dispatcher'] = function (Container $c) {
             return $c->factory->dispatcher();
     // Component toolbar provider
     if (!isset($this['toolbar'])) {
         $this['toolbar'] = function (Container $c) {
             return $c->factory->toolbar();
     // Component toolbar provider
     if (!isset($this['transparentAuth'])) {
         $this['transparentAuth'] = function (Container $c) {
             return $c->factory->transparentAuthentication();
     // View renderer
     if (!isset($this['renderer'])) {
         $this['renderer'] = function (Container $c) {
             if (isset($c['rendererClass']) && class_exists($c['rendererClass'])) {
                 $class = $c['rendererClass'];
                 $renderer = new $class($c);
                 if ($renderer instanceof RenderInterface) {
                     return $renderer;
             $filesystem = $c->filesystem;
             // Try loading the stock renderers shipped with F0F
             $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Render/';
             $renderFiles = $filesystem->folderFiles($path, '.php');
             $renderer = null;
             $priority = 0;
             if (!empty($renderFiles)) {
                 foreach ($renderFiles as $filename) {
                     if ($filename == 'RenderBase.php') {
                     if ($filename == 'RenderInterface.php') {
                     $className = 'FOF30\\Render\\' . basename($filename, '.php');
                     if (!class_exists($className, true)) {
                     /** @var RenderInterface $o */
                     $o = new $className($c);
                     $info = $o->getInformation();
                     if (!$info->enabled) {
                     if ($info->priority > $priority) {
                         $priority = $info->priority;
                         $renderer = $o;
             return $renderer;
     // Input Access service
     if (isset($this['input']) && (!is_object($this['input']) || !$this['input'] instanceof \FOF30\Input\Input || !$this['input'] instanceof \JInput)) {
         // This swap is necessary to prevent infinite recursion
         $this['rawInputData'] = array_merge($this['input']);
         $this['input'] = function (Container $c) {
             $input = new \FOF30\Input\Input($c['rawInputData']);
             return $input;
     if (!isset($this['input'])) {
         $this['input'] = function () {
             return new \FOF30\Input\Input();
     // Session service
     if (!isset($this['session'])) {
         $this['session'] = function () {
             return \JFactory::getSession();
     // Template service
     if (!isset($this['template'])) {
         $this['template'] = function (Container $c) {
             return new Template($c);
     // Media version string
     if (!isset($this['mediaVersion'])) {
         $this['mediaVersion'] = $this->getDefaultMediaVersion();
Beispiel #2
// Required to load FOF and Joomla!
define('_JEXEC', 1);
// Include the FOF autoloader.
if (!class_exists('FOF30\\Autoloader\\Autoloader')) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/../fof/Autoloader/Autoloader.php';
    if (!class_exists('FOF30\\Autoloader\\Autoloader')) {
        echo 'ERROR: FOF Autoloader not found' . PHP_EOL;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../fof/Utils/helpers.php';
// Tell the FOF autoloader where to load test classes from (very useful for stubs!)
\FOF30\Autoloader\Autoloader::getInstance()->addMap('FOF30\\Tests\\', __DIR__);
\FOF30\Autoloader\Autoloader::getInstance()->addMap('Fakeapp\\', __DIR__ . '/Stubs/Fakeapp');
\FOF30\Autoloader\Autoloader::getInstance()->addMap('Dummyapp\\', __DIR__ . '/Stubs/Dummyapp');
// Include the Composer autoloader.
if (false == (include_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')) {
    echo 'ERROR: You need to install Composer and run `composer install` on FOF before running the tests.' . PHP_EOL;
// Don't report strict errors. This is needed because sometimes a test complains about arguments passed as reference
ini_set('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode', '0');
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Fix magic quotes on PHP 5.3
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', 'lt')) {
    ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
// Timezone fix; avoids errors printed out by PHP 5.3.3+
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_get') && function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {