/** * Run the action and return a response for the user. * * @return array */ protected function run() { $slug = $this->get('slug'); $category = $this->categories->findBySlug($slug); $creator = User::current(); $now = Carbon::now(); $conversation = (object) ['poster' => $creator->username, 'title' => $this->get('subject'), 'posted' => $now, 'last_post' => $now, 'last_poster' => $creator->username, 'category_slug' => $category->slug]; $post = new Post(['poster' => $creator->username, 'poster_id' => $creator->id, 'message' => $this->get('message'), 'posted' => $now]); $this->categories->addNewTopic($category, $conversation, $post->toArray()); $this->raise(new UserHasPosted($creator, $post)); }
protected function handleRequest(Request $request) { $pid = \Route::input('id'); // Fetch some info about the topic $topic = Post::with('author', 'topic')->findOrFail($pid); $this->data['post'] = $post; $this->data['action'] = trans('fluxbb::forum.edit_post'); }
protected function run() { $pid = $this->get('id'); $post = Post::with('author', 'topic')->findOrFail($pid); $creator = User::current(); $post->fill(['message' => $this->get('message'), 'edited' => Carbon::now(), 'edited_by' => $creator->username]); $post->save(); $this->raise(new PostWasEdited($post, $creator)); return ['post' => $post]; }
protected function handleRequest(Request $request) { $pid = \Route::input('id'); // If a post ID is specified we determine topic ID and page number so we can show the correct message $this->post = Post::findOrFail($pid); // Determine on which page the post is located $numPosts = Post::where('topic_id', '=', $this->post->topic_id)->where('posted', '<', $this->post->posted)->count('id') + 1; $dispPosts = User::current()->dispPosts(); $this->page = ceil($numPosts / $dispPosts); }
public function get_post($pid) { // If a post ID is specified we determine topic ID and page number so we can show the correct message $post = Post::where('id', '=', $pid)->select(array('topic_id', 'posted'))->first(); if ($post === NULL) { return \Event::first('404'); } $tid = $post->topic_id; $posted = $post->posted; // Determine on what page the post is located (depending on $forum_user['disp_posts']) $num_posts = Post::where('topic_id', '=', $tid)->where('posted', '<', $posted)->count('id') + 1; $disp_posts = $this->user()->dispPosts(); $p = ceil($num_posts / $disp_posts); // FIXME: second parameter for $page number return $this->get_topic($tid); }
public function put_topic($fid) { $forum = Forum::with(array('perms'))->where('id', '=', $fid)->first(); if ($forum === NULL) { return \Event::first('404'); } // TODO: Flood protection $rules = array('req_subject' => 'required|max:70', 'req_message' => 'required'); // TODO: More validation if (\Auth::isGuest()) { if (Config::enabled('p_force_guest_email') || \Input::get('email') != '') { $rules['req_email'] = 'required|email'; } // TODO: banned email } $validation = $this->make_validator(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validation->fails()) { return \Redirect::to_action('fluxbb::posting@topic', array($fid))->with_input()->with_errors($validation); } $topic_data = array('poster' => User::current()->username, 'subject' => \Input::get('req_subject'), 'posted' => \Request::time(), 'last_post' => \Request::time(), 'last_poster' => User::current()->username, 'sticky' => \Input::get('stick_topic') ? '1' : '0', 'forum_id' => $fid); if (\Auth::isGuest()) { $topic_data['poster'] = $topic_data['last_poster'] = \Input::get('req_username'); } // Create the topic $topic = Topic::create($topic_data); // To subscribe or not to subscribe $topic->subscribe(\Input::get('subscribe')); $post_data = array('poster' => User::current()->username, 'poster_id' => User::current()->id, 'poster_ip' => \Request::ip(), 'message' => \Input::get('req_message'), 'hide_smilies' => \Input::get('hide_smilies') ? '1' : '0', 'posted' => \Request::time(), 'topic_id' => $topic->id); if (\Auth::isGuest()) { $post_data['poster'] = \Input::get('req_username'); $post_data['poster_email'] = Config::enabled('p_force_guest_email') ? \Input::get('req_email') : \Input::get('email'); } // Create the post ("topic post") $post = Post::create($post_data); // Update the topic with last_post_id $topic->last_post_id = $topic->first_post_id = $post->id; $topic->save(); // Update forum (maybe $forum->update_forum() ?) $forum->num_posts += 1; $forum->num_topics += 1; $forum->last_post = $topic->last_post; $forum->last_post_id = $topic->last_post_id; $forum->last_poster = $topic->last_poster; $forum->save(); // TODO: update_search_index(); // If the posting user is logged in, increment his/her post count $user = User::current(); if (\Auth::isAuthed()) { $user->num_posts += 1; $user->last_post = \Request::time(); $user->save(); // TODO: Promote this user to a new group if enabled } else { $user->online()->update(array('last_post' => \Request::time())); } return \Redirect::to_action('fluxbb::topic', array($topic->id))->with('message', trans('fluxbb::topic.topic_added')); }
public function addReply(Post $post) { $post->topic()->associate($this); $this->lastPost()->associate($post); $this->forum->lastPost()->associate($post); }
public function isValid(Post $post) { $rules = ['message' => 'required']; return $this->validation->make($post->getAttributes(), $rules)->passes(); }
protected function handleRequest(Request $request) { $pid = \Route::input('id'); $this->post = Post::with('author', 'topic')->findOrFail($pid); $this->message = $request->input('req_message'); }