Beispiel #1
  * Initialize arguments
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     $this->registerArgument('table', 'string', 'Table name that records are added to', TRUE);
     $this->registerArgument('pid', 'mixed', 'Storage page UID or (as is default) ###CURRENT_PID###', FALSE, '###CURRENT_PID###');
     $this->registerArgument('setValue', 'string', 'How to treat the record once created', FALSE, 'prepend');
Beispiel #2
  * Initialize arguments
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     $this->registerArgument('width', 'integer', 'Width of the popup window', FALSE, 580);
     $this->registerArgument('height', 'integer', 'height of the popup window', FALSE, 580);
     $this->registerArgument('openOnlyIfSelected', 'boolean', 'Only open the edit dialog if an item is selected', FALSE, TRUE);
  * Initialize arguments
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     $this->registerArgument('dim', 'string', 'Dimensions (WxH, e.g. 20x20) of color picker', FALSE, '20x20');
     $this->registerArgument('width', 'integer', 'Width of the popup window', FALSE, 450);
     $this->registerArgument('height', 'integer', 'height of the popup window', FALSE, 720);
     $this->registerArgument('exampleImg', 'string', 'Example image from which to pick colors', FALSE, 'EXT:flux/Resources/Public/Icons/ColorWheel.png');
Beispiel #4
  * Initialize arguments
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     $this->registerArgument('table', 'string', 'Table name that records are added to', TRUE);
     $this->registerArgument('pid', 'mixed', 'Storage page UID or (as is default) ###CURRENT_PID###', FALSE, '###CURRENT_PID###');
     $this->registerArgument('width', 'integer', 'Width of the popup window', FALSE, 500);
     $this->registerArgument('height', 'integer', 'height of the popup window', FALSE, 500);
  * Initialize arguments
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     $this->registerArgument('activeTab', 'string', 'Active tab of the link popup', FALSE, 'file');
     $this->registerArgument('width', 'integer', 'Width of the popup window', FALSE, 500);
     $this->registerArgument('height', 'integer', 'height of the popup window', FALSE, 500);
     $this->registerArgument('allowedExtensions', 'string', 'Comma-separated list of extensions that are allowed to be selected. Default is all types.', FALSE, FALSE);
     $this->registerArgument('blindLinkOptions', 'string', 'Blind link options', FALSE, '');
     $this->registerArgument('blindLinkFields', 'string', 'Blind link fields', FALSE, '');
Beispiel #6
  * Initialize arguments
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     $this->registerArgument('table', 'string', 'Table to search. If left out will use the table defined by the parent field', FALSE, NULL);
     $this->registerArgument('pidList', 'string', 'List of storage page UIDs', FALSE, '0');
     $this->registerArgument('pidDepth', 'integer', 'Depth of recursive storage page UID lookups', FALSE, 99);
     $this->registerArgument('minimumCharacters', 'integer', 'Minimum number of characters that must be typed before search begins', FALSE, 1);
     $this->registerArgument('maxPathTitleLength', 'integer', 'Maximum path segment length - crops titles over this length', FALSE, 15);
     $this->registerArgument('searchWholePhrase', 'boolean', 'A match requires a full word that matches the search value', FALSE, FALSE);
     $this->registerArgument('searchCondition', 'string', 'Search condition - for example, if table is pages "doktype = 1" to only allow standard pages', FALSE, '');
     $this->registerArgument('cssClass', 'string', 'Use this CSS class for all list items', FALSE, '');
     $this->registerArgument('receiverClass', 'string', 'Class reference, target class should be derived from "t3lib_tceforms_suggest_defaultreceiver"', FALSE, '');
     $this->registerArgument('renderFunc', 'string', 'Reference to function which processes all records displayed in results', FALSE, '');
Beispiel #7
  * Initialize arguments
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     $this->registerArgument('step', 'integer', 'Increment slider values by this much for each step', FALSE, 1);
     $this->registerArgument('width', 'integer', 'Width of the popup window', FALSE, 32);
Beispiel #8
  * Initialize arguments
  * @return void
 public function initializeArguments()
     $this->registerArgument('mode', 'string', 'Selection mode - substitution, append or prepend', FALSE, 'substitution');
     $this->registerArgument('items', 'mixed', 'Comma-separated, comma-and-semicolon-separated or array list of possible values', TRUE);