Beispiel #1
  * @covers FireflyIII\Models\Tag::firstOrCreateEncrypted
 public function testFirstOrCreateEncryptedNew()
     $tag = FactoryMuffin::create('FireflyIII\\Models\\Tag');
     $search = ['tagMode' => 'something', 'tag' => 'Something else', 'user_id' => $tag->user_id];
     $result = Tag::firstOrCreateEncrypted($search);
     $this->assertNotEquals($tag->id, $result->id);
Beispiel #2
  * @param array $fields
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
  * @return Tag|null
 public static function firstOrCreateEncrypted(array $fields)
     // everything but the tag:
     if (isset($fields['tagMode'])) {
     $query = Tag::orderBy('id');
     foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
         if ($name != 'tag') {
             $query->where($name, $value);
     $set = $query->get(['tags.*']);
     /** @var Tag $tag */
     foreach ($set as $tag) {
         if ($tag->tag == $fields['tag']) {
             return $tag;
     // create it!
     $fields['tagMode'] = 'nothing';
     $fields['description'] = isset($fields['description']) && !is_null($fields['description']) ? $fields['description'] : '';
     $tag = Tag::create($fields);
     return $tag;
Beispiel #3
  * @return bool
 public function act()
     // journal has this tag maybe?
     $tag = Tag::firstOrCreateEncrypted(['tag' => $this->action->action_value, 'user_id' => Auth::user()->id]);
     $count = $this->journal->tags()->where('id', $tag->id)->count();
     if ($count == 0) {
     return true;
  * @return array
 public function rules()
     $idRule = '';
     $tagRule = 'required|min:1|uniqueObjectForUser:tags,tag';
     if (Tag::find(Input::get('id'))) {
         $idRule = 'belongsToUser:tags';
         $tagRule = 'required|min:1|uniqueObjectForUser:tags,tag,' . Input::get('id');
     return ['tag' => $tagRule, 'id' => $idRule, 'description' => 'min:1', 'date' => 'date', 'latitude' => 'numeric|min:-90|max:90', 'longitude' => 'numeric|min:-90|max:90', 'zoomLevel' => 'numeric|min:0|max:80', 'tagMode' => 'required|in:nothing,balancingAct,advancePayment'];
Beispiel #5
  * @return Collection
 public function convert()
     $tags = new Collection();
     $strings = explode(' ', $this->value);
     foreach ($strings as $string) {
         $tag = Tag::firstOrCreateEncrypted(['tag' => $string, 'tagMode' => 'nothing', 'user_id' => Auth::user()->id]);
     $tags = $tags->merge($this->data['tags']);
     return $tags;
Beispiel #6
  * @param TransactionJournal $journal
  * @return bool
 public function act(TransactionJournal $journal) : bool
     // journal has this tag maybe?
     $tag = Tag::firstOrCreateEncrypted(['tag' => $this->action->action_value, 'user_id' => $journal->user->id]);
     $count = $journal->tags()->where('tag_id', $tag->id)->count();
     if ($count === 0) {
         Log::debug(sprintf('RuleAction AddTag. Added tag #%d ("%s") to journal %d.', $tag->id, $tag->tag, $journal->id));
         return true;
     Log::debug(sprintf('RuleAction AddTag fired but tag %d ("%s") was already added to journal %d.', $tag->id, $tag->tag, $journal->id));
     return true;
Beispiel #7
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function flush()
     // get all tags.
     // update all counts:
     $tags = Tag::get();
     /** @var Tag $tag */
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         foreach ($tag->transactionjournals()->get() as $journal) {
             $count = $journal->tags()->count();
             $journal->tag_count = $count;
     return Redirect::route('index');
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function flush()
     // get all tags.
     // update all counts:
     $tags = Tag::get();
     /** @var Tag $tag */
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         foreach ($tag->transactionjournals()->get() as $journal) {
             $count = $journal->tags()->count();
             $journal->tag_count = $count;
     return redirect(route('index'));
Beispiel #9
  * @param $tagName
  * @return Tag|null
  * @internal param $tag
 protected function findTag($tagName)
     // account
     $user = User::whereEmail('*****@*****.**')->first();
     /** @var Tag $tag */
     foreach (Tag::get() as $tag) {
         if ($tag->tag == $tagName && $user->id == $tag->user_id) {
             return $tag;
     return null;
Beispiel #10
  * @param TransactionJournal $journal
  * @param Tag                $tag
  * @return boolean
 protected function connectAdvancePayment(TransactionJournal $journal, Tag $tag)
     /** @var TransactionType $transfer */
     $transfer = TransactionType::whereType('Transfer')->first();
     /** @var TransactionType $withdrawal */
     $withdrawal = TransactionType::whereType('Withdrawal')->first();
     /** @var TransactionType $deposit */
     $deposit = TransactionType::whereType('Deposit')->first();
     $withdrawals = $tag->transactionjournals()->where('transaction_type_id', $withdrawal->id)->count();
     $deposits = $tag->transactionjournals()->where('transaction_type_id', $deposit->id)->count();
     // advance payments cannot accept transfers:
     if ($journal->transaction_type_id == $transfer->id) {
         return false;
     // the first transaction to be attached to this
     // tag is attached just like that:
     if ($withdrawals < 1 && $deposits < 1) {
         return true;
     // if withdrawal and already has a withdrawal, return false:
     if ($journal->transaction_type_id == $withdrawal->id && $withdrawals == 1) {
         return false;
     // if already has transaction journals, must match ALL asset account id's:
     if ($deposits > 0 || $withdrawals == 1) {
         return $this->matchAll($journal, $tag);
     // this statement is unreachable.
     return false;
     // @codeCoverageIgnore
Beispiel #11
  * Assuming the journal has only one tag. Parameter amount is used as fallback.
  * @param Tag    $tag
  * @param string $amount
  * @return string
 protected function amountByTag(Tag $tag, $amount)
     if ($tag->tagMode == 'advancePayment') {
         if ($this->transactionType->type == 'Withdrawal') {
             $others = $tag->transactionJournals()->transactionTypes(['Deposit'])->get();
             foreach ($others as $other) {
                 $amount = bcsub($amount, $other->actual_amount);
             return $amount;
         if ($this->transactionType->type == 'Deposit') {
             return '0';
     if ($tag->tagMode == 'balancingAct') {
         if ($this->transactionType->type == 'Withdrawal') {
             $transfer = $tag->transactionJournals()->transactionTypes(['Transfer'])->first();
             if ($transfer) {
                 $amount = bcsub($amount, $transfer->actual_amount);
                 return $amount;
     return $amount;
  * @param Tag $tag
  * @return View
 public function edit(Tag $tag)
     $subTitle = trans('firefly.edit_tag', ['tag' => $tag->tag]);
     $subTitleIcon = 'fa-tag';
      * Default tag options (again)
     $tagOptions = $this->tagOptions;
      * Can this tag become another type?
     $allowAdvance = Tag::tagAllowAdvance($tag);
     $allowToBalancingAct = Tag::tagAllowBalancing($tag);
     // edit tag options:
     if ($allowAdvance === false) {
     if ($allowToBalancingAct === false) {
     // put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "return_to_edit").
     if (session('tags.edit.fromUpdate') !== true) {
         Session::put('tags.edit.url', URL::previous());
     Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'tags');
     Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'edit');
     return view('tags.edit', compact('tag', 'subTitle', 'subTitleIcon', 'tagOptions'));
  * @param TransactionJournal $journal
  * @param array              $array
  * @return bool
 private function updateTags(TransactionJournal $journal, array $array) : bool
     // create tag repository
     /** @var TagRepositoryInterface $tagRepository */
     $tagRepository = app(TagRepositoryInterface::class);
     // find or create all tags:
     $tags = [];
     $ids = [];
     foreach ($array as $name) {
         if (strlen(trim($name)) > 0) {
             $tag = Tag::firstOrCreateEncrypted(['tag' => $name, 'user_id' => $journal->user_id]);
             $tags[] = $tag;
             $ids[] = $tag->id;
     // delete all tags connected to journal not in this array:
     if (count($ids) > 0) {
         DB::table('tag_transaction_journal')->where('transaction_journal_id', $journal->id)->whereNotIn('tag_id', $ids)->delete();
     // if count is zero, delete them all:
     if (count($ids) == 0) {
         DB::table('tag_transaction_journal')->where('transaction_journal_id', $journal->id)->delete();
     // connect each tag to journal (if not yet connected):
     /** @var Tag $tag */
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $tagRepository->connect($journal, $tag);
     return true;
  * @param Tag $tag
  * @param     $amount
  * @return string
 protected function amountByTagAdvancePayment(Tag $tag, $amount)
     if ($this->transactionType->type == 'Withdrawal') {
         $others = $tag->transactionJournals()->transactionTypes(['Deposit'])->get();
         foreach ($others as $other) {
             $amount = bcsub($amount, $other->amount_positive);
         return $amount;
     if ($this->transactionType->type == 'Deposit') {
         return '0';
     return $amount;
  * Reports on tags without any transactions.
 private function reportTags()
     $set = Tag::leftJoin('tag_transaction_journal', '', '=', 'tag_transaction_journal.tag_id')->leftJoin('users', 'tags.user_id', '=', '')->distinct()->whereNull('tag_transaction_journal.tag_id')->whereNull('tags.deleted_at')->get(['', 'tags.tag', 'tags.user_id', '']);
     /** @var stdClass $entry */
     foreach ($set as $entry) {
         $line = 'Notice: User #' . $entry->user_id . ' (' . $entry->email . ') has tag #' . $entry->id . ' ("' . $entry->tag . '") which has no transactions.';
  * @param TransactionJournal $journal
  * @param Tag                $tag
  * @return bool
 protected function connectBalancingAct(TransactionJournal $journal, Tag $tag) : bool
     /** @var TransactionType $withdrawal */
     $withdrawal = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)->first();
     $withdrawals = $tag->transactionJournals()->where('transaction_type_id', $withdrawal->id)->count();
     /** @var TransactionType $transfer */
     $transfer = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::TRANSFER)->first();
     $transfers = $tag->transactionJournals()->where('transaction_type_id', $transfer->id)->count();
     // only if this is the only withdrawal.
     if ($journal->transaction_type_id == $withdrawal->id && $withdrawals < 1) {
         return true;
     // and only if this is the only transfer
     if ($journal->transaction_type_id == $transfer->id && $transfers < 1) {
         return true;
     // ignore expense
     return false;
  * @covers FireflyIII\Repositories\Tag\TagRepository::destroy
 public function testDestroy()
     $tag = FactoryMuffin::create('FireflyIII\\Models\\Tag');
     $this->assertCount(0, Tag::where('id', $tag->id)->whereNull('deleted_at')->get());
  * @param $tagName
  * @return Tag|null
  * @internal param $tag
 protected function findTag($tagName)
     /** @var Tag $tag */
     foreach (Tag::get() as $tag) {
         if ($tag->tag == $tagName && $this->user->id == $tag->user_id) {
             return $tag;
     return null;
Beispiel #19
    throw new NotFoundHttpException();
Route::bind('category', function ($value) {
    if (Auth::check()) {
        $object = Category::where('id', $value)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();
        if ($object) {
            return $object;
    throw new NotFoundHttpException();
Route::bind('tag', function ($value) {
    if (Auth::check()) {
        $object = Tag::where('id', $value)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();
        if ($object) {
            return $object;
    throw new NotFoundHttpException();
 * Auth\AuthController
Route::get('/register', ['uses' => 'Auth\\AuthController@getRegister', 'as' => 'register']);
Route::get('/cron/sendgrid', ['uses' => 'CronController@sendgrid']);
Route::controllers(['auth' => 'Auth\\AuthController', 'password' => 'Auth\\PasswordController']);
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth', 'range']], function () {
     * Home Controller
  * Returns an array of tags and their comparitive size with amounts bla bla.
  * @param Carbon     $start
  * @param Carbon     $end
  * @param Collection $accounts
  * @return array
 public function tagReport(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) : array
     $ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
     $set = Tag::leftJoin('tag_transaction_journal', '', '=', 'tag_transaction_journal.tag_id')->leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'tag_transaction_journal.transaction_journal_id', '=', '')->leftJoin('transactions AS source', function (JoinClause $join) {
         $join->on('source.transaction_journal_id', '=', '')->where('source.amount', '<', '0');
     })->leftJoin('transactions AS destination', function (JoinClause $join) {
         $join->on('destination.transaction_journal_id', '=', '')->where('destination.amount', '>', '0');
     })->where('', '>=', $start->format('Y-m-d'))->where('', '<=', $end->format('Y-m-d'))->where(function (Builder $q) use($ids) {
         $q->whereIn('source.account_id', $ids)->whereIn('destination.account_id', $ids, 'xor');
     })->get(['', 'tags.tag', ' as journal_id', 'destination.amount']);
     $collection = [];
     if ($set->count() === 0) {
         return $collection;
     /** @var Tag $entry */
     foreach ($set as $entry) {
         // less than zero? multiply to be above zero.
         $amount = $entry->amount;
         $id = intval($entry->id);
         $previousAmount = $collection[$id]['amount'] ?? '0';
         $collection[$id] = ['id' => $id, 'tag' => $entry->tag, 'amount' => bcadd($previousAmount, $amount)];
     // cleanup collection (match "fonts")
     $max = strval(max(array_column($collection, 'amount')));
     foreach ($collection as $id => $entry) {
         $size = bcdiv($entry['amount'], $max, 4);
         if (bccomp($size, '0.25') === -1) {
             $size = '0.5';
         $collection[$id]['fontsize'] = $size;
     return $collection;