Beispiel #1
  * Generate unique invite string
  * @return string
 private function makeInvite()
     $token = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(32, 128));
     $find = Invite::where('token', '=', $token)->count();
     return $find === 0 ? $token : $this->makeInvite();
     // prevent duplication
Beispiel #2
  * Save configurations build by installer interface
 public function make()
     // prepare configurations to save
     /** @var array $cfg */
     $cfg = App::$Properties->getAll('default');
     $cfg['baseDomain'] = $this->baseDomain;
     $cfg['database'] = $this->db;
     $cfg['adminEmail'] = $this->email;
     $cfg['singleLanguage'] = $this->singleLanguage;
     $cfg['multiLanguage'] = (bool) $this->multiLanguage;
     $cfg['passwordSalt'] = '$2a$07$' . Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(21, 30)) . '$';
     $cfg['debug']['cookie']['key'] = 'fdebug_' . Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(4, 16));
     $cfg['debug']['cookie']['value'] = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(32, 128));
     // import database tables
     $connectName = 'install';
     include root . '/Private/Database/install.php';
     // insert admin user
     $user = new User();
     $user->login = $this->user['login'];
     $user->email = $this->user['email'];
     $user->role_id = 4;
     $user->password = App::$Security->password_hash($this->user['password'], $cfg['passwordSalt']);
     $profile = new Profile();
     $profile->user_id = $user->id;
     // set installation version
     $system = new System();
     $system->var = 'version';
     $system->data = Version::VERSION;
     // write config data
     App::$Properties->writeConfig('default', $cfg);
     // make routing configs based on preset property
     $routing = [];
     switch ($this->mainpage) {
         case 'news':
             $routing = ['Alias' => ['Front' => ['/' => '/content/list/news', '/about' => '/content/read/page/about-page']]];
         case 'about':
             $routing = ['Alias' => ['Front' => ['/' => '/content/read/page/about-page']]];
     // write routing configurations
     App::$Properties->writeConfig('routing', $routing);
     // write installer lock
     File::write('/Private/Install/install.lock', 'Installation is locked!');
Beispiel #3
  * Initialize validator. Set csrf protection token from request data if available.
  * @param bool $csrf
 public function initialize($csrf = false)
     $this->_tokenRequired = $csrf;
     if ($csrf === true) {
         // get current token value from session
         $currentToken = App::$Session->get('_csrf_token', false);
         // set new token value to session
         $newToken = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(32, 64));
         App::$Session->set('_csrf_token', $newToken);
         // if request is submited for this model - try to validate input data
         if ($this->send()) {
             // token is wrong - update bool state
             if ($currentToken !== $this->getRequest('_csrf_token', 'all')) {
                 $this->_tokenOk = false;
         // set token data to display
         $this->_csrf_token = $newToken;
Beispiel #4
  * Process submit new request
  * @return FeedbackPost
 public function make()
     // calculate security hash to direct-on access
     $hash = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(16, 64));
     // init new row and set row data
     $record = new FeedbackPost();
     $record->name = $this->name;
     $record->email = $this->email;
     $record->message = $this->message;
     $record->hash = $hash;
     if (App::$User->isAuth()) {
         $record->user_id = App::$User->identity()->getId();
     $record->ip = App::$Request->getClientIp();
     // save row to db
     // send notification to email
     return $record;
Beispiel #5
  * After validation generate new pwd, recovery token and send email
  * @throws SyntaxException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
 public function make()
     $user = App::$User->getIdentityViaEmail($this->email);
     if ($user === null) {
         throw new SyntaxException('Email not found');
     if ($user->approve_token !== '0' && Str::length($user->approve_token) > 0) {
         throw new SyntaxException('You must approve your account');
     $rows = UserRecovery::where('user_id', '=', $user->getId())->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->first();
     if ($rows !== null && $rows !== false) {
         // prevent spam of recovery messages
         if (Date::convertToTimestamp($rows->created_at) > time() - self::DELAY) {
     // generate pwd, token and pwdCrypt
     $newPwd = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(8, 16));
     $pwdCrypt = App::$Security->password_hash($newPwd);
     $token = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(64, 128));
     // write new data to recovery table
     $rObject = new UserRecovery();
     $rObject->user_id = $user->id;
     $rObject->password = $pwdCrypt;
     $rObject->token = $token;
     // write logs data
     $log = new UserLog();
     $log->user_id = $user->id;
     $log->type = 'RECOVERY';
     $log->message = __('Password recovery is initialized from: %ip%', ['ip' => App::$Request->getClientIp()]);
     // generate mail template
     $mailTemplate = App::$View->render('user/mail/recovery', ['login' => $user->login, 'email' => $this->email, 'password' => $newPwd, 'token' => $token, 'id' => $rObject->id]);
     $sender = App::$Properties->get('adminEmail');
     // format SWIFTMailer format
     $mailMessage = \Swift_Message::newInstance(App::$Translate->get('Profile', 'Account recovery on %site%', ['site' => App::$Request->getHost()]))->setFrom([$sender])->setTo([$this->email])->setBody($mailTemplate, 'text/html');
     // send message
Beispiel #6
  * Try to insert user data in database
  * @param bool $activation
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\SyntaxException
  * @throws \Ffcms\Core\Exception\NativeException
 public function tryRegister($activation = false)
     $check = App::$User->where('login', '=', $this->login)->orWhere('email', '=', $this->email)->count();
     if ($check !== 0) {
         return false;
     $password = App::$Security->password_hash($this->password);
     // create row
     $user = new User();
     $user->login = $this->login;
     $user->email = $this->email;
     $user->password = $password;
     // if need to be approved - make random token and send email
     if ($activation) {
         $user->approve_token = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(32, 128));
         // random token for validation url
         // send email
         $template = App::$View->render('user/mail/approve', ['token' => $user->approve_token, 'email' => $user->email, 'login' => $user->login]);
         $sender = App::$Properties->get('adminEmail');
         // format SWIFTMailer format
         $mailMessage = \Swift_Message::newInstance(App::$Translate->get('Default', 'Registration approve', []))->setFrom([$sender])->setTo([$this->email])->setBody($template, 'text/html');
         // send message
     // save row
     // create profile
     $profile = new Profile();
     $profile->user_id = $user->id;
     // save profile
     // set user & profile objects to attributes to allow extending this model
     $this->_userObject = $user;
     $this->_profileObject = $profile;
     return true;
Beispiel #7
  * Generate random string for comment hash value
  * @return string
 private function generateCommentHash()
     $hash = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(32, 128));
     $find = Content::where('comment_hash', '=', $hash)->count();
     // hmmm, is always exist? Chance of it is TOOOO low, but lets recursion re-generate
     if ($find !== 0) {
         return $this->generateCommentHash();
     return $hash;
Beispiel #8
  * Update user information in database based on current obj attributes passed from input data
 public function save()
     foreach ($this->getAllProperties() as $property => $value) {
         if ($property === 'password' || $property === 'newpassword') {
             // update password only if new is set and length >= 3
             if ($this->newpassword !== null && Str::length($this->newpassword) >= 3) {
                 $this->_user->password = App::$Security->password_hash($this->newpassword);
         } elseif ($property === 'approve_token') {
             if ($value == "1") {
                 $this->_user->approve_token = '0';
             } else {
                 if ($this->_approve_tmp === '0') {
                     $this->_approve_tmp = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(32, 128));
                 $this->_user->approve_token = $this->_approve_tmp;
         } else {
             $this->_user->{$property} = $value;
Beispiel #9
  * Console installation
  * @return string
  * @throws NativeException
 public function actionInstall()
     if (File::exist('/Private/Install/install.lock')) {
         throw new NativeException('Installation is locked! Please delete /Private/Install/install.lock');
     echo Console::$Output->writeHeader('License start');
     echo File::read('/LICENSE') . PHP_EOL;
     echo Console::$Output->writeHeader('License end');
     $config = Console::$Properties->get('database');
     $newConfig = [];
     // creating default directory's
     foreach (self::$installDirs as $obj) {
         // looks like a directory
         if (!Str::contains('.', $obj)) {
             Directory::create($obj, 0777);
     echo Console::$Output->write('Upload and private directories are successful created!');
     // set chmods
     echo $this->actionChmod();
     // database config from input
     echo Console::$Output->writeHeader('Database connection configuration');
     echo 'Driver(default:' . $config['driver'] . '):';
     $dbDriver = Console::$Input->read();
     if (Arr::in($dbDriver, ['mysql', 'pgsql', 'sqlite'])) {
         $newConfig['driver'] = $dbDriver;
     // for sqlite its would be a path
     echo 'Host(default:' . $config['host'] . '):';
     $dbHost = Console::$Input->read();
     if (!Str::likeEmpty($dbHost)) {
         $newConfig['host'] = $dbHost;
     echo 'Database name(default:' . $config['database'] . '):';
     $dbName = Console::$Input->read();
     if (!Str::likeEmpty($dbName)) {
         $newConfig['database'] = $dbName;
     echo 'User(default:' . $config['username'] . '):';
     $dbUser = Console::$Input->read();
     if (!Str::likeEmpty($dbUser)) {
         $newConfig['username'] = $dbUser;
     echo 'Password(default:' . $config['password'] . '):';
     $dbPwd = Console::$Input->read();
     if (!Str::likeEmpty($dbPwd)) {
         $newConfig['password'] = $dbPwd;
     echo 'Table prefix(default:' . $config['prefix'] . '):';
     $dbPrefix = Console::$Input->read();
     if (!Str::likeEmpty($dbPrefix)) {
         $newConfig['prefix'] = $dbPrefix;
     // merge configs and add new connection to db pull
     $dbConfigs = Arr::merge($config, $newConfig);
     Console::$Database->addConnection($dbConfigs, 'install');
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return 'Testing database connection is failed! Run installer again and pass tested connection data! Log: ' . $e->getMessage();
     // autoload isn't work here
     include root . '/Apps/Controller/Console/Db.php';
     // import db data
     $dbController = new DbController();
     echo $dbController->actionImportAll('install');
     // add system info about current install version
     $system = new System();
     $system->var = 'version';
     $system->data = Version::VERSION;
     // set website send from email from input
     $emailConfig = Console::$Properties->get('adminEmail');
     echo 'Website sendFrom email(default: ' . $emailConfig . '):';
     $email = Console::$Input->read();
     if (!Str::isEmail($email)) {
         $email = $emailConfig;
     // set base domain
     echo 'Website base domain name(ex.';
     $baseDomain = Console::$Input->read();
     if (Str::likeEmpty($baseDomain)) {
         $baseDomain = Console::$Properties->get('baseDomain');
     // generate other configuration data and security salt, key's and other
     echo Console::$Output->writeHeader('Writing configurations');
     /** @var array $allCfg */
     $allCfg = Console::$Properties->getAll('default');
     $allCfg['database'] = $dbConfigs;
     $allCfg['adminEmail'] = $email;
     $allCfg['baseDomain'] = $baseDomain;
     echo Console::$Output->write('Generate password salt for BLOWFISH crypt');
     $allCfg['passwordSalt'] = '$2a$07$' . Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(21, 30)) . '$';
     echo Console::$Output->write('Generate security cookies for debug panel');
     $allCfg['debug']['cookie']['key'] = 'fdebug_' . Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(8, 32));
     $allCfg['debug']['cookie']['value'] = Str::randomLatinNumeric(mt_rand(32, 128));
     // write config data
     $writeCfg = Console::$Properties->writeConfig('default', $allCfg);
     if ($writeCfg !== true) {
         return 'File /Private/Config/Default.php is unavailable to write data!';
     File::write('/Private/Install/install.lock', 'Install is locked');
     return 'Configuration done! FFCMS 3 is successful installed! Visit your website. You can add administrator using command php console.php db/adduser';